ReportNo. 5446-CV Cape Verde EconomicSituation and Prospects (In Three Volumes) Volume II: The Social Sectors Public Disclosure Authorized January 30, '1985 Western Africa RegionalOffice FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Documentof the World Bank Public Disclosure Authorized This report has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients oniy in the performanceof their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bankauthorization. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of August 1, 1984) Currency Unit = Cape Verdean Escudo (CV Esc.) US$1.00 = CV Esc. 80 CV Esc. 1,000 = US$ 12.5 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 1 meter (m) = 3.28 feet (ft) 1 kilometer (km) 2 = 0.62 mile (mi) 1 square kilometer (km ) = 0.386 square mile (sq. mi.) 1 metric ton (m ton) = 2,204 pounds (lb) 1 hectare (ha) = 2.47 acres 1 cubic meter (m3) = 1.308 cubic yards FISCAL YEAR January I - December 31 FOR OMCIAL USE ONLY LIST OF ACRONYMS BADEA - Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa BCV - Bank of Cape Verde CABNAVE - Estaleiros Navais de Cabo Verde (Shipyard Company) CNA - National Handicraft Center DGIE - General Directorate of Ine-&stryand Energy DGP - General Directorate of Planning ECOWAS - Economic Community of West African States ELECTRA - Power Generation and Water Desalinatlon Utility EMEC - State Construction Enterprise EMPA - Empresa PuTblicade Abastecimento (Commercial Network Company) ENACOL - National Enterprise for Fuels and Lubricants ENAPOR - National Ports Administration Agency ENAVI - National Agricultural Company FAMA - Pasta Factory FAP - Fomento Agro-Pecuario (Commercial Agricultural Goods Company) GDP - Gross Domestic Product GNP - Gross National Product ICS - Cape Verdean Solidarity Institute IMF - International Monetary Fund INC - National Cooperatives Institute INIT - National Technological Research Institute INTERBASE - Cape Verdean Enterprise for Fishing Infrastructure MAC - Public Construction Materials Enterprise MHOP - Ministry of Housing and Public Works MOAVE - Mill Company MORABEZA - Garment Factory NDF - National Development Fund OECD - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OPEC - Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries PAICV - African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde PAIGC - African Party for the Independence of Guinea-Bissau & Cape Verde SCAPA - Company for Marketing and Support for Artisanal Fishing SIDA - Swedish International Development Authority SOCAL - Shoe Factory TACV - Cape Verde Airline Company UNDP - United Nations Development Programme USAID - United States Agency for International Development Tbis documcnthas a restricteddistnbution and may be usedby recipiets onb in the performneeof their ofral duties.Its contents maynot otherwisebe disclosed without World Bankautontioo. Contents Page Number I. Introduction and Overview............................. 1 ......... Health ......o....... Educationo.o.-oo.........1 Demographys e.e.oooo......oo*eooeooooooo 2 Employment ........ 2 Emigrationo ................ 3 Population Projections .................................. 3 II. Health ..........................3 Causes of Death andMorbidity............................... 4 Malnutrition.-.. 0.............. 0-.....-.*.. ..... ...& 5 Health Physical Infrastructureo.....oo..................... 5 III. Housing and Sanitary Facilities............................ 6 IV. Education .............o............. 7 Organization of the National Education System............... 7 School, Enrollments, Facilities and Quality of Education. .. ........... ........ .me ........ Os...... .....8 Adult Literacy.o-.... ......................................10 Educational Prospects......-o. ........ 11 V. Demographic Situation .................. 12 Age Structure and DependencyRatios.......................-. 12 RegionalPopulation Growth and Urbanization.....o..ooe..... 13 VI. Demographic Situation,...........................................15 Female Employment ..................................se...... 16 Sectoral Composition.......o..oo...oo...eo..........p...... 16 Employment Prospects.................................... *... 17 VII. Population Policy, Family Planning and Prospects for Fertility Decline.......... ..........................17 Population Plc .......@@17 Recent Fertility Trends..................................... 19 Family Planning ........ 20 Family Institutions and Family Formation.................... 21 Normative Changes Related to Fertility Declineooo........... 23 InducedAbortion ...Poa..........ses 2 Fertility Reduction: Prospects and Policy Recommendations........-. P..00.0... 24 VIII.Eierto 26................ Countries of Destination .......... 27 Recent Emigration Trends ....................... * . 27 Permanentand TemporaryEmigration .......................... 28 Remittances................................................. e 29 Costs of Emigration..................................... .... 30 EmigrationPolicies......................................... 31 Protectionof EmigrantsAbroade........................... 32 EgmigrationOutlets ................................ ............. 32 Channelingof Remittancesto ProductiveInvestments.......... 34 Emigration:Prospects and Recommendations...................35 IX. PopulationProjections... ....... ................................ 36 LIST OF TABLES Page Number HEALTH II. 1 CAPE VERDE: Percent Distribution of Causes of Death; All Ages and Children under one year of Age, 1980,.................................................. ..38 II. 2 CAPE VERDE: Health Personnel, as of June 1982........ 39 II. 3 CAPE VERDE: Hospital Beds per 1000 inhabitants, 1980 40 II. 4 CAPE VERDE: Percent Distribution of Malnourished Children Examined in Mother-Child Health Units by Degree of Malnutrition (Welcome Classification);by Regional Units, 1982.... O..e ....... 41 II. 5 CAPE VERDE: Provisional Results of the Anthropometric (Torso and Arm) Nutrition Survey of Children conducted by the Health and Social Affairs Ministry; by Island, 1983.................................................. 42 II. 6 CAPE VERDE: Physical Health Infrastructure; 1982 and Projected for 1985.................................... 43 HOUSING AND SANITARY FACILITIES III. 1 CAPE VERDE: Percent of the Urban and Rural Population with Access to Water and Waste Disposal Facilities, 1980............................................... 44 EDUCATION IV. I CAPE VERDE: Primary Cycle Educational Statistics; 1982-83 School Year.......... * ...... **.*r..... 45 IV. 2 CAPE VERDE: Enrollment Trends in Basic and Complementary Elementary Education; 1973-74 to 1982-83 School Yeas......a...... rs........ 0 46 DEMOGRAPHIC SITUATION V. 1 CAPE VERDE: Decennlal Population Census Counts and Intercensal Average Annual Rates of Population Growth, 1878 to 1980 ........... *.0.................. 47 V. 2 CAPE VERDE: Quinquennial Vital Rates; 1931-35 to 1976-80 ............ ...... *... ......... *. ..........48 V. 3 CAPE VERDE: Annual Vital Rates; 1961 to 1980......... 49 V. 4 CAPE VERDE: Age and Sex Distribution and Sex Ratios Males per 100 Females); 1980.......................... 50 V. 5 CAPE VERDE: Dependency Ratios and Percent of the Population in Productive and Dependent Ages; 1950 to 1980...... 51 v. 6 CAPE VERDE: Population, Average Annual Rates of Population Growth, and Population Density; by Islands, 1970 to 198 ...................... 52 EMPLOYMENT VI. 1 CAPE VERDE: Sex Distribution of the Population over 15 Years of Age by EcorLomic Activity; Provisional Results of the 1980 Census ............................ 53 VI. 2 CAPE VERDE: Urban-Rural Distribution of the Population over 15 Years of Age by Economic Activity;ProvisionalResults of the 1980 Census..................................................... 54 VI. 3 CAPE VERDE: Distribution of the Economically Active Population in 1980 and Projected in 1985.............. * 55 VI. 4 CAPE VERDE: Urban Employment Situation; 1978......... 56 VI. 5 CAPE VERDE: Percent Distribution of the Economically Active Population by Industry; Provisional Results of the 1980 Census....................................... 57 VI. 6 CAPE VERDE: Percent Distribution of the Permanently Employed Labor Force by Level of Skills; Provisional Results of the 1980 Census............................ 58 POPULATION POLICY, FAMILY PLANNING AND PROSPECTS FOR FERTILITY DECLINE VII. 1 CAPE VERDE: Summary of Family Planning Statistics; 1980 ard 1982, percent change................................ 59 EMIGRATION VIII. 1 CAPE VERDE: E3timates of Net International Migration; by period 1906 through 1973........................... 60 VIII. 2 Rough Estimates of Cape Verdean Emigrants and Descendents living abroad, circa 1980... 61 VIII. 3 Cape Verdean Immigrants Admitted to the United States; by year; 1954 wo 1980................................. 62 VIII. 4 CAPE VERDE: Worker's Remittances by Country of Origin, 1978 to 1982 (in millions of Cape Verdean Escudos).... 63 VIfT. 5 Cape Verdean Immigrants Admitted to the United States by Major Occupation Group; Absolute Number and Percent Distribution, Fiscal Years 1977 to 1979............... 64 VIII. 6 Cape Verdean Immigrants Admitted to the United States by Age; Absolute Number and Percent Distribution, Fiscal Years 1978 to 1980............................. 65 VIII. 7 Cape Verdean Immigrants Admitted to the United States by Sex and Marital Status; Absolute Number and Percent Distribution, Fiscal Years 1977 to 1979..........7 66 VIII. 8 Age Distributions of Cape Verdean Emigrants to all Destination Countries and
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