An Expandable Radiocollar for Elk Calves Author(s): Bruce L. Smith, William P. Burger, Francis J. Singer Source: Wildlife Society Bulletin, Vol. 26, No. 1 (Spring, 1998), pp. 113-117 Published by: Allen Press Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3783812 Accessed: 27/07/2009 10:32 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp. JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at http://www.jstor.org/action/showPublisher?publisherCode=acg. Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1995 to build trusted digital archives for scholarship. We work with the scholarly community to preserve their work and the materials they rely upon, and to build a common research platform that promotes the discovery and use of these resources. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. Allen Press is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Wildlife Society Bulletin. http://www.jstor.org EXPANDABLERADIOCOLLAR 113 An expandable radiocollar for elk calves Bruce L. Smithn,William P. Burgern,and FrancisJ. Singer Abstract Expandableradiocollars, designed to monitorjuvenile survivaland movements,were placed on 132 neonatal elk (Cervuselaphus) in Yellowstone National Parkduring 1987-1990. A modifieddesign of the same collar was placed on 164 neonatesof the Jacksonelk herd in northwestWyoming during 1990-1992. One of the Yellowstone calves and 19 of the Jacksoncalves cast theircollars before 15 Julyof theirbirth year. Generaldeterioration of collar materials resu Ited i n loss of the Yellowstone col lars 1 2-1 8 monthspost-deployment. Separation of breakawaytabs resulted in loss of 13 collarsfrom Jacksonelk 504 + 60 dayspost-deployment, but the remainingcollars remained on elk for <4 years. Theselight-weight and adaptablecollar designs achieved study objectives. We providedesign recommendations for future monitoring of juvenileelk. Keywords Cervuselaphus, elk, expandableradiocollar, telemetry Radiotransmittershave been used to study distrib- utions, movements, cause-specific mortality, and sur- vival of wildlife. Transmitters are usually attached to terrestrial mammals with nonexpanding collars, which are unsuitable for growing juveniles. There- fore, transmitters have been attached to juveniles with ear tags (Servheen, et al. 1981), implants (Green et al. 1985, Minta 1990), harnesses dackson et al. 1985, Blackwell et al. 1991), and a variety of expand- able collars (Bon and Cugnasse 1992, Holzenbein 1992, Keister et al 1988, Kolz and Johnson 1980), with varying degrees of success. Ear tags require a smaller transmitter package than a collar mount. This typically results in reduced operational life, power output, and pulse rate, and a more fragile external transmitting antenna. Designs with internalized an- tennas reduce transmission efficiency. Implants, which have been successfully used in a variety of ap- plications, involve a comparatively difficult and inva- sive procedure for "attachment"and yield a reduced range of signal reception. Harnesses have been used in applications on young felids, where collars would likely be removed aackson et al. 1985, Blacknvellet al. 1991). Harnesses are more difficult to construct An expandableradiocollar on an 8-month-oldelk of the Jackson and fit than collars and are more likely to be sources elk herd in northwestWyoming. Address for Bruce L. Smith: National Elk Refuge, P.O. Box C, Jackson, WY 83001, USA. Address for William P. Burger during this re- search: Telonics, Inc., 932 E. Impala Drive, Mesa, AZ 85204, USA. Present address for William P. Burger: Arizona Game and Fish De- partment, 2221 W. Greenway Road, Phoenix, AZ 85023, USA. Address for FrancisJ. Singer during this research: Yellowstone National Park, WY 82190, USA. Present address for Francis J. Singer: Biological Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey, Natural Resource Ecology Lab, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523, USA. Wildiife Society Bulletin 1998, 26(1):113-117 Peer refereed 114 Wildlife SocietyBulletin 1998, 26(1):113117 of irritation to animals. Given these limitations, ex- dus), and ibex (Capra ibex). This collar has not pandable collars have been the attachment method been previously described in the scientific litera- of choice for instrumentation of juvenile ungulates; ture. whereas, ear tags, implants, and harnesses have more frequently been used on juvenile felids, canids, ur- sids, and mustelids. Collar design Instrumentation of juvenile ungulates requires cre- The collar was a woven elastic band encased in a ative collar design, assembly, and deployment. Col- sleeve of nylon-reinforced vinyl (Fig. 2). The trans- lars should expand to avoid harm to growing animals, mitter package measured 3.5 x 3.5 x 2.8 cm and but remain Elrmlyattached during animals' grooming, weighed 85-105 g (depending on battery configura- social interactions, and brushing against vegetation. tion); it was riveted to the sleeve and elastic, and The earliest designs of expandable collars had limited wrapped in vinyl tape to secure loose edges of the applications and a number of problems (Fashing- sleeve. The elastic, which provided a 2:1 ratio of ex- bauer 1962, Hamilton 1962, Hawkins 1967). One ex- pansion to contraction length, was protected from pandable radiocollar, designed for use on pronghorn debris by stitching the length of the outer edges of (Antilocapra americana) fawns, was constructed of the sleeve with number-69 nylon-bonded thread. an inner, elastic collar suspended inside an outer, stiff Length of the elastic and sleeve materials accommo- collar (Beale and Smith 1979). The design was bulky, dated the maximum neck circumference of mature and the collar tended to snag vegetation. Steigers and elk(64cminF, 80cminM). Flinders (1980) described a collar constructed from To provide a snug fit on neonates, 2 5-cm sections an automobile safety belt with a coil-retractor for ex- of the contracted collar were pinched into loops and pansion and a surgical rubber insert serving as a sewn at their bases (Fig. 2). The base of 1 loop was breakaway device. This collar also was bulky and eas- zig-zag stitched with 1 row of cotton-covered poly- ily caught and removed on vegetation, and the break- away mechanism lasted only 6 months in the field. A collar described by Kolz andJohnson (1980) had lim- ited expansion capability and suspended the trans- mitter package as a pendant, that was potentially bothersome to the animal and subject to damage. More recent designs used on black bears (Strathearn et al. 1984) and ungulates (Holzenbein 1992, Keister et al. 1988) were constructed of stiff materials and were approximately round, rather than conforming to an ungulate's ovoid neck shape. They also had lim- ited expansion capabilities. We describe a light-weight, flexible collar that conforms to an ungulate's neck and readily expands with growth (Fig. 1). The collar is designed simi- larly to one used successfully on mouflons (Ovis musimon; Bon and Cugnasse 1992). It differs from the mouflon collar in not using tubular moun- taineering webbing to enclose part of the antenna and transmitter package. Although the webbing has high tensile strength, it comes in a limited selection of widths, cut ends can fray, and it more readily be- comes snagged in habitats with dense, woody vege- tation than the material we used. The expandable collar we used in 2 studies of juvenile elk (Cerrus elaphus) was an adaptable design by Telonics Inc. (Mesa, Ariz.) that was previously used to monitor other juvenile ungulates, including mule deer (Odo- coileus hemionus), white-tailed deer (O. virgini- anus), bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis), prong- Fig. 1. A 4-day-old calf of the Jacksonelk herd in northwest horn, moose (Alces alces), caribou (Rangifer taran- Wyomingequipped with an expandableradiocollar in june 1991. Expandableradiocollar * Smithet al. 115 Loops sewn for months, and we modified the collar design to extend smaller sizing its durability and attachment period beyond the 1 El a s t i c i n 6 . ; k *w* y t a b year required in the Yellowstone study. These modi- fications increased the collar's weight to 230 g, about 1.2%of the average capture weight (19.7 + 0.28 kg) of 164 elk calves that averaged 3.6 + 0.14 days-old. Collar modifications included: < hardware 1. Heavier sleeve material (0.61 kg\m2 vs. 0.44 kg\m2), which limited contraction of the elastic Transmitter package band and yielded a collar circumference of ap- proximately 33 cm when deployed. Fig.2. Designof the radiocollarused to monitorneonatal elk of 2. Wider elastic (3.8 cm vs. 2.5 cm). theJackson elk herdin northwestWyoming, l 990-1992. 3. Transmitter package attachment sites, which were the weakest areas of the Yellowstone col- ester thread, and the base of the other was sewn with lars, were reinforced with machine belting. 2 rows, allowing the loops to be added sequentially 4. Backing plate and attachment bolts (Fig. 1) to the collar circumference under pressure from the were reduced in size (from 3.2-cm spacing be- growing neck. The collars were also designed with a tween the 2 bolts to 2.2 cm, and from 8-32 to 632 breakaway tab, in which the elastic band was cut, bolt size) to fit the machine belting (3.8 cm wide). and the 2 ends sewn together with cotton-covered 5. The contracted length of 2 loops sewn into the polyester thread (Fig.
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