Koustov et al. Earth, Planets and Space (2020) 72:43 https://doi.org/10.1186/s40623-020-01170-w FULL PAPER Open Access Comparison of SuperDARN peak electron density estimates based on elevation angle measurements to ionosonde and incoherent scatter radar measurements Alexander V. Koustov1* , Sydney Ullrich1, Pavlo V. Ponomarenko1, Robert G. Gillies2, David R. Themens3 and Nozomu Nishitani4 Abstract Measurements of the electron density at the F region peak by the Canadian Advanced Digital Ionosonde (CADI) and the Resolute Incoherent Scatter Radar (RISR) are used to assess the quality of peak electron density estimates made from elevation angle measurements by the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) high-frequency radar at Rankin Inlet (RKN). All three instruments monitor the ionosphere near Resolute Bay. The CADI-RKN joint dataset comprises measurements between 2008 and 2017 while RISR-RKN dataset covers about 60 daylong events in 2016. Reasonable agreement between the RKN estimates and measurements by CADI and RISR is shown. Two minor dis- crepancies are discussed: RKN radar daytime peak electron density overestimation by ~ 10% and underestimation by up to 30% in other time sectors. In winter nighttime and dawn, cases were identifed in which the RKN radar signif- cantly overestimates the peak electron density. This occurs when the phase in the RKN interferometer measurements is incorrectly shifted by 2π , and this is most signifcant when electron densities are low. Statistical ftting to the joint data sets, split into four time sectors of a day, has been done and parameters of the ft have been determined. These allow slight adjustment of measured real-time RKN values to better refect real peak electron densities in the iono- sphere within its feld of view. Keywords: F region electron density, SuperDARN radars, Elevation angles, CADI ionosonde, RISR incoherent scatter radar Introduction radio waves toward the ground where they can be either Knowledge of the electron density distribution in the detected by a communication receiver or can be back- high-latitude ionosphere is fundamentally important for scattered by the surface and detected by a ground-based various practical applications such as high-frequency radar receiver near their location of transmission. (HF) radio wave communication (Davies 1990; Hun- Decades of research has led to a general understanding sucker 1991; Rawer 2013). At HF, radio waves expe- of the horizontal and vertical distributions of the electron rience signifcant ionospheric refraction resulting in density in the ionosphere, culminating in the develop- strong bending of radio paths and occasionally turning ment of empirical models of the ionosphere such as the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI, Bilitza et al. 2017) and the Empirical Canadian High Arctic Iono- *Correspondence: [email protected] spheric Model (E-CHAIM, Temens et al. 2017, 2019), 1 Department of Physics and Engineering Physics, University which is an improved empirical model for high-latitude of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada Full list of author information is available at the end of the article regions. © The Author(s) 2020. 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Earth, Planets and Space (2020) 72:43 Page 2 of 14 It is well established that the ionospheric F region has the estimates rely on the occurrence of Pedersen rays the largest electron density and thus afects HF radio (Davies 1990) that reach the top of the ionospheric layer waves in the most signifcant way. Te electron density and return with about the same elevation angle from a at the F layer maximum NmF2 has always been of spe- number of ranges (Ponomarenko et al. 2011). Te algo- cial interest, both experimentally and in the theoretical rithm by Ponomarenko et al. (2011) requires an echoing modeling of the physical processes leading to ionosphere region with Pedersen rays extending at least ~ 200 km. formation (e.g., Kutiev et al. 2013). Despite signifcant Although the possibility of producing peak electron progress in this area, numerous details and trends in the density measurements with the SuperDARN radars has electron density distribution require further investigation been known for years, the method has not been regularly so that forecasting capabilities can be improved. implemented and very limited testing of the method has Te electron density at the F region peak has been been done so far (André et al. 1998; Ponomarenko et al. traditionally studied through ionosonde observations 2011). Part of the problem is the need for reliable echo (Davies 1990; Hunsucker 1991; Rawer 2013). Tis is elevation angle measurements which require difcult because obtaining the maximum electron density value calibration of phased arrays in the HF band (e.g., Pon- from routinely recorded ionograms is a relatively easy omarenko et al. 2015, 2018). Testing has also been limited task provided that the ionogram traces are well defned. by the need for an independent instrument measuring Ionosonde data are usually available with 1 to 15 min res- the electron density distribution in the ionosphere within olution. Over the years, a signifcant body of data, cover- the radar feld of view. Very few SuperDARN radars have ing a wide range of latitudes, has been accumulated (e.g., ionosondes or ISRs positioned at ranges where electron https ://www.sws.bom.gov.au/World _Data_Centr e). densities are typically obtained. Te electron density distribution with height, along Te SuperDARN radar at Rankin Inlet (RKN) is one with the F layer peak values, is also routinely retrieved of a few radars that has reliable elevation angle data for from incoherent scatter radar (ISR) measurements (Bey- many years of operation (Chisham 2018; Ponomarenko non and Williams 1978; Hunsucker 1991; Rawer 2013). et al. 2011). Continuous operation of the Canadian Modern phased-array ISRs sound the ionosphere along Advanced Digital Ionosonde (CADI) at Resolute Bay several beams nearly simultaneously, allowing them (Jayachandran et al. 2009) and the recent deployment of to build a 3-D distribution of the electron density with an ISR at the same location (to be referred to as RISR) temporal resolutions often as good as 1 min (e.g., Gil- provide an excellent opportunity for testing the quality of lies et al. 2016). One important aspect of both ionosonde electron density estimates from RKN observations near and ISR operations is that the region of measurements the Resolute Bay zenith. is reasonably constrained and known. Tis is necessary Tis study expands the initial work by Ponomarenko for multi-instrument studies, and for the development et al. (2011) by performing a multi-year and two-instru- of ionospheric models, such as the IRI series (Bilitza ment comparison of the F region peak electron density 2018), E-CHAIM and others (e.g., Temens et al. 2017, estimates from RKN observations of ionospheric echoes. 2019). However, for some applications a global coverage is highly desired. Despite the continuously growing array SuperDARN method of F region peak electron of ionosondes and ISRs, their numbers are still limited density estimates from elevation angle and achieving global coverage for instantaneous electron measurements density measurements is still a challenging task. SuperDARN HF radar waves transmitted into the iono- Relatively recently, the Super Dual Auroral Radar Net- sphere experience strong refraction that depends on the work (SuperDARN) radars, which operate within the HF vertical distribution of the electron density. An important band, have been used for measurements of the F region result of the refraction is that radio waves can propagate peak electron density (André et al. 1998; Bland et al. almost perpendicular to the geomagnetic feld lines in 2014; Ponomarenko et al. 2011). To make electron den- extended regions of the high-latitude F layer, often stretch- sity estimates, elevation angles of echo arrival are con- ing from 700 to 1200 km in range. In this “quasi-orthogo- sidered. Both types of SuperDARN echoes, ionospheric nal” radio wave propagation, the presence of feld-aligned scatter (IS) and ground scatter (GS), have been used for decameter irregularities allows for return signals detectable electron density measurements. Identifcation of the ion- by radar. Of special interest are ionospheric signals cor- ospheric region for the electron density estimates is less responding to Pedersen rays. For Pedersen rays, typically certain than with the ionosondes and ISRs. For the work coming from above the F layer maximum, the returned ele- with GS signals, the region of strong radio wave bending vation angles are about the same irrespective of the radar (leading to radio waves turning toward the ground) can range. One important aspect here is that elevation angles be as large as several hundred kilometers. For IS signals, for Pedersen rays and those coming from the maximum Koustov et al. Earth, Planets and Space (2020) 72:43 Page 3 of 14 of the F layer difer insignifcantly, on the order of ~ 1°–2°. be a sphere of the radius of 6370 km) and γ is the angle Tis can be shown by ray tracing for typical ionospheric of the magnetic feld line (within the scattering volume) conditions, see for example Greenwald et al.
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