— Vol 34. MilRION. CRITTENDEN COUNTY, KENTiCKY. July, 27, 1911 NUMBER 5 fifty years ago last Friday, that 50 acres, $450.00. BLUE AND GRAY Bull Run, or the battle of Ma- TWINS MARRY TWINS EX-EDITOR HONORED J. F. Stan berry to W. A. New- THE RECIPROCITY nassas, was fought. The Con- com, 82 acres, $250.00. AT MANASSAS federates under Johnson were H. H. Loving to P. W. Loving, BlU PASSES accredited with a decisive vic- Woie Different Flowers So As To Livingston County Man Gets Office lot, $500.00. tory over the union forces under Ky. Fluor Spar Co., to Distinguish Each at Fraakfort at The Hands el Nunn Md)owelI, the defeat of the ft Gilbert, land. $4000.00. Former Foes March Across Fields Other. SapL Regenstcin. By Overwhelming Majority of 53 Federals leaving practically a Blue & Nunn to Th9 LaRue Once Flowing With Gore-~Spec- clear road to Washington for the Co., land, *5000.00. to 27-President Taft's EHorU tedtlUfM iiWilMy. Confederates, it is said, had they E. A. Tabor to H. H. Kirk, Proved Succeuhil. Austin. Tex., -Missouri twins Frankfort, Ky., .July 10-State chosen to continue their advance land, $1000.00. married Texas twins at San School Superintedent Regenstein on the capital. This was the j W. B. Myens to J. E. Wright, Marcos, thirteen miles south of today appointed Charles Fergu- Manassas, Va., July first real battle of the war, and 72 acres, $2500.00. 21.— The Washington, .Iul\- 22. - son, of Livingston first After here. The brides were Alma and Ca, as D. N. Blue and Ony nuurelMd aeroM its results awakened the North Humphrey to H. E. a fight lasting more than Alta Moore and the bridegrooms clerk in his office to succeed L. a yenr, the fields of Manassas to meet for the first time to a realization Cline. 3 acres, f 400. 00. President were Leiand and Loran Tablor, N. Taylor, who resigned to be- Taft succeeded in get* each other &K&\n today. This of what the secession of the L. H. James to S. F. Brown, ting through of Adrian. Mo. An interesting ome superintendent of the Day- the Senate an incident, unique in history, the Southern states meant It was 10 acres. •262.00. amended reciprocity bill that will feature of the wedding is that ton Public Schools. meeting: of Federal and Confed- here that "Stmiewair' Jackson J. J. Hughes to W. S. Hughes. tear down the brides resembled each other Fergqson taught for several the tariff walls be- erate 1 acre. $10.00. veterans on the field where gained the name which will be tween this country soekMelythat intimate friends years and waa County School and Canada. they fought a battle just associated with his memory for David E. Williams 0. miRhty to Wood- The vote in the Senate cannot tell them apart and the Superintendent of Livingston for was fifty yean aRo, attrieted aa wit- all time ards, land, $800.00. 58 for the bill to 27 against it. In August. 18G2, Manassas bridegrooms look as much alike four years and was Editor of the nesses the president of the Georgia Anne Graves to D. The final vote as two peas. The brides were "Livingston Echo." folkmlng the de- United States, the of was again the scene of a bloody Fox, interest in land. t75.00. governor feat of all the amendments dressed alike, as were the bride- in Virsrinia, the home of the Con- battle, Lee and Longstreet and J. W. Kemp to J. P. Buller, rapid order. On the final vote Sykes. Reno and Reynolds fought grooms. To distinguish one from federate capital, and visitors 2 acres, $50 00. the measure's the other dfferent flowers were opponents were states. to a draw, the battle lines being R. H. Moore to from many DEEDS RECORDED A. H. Seed, able to muster more votes than worn. The two couples left to- It exactly the reverse of what they house and lot, was the crowning feature $1500.00. in the voting on the amend- were the year before. gether on a bridal trip and will sImo LmI of the Manassas Peace JuMlee Ov l«Mt J. W. Ellington to W. H. ments. be at home in Adrian, Mo., and The Jubilee Reunion was plan- m Harderty, int., in Reunion which bejjan last land, $20.00. Both Kentucky Senators voted about two weeks. They will oc- with ned by committees of the Grand Lou B. Johnson to O. C Ford, M. E. Hardesty W. Sunday a sermon on the to H. for the bill. Senator Paynter cupy adjoining new hoosea ex- Army of the Republic and the interest in land, fW.tX) Hardesty, int., court house lawn by Rev. H. N. in land $50.00. surprised the prophets by voting United Confederate Veterans. actly alike. Couden, chaplain of the House J. M. Ford to 0. C. Ford, in- C. J. Neill to Stockbrander & consistently The circumstances of the court- agidnit all amend- of Representatives, who lost his Interesting events have taken terest in land, $650.00. Kemmener, 97 acres, $4000.00. ments and in favoT of the bill on place each day this week, ses- ship are romantic. The young sight while serving in the Union Nile A. O'Neal to J. H. Stans- J. H. McDowell to Hey Stal- final passage. sions of the national organiza- men heard about a year ago of ranks. berry. 32 Acres 1860 00. lions, 4 acres. $800.00. The measure, however, can- tion of "The Blue and the Gray the twin girls and this led to President Taft and Gov. Mann J. R. Reed to Ulbum Blgfaam, J. R. Lofton to G. H. Ford, not become a law until next and Their Sons" being held to- correspondence and exchange of long ago had accepted invita- lot, *75.00 7 acres, $80.00. Wednesday, as the House ad- day. photographs. Laat Christmas tions to be the guests of honor 0. E. Duncan to W. J. Duncan, Hey Stallions to G. C. Collins, journed at 12:09 the young men came to see the o'clock until The Manassas National An- house of the day, to review the lines of 19 acres, $50.00 and lot, $350.00. that time. The bill must be re- them, adopted by the committee, girls and became engaged. g^ray-haired veterans and make J. S. Steele to I,. T^. Steele, J. M. Moore to T. F. Harris, turned to the House for engross- addresses in was written by Mrs. Mary lot, $800.00. the afternoon. In interest in land, $100.00. ment before it can be signed by Speed Mercer, of Elm City, N. the evening they met the old LillieA. Moore to Henry H. William Polk to J. Polk. 100 the President. soldiers C. This is the chorus: acres, and other visitors at a A general all round knock down Sullinger, int., in land, $75.00. $1800.00. "America, all hail to thee. RECIPROCITY bill's COURSE. public reception. and drag out accompanied with H. E. Cline to The LaRue Nora F. Phillips to E. L. Nunn. Thanks be to God who made us March 1910. The following program had "razor carving" in real coon Company, 10 acres, $800.00. land exchange. 80, -Following i free. J. the announcement been acranged for the day: style was pulled off near Salem C. E. Weldon to Learner Guess, M. Woodal to C. N. Byrd, of a complete North, South, East, West, hand agreement with 9 a. m. — Veterans in blue and last Saturday night. ^Vhen the! lot tSOO.OO. land, exchange. Canada on max- clasped in hand. gray assemble at Henry House, smoke cleared away one negro B. L. SuUenger to R. L. Lynn, imum and minimum provision of { United we, thy children, stand." the on battlefield. was dead and several wounded 120 acres, $1200.00. NOTKE Payne-Aldrich tariflf law, j 10 a. m.— Addresses of Wel- President Taft invited a confer- ' J. F. Rodgers to C. Neill, and later several were under ar- J. To Debtors of F. G. Cox it Sen ence on closer trade come by ('ol. Edmund Berkeley, What The Papers Say rest awaiting the final action of 121) acres, $1250.00 We have sold our hardware relations. 8th Virginia, and United January 7. 1911—Osnadian States Abeat Our RcprcMaathrssl Squire Stevens on the examining J. B. Hubbard to J. Ernest business and re(|uest all parties to us to representatives arrive. Senator Thomas S. Martin, of trial. Fox. house and lot, $1000.00. indebted oome forward and settle at once. January H-21 Virginia. Bill and Harvo Forman. Turn- Mont Davenport to T. W. Dav Reciprocity neg- P. G. Cox ft Son. Responses by Gen. John E. Hon. M. F. Pogne For Speaker Says «2000.00. ators in session. er Blaine and Jim Tliurman were enport, 124 acres, Salem, Ky. January 26— President Gilham, commander in chief of DiM JemaL landed safely in jail for killing G. F. Sullinger to F. M. Wal- Taft sends agreement to Senate. the Grand Army of the Republic, Frank Moss near Salem last Sat- lace. 100 acres, ^340. 00. and General George W. Gordon, urday night. Blaine was turned G. W. Yates to D. N. Hum- January 28— McCall (Republi- Hon. M. F. Poffue. of Critten- STOP TRAIN AND grand commander of the United can) introduces reciprocity bill. has been renomi- loose Tuesday mornmg, he being phrey, 3 acres, *500.00. den countv, February 14 Confederate Veterans. Finley Pieree, -Passed House, nated by the legislative district only a witness, and the examin- A.
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