OlRECTORY.] WILTSHIRE. ODSTOCK. ! 971 . iing of 1t chancel and nave, with a modern western bell turret .Anne Jacob. The principal landowners are Sir John Neeld oeontaiuing 2 bells; the church was repewed and a stained bart. who is lord of the manor, the representatives of the window inserted in 1874, chiefly at the expense of the present late Lady Holland, Mr. John Bennett and Mr. W. Kilmister.. vicar: there are 180 sittings. The register dates from the The soil is sandy ; the subsoil is clay. The crops are wheat, year 1663. The living is a vicarage, gross yearly value barley and roots. The area is I,ooi acres; rateable value, £no, in the ~ft of Sir John Neeld hart. and held since 1846 £1,009; the population in 188I was 101. by the Rev. John EdwardJackson M.A. of Brasenose College, Parish Clerk, Charles Ferris. Oxford, F.S.A. and rector of Leigh Delamere (where he Letters through Malmesbnry by foot post, arrive at to a. m. resides) and honorary canon of Bristol. There is a small Malmesbury is the nearest money order & telegraph office -charity for the education of boys and girls, founded by Miss WALL LETTER Box, Norton house, cleared at u.45 p.m Wilde Thomas Monta!!'u, Norton house Clarke Edwin, farmer, Gorsey Leaze Goodfield Jn.farmer & beer ret.Starvell l3ush .John, farmer, Church farm Exell James, shopkeeper & beer retailer Hulbert William, farmer Butler John, carpenter· Ferris Charles, farmer Ind Jonathan Wm. farmer, Manorfarm .NORT<>N BAV ANT is a parish, situated on the river Norton House is the property of V ere Fane Benett-Stanford \Yylye, 2~ miles south-east from Warminster and t! north- esq. : the greater part of the house is of the date of Queen -west from Heytesbury station on the Wilts, Somerset and Anne; it is now occupied by Mrs. Torrance. Vere Jt'ane Weym()nth branch of the Great Western railway, in the Benett-Stanford esq. D.L., J.P. of Pyt House, West Tisbury, West~rn division of the county, hundred, petty sessional who is lord of the manor, the Marquess of Bath D.L., J.P. -dirision, union and county court district of Warminster, Dr. Charles Alcock and the representatives of the late .Alfred Tural deanery of Wylye Heytesbury portion, archdeaconry Bayly esq. are the principal landowners. The soil is clay .of Sarum and diocese of Salisbury. The church of All Saints is and chalk ; subsoil, chalk and gravel. The chief crops are -an ancient stone structure of mixed styles; it was rebuilt, ex- wheat, oats and barley. The area is 2,005 acres; rateable -cept the tower, in 184o, and again restored in 1868 at the cost value, £2,ooo ; the population in 188x was 264. ·of the late John Torrance esq.: it has a chancel and nave, Parish Clerk, Stephen Snelgrove. south transept (the space beneath which is used as a vault Letters through Warminster, arrive at 7·45 a. m. & 6.15 for the Benett family), north porch and an embattled western p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at ·tower, with one pinnacle, containing 4 bells: there are two Heytesbury stained windows and 150 sittings. The register dates from WALL Box cleared at 9· 10 a. m. & 6.40 p.m. week days; &; -the year 1616. The living is a vicarage, yearly value from II.Io sundays tithe rent-charge £114, gross £2oo, with residence, in the Parochial School (mixed), built in 1878, with house for mis- ~ift <Jf the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1863 by the Rev. tress, for 45 children; average attendance, 30; Mrs. Edward Eliot B.C.L. formerly fellow of New College, Oxford. Mary Nash, mistress -Eliot Rev. Edward B.C.L. Vicarage Jeans Hy. Wm.miller (water) & farmer Snelgrove Stephen, shopkeeper, smith, 'Torrance Mrs. N orton house 8hepherd Tom, carpenter & parish clerk Hiscock John, farmer, South farm NUNTON with BODENHAM forms a parish, 3 this parish, is the seat of Alfred Buckley esq. D.L., J.P. The miles south-east-by-south from Salisbury, in the Southern Earl of Radnor, who is lord of the manor, and Alfred Buckley -division of the county, hundred of Downton, petty sessional esq. D.L., J.P. are the principal landowners. The soil is -division of Salisbury and Amesbury, Alderbury union, Salis- gravel and chalk ; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are l:mry county court district, rural deanery of Wilton and wheat, barley and hay. The area is 1,211 acres; rateable Salisbury archdeaconry and diocese. The river Chalk here value, £t,37I ; the population in t88t was 296. falls into the Avon. The church (dedication unknown) is an Parish Clerk, William Maple. edifiee of flint and stone, of mixed styles, dating from the "I2th century: it was almost wholly rebuilt in 1855, and PosT OFFICE, Bodenham.-Mrs. Sarah Vincent, receiver. .eonsists of chancel, nave of four bays, south aisle and south Letters received from Salisbury at 4.30 a.m. ; delivered yorch. with low square embattled western tower containing at 7 a. m. in summer & 7.30 a. m. in winter; & dispatched 3 bells: there are 150 sittings. The register dates from the at 8.25 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office ..Jear 1620. The living is a vicarage, annexed to the vicarage is at East Harnham, part of Salisbury. Postal orders are {)f Downton, yearly value [71, in the gift of Winchester issued here, but not paid {'ollege, and held since 1882 by the Re>. Arthur Du Boulay WALL Box, Nunton, cleared 7.1op,m.; sundays at 8.xo a.m Hill M.A. of Magdalen College, Oxford, who resides at Down­ National School, with residence, for 62 children; a;erage ton. Here is a place of worship for Baptists. New Hall, in attendance, 43; Miss Mary Gray, mistress .Ruckley Alfred D.L., J.P. New hall Read Thomas George Read Charles, farmer Buckley Miss Swayne Henry James, Bodenham Spearing Geo. beer retlr. & shopkeeper Newton Miss, Bodenham Sweet Henry OAKSEY is a village and parish, 6 miles south-west from M.A. of Jesus College, Cambridge. The Primitive Methodists Cirencester, 2 south from Kemble junction station and 5 have a small chapel. A small charity of about £3 yearly is north-east from Malmesbury, in the North Western division divided among the second poor. The trustees of the late of the county, Malmesbury hundred, petty sessional division, Misses Salisbury are lords of the manor and principal land­ ~ounty court district and union, rural deanery of Malmes­ owners. The soil is clay, gravel and flint. The land is bury, archdeaconry of Bristol and diocese of Gloucester and chiefly in pasture. The area is 1,758 acres; rateable value, Bristol. The church of All Saints is a handsome building of £4,167; the population in t88I was 419 . .stone, in the Early English and Perpendicular styles, con­ WOODLANDS is I mile west-by-north. sisting of chancel, nave of three bays with clerestory, south Parish Clerk, James Musty. :aisle, north p()rch and embattled western tower containing a clock and 6 bells: the east window is stained; the south PosT OFFICE.-Mrs. Ellen West, receiver. Letters through porch has been closed up and is now used as a baptistery : Malmesbury arrive at 8 a.m. & are dispatched at 5.50 there is some stained glass in the nave: there are 250 sit- p.m. summer & 4·50 p.m. winter. Ashton Keynes is the tings. The register dates from the year 1667. The living is nearest money order & Crudwell the nearest telegraph ;a rectory, tithe rent-charge £4o6, with residence and 15 office :acres of glebe, in the gift of Joseph Randolph Randolph esq. National School (mixed), built in 1854. for 70 children; :and held since 1882 by the Rev. William Frederick Gover average attendance, 55; Miss Mary Cull, mistress -Gover Rev. 1\'m. .Frederick M. A. Rectory Burgess Thomas, mason Lovelock John, shopkeeper Oatrid~e Miss Cole William, farmer & butcher Morse John, farmer, Moor farm Rich Mrs. Court farm Cove Ebenezer, farmer Rich Arthur, farmer, Court farm .Storr Rev. Joseph B.A. [curate], Flint- Cove John Worthy, blacksmith Sansom Alfred, slater • ham lodge Greeuman Thomas, farmer Uzzell Benjamin, farmer Wallace Thomas Holtham Mary (Miss), farmer Warner Robert Charles, farmer Warner Mrs. The Hawthorns .Taques Kinsman, thrashing machine kpr West Ellen (Mrs.), shopkpr. Post offi<'e COMMERCIAL. Kent ..Albert, Wheat Sheaf P.H. & West John, boot maker Ayliffe Edwin, carpenter assistant overseer Whiteman Mary ..Ann (Mrs.), shopkeepr ..Boulton Ann (Mrs.), glover Kent John, farmer Wicks Benj. shopkeeper & wheelwright .Bown John & William, farmers Kent Reuben, coal dealer Woodward Charles, butcher, Woodlands ODSTOCK is a parish 2~ miles south from Salisbury, in! deanery of Chalk, Salisbury archdeaconry and diocese. The the Southern division of the county, hundred of Cawdon and church of St. Mary is an ancient structure of flint and stone, Cadworth, Alderburyunion, Salisbury county court district, m the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave and .S.1lisbury and Amesbury petty sessional division, rural north porch, with massive square western embattled tower H W. & D. 63 .
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