.... .... " Septemher 7, 2007 3 ~ 'Countdown to K' calms • dergarten nerves • By Richard Cherecwlch STAFF WRITER • • Even though the first day of school isn't until Sept. 10, Julia Weeks, clad in a bright yellow T­ Prirt and a red plastic firefighter eJmet, could hardly contain her ~nthusiasm . : ''I'm going to real kinder­ ~arten," she said, flashing a snlile whiJe walking with her mother, Elisabeth. And what about "real kinder­ garten" (1(2) has Julia so excited? • ''[' m excited to get homework &gam," she said : Julia was one of dozens of All­ ston-Brighton kindergarteners who, along with their parents, turned out for Boston Public School's Countdown to Kinder­ garu,n event in Oak Square on Jb.ursdsy, Aug. 30. While not every chiJd shared Julia's enthusi­ asm for homeworlc, they aU shared Inliles as they listened to stories in !he FaneuiJ Branch Ubrary, Je~ey Berganza, 6, tJIed on .. oxypn m_ at the Oak Square ftr. station durtng t limhed into a fire truck at the fire­ KIndergarten eyent _ 'ThundIIy. bouse, hopped on the moon lies dlat haven't of us." bounce and colored outside the ctarl to nearly 50 knee-high clill­ beard Oak Square YMCA. dreh clad in yellow "I'm going to And there were plenty of fami­ "I'm ,*ciited to get l-iniL..... I" T- hirts lies. - chiJdren's room of the li­ • "Starting kindergarten can be ~~'6arten. s . hOl11e1,OII'k again." feally imposing and scary," said "It's a way for the communi Ito brary was packed, and as chiJ­ Jennifer Doyle, president of the get ""hind the kids and say 'we re dren':; librarian Vicky Burr read Presentation School Foundation, ~ed' and 'good luck,'" said "Lori Out Kindergarten, Here [ £Vhich has been raising money to DeE· Snyder, director of Count- Com;" dozens of cJlildren sat on ~uy the old Presentation School do to Kindergarten. stage whiJe others either rum­ usual sponsor WBOH maged through the stacks or clung PHOTO BY MAAK ~ lJuiJding from the Archdiocese of he said, sitting Three-year~ Henry Zhou of Brtghton listened Intentty as librarian • co d not sponsor the entire event, to t1x:ir 11lOIbeos' legs. One even l3oston after fighting long and juice boxes and Vicki Burr read a story durtng an annual Countdown to Kindergarten • offered aloud that she could al­ event at the Faneull Branch Ubrary. • pard for the right to do so. ''With Bo~n schools asked the Preseo­ ''Reading,'' he ul- tati~n School Foundation to ro­ most tie ber shoes, just like the • !his, the chiJdren can see kids and dren going to school for the first anxiety provoking time for chil~ spopsor, much to the organiza- book's protagonist they know them and it's less time. dren - and parents," Rutstein~ ''I ihink it's pbenomenaJ," fe­ scary." ti°Edelight ',[t's fantastic because it's an Lee said. , Countdown to Kindergarten , art of what we're aU about is lice Rutstein-Lee said ''Other kids ~vents are held throughout the city sup . g families in Allston in other school systems don't have ~very year hefore the first day of Brighton," Doyle said. 'This is ~­ anything like this." Her son, Ben­ ~hool and usually draw ahout 25 actJr the kind of thing we exist f?,". jamin, said he was excited for ~hiJdren . This year, the event Theie's a lot of mispej(.e~?n kinde:garten, but he was a little moved from Brighton Center to we're just about saving the school less (ertain about what he was paJc Square and doubled its atten- This is a great way to reach fami- most ':ager to learn. e to hold auditions LANDSCAPING ZamirChor SAN MARINO The Zamir Chorale of Boston, l'America's the ability td sight-read music and previous foremost Jewish choral ensemble," Will hold au­ choral experibc,;. In addition to the audition, LANDSCAPE ditions for aU voice parts on Sunday, Sept. 23, candidates are required to attend open rehearsals CONSTRUCTION CORP from 7-10 p.m. at Hebrew College, l60 Herrick at Hebrew CoI1ege OIl TLlesdays, Sept 1 I and 18, Road, Newton Centre. Auditions are~appoint­ from 7.15-10 p.m. Rehearsals are held on Thes­ • Lawn Maintenance ~ ment only and must be scheduled in vance by days at Heb"w College, from 7.15-10 p.m., • Sp rint & F.II Clun-uptl ~ calling the Zamir office at 617- 333 or from September through early June. • Complete Yard Carf: emailing [email protected]. For more information about Zamir, visit • Brick Walkways · Residential I Commercia' Candidates must have excellent vocal quality, www.zamir.o~ . Fully Insured 781.329-5433 We want your news! PAINTING I , Welcome to the Allston-Brighton E_ . .....•......... _ Zic (781) 433-8365 1i\B! We are eager to serve as a · . .. .• ......•.. ... ........ vzJcOcnc.com forum for the community. Please ....... •.•....... Richonl CI!orIcwIcI1 (781) 433-8333 McHoul · ., .. .. ................... n:t1orocwOcnc.com send us calendar listings, social _11_ .•......•.... Greg _ (781) 433-8345 PAINTING news and any other items of com­ · . ... .• . .. .. •. ........ 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(866) 741Hl603 Allston-Brighton TAB Editor Valentina Zic _ ...... , .... .... , ... ~. com at (781) 433-8365 with your ideas and .,.. ......•.... als1Dn-~c.com suggestions. __ .,... .JsIon.brigh1Dn._com Tho_Brigt1Ion TAB (USPS 14-706) is publisl>ed by TAB ComIl1Uf1lly _ I...... 254 Sooorc Avo .. -..n, ..... 02494, weekly. P__ pa;d at Bos1on, MA. Pos1maSter: Send _ W'«*>:"'!he _-&IghDl TAB, 254 Socood Ave., Needham, MA02494. TAB Community NewIpapefs assumes no ' ......... slIIIIy rT'IiIIIkI& lladwefDWi,18I'iI tuwll repnnl that part which is incomod Wnotoce is given wilhin "'ee WOI1<ing days 01 !he ..-._ C Copj IIgtO 2007 by TAB Communo1y News~ . AU nghts reserved. Aeproductioo of any part of this publicallOn bV ant ,... WIthocA p"""'" is prohibited. Sub- 8Crip1ions within Allston-Brighton cost $35 per year. Subscriptions outside ~ ~ S63 1=« year Send name, cd:iress, and check to OI.K main office, attn: SubacripIIons. - K N OW YOUR OP110NSI edule an Appointment Call Now 617.264.9200 Independent High School Fair more than 80 Independent, local, regional and national day and boarding se/nol representatives from : Old Farms School I Baylor School I Beaver ~ountry Day Schoo l Belmont Hill School I Berkshire School I Blair ~dentistry t-j\cad~ml' I Boston College High School I Boston Uniyersity Academy I Brewster Aademy I Brincmer and May School CtFU!r41, Cosmetic, Impl41fl Brooks School I Buckingham Browne & Nichols School I Buxton School Ca~ School 01 Vleston I Canterbury School I aud UStT Demislry Chapel Hi ll.(hauncy Hall School I Cheshire Academy I Choate Rosemary Hall I C~ School I CorKOrd Academy I Academy I Dana Hall School I DeerfieldlAcademy I Dexter and Southfield ~! Dublin School I Emma Willard fo.!ichooll Ethel Walker School I Fountain Valley s.;J1ooll Gann Academy I Gould AcajIemy I Govemor's Academy I Groton A BETTER PRACTICE School/ Hawaii Preparatory AcademyJ Hebron Academy / Holderness School / Hnhkiss School/ Kent Schoot / Kents Hill School I Kimball Union Academy I La ndmarl< School I Lawrence Academy I La __ 5choc1 / loomi, Chaff.. School I ~ Fo r Understanding, ~ For Ethics, For Service Madeira School I Mercersburg Academy I Middlesex School I Millbrook School I Miton Academy I Miss Half' School I New Hampton School I Newman Preparatory School ~ Newton Country Day SchooI / _ and Greenough School I Northfield n" I~"""~ CALL ABOUT OUR TEETH WHITENING SPECIAL Mt. Hermon School Peddie School I Phillip, Academy I Phillip' Exeter Academy I Pomfret Sch<loll Portsmouth Abbey School I Proctor Academy I Rivers School Roxbury Latin School I Sali'bury SchooI ~ SI. Andre,,', School (R.I.) I SI. George" NEW PATIENT SPECIAL: School I SI. John', Preparatory School I SI. School I SI. Paul', School I SI. s.l..stian" School SI. Timothy', School I • X·Rays (2 Bitewings As Needed) Stoneleigh·Bumham School I Suffield Academy Academy I Taft School I Thad1er School ! Thayer Academy I The • Check-up Gunnery I Ti~on School I Trinity·Pawling School Vermont Academy I Waldorf H~ School 01 N:A Bay I Walnut Hill Schoo l • Cleaning Westminster School I Westover School I I Monson / Williston NorthamPton School I Winsor School I Worcester • Treatment Plan $59.99 Academy / )(averian Brothers High School ---.. SlIlll classes . Thursday, Sept¢mber 20 invisalign LumaArch~ Hill'eLi.u:e ",- . Individualllf'd attonllon • I nyisi~e Braces '--Htgh Powered Laser Dentistry 5:30 - 7:30 p.m .0~ Teeth Whitening high qual ity and committed teachers . II", f(\\c'·cl 'n Scnoo (~ ( I , l /~~~%- 1616 Beacon Street, Brookline, MA 02446 educational experiences beyond the cI,]ssroom • )1.(1 : •. !If·:' " .. ' T~ . j: .• ",~ '.14 \ .. http./Iwww.aplusdentist.com/[email protected] I;· . :.",1·' financIal aid . LI<{:<:'~--:-:'9 We accept most major insurances 4 A1lston-11righton TAB 7,2007 www.allstonbrightontab.com CO MMUNITY No ES Har~. d Alston event enjoyed by both children 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m.
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