June 26, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E969 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CELEBRATING FORMER MAYOR PERSONAL EXPLANATION immune diseases, is difficult for medical practi- HARRY MIMS tioners to accurately diagnose and even more HON. BARBARA LEE difficult to treat as there are currently no dis- OF CALIFORNIA ease specific treatments. As we recognize the need for awareness of this troublesome dis- HON. RODNEY ALEXANDER IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ease, we can and must do more for the thou- OF LOUISIANA Wednesday, June 26, 2013 sands of Americans who are diagnosed with IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ms. LEE of California. Mr. Speaker, I was this condition each year. This is why I authored H.R. 1429, the Wednesday, June 26, 2013 not present for rollcall votes 287–288. Had I been able to vote, I would have voted ‘‘yes’’ Scleroderma Research and Awareness Act. Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. Speaker, it is with on both. This bipartisan legislation coordinates and in- great pride and pleasure that I rise today to f tensifies research and awareness of this dis- commend Former Mayor Harry Mims, who has ease, prioritizes the development and evalua- IN HONOR OF LINGOHOCKEN FIRE devoted 38 years of outstanding leadership to tion of new treatments options, and authorizes CO.—100TH ANNIVERSARY the Village of East Hodge in Louisiana. The Director of NIH to pursue enhanced clinical East Hodge Town Hall will be dedicated in his and basic research related to Scleroderma. I name honoring his unwavering service. Also HON. MICHAEL G. FITZPATRICK want to thank my colleague, Representative adding to the festivities, a celebration will be OF PENNSYLVANIA PETER KING (NY–02), for leading this bill with me and then 11 cosponsors who have already held to commemorate Mayor Mims’ 99th birth- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES day. lent their support to this effort. Wednesday, June 26, 2013 I urge my colleagues join us in support of I ask my colleagues to join me in offering Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, as one of this important legislation providing for needed plentiful well wishes to Mayor Mims. His reso- Bucks County’s many volunteer fire compa- federal investment in this misunderstood dis- lute commitment and compassionate service nies, the Lingohocken Fire Company is cele- ease. to the community deserve our gratitude. brating 100 years of continuous service that f began with caring, local farmers leaving the f RECOGNIZING THE VOLUNTEERS fields to answer a neighbor’s call for help. This FOR THE PRINCE WILLIAM AREA small cadre grew and soon a ‘‘fire company’’ HONORING MRS. HELEN S. SLAGLE AGENCY ON AGING was responding to the loud clanging of an old locomotive wheel that now hangs outside the firehouse as an historic reminder of those who HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY HON. SAM GRAVES answered the call. Today’s volunteers are 21st OF VIRGINIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF MISSOURI century—trained in the use of modern equip- ment and well-prepared to protect lives and Wednesday, June 26, 2013 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES properties. They continue to work hard and Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Wednesday, June 26, 2013 last year, alone, they put in nearly 5,000 hours to recognize the volunteers for the Prince Wil- responding to fire calls, training, attending liam Area Agency on Aging. Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I meetings and other company-related activities. The Prince William Area Agency on Aging is proudly pause to recognize Mrs. Helen S. We proudly acknowledge the Lingohocken one of more than 670 agencies in the National Slagle of Saint Joseph, Missouri. Mrs. Slagle Fire Co., serving Wrightstown Township and Association of Area Agencies on Aging. The is retiring from Federal service after 36 years portions of Buckingham and Upper Makefield Agency of Aging works to maintain the inde- of loyal service. townships. Congratulations on your 100th an- pendence and quality of life for adults and Helen Slagle entered into Federal service in niversary, outstanding public service, and for their families. Volunteers work alongside pro- 1977 and has never truly left. In 1977 Helen the example you set for others to follow. fessionals serving as advocates, educators, enlisted in the United State Marine Corps. f and coordinators implementing programs and After her honorable discharge in 1997 from services for the senior members of the tri-juris- IN RECOGNITION OF SCLER- the Marine Corps at the rank of Gunnery Ser- dictional areas of Prince William County and ODERMA AWARENESS MONTH geant; Helen was once again called into Fed- the cities of Manassas and Manassas Park. eral service with the Immigration and Natu- Volunteers assist with the Bluebird Tour Pro- ralization Service. HON. LOIS CAPPS gram, Disability Service Board, Virginia Health Helen then transitioned to the private sector, OF CALIFORNIA Insurance Counseling and Assistance Pro- working under contract for the Federal Gov- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gram, Agency on Aging Tax Aid, Commission ernment. In 2006, Helen began her final post- Wednesday, June 26, 2013 on Aging, Long Term Ombudsman Program, and the Senior Centers and Adult Day ing with the Federal government as a Special Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, as we celebrate Agent with the United States Office of Per- Healthcare. Scleroderma Awareness Month this June, I It is my honor to enter into the CONGRES- sonnel Management’s Federal Investigative rise today in recognition of the 300,000 Ameri- SIONAL RECORD the names of volunteers for Services, Kansas City Office. During her time cans with Scleroderma. the Bluebird Tour Program: at O.P.M. Helen has directly supported the Scleroderma is a chronic and disabling con- Bill Barnhart, Trudy Burks, Brian Fulton, Federal, military and defense contractor as- nective tissue and rheumatic disorder resulting Diane Fulton, Fran Harrod, Mary Kay Portell, sets located in Northwest Missouri. The inves- from an overproduction of collagen in the skin, Wanda Pulliam, Ray Vanderbilt, Chester tigations that Helen conducted have been for tissue, and underlying muscle. The word Smith, Nancy Smith. the proud military men and women who are ‘‘scleroderma’’ means hardening of the skin, It is my honor to enter into the CONGRES- serving their state and country. which is often one of the most visible mani- SIONAL RECORD the names of volunteers for Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in festations of the disease. But scleroderma can the Disability Service Board: recognizing Mrs. Helen S. Slagle. For the last also affect many other areas of the body in- Phyllis Aggrey, Michael Bizik, Nona Bond, 36 years Helen has dedicated herself to the cluding the heart, lungs, kidneys and gastro- James Bryant, Janice Buie, Ashley Cavossa, United States of America through her unwav- intestinal system. Barbara Diehl, Mark Fletcher, Lillian Garland, ering Federal Service and I am honored to Given the unpredictable progression of the Melvin Padgett, II, Diane Raulston, Karen represent her in the United States Congress. disease, Scleroderma, like many other auto- Smith, Paul Weisenberger, Karen Williams. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:05 Jun 27, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K26JN8.001 E26JNPT1 pwalker on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E970 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 26, 2013 It is my honor to enter into the CONGRES- McGlawn, Julie Meeham, Ruth Meier, Karen agriculture, promotes specialty crops, such as SIONAL RECORD the name of the following vol- Merchant, Roberta Messamer, Ruth Miller, fruits and vegetables, and ends direct com- unteer for the Virginia Health Insurance Coun- Jack Millett, Pamela Millett, Sadhna Minter, modity payments to farmers in favor of a more seling and Assistance Program: Robert Mitchell, Emerita Mogrovejo, Mary robust crop insurance program. Robert Gainer. Money, Molly Mooney, Leo Moore, Mary I support many of these reforms, but the bill It is my honor to enter into the CONGRES- Moore, Virginia Morales, Joseph Mugnano, that was considered in the House this week SIONAL RECORD the names of the following vol- Karlene Murphy, Mary Murphy, Billie Nichols. could have been much better. The FARRM unteers for the Tax Aide Volunteers Program: Jennifer Nicol, Marianne Nigreville, Gi Nigro, Act cut conservation programs designed to re- Ronald Bond, William Burston, Mary Cole- Carol Nolan, Clifford Nolan, Phyllis Norling, ward farmers for protecting drinking water and man, John Kirzl, VaLoris MacDowell, Bob Mar- Sandy Novak, Gloria Oakes, Susie O’Neal, land and reduced acreage enrollment in the tin, Mike Martin, Lee Schumacher, Elizabeth Lynn Oneill, Albert Osborne, Margaret Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). The Smolen, Gail Strickland, Bruce Willey. Palomares, Cynthia Parent, John Parker, Edith bill failed to place caps on the taxpayer’s It is my honor to enter into the CONGRES- Peel, Jo Peters, Dianne Peyton, Marie Phoe- share of crop insurance premiums and in- SIONAL RECORD the names of volunteers for nix, Mirta Pimentel, Louise Pleines, Elinor creased price guarantees for many major the Commission on Aging: Polansky, Len Postman, Joseph Powers, Pa- crops. Additionally, the bill contained a provi- Willard Bennett, Raymond Beverage, San- tricia Prochnow, Marlene Puglisi, Frederick sion added by amendment in the Committee dra Dawson, Edna Garr, Jane Lakata, Frank Puhala, Najibullah Qazei, Hilde Reed, Phyllis that would have prevented states from setting Maresca, Len Postman, Richard Sienkiewicz, Reese, Noreen Reynolds, Samuel Rhodes, their own farm and food standards. Mary Shufelt, Nancy West. S.H. Richardson, Charles Rigby, Mary Rigby, But the most outstanding issue with the It is my honor to enter into the CONGRES- James Riley, William Ritter, Latasha Rivers, FARRM Act is by far the $20.5 billion cut to SIONAL RECORD the names of volunteers for Willow Rolfe, Griselda Roque, Shirley Roy, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Pro- the Long Term Ombudsman Program: William Ruhe, Bertha Russ, Gwen Ryfinski.
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