E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 106 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 146 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2000 No. 107 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. The point of no quorum is considered once and for all what his role was in The Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P. withdrawn. leaking sensitive missile data to the Coughlin, offered the following prayer: f Chinese. Almighty God and Lord of our life, This is not just a matter of ethical we seek Your guidance that we may PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE conduct. It is a matter of national se- live Your life to fullest measure. The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman curity. Since the time of Sarah and Abra- from California (Mr. FILNER) come for- f ham, Your covenant with Your people ward and lead the House in the Pledge has been the model of married life and of Allegiance. NO SURPRISE BOB KNIGHT WAS civic order. Mr. FILNER led the Pledge of Alle- FIRED Enable husbands and wives to live in giance as follows: (Mr. TRAFICANT asked and was deeper understanding, honoring each I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the given permission to address the House other for their words and their good- United States of America, and to the Repub- for 1 minute and to revise and extend ness. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, his remarks.) May all people, especially children, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Mr. TRAFICANT. Mr. Speaker, it is live without fear or intimidation. f no surprise that Bob Knight was fired. Strengthen the bonds of intimacy in But think about it. Bob Knight's ath- LORAL CORPORATION American family life that hearts will letes did not rape women, did not com- be converted to lasting values and find (Mr. PITTS asked and was given per- mit murder, did not molest children, joy as they continually uncover love mission to address the House for 1 did not carry guns, and did not sell and faithfulness in themselves and in minute and to revise and extend his re- drugs. each other. marks.) In fact, Bob Knight's student ath- As the Government of this Nation, Mr. PITTS. Mr. Speaker, we all re- letes were most noted for graduating, let us create an atmosphere of peace member the fund-raising scandal that winning championships, being gentle- which helps family life flourish for gen- the President and the Democrats got men, and exhibiting discipline and re- erations to come. themselves into in 1996, foreign money spect. You are our source and guide now and money laundering. But perhaps the Beam me up. and forever. Amen. worst part was the apparent influence Bob Knight was a coach, not a guid- f of the People's Republic of China. ance counselor or a spiritual leader. THE JOURNAL We all remember that the Loral Cor- I yield back all those zero-tolerant, poration which leaked sensitive missile overpaid, IUD administrators that Bob The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- data to China was a major Democratic Knight should have kicked right in the ined the Journal of the last day's pro- contributor that year. crotch. ceedings and announces to the House In fact, Bernard Schwartz, the presi- f his approval thereof. dent and CEO of that company, the Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- largest single contributor to the DNC, CHILDHOOD CANCER AWARENESS nal stands approved. MONTH Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, pursuant was recommended in 1998 as the focus (Ms. PRYCE of Ohio asked and was to clause 1, rule I, I demand a vote on of an independent counsel investiga- given permission to address the House agreeing to the Speaker's approval of tion to find out if there was a connec- for 1 minute and to revise and extend the Journal. tion between donations and technology The SPEAKER. The question is on transfers. her remarks.) the Chair's approval of the Journal. Well, one would think they would Ms. PRYCE of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I The question was taken; and the learn their lesson. But we found out am wearing this gold ribbon today in Speaker announced that the ayes ap- last week that Mr. Schwartz is again support of Childhood Cancer Awareness peared to have it. giving huge amounts of money to the Month and to honor young children Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, I object to Democrats. like my own daughter, Caroline, who the vote on the ground that a quorum FEC reports show that he has given have lost their lives to this devastating is not present and make the point of an average of $40,000 a month to Demo- disease and to show my support for order that a quorum is not present. crats since January of 1999, most of it those kids who have survived through The SPEAKER. Pursuant to clause 8, in unrestricted soft-money donations. their courageous, sometimes years rule XX, further proceedings on this I call on the Democrats to return long, submission to painful and iso- question will be postponed. these donations until we determine lating treatments. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H7505 . H7506 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE September 13, 2000 Leukemia, chemotherapy, lym- Dr. Biscet, an Amnesty International a row now, the Congressional basket- phoma, neuroblastoma, these are terms prisoner of conscience, has suffered 46 ball team has defeated the team of lob- no small child should have to pro- days of torture for refusing to succumb byists from the American League of nounce. And instead of the normal to his oppressors. He has been denied Lobbyists here in Washington, D.C. third-grade spelling words, my Caroline medical attention and has even been Last night's game was a hard-earned was proud that she could spell Diflucan denied a Bible and religious visits. victory of 70±67. and Ativan, just two of the many drugs The doctor interpreted his duty The Congressional team got together she had to take every single day. under the Hippocratic Oath as an obli- in a bipartisan way. I would like to As millions of kids return to school gation to defend the lives of the Cuban mention that the gentleman from Wis- this September, we put the spotlight people. consin (Mr. BARRETT); the gentleman on this deadly disease. Two classrooms Dr. Biscet could not ignore the cries from New Jersey (Mr. LOBIONDO); the full of our children every weekday are of anguish of all who have died at the gentleman from Missouri (Mr. diagnosed with cancer. hands of the Castro regime. His com- HULSHOF); the gentleman from Ohio Cancer strikes more children than mitment is clearly stated in a letter (Mr. OXLEY), our general manager and asthma, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, and that he gave to his wife during their commissioner; the gentleman from In- AIDS combined. And while the inci- last visit: diana (Mr. BUYER); the gentleman from dence is steadily rising, childhood can- ``The evil one, Castro, must acknowl- South Dakota (Mr. THUNE), our MVP cer still remains an underrecognized edge in me an eternal rival who will last night; the gentleman from Wis- and underserved disease. not lower his sword of justice, even if consin (Mr. KIND); the gentleman from This can change. This must change. confronted by misery, pain, and death Washington (Mr. INSLEE); the gen- This will change. simultaneously.'' tleman from New York (Mr. FOSSELLA); f The U.S. and the Congress have al- the gentleman from Illinois (Mr. ways stood for freedom and for the de- ELECTRICITY CRISIS IN SAN SHIMKUS); and the gentleman from fense of the oppressed the world over. DIEGO California (Mr. BACA) all got together I ask my colleagues to join me in (Mr. FILNER asked and was given in an effort to prove that we can get calling for Dr. Biscet's immediate re- along here in Washington and that we permission to address the House for 1 lease so that he can continue his mis- minute.) can do better when the cause is right. sion to try to free the Cuban people. Last night the American League of Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, I just re- f turned from San Diego where earlier Lobbyists organized a benefit for over this week hearings were held by the AN IMPERFECT MILITARY $17,000 that will go to charity for the Committee on Commerce Sub- (Mr. HEFLEY asked and was given Hill staffers, for the hungry and home- committee on Power and Energy yes- permission to address the House for 1 less, for Horton's kids, and for Every- terday by the Federal Energy Regu- minute.) body Wins, a youth mentoring program latory Commission on the electricity Mr. HEFLEY. Mr. Speaker, the Cold here in the Washington, D.C. area. crisis that is facing San Diego where, War may be over but the weight of re- We set a challenge for the lobbyists in the last 2 or 3 months, prices have sponsibility inherited by the United we can get along better, and we are doubled and tripled for the average States is heavier than ever. Threats going to make sure that some young consumer, people have gone out of are no longer contained by bipolar people here in Washington, D.C., ben- business not able to pay their bills, a ideologies.
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