Ouachita Baptist University Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1985-1989 Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine 8-25-1988 August 25, 1988 Arkansas Baptist State Convention Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/arbn_85-89 Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, and the Mass Communication Commons Reaching Out, Touching Lives Arkansas ~~ptist In This Issue Cover Story Floridians Make passports for Doon and his wife. Within d2ys, Ooon h:ad an operation for Surgery Possible fh·c byp:asscs in his heart and soon was JACKSONVILLE, Fb. (BP)-While a team recuperating :as :a n outpatient in an apart­ of Florid2. Baptists led a revival in his home mem near the hospit:2.1 . church, a Trinidad pastor was recovering Although the cost of the surgery and in Miami's Baptist Hdspital from heart hospital say was estimated :at :about surgery made possible by another group of S50.000, Doon paJd only for the plane fare Florida Baptists. to and from the United Sates. When Trinidad physicians recommend­ Hean specialist Nelton Moreno, the son ed Paul Doon, pastor of the Mission Bap­ of a S'outhern Baptist p:astor In Miami, led tist Church in CureJX, travel to Venezuela a team of surgeons who donated their ser­ (BP) pt'dCi I JoMna Pinneo m receive adequate diagnosis of his heart vices. Riverside Church covered the Doons' condition, Doon W2S surprised to discover expenses during their say in Miami. Swahili Pentecost .. ... 23 lhe diagnosis alone would cost SJ2 ,000. On his way to Trinidad to lead a Carib­ More than 4, 700 professions offallb were Knowing their pastor did not have the bean '88 reviV21 in Doon's ~burch , Bob recorded ltJ flve·day crusade in Kenya. needed money or insurance, m.embers of Harllee, dfrectof Of church extension for the Trinidad church offered the pastor Jacksonville (Fla.) BaPtist Association, Editor's Page ...... .. 3 eight years of savings-money allocated for visited Doon and his wife in the hospital's a church van. critical care unit, held their hands and But Willard Goforth, missionary w prayed for Doon's safety. While in 'Dinidad, Speak Up Trinidad, felt Southern Baptists had other HarUee and his Florida team were reci­ resources and could help. So Goforth con­ pients of the Doons' hosPitality, staying in One Layman's Opinion .. 4 tacted Emit Ray, pastor of Riverside Bap­ the pastor's home. ' Woman's Viewpoint . ..... 4 tist Church in Miami and the first Southern "lt's.a wonderful thing that we as Bap· Covenant Marriage ...... 5 Baptist missionary appointed to Trinidad. tists can work together to http a man of Ray and Baptist Hospital chaplain Robert God like this," Harllec: said. " I'm so pro­ Early Ref)ections ... ..... 5 Jakoby, a member of Ray 's church, made ud to be a part of such a team .' ' Parable of the Snakes . ·. .. .. 6 arrangements for Doon's hospital stay arld When the Doons returned to Trinidad Ju­ for the hospital to give financial assistance. ly 27, they were welcomed at the airport Jakoby arranged for a surgeon to admit the by nearly 50 people. Included in that Faith At Work Trinidad pastor. crowd were four of the island's mis­ Seeing New Churches .. .. 7 Through connections at the American sionaries "who have been a great blessing embassy, Goforth arranged visas and to me and my church," said Ooon. Local & State Believing in Jesus .... .. 8 Look Back, Look Ahead .... 9 Arkansas All Over . .... 10-11 Citizens of Heaven Tbe life we evade (vv. 18-19)-Look at Innovate! . ..... : . ..... 12 Philippians 3:17-2 1 its condition (v. 18), a life of false pretenses. Seminary Graduates ...... 13 Note its characteristics; the Hfe ev2ded is No resident of Philippi tOok light ly any low-passioned (their god is their belly), Getting Started . .. 14 conduct unbecoming to a Roman ci tizen, morally perverse (they glory in their and no Christian should be satisfied with shame), and materially minded. Consider Helpline conduct unbefitting his heavenly citizen­ its culmination (v. 19); the citizen ofhea~n ship. As citizens of two worlds, Christians evades everlasting destruction. September Events . .. 15 should hold each in its proper perspective. Tbe victo1y we await (vv. 20-21}-lt in­ ABSC Updates .. ... ... 15-17 We should be mindful of: cludes the Savior's return (v. 20). The The e.mmple wefollow(v. 17}-In Christ greatest event in any Roman colony was a Next Month in Arkansas .. 18 we have the example of a self-emptied life visit from the emperor. How much greater (2:5· 11). In Paul we have the example of a should be the joy of the citizen of heaven NatiQn Christ-controlled, Spirit-led life. Unlike anticipating the return of Christ. some other lives, Paul's life supported his It includes the gloriou;5 resurrection (v. 'We Talk A Good Game' .. 20 claims. 21). At this time Christ "shall f:ashlon anew 'Avoid Partisan Activity' .. 21 Paul Harvey recently tOld about the radio the body of our humiliation" (ASV). spot announcements recorded by the It includes the heavenly hom~ on. Lessons For Living . 22 governor of Vermont who admonished his 14:2-3). The citizen o'fheaven who follows constituents to conserve energy ·by vaca­ Paul's example shall share in the victory tioning in New England. "After all ," he that is to come. World said, "New England provides everything anyone could possibly want to do or sec." Adapted from "Proclaim," AprU-Junc: I980. copyrlP,t 'Escalate Evangelism' .. ... 24 Harvey then pointed out that the governor 1980 The Sunday SdJO()I Board or tbc: soutbern Baptltt Missionary Notes ........ 24 had not yet heard the recording. He was ~:~~~:/'~a,::~':~~-:~~S::;,:: vacationing in the West Indies! . Dept .. n1 Nio"tb Ave. North, Nubdlle, TN 31134. Page 2 ARKANSAS BAPTIST NEWSMAGAZINE and :all have equal standing in the church. That should not be questi oned. He is the servant leader who leads by example and persuasion. When church members allow a disgruntled church member to under­ ].-EVERETT SNEED mine o r ursurp the pastor's leadership, it is a breakdown of personal responsibility, a failure of personal priesthood. The pastor's suggestions should be [Editor's note: The following editorial discussed and evaluated like everyone else's w.tS written by Bc;>b Terry, editor of the suggestions. That is part of equal standing m>rd & Way, newsjourrul of Missouri Bap­ and equal responsiblity of personal tists. It W2S published Aug. 4, 1988.] priesthood. Dut the pastor should be followed unless there are overriding In ~y first p2Stor'2te, Hx~ c2111e the target reasons not to. The pastor is not in a con­ of some ugly rumors gener.ued Qy a deacon test with any other member to see whose in the church. 1 was shocked and hurt. Not ideas are best o r who can round up the only W2S I shocked by what was being most votes fo r a business meeting. repeated but by the o ne to whom the People who study conflict management ·rumors were attributed. The deacon was point out that when mutual trusts and con­ a good man, a leader in the church and a fidence c..xist, little concern is usually ex­ life-long member of the community. pressed about au thority. But when relation· At first I dismissed the rumors. The pastor is worthy of respect. ships are failing, one of the first things peo­ deacon had said nothing to me nor had he No, the pastor is not God. Nor does he ple look for is official sanctions for power. acted as if anything were wrong. But after stand between God and the members of the Could it be that failure of church mher peacons repeatedly told me what church committed to his care. But the members to stand by their pastor, failure to the~r fellow deacon was saying, I went to pastor does stand beside his members help­ allow the pastor to be the leader of the the man and told him what 1 heard. He ing them hear God's voice, helping them church and failure to support and follow denied ever saying such t_hings and insisted understand God's leadership, helping them the pastor has driven some pastors to em· that he had no problems with me or my respond to,God's direction. No other brace a kind of dictarorial idea of paStoral leadership of the church. member of the congregation has that authority? It was all an unfortunate misunderstan­ responsibility. Could it be that pastors have felt ding, I concluded and went about my The pastor is the leader of the church, threatened and alone; that they ha\'e in­ business. But the rumors persisted and they the whole church. He cannot be content stinctively grabbed whatever offered help were a1W2.ys tr2ced back to the same to preach on Sunday and play gOlf the rest and support? dca.con. of the week while someone else runs the Perhaps if more church members ac· Finally, I asked a fellow deacon to go church. The pastor is supposed to be the cepted the responsibility for church actions with me to visit the man. The fellow most knowledgeable person about the as readily as they claim their privilege of deacon contended he had heard the needs of the church. His input is vital. equal access to God and equal standing in deacon in question tell lies about their The pastor is not a dictator. He must the congregation, there would be a cor­ pastor. After being reminded of the respect the personal priesthood of each responding decrease in concern about who biblical teaching of Matthew 18 about tak· member, for all have equal access to God has authority over whom.
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