EHCO IIKA BADGES GIVE LASTING SATISFACTION Why not one of t he beautiful JEWELED BADGES as illustrated and priced below? Beauty and quality are remembered long after price is forgotten. We suggest the initial selection of a fine jeweled style. Order Your Badge from the Following List. Note the EHCO SPECIAL PI KAPPA ALPHA BADGE PRICE LIST Min 0 Miniature No. 0 No. I No.2 No.3 Plain Bevel Border $3 .50 $5.25 $6.00 $6.50 $9.00 Nugget 5.75 6.50 7.00 10.50 Chase d or Engraved Border 5.75 6.50 7.00 10.50 IBKt White Gold Badge $3.00 additional CROWN SET JEWELED BADGES ECHO No. 0 No. I No.2 No.3 Special Pearl $11.50 $13.50 $16.00 $22 .50 $19.50 Pea rl . Cape Ruby Points .... 11.50 13 .50 16.00 22.50 19.50 2 Pea rl, Ruby or Sapphire Points ........ 13.25 15.00 17 .50 27.50 22.50 Pearl, Emerald Points 16.50 17 .50 22.00 30.00 25.00 Pe arl , Diamond Po ints ······ .. 24.00 27 .50 30.00 45.00 37.50 Pea rl and Sapphire alternating .... 16.50 18 .25 21.00 27 .50 25 .00 Pearl and Ruby alternating .... 16.50 18 .25 21.00 27.50 25.00 Pea rl and Emerald alternating 18.00 21.25 24.00 35.00 30.00 Pe arl and Diamond alternating 33.00 37 .50 45 .00 62.50 52 .50 A ll Ruby Border ..... 18 .00 20.00 23 .00 32.50 30.00 Ruby or Sapphire and Dia mond Points 27.50 30.00 32.50 50.00 45.00 Ruby or Sapphire and Di amond alternating 35 .00 40.00 4S .OO 65 .00 57 .50 All Emerald 22.00 25.00 27.50 40 .00 37 .50 Emerald, Diamond Points .. ... 30.00 32 .50 35 .00 55.00 50.00 0 Emerald and Di amond alternating .... ... 37.50 42 .50 47 .50 1o.po 62.50 Diamond, Ruby Points 45 .00 50.00 55.00 82 .50 70.00 Diamond, Sapphire Points 45.00 50.00 55 .00 82.50 70.00 Diamond, Emerald Points .. ···········--······· · 47 .50 52 .50 57 .50 85.00 72.50 All Diamond ............................... 55.00 60.00 65.00 100.00 85.00 C rest Offic ia l Opals-Same Pr ices as Pearls IBKt White Gold Jeweled Badges $5.00 additional Recogniti o n SMC Charm $B .SO Pledg e Button .so Official Recognition Button .75 Coat of Arms Recognition Button, Gold Plate .75 Coat of Arms Recognition Button, Sterling .75 Coal of Arms Recognition Butto n, Gold Plate Enameled 1.00 Cut Out Lettered Monogram Re cognition Butto n 1.00 Ple dge GUARD PINS One Letter Two Letter Plain $2.25 $3 .50 Half Pearl 4.50 7.00 Whole Pearl 6.00 10.00 Special New Cut Out Lettered Monogram Recognition Bu tton .................................. $1.00 THE NEW 1940 Order Your's Today BOOK OF TREASURES SURPASSES ALL PREVIOUS DISPLAYS OF FRATERNITY AND SORORITY COAT OF ARMS JEWELRY It is a collection of smart new creations-expertly styled-yet inexpensive and unusual-acceptable for gifts or suitable for personal use. MAIL THE COUPON BELOW FOR YOUR OWN FREE COPY EDWARDS, HALDEMAN AND CO., ADDRESS Fa rwell Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Name . I am interested in the following. Please send data a nd litera ture free. Book of Treasures ... ··········· .............. [ l Street Favors ............................ [ l City Programs ......................... .. .. [ ] Stationery ..................................................................................... [ ) Fraternity a lltltrrp C!Cbrtstma5, ~urrpbobp, anb jbappp J}rw ~ear The FLOODTIDE of The BALFOUR CHRISTMAS SPIRIT BLUE BOOK iC iC NEW 1940 EDITION-is more color­ With most of the world at war-we in ful, more complete, and more interesting America should be grateful for our than ever. Many new rings, lockets, com­ peace. Now is the time we can evidence pacts, and fine gifts. Prices will be main­ our love and esteem through giving to tained just as long as possible. our friends. Such gifts should mean iC more this year than ever before. Make The coat of arms adds a distinction that your selections early from the BAL­ only a fraternity man or woman can give. FOUR BLUE BOOK. Mail Coupon Below for Free Copy! Official Jeweler to Pi Kappa Alpha L. G. B A L F 0 u R c 0 MPANY Paste on penny post card-Mail today. Factorie6: GENTLEMEN : Fraternity____ _ Please mail me at once my FREE copy of the 1940 ATTLEBORO, MASS. BALFOUR BLUE BOOK. ln Canada-Yi&it or torite Our chapter will hold parties: your nearest Birk's Store. month--------- 19 ____ Name------------ month-______ 19__ Street-------- month------19 __ CitY-------- 1 OF NATIONAL . OFFICERS AND DISTRICT PRESIDENTS SUPREME COUNCD. OTHER NATIONAL OFFICERS Honorary Life Presidenf _______ ___ ______ ____ ___________ _Robert A. Smythe, .A National President __ _______ ---- -- -- --------------------------·- Freeman H . Hart. 310 Commercial Exchange Bldg. , Atlanta. Ga. Hampden-Sydney College. Hampden-Sydney. Va. National Counsel-- --------------·----------·--------------------John L. Packer, BA National Vice President----- -- --- -- --- -----·----------- --- -----T . M. Beaird. BO 1603 Law 6 Finance Bldg .. Pittsburgh, Pa. University of Oklahoma. Norman, Okla. National Editor_____ _______ ____ ____ _______________ _________ ____ K. D . Pulcipher, BH 740 Fisher Rd. , Grosse Pointe Farms . Mich. National Treasurer---·----- -- ---- ---- -- ------ ---- -- ----- ---- -·---- D. T . Oertel. BB National Historian _____ _____ ________ ____ __ _________ ___ Dr. Freeman H. Hart, I Room 508 . 1930 Wilshire Blvd .. Los Angeles. Calif. Hampden-Sydney College, Hampden-Sydney, Va. National Chaplain ____ ______ ___ ______ _________ ______ __ __ ______ Dr. U. S. Gordon, e National SecretarY-------- ---- -- --- -- ----- ------------ Fred A. Anderson. Jr. ri First Presbyterian Church. Gainesville, Pia. Amite Co. Bank Bldg .. Gloster. Miss. National Educational Advisor .... _____ __ ___ _____ _____ Dr. U . S . Gordon, e National Alumni Secretary ........................ Roy D . Hickman. Bt. First Presbyterian Church . Gainesville, Fla. Alabama Engraving Co., Birmingham. Ala. National Rushing Chairman . Stanton M. Peterson, rN P. 0 . Box 362. Iowa City. Iowa GENERAL OFFICE Executive Secretary ...... .. ---------------------R. M . McFarland, Jr., AA 503 Commercial Exchange Bldg .................. _ Atlanta. Ga. Assistant Executive Secretary ___ ___ _____________ _____________ ]. F. Malone, BO Telephone MAin 1363 503 Commercial Exchange Bldg .. Atlanta. Ga. DISTRICTS AND DISTRICT PRESIDENTS DISTRICT No. 1-New England. rM: Delaware: DISTRICT No. 6-Piorida. AH: Georgia. AI!. DISTRICT No. 12-lowa. A<l>. f'N: Minnesota: New Jersey. A-1': New York. AX. Be. rT: AM . BK . B'i'. W iscons in. D?! . Pennsylvania, east of Williamsport. BU. rA. Districit President: Horace S. Smith. Jr .. BK . District President: Leo A. Hoegh. f'N. First State Bank Bldg .. Chariton. Ia. District President: S. Roy Smith. A-1'. 101 Penn. Mutual Life Ins. Co .. Rhodes-Haverty Fairview Ave .. South Orange. N. J. Bldg .. Atlanta. Ga. DISTRICT No. 13-Kansas. AO.B r: Nebraska. r B. and Kansas City. Mo. DISTRICT No. 7-lllinols. DH . rF: Indiana. B<l>: Distri ct President: Alexander McKie. Jr .. rB. DISTRICT No. 2- Pennsylvania, west of Wil­ Michigan. 805 First Nat!. Bk . Bldg .. Omaha. Neb. liamsport. BA. B:!:. r:z: . West Virginia east District Presi dent: Charles E. Craw. B:Z: . 310 of Little Kanawha River. Ae. N. 5th St. Lafayette. Ind. DISTRICT No. 14-Arkansas. AZ: 6k!ahoma Dlsi rtct President: J. S. Lloyd. BA. Riveraide DO . rT. r x: Texas. DZ. BM. District President: Herbert H. Scott. BO. Uni­ Height•. Verona. Pa. DISTRICT No. 8-Kentucky. K. 0 . AA: Tenn ..see. z. e. :z: . versity of Oklahoma. Norman. Okla. DISTRICT No. 3-0hio. A::: . AP . BE. rz. ro; District President: J. Harold Trinner. e. 941 DISTRICT No. 15--New Mexico. Bl!. : Colorado. West Virginia. West of Little Kanawha Sterick Bldg .. Memphis. Tenn. DT . rr: Arizona. r l!. Ri ver. Di•trict President: E. C. Locklear. BK . Bos DISTRICT No. 9-Aiabama. l!. .T . All . rA. 401 . Prescott. Ariz. District President: Kent H. Meyers. AX . AP. 947 Union Commerce Bldg .. Cleveland. 0. District President: A. H. Knight. All . 511-14 DISTRICT No. 16-Utah. AT.rE: Wyoming. Title Guarantee Bldg .. Birmingham. Ala. District President: J. Grant Iverson. AT. 509 First National Bank Bldg .. Salt Lake City. DISTRICT No. '!- District of Columbia: Mary­ DISTRICT No. tO-Missouri . except Kansas City, Utah. land: Virginia. A. r . I. 0 . U . AK . AN . BA . DISTRICT No. 17-California. A:!: . rH: Nevada. District President: Guy A. Borkey. 0 . Virginia District President: Don H. Jones. D:::. AN . District President: Arnold R. Ternquist. rH. !!.lee. 6 Power Co .. Richmond. Va. School of Journalism. Univ. of Missouri. Co­ Nelson 6 Ternquist. 58 Sutter St .. San Fran­ lumbia. Mo. cisco. Calif. DISTRICT No. 5-North Carolina. B. T. AA . DISTRICT No. It-Louisiana. H . Ar: Mississip­ DISTRICT No. 18-Jdaho: Montana . rK: Oregon. AE . r<l>: South Carolina. M. ::: . pi. AI . re. n . rn : Washington. Bll . r:;:. District President: Zeb V . Long . Jr .. B. Box District President: A. Brown Moore. H . 404-5 District President: John J. Kennett, BD . 2202 74 . Statesville. N. C. Marine Bldg .. New Orleans , La. Smith Tower. Seattle, Wash. Endowment Fund Trustees Scholarship Honor Boll Pi Kappa Alpha Endowment Fund-(See Committee Below) Winners of Pi Kappa Alpha Scholarship Cup. provided by the Charles K. Dunn. !!: Weldon U . Howell, BZ: Wm. G. Nash. AA. 1915 Convention. for the Chapter with the best yearly average. Shield and Diamond Endowment Fund Session 1916-17-Aipha-Sigma Chapter-Average 90.39%. D. C. Powers. Z. Chairma n and Treasurer: L. Brooks Ragen. Session 1917-20-(No award during war period. ) DN. Secretary: Dr. W . D. Haden. A. Session 1920-21-Beta-Nu Chapter-- Average 83.30%. Standinq Committees Session 192 1-22-Beta-Nu Chapter- Average 87.00%.
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