VOL. 50 — NO. 9 POSTMASTER: All forms 3579 are to be forwarded to Detroit Federation of Teachers, 2875 W. Grand Blvd., Detroit, MI 48202 JUNE 2012 Why Do I Need a Union? Ninety percent of teachers never need to call their union. • Their checks show up without glitches. • They are not unfairly disciplined. DFT President Keith Johnson held a press conference May 25 at the DFT to • The district has them on the right step announce legal action against the evaluation process. at the right time. • The are liked and understood by parents and principals alike. • They know when and how to retire The District “Royally without an advisor. But some teachers need the help of the union. And it could be you. “You don’t know when it’s your time,” Screwed Up” Evaluations says DFT President Keith Johnson. “We The DFT met with the district throughout the year on an evaluation tool and process don’t like having to pay auto insurance. for Detroit teachers. But the district ran out of time and, under a state mandate that all But I got rear-ended by a drunk driver on Michigan teachers be evaluated this year, rushed a shoddy process to evaluate teachers. Dec. 23, 2010. Without insurance I would have no car but still be responsible for the DFT President Keith Johnson held a press conference May 25 to announce that the note.” district will not get away with the way it is evaluating teachers. You may or may not need the union’s “The district screwed this up royally,” Johnson said. “And we’re not going to pay expertise for an inter-personal problem for it. We’ve already paid for their ineptitude with a 10 percent pay cut.” but you certainly will need it to negotiate As late as April, most Detroit teachers had not been evaluated this year, Johnson your salary and benefits, work hours and said. In fact, most Detroit teachers had not been evaluated in a decade, or ever. In the class size limits. Just recently the DFT 2009 contract, long before evaluations were mandated by the state, the DFT negotiated won a 2.5 percent payback of wages taken to jointly develop a tool and process for evaluations. Three years later, we still have by the emergency manager. not reached agreement on this. Automatic dues deductions will end “We agree we need to be evaluated for our performance,” Johnson said. “I do not June 30 unless a court order stops the plan want someone in this profession who cannot and will not adhere to its tenets.” passed by the Republican-controlled state But the district is rushing to get evaluations done in the last few weeks of the year. legislature. The DFT is asking each mem - DPS hired retired principals to conduct some evaluations. Many teachers got one ber to sign an alternative dues plan. So far, “drive-by” evaluation that was conducted in as little as four minutes. more than 1,000 members have signed up. “Twelve minutes out of six hours out of 180 days is not a measure of a teacher’s ef - DFT and AFT Michigan staff will visit fectiveness,” Johnson said. your building by the end of the year to In addition, the district will need about 700 fewer teachers next year. But it is partic - sign up. ipating in job fairs and recruiting people from Teach for America. “We’re convinced “One of the underlying reasons for hav - that they simply want to get rid of teachers,” Johnson said. ing a union,” Johnson said, “is you get the The union will take legal action, he said, if any Detroit teacher is not retained be - benefits of everything we have worked for.” cause of these hurried year-end evaluations. “We are preparing the most monumental lawsuit against DPS in recent history.” Page 2 Detroit Teacher June 2012 Apathy on Dues is Disappointing, Maybe Fatal his spring the Michigan legisla- laid off in June 2009 that made them ture passed a bill the governor President’s Report whole for up to 30 days in lost wages Tsigned that was specifically de- (they were all called back before 4th signed to destroy teacher unions. This Wednesday count). law prohibits school districts from de- • Won arbitration for teachers not re- ducting membership dues (and agency Keith called according to seniority. shop fees) from members' paychecks Johnson • Won arbitration for teachers laid off and would make it virtually impossible yet placed in positions for which they for locals to represent their members. It were certified and paid as substitutes. appears that some of our DFT brothers These teachers were made whole for and sisters are willing to contribute to the difference between substitute pay the END OF THE DFT! DON'T HAVE A UNION? and contract pay. Since the legislation passed we have At a time when we need to galvanize This is only an example of what the been working diligently with our state against those in Lansing who want to DFT has accomplished on behalf of our federation, AFT Michigan, to secure make Michigan a "right to not work" membership. This does not include the voluntary deduction forms from our state, members blame the ineffective- problems we resolve for members members. ness of the union for our challenges every day. This does not reflect the To date only 14 percent of our mem- rather than what the Republican-led questions Patrick, Mershira, Judy, bership has signed up for the voluntary legislature has done to divide us. Karin, Terrence, Mark and Edna an- deduction. They would rather complain and swer daily. This doesn't include the Considering all the DFT has accom- criticize than engage in the fight. This service provided by Estella, Samarrah plished through the years — negotiat- is exactly what our nemesis wants to and Barbara, our clerical staff that ing progressive collective bargaining see: that the fight is out of the DFT. If works hard to ensure every member re- rights, salaries and benefits, winning the DFT falls, every other teacher local ceives quality service. major groundbreaking arbitration in the state will fall like dominos. Without dues we don't have Mar- cases, successfully representing mem- Some members have apparently for- garet, who produces the award winning bers who were violated or mistreated gotten all this union has done for them Detroit Teacher, which highlights all of — it is APPALLING that in the time of through the years. Here are a few re- the positive things about Detroit Public our union's greatest challenge, some of minders from recent history: Schools that YOU AND YOUR STU- our brothers and sisters are apparently • Donation of sick days to colleagues DENTS make happen. Margaret also willing to let THEIR UNION DIE! who are enduring catastrophic ill- keeps you informed with the most up- Some members contend they don't nesses. to-date FACTUAL information via the need the union. They never have a • Daily prep for elementary teachers DFT website. problem with an administrator. No one after 40 years of fighting. The DFT has NEVER run from a ever bothers them. They get paid for • SuperSteps for teachers who achieve fight. We win because we fight for what what they do, etc. National Board Certification. is right. Some of those who have bene- What they fail to realize is those bat- • District Liability Coverage for mem- fitted from the battles won by this great tles have already been fought so they bers named in a lawsuit. The district union don't feel the need to KEEP what didn't have to fight them. will represent and indemnify them. has been fought for and won. Maybe They also don't realize that one day This becomes the PRIMARY cover- they didn't have to fight themselves. it may be THEIR TURN to need the age thus allowing the AFT Occupa- Maybe they believe the days of a strong representation from THEIR UNION. tional Liability Coverage to become union are over. Without the dues, however, the DFT the SECONDARY protection. If we allow this attitude to prevail, WON'T BE THERE! • Negotiated agreement that allowed they will be right. Then all of the ac- Some members say the union hasn't teachers laid off in 2006, 2007 and complishments of the DFT under done anything for them or "look what's 2008 to maintain their REGULAR MaryEllen Riordan, John Elliott, Janna happening now even though we have a CONTRACT PAY while getting cer- Garrison, Virginia Cantrell and me will union." tified in special education AND re- die with the DFT. There will be no one What have they asked the union to imbursing them for their tuition to blame except those who would not do that is permitted but failed to do? costs. stand up for the union that for so long Imagine what would be done if YOU • A settlement for teachers improperly stood for them. June 2012 The Detroit Teacher Page 3 Updates . The Detroit Teacher DFT Staff Gets Layoff Notices Wins Eight In May all staff at the DFT office received layoff notices, effective Aug. 24, due to uncertainties related to dues collec - National Awards tion. The DFT has won eight national awards in the 2012 AFT “Depending on the timeliness of dues collection or whether Communications Network Contest: we win our legal challenge to the law, we hope to rescind most of these layoffs before they go into effect,” DFT President • First place in Design for The Detroit Teacher. Keith Johnson said. • First place in Layout for The Detroit Teacher.
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