Volume 32 July il965 Number 2 PROCEEDINGS;; y^^iff-^^(^M' •rh ••''';'• i "'--I >:'.'.''"*'-''.•i ''t'^'-:'.1' ': •".'..>i.;:~•*•'•'v^M -''X^Y'/.-. '.'";''7:\. '^ --f ']/.• \e Helfliinthologieal Society : A semiannual journal 'of research devoted to . , Helminthology and all branches of Parasitology BrcrytonH. Ransom AAemoridl Trust Fund '• Subscription $7i.OO a Volume; Foreign, $7.50 '•,-]'' fV(; :"'.." '•''v ' /:'''''-'' '''• •• '•"'"" "•'••'--;:; : '" v'; ' :' '^^ ,A;,;\'v ','•. ';: J;7\^?A^ ^$,ffi$\ v'>'^."3'V-.1^- >/:^W''; rj:;; iCONTia^Ti-^r. :-v;-"..;1;' ' v Anhounceineiit— --New .251 j MJEXANIMER D. C^ontributkjns to the life , History of is ( JFaust, 1917) (Treniatoda ; Strigeidae)i ; / : 138 ^.\ AGHAWAL, ViNop. 'Two ;Ne^ iSpiruiiid Nematode Parasites ^irom Freshwater^ :- ^1' /Fishes 'of Indja. _:..»u-__^__lLl™ .1^— -.^.J—^U— — ___ ^----~---^^---_l--_i^k~l - 246 ANDEHSONJ RP 'V. L A^obelpides^b^inus . n. sp., with ya .Note ion '/Morphologic' , ' Variation within Soil ^d;Bacteria^Reared Po^ 232 CALI, C, T., ADTD !Wi F: MAI. Studies on the pevelopment of Bltttticola vlcittae / (Graeffe, I860) Chitwobd, 1^32 within Its Ifost, !BlafieUa germanica L. ^. 164 CHING, HEUDA LKI. Systematic Notes on Some *N6rtib Ameriican iMicrophallid i l '140/ DIAB,' K. A., ; ANii).. W; Ri JENKINS. Descriptioii^;b f Neocric(^n\a tidamiii jn.i '-gen,, ' n. sp. (Criconematidae : Nematoda) '/with a Key to flie Species ' • ".; ':' / ' V" '• ''/ ' !' ' ' 193 ( vl".."^' '- "' FAHR, jMAaupN M- Goccidiosis ^of ^ the Lesser 'ScaiuprDiiic)c, Ayiffej/o affinw ( Eytpn, :• " 1838) wiith ^a Description of a New Species;, :Eim%rfa oy*%pel_i_;_i-___i_ 236 FISCHTHAL, JACOB H.v AND RpBKiRT E.'_;KuNTZ. Digenetic Trernatodes of Am- Y ,',,..- phibian^ and'Reptiles 'from North Borneo (Malaysia) v...!_l_.:_ __ ^.,_^.I... .ii_ !24' '' -!;1;-\' ^ ..>'•' ';•'•''' ' (Continited^pn Back Cover ) ' ~;i'" Jy ; r ' ""' ; '.v'- Sit!!:! Si • »i| Si IS ; IS Copyright ©: 2011, . The Helminthological• . Society ;of Washington • :. ,,>•'. • r^ THE HEIMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON v THE SOCIETY meets once! amonth from October through May for the presentation ; r i and discussion of papers in ^uiy and all branches of parasitolpgy, or related sciences. Ally/, 1 N< mterested perswrK toe Mvited to attend. - •• • '..•.•:• Ji,;. /'^ ,•_.;: - v';1 ^-'V^. '-; -...:.•'','•':!':y:^!:-^:\- The annual dues, including the Proceedings, are ,$6.00. , /^ ;_^ . .•;;'• v-^' 'y - ; r ^ - /^ '; r:--;:Y".>->^'•'•^V.^•''•".).<••rvv'.— •')"/;-'-- •"•.'/••••.'•'' »!0V y;.ll- ::-r^';(v,r';v >'V^-:/-''•';:;•;/' •'' ":• -'-, - ,--:-- - ^-^••^-V;;r:,p:/^;.- -;.^v': •-:.::• : '.- ,'.-''. .,,•: , , •': v^/,1 -;:^.'---J^ . - - ~\\-':~<- :/^.;'.vT- ; ; OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY TOR 1965 A / x {•' ^ ^ : President: LEO"A. JACHOWSKI, JR. \' •*', : ' j' ^ 'C^-C). ' ^-\''' (/V.- 3 . '• :^i-' - "'•(', p5 vice Pf«sfcfent: DONALD L. PRICE .'. >• :;'- .'-. •>?:.•/-• t-^^v^'-J-.v - ;r-,>v/- ;.' Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer: EDNA Ml TBUHRER " r'1//•;';':^;:/^' .;/^T'^--:'-v;-:->-- r ^ !: Assistant Corresponding Secretary'Treasurer: MARION M.,FARR ?/i:^- }-";:, \ Aswrfan* Treasurer: /HALSEY. H.vVEGORSy f;.'^;' ^ v; -" ^ '••*-*}, 'v'^;-,v;; !''.- -U-;;^,i V ;'' 'S •"";.' •' Recording Secretary: FRANK W.?DOUVRES ^^J;^' ''.~J'-^ /--V^— O';,/>^,V-; ;'."^.-r-,;,' librarian: JUDITH M. HUMPHREY (196&- ->.-^ vrf/^'V-W.'.v^fe? ^-'V.^/^'§ £••? /.' Aj^rfoirt: JOHN T. LUCKER( 1945- ) \ i,V"^: ' -.<•"'.;•' I >;• ''••• •'',/•.'-' -:^:'.:'.; -, • Representative to the Washington Academy of Sciences: AUREL O.iiFOSTER (1965^- ) Representative to the American Society ^f Parasitologists: CHARLES G. DURBIN( 1965- ) "? Executive Committee Members-at-I^arge: WILLIAM^ DEWEETv 1965 ;/ ^ T: ;,r :/';':': .."X.:'.„-; -,-,.-.; :' - ;A DONALD B. THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE HELMINTHLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON THE PROCEEDINGS are ApubTiisted'by the ejrtofthologieal Society of 3/Vaishington. 'HoweVer, papers need not be presented ^t a meeting to be' pubUshedJri' the' Proceedings. Non-members^ may publish in:the Proceedings if they wiU contribute^ full cost of publication. Two issues ,are pubUshed each year iri January and July.1 \ ;/ / / ' *''~ -•''"'-'' MANUSCRIPTS may be submitted to any member of the Editorial Committee. Manu- scripts /must be (typevyritten, :Jdouble 'spaced, and )mf finished ;form. 'Only the ribbon eppy \W11 /be accepted for publication; '•$:- ^ is accepted / with ; the understanding that 'it will be published .only ^ in the ^Proceedings. v:< . , - \ .1 '• \. /: / v 'REPRINTS ^may be ordered ft^oin the ^BSS^^j^^^f^^^J^a. corrected proof ;is&gti^ ' '-'_;'•; r-." ,' v ;--,:: "!'• •,.'"• ; BACK VOL17MES of the Proceedings aris -available. Inquiries concerning back volumes and- current subscriptions should be directed to: ,' ,: ; x. \.\ , >Miss Edna M. ;Buhrer, Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer, Belteville;Parasitological '; f, ,- Laboratory, Agricultural Research Center, U/S.D,A., BeltsviUe, , Maryland, ^U.S.A. ! ''••;;. '^/: _ IPITORIAL:^OMMITTEE.:V:^.";:B'§';^ J' -' 1''\'•''•'• "jV; "' »V'''''""'• '"-'';-': '^ . rrr+i^~ '' '~~' .'*'' •'' ' '''"'" /'" "•':'^ ''-' '' •' •' ' - -'•'•''''" ' '.'. "'•:''>•'.< - : A • .'.' ' .'- '•'••'- •-''/• . :".'! ri,- •:,'."-^--••,:,';•O"!^ ^•'';'/ v-Xj Scientific Divisions, Abbott Laboratories ;—-v- : :T: ,: - ^: . c'V^ :,V :;V'' ^' -'••''"' • «: •.:-;'North.Crucago,-fllinoisA:U,S.A;/,,: ; -^ ": fj^ '•,' &p- '^-•'". ;-;-;,V^/^^:-:, ' i A-JAMES HALEY, Assistant;Editor,'19^ :Jv;,3^ |^/-^?.; ^^oUr '"--^/'''v'•-?''' ;'Z^logyDepartinent,~University.of/Maryknd;--^^ Uisr-."'U-'"V>'i'"',0";' ST\"X ' :> ::"-: ':-;>X.i" ' i </• ^ College Park, Maryland, U;S.A. ".•'., ^\'-'^i''^\^t^'- 'AUREL O. FOSTER, 1965 C ; ^,'t ALLEN McINTOSH, 1966 \e Parasitological Laboratory Beltsville Parasifological Laboratory JESSE R. CHRISTIE, 1968V </,-:: S^PAU^LrP. WEINSTEIN^\1969 ; ;"4; "•>-• "Experiment Station , ! "(<^;, Instituteof Allergy and/Infectidus Diseases ,; ..V";'^Universiry.oinprida-'^--^;|:;;:.--';::;/;/ • / ' ; NJ.H;, U.S.P.H.S. j ';, %tX^VX' Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington VOLUME 32 JULY 1965 NUMBER 2 A New Nematode, Pharyngodon boulengerula, from the Caecilian Boiilengerula uluguruensis1 JOHN E. UBELAKERL> A study of the helminths of caecilians from in width posteriorly until indistinct, all annula- different parts of the world resulted in the tions divided into incomplete secondary annuli; collection of a number of trematodes and six lateral alae present, extending from anterior nematodes, most of which were previously end, along length of body, terminating poste- described from caecilians and other hosts. In riorly at level of anus; mouth surrounded by addition to the nematodes previously described, three lips; buccal cavity absent; esophagus specimens of an undescribed species of Pha- 0.28 (0.27-0.29) terminating in posterior bulb ryngodon Diesing, 1861, were obtained from 0.118 (0.11-0.12) wide by 0.09 (0.09-0.09) the caecilian Boiilengerula uluguruensis, col- long, projecting into intestine; intestine cylin- lected in Tanganyika. drical throughout length; anus 0.44 (0.37-0.51) The genus Pharyngodon was established by from anterior end; tail tapered to subulate Diesing with P. spinicauda (Dujardin, 1845) process 0.34 (0.31-0.37) in length; ten papillae (syn. Ascaris acanthura Diesing, 1851) as the present along subulate process; vulva in poste- type from the intestine of a lizard, Lacerta rior part of body 0.85 (0.78-1.02) from ante- muralis taken on St. Malo. Presently, the genus rior end, and 1.00 (0.85-1.09) from posterior contains 41 species—six from amphibians and end slightly extensable; nerve ring not visible; 35 from reptiles. excretory pore 0.28 (0.20-0.36) from anterior end; uterine eggs fusiform 0.127 (0.126-0.129) METHODS long by 0.07 (0.07-0.07) wide, unsegmented and lacking oval plugs. The nematodes were prepared for study HOST: Boulengerula uluguruensis. using the method outlined by Cable (1963). SITE OF INFECTION: Upper small intestine. The parasites were studied with phase-contrast TYPE LOCALITY: Vituri, Uluguru Moun- microscopes. All measurements are taken from tains, Tanganyika. ten specimens selected as being mature, and TYPE SPECIMEN: Deposited in U.S. Na- are expressed in millimeters. In each case the tional Museum Helminthological collection, mean is followed by the range in parentheses. Catalogue number 60042. COMPARISONS: Pharyngodon boulengerula Pharyngodon boulengerula n. sp. (Figs. 1, 2) differs from all other species in the genus SPECIFIC DIAGNOSIS: With the characters of Phanjngodon by possessing six lateral alae the genus, male unknown; female 1.80 (1.39— while other species have either none, two, or 1.98) long by 0.33 (0.26-0.37) wide; anterior four alae surrounding the body. Furthermore, end with distinct annulations which increase the worms described here are smaller than any known species in the genus. 1 Adapted from a thesis done under the supervision of P. papillocauda Hannum, 1952, parasitic in Professor William H. Coil and presented to the Graduate the whip-tailed lizard, Cnemidophorus gulae school of The University of Kansas in partial fulfillment of the requirement of the degree of Master of Science. from Arizona, is the only other member of the The author is indebted to Professor Emeritvis Edward H. Taylor, Department of Zoology, The University of genus in which the female possesses papillae Kansas, for providing the caecilians for study. on the tail. P. boulengerula differs
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