POWER AN D IDENTITY I N THE CHINES E WORLD ORDE R Festschrift m Honour of Professor Wang Gomgwui Edited by Billy K.L. So John Fitzgerald Huang Jianli James K. Chin # » * # i h Bf c *t HONG KON G UNIVERSIT Y PRES S Hong Kon g Universit y Pres s 14/F Hing Wai Centr e 7 Tin Wan Pray a Roa d Aberdeen Hong Kon g © Hon g Kong Universit y Pres s 200 3 ISBN 96 2 20 9 59 0 9 All rights reserved . No portio n o f this publication ma y be reproduced o r transmitte d i n an y form o r by an y means, electronic o r mechanical , includin g photocopy, recording , or an y information storag e o r retrieva l system , withou t prior permissio n i n writing fro m th e publisher . This volume i s published with th e suppor t o f the Universit y o f Hong Kon g an d the Australia n Academ y o f the Humanities . British Librar y Cataloguing-in-Publicatio n Dat a A catalogu e recor d fo r thi s book i s available fro m th e British Library . Secure On-lin e Orderin g http://www.hkupress.org Printed and bound by Liang Yu Printing Factory Ltd., Hong Kong, China . Contents Acknowledgements i x Contributors x i Introduction 1 Billy K. L . So Prologue Wang Gungwu : Th e Historia n i n Hi s Times 1 1 Philip A. Kuhn Part I . I n Searc h o f Power : Powe r Restructurin g i n 3 3 Modern Chin a 1. Th e Fujianes e Revolutionaries , 1895—191 1 3 5 Lee Kam-keung 2. Nation , Territor y an d Frontier : Chian g Kai-shek's Realism 6 5 in Actio n So Wai-chor 3. Th e Kuomintan g Peac e Missio n o n th e Eve o f the 9 1 Communist Takeove r Huang Jianli 4. Th e Ne w Positionin g o f Hong Kon g afte r Reunificatio n 12 1 with Mainlan d Chin a Jane Lee vi Contents Part II . I n Searc h o f Power : Stat e Powe r vs . Econom y 13 9 and Societ y i n Moder n Chin a 5. A Biographica l Sketc h o f Liu Xuexun: Th e Controversia l 14 1 and Mysteriou s Guangdon g Gamblin g Farmer , Mandarin-Capitalist an d Secre t Agen t i n Modern Chin a Ho Hon-wai 6. Illusion s o f Autonomy? Journalism, Commerc e an d th e 17 7 State i n Republica n Chin a Terry Narramore 7. Chines e Nationalis m an d Democrac y Durin g th e War Period , 20 1 1937-1945: A Critiqu e o f the Jiuwang-Qimeng Dichotom y Edmund S. K. Fung Part III . I n Searc h o f Chineseness : Identit y o f a Natio n 22 1 8. Negotiatin g Chines e Identit y i n Fiv e Dynastie s Narratives : 22 3 From th e Old History t o th e New History Billy K. L. So 9. Treaties , Politic s an d th e Limit s o f Local Diplomacy i n 23 9 Fuzhou i n th e Earl y 1850 s Ng Chin-keong 10. O n Bein g Chines e 26 9 Adrian Chan Part IV . I n Searc h o f Chineseness : Communit y an d Sel f 28 9 11. Th e Returne d Oversea s Chines e Communit y i n Hong 29 1 Kong: Som e Observation s James Chin 12. Writin g th e Chines e Canadia n Diaspora : Multiculturalis m 31 1 and Confucia n Value s Jennifer W.Jay Contents vi i 13. Langxian' s 'Sieg e a t Yangzhou': A Post-Min g Readin g 33 1 Antonia Finnane 14. Th e Slav e Who Woul d B e Equal : Th e Significanc e o f 35 3 Liang Qichao' s Australia n Writing s John Fitzgerald Epilogue Wang Gungwu : A n Ora l Histor y 37 5 Lee Guan-kin Appendix Selected Publication s (1957-2001 ) 41 5 by Professo r Wan g Gungw u Glossary 42 9 Index 439 Contributors Adrian Chan completed a doctorate a t the Australian National University , before teachin g politica l scienc e a t th e Universit y o f New Sout h Wales . His majo r fiel d wa s Chines e Politica l Though t — Contemporar y an d Classical. He retire d earl y to researc h and write, and ha s since completed a study o f Chinese Marxism (Cassell-Continuum , 2001) , an d i s currentl y working o n anothe r book entitle d Orientalism in Sinology. James K . Chin , Assistan t Professo r a t th e Centr e o f Asian Studie s a t th e University o f Hong Kong, works in th e field of Chinese maritim e histor y and th e Chines e oversea s diaspora . Antonia Finnan e i s Senio r Lecture r i n histor y i n th e Departmen t o f History a t the Universit y o f Melbourne. A graduate o f Sydney Universit y (1974), she completed a PhD i n Chines e histor y a t the Department o f Far Eastern Histor y i n Researc h Schoo l o f Pacifi c Studie s a t th e Australia n National University 1986 . She authored Far from Where? Jewish Journeys from Shanghai to Australia (Melbourne University Press, 1999) and co-edited with Anne McLaren , Dress, Sex and Text in Chinese Culture (Monas h Asi a Institute, 1999). Sh e ha s als o published a number o f papers o n th e cit y o f Yangzhou, an d i s at present workin g o n a history o f Chinese dres s in th e twentieth century . John Fitzgerald , Professo r o f Asia n Studie s a t L a Trob e Universit y i n Melbourne, Australia , work s i n th e field o f modern Chines e history . Hi s publications includ e Awakening China: Politics, Culture and Class in the Nationalist Revolution (Stanfor d Universit y Press , 1997 ) which was awarded the Joseph Levenson Prize for Twentieth Century China by the Association for Asia n Studie s in 1998 . xii Contributors Edmund S . K . Fun g i s Foundatio n Professo r o f Asia n Studie s a t th e University o f Wester n Sydney . Specializin g i n histor y an d politic s o f twentieth-century China , h e i s the autho r o f The Military Dimension of the Chinese Revolution (Australia n Nationa l Universit y Press , 1980) , The Diplomacy of Imperial Retreat (Oxford Universit y Press , 1991) , and In Search of Chinese Democracy (Cambridg e Universit y Press , 2000). Ho Hon-wa i wa s educated a t the Chines e University o f Hong Kong an d the Australia n Nationa l University . Currentl y h e i s research fello w a t th e Institute of History and Philology at Acaderma Simca in Taiwan. His research and publications ar e mainly in the field of governmental finance, monetar y history an d Guangdon g gamblin g operation s i n lat e Qing China . Huang Jianl i i s Associat e Professo r i n th e Histor y Departmen t o f th e National Universit y o f Singapore . Hi s researc h interest s an d publication s fall int o tw o area s o f history : studen t politica l activis m an d loca l self - government i n Republican Chin a from th e 1920 s to 1940s , and the history of Chinese intellectua l an d busines s elite s m postwar Singapore . Jennifer W . Jay i s Professor o f History an d Classic s a t th e Universit y o f Alberta, Canada . Sh e studie d Tan g histor y a t th e Universit y o f Britis h Columbia and received her PhD in Song and Yuan history at the Australian National University. Her research interests focus on medieval Chinese social and intellectual history , an d sh e has also worked o n the Chines e Canadia n diaspora an d East Asian women's history . Philip A . Kuhn , Franci s Le e Higgmso n Professo r o f History a t Harvar d University, researche s Chines e histor y o f th e late-impena l an d moder n penods. His recent wntings includ e Soulstealers. The Chinese Sorcery Scare of 1768 (Harvar d Universit y Press , 1990 ) an d Les Ongines de VEtat Chinois Moderne (Ecole de s Haute s Etude s e n Science s Sociales , 1999). Currentl y he i s working o n a history o f Chinese emigratio n m modern times . Lee Guan-ki n i s currently Associat e Professo r i n the Centr e fo r Chines e Language an d Cultur e a t th e Nanyan g Technologica l University . Sh e completed he r PhD a t the University o f Hong Kong in 1998 , specializin g in Singapore Chinese intellectuals. Her major researc h interest is the history of the ethni c Chines e m Singapor e an d Malay a with respec t to personage , ideology, education and culture, subjects on which she has published widely.
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