FAO Fisheries Synopsis No. 82 FIRM/Sri (Distribution restricted) SAST - Ammodytes toblanus - 1.72(04),002,02 Ammodytos dublus - 1.72(04),002,05 Ammodyte. amepleaT178 - 1.72(04),002,06 Ammodytes ma,'Inus - 1.72(04),002,07 SYNOPSIS OF BIOLOGICAL DATA ON NORTH ATLANTIC SAND EELS OF THE GENUS AMMODYTES A. tobianus, A. dubius, A. americanus and A. marinus Prepared by P. J. Reay FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS ROME, 1970 DOCUMENTS OF THE FISHERY DOCUMENTS DE LA DIVISION DES DOCUMENTOS DE LA DIRECCION RESOURCES DIVISION OF FAO DE- RESSOURCES HALIEUTIQUES DU DE- DE RECURSOS PESQUEROS DEL DE- PARTMENT OF FISHERIES PARTEMENT DES PÊCHES DE LA FAO PARTAMENTO DE PESCA DE LA FAO Documents whicharenotofficial Des documents qui ne figurent pas Esta Subdirección publica varias se- FAO publications are issued in several parmi les publications officielles de la ries de documentos que no pueden series. They aregivenarestricted FAO sont publiés dans diverses séries. considerarse como publicacionesofi- distribution and thisfact should be Is font seulement l'objet d'une distri- ciales de la FAO. Todos ellos tienen indicatedifthey arecited. Most of bution restreinte, aussi convient-il de distribución limitada, circunstancia que them are prepared as working papers le préciser lorsque ces documents sont debe indicarse en el caso de ser ci- for meetings, or are summaries of infor- cités.lis'agit le plus souvent de do- tados. La mayoría de los títulos que mationforuseof member govern- cuments de travail préparés pour des figuranen dichas series son docu- ments,organizations,and specialists réunions, ou de résumés d'information mentos de trabajopreparadospara concerned. àl'intentiondes gouvernements des reuniones o resúmenes de información pays membres, ainsi que des organi- destinados a los estados miembros, sations et spécialistes intéressés. Ces organizaciones y especiálistasintere- séries sont les suivantes: sados. FAO Fisheries Report FRJR (No.) FAO Fisheries Circular FRIC (No.) FAO Fisheries Synopsis FR/S (No.) Special groups of synopses are iden- Des catégories spéciales de synopses Grupos especiales de sinopsisse tified by symbols followed by classifi- sont identifiées à l'aide de symboles distinguen conlassiglassiguientes, cation numbers based on indexed code suivis des chiffres de classification ba- seguidas por números de clasificación of "Current Bibliography": sés surlecode d'indexation de la que se basan en las claves de los ín- <'Current Bibliography »: dices dela<'Current Bibliography. SAST Dataconcerningcertainspe- SAST Données sur certaines espèces SAST Datos relativos a ciertas espe- cies andfishstocks. et populations de poissons. cies y poblaciones. MAST Informationonmethodsand MAST Renseignements surdes mé- MAST Sinopsis sobre métodos y ma- subjects. thodes et des sujeth. terias. OT Oceanographic data. 01 Données océanopraphiques. 01 Sinopsis sobre oceanografía. IT Limnological data. IT Données limnologiques. IT Sinopsis sobre limnologia. and et y CART Information concerning fish- CART Renseignements sur les pêche- CART Información sobre los recursos eries and resources of certain ries etles ressources de cer- acuáticosvivos de algunos countries and regions (FID/S). tains pays et régions (FD/S). países y regiones (FID/S). FAO Fisheries Technical Paper FRIT (No.) Special groups of Technical Papers Des catégories spéciales de docu- Grupos especiales de documentos are identified by: ments techniquessontidentifiéesà técnicos se identifican por las siglas l'aide des symboles suivants: siguientes: RE Indexedlistsofexpertsand RE Listesindexéesd'expertset RE Listas índices de expertos y de institutions drawn fromRegis- institutions tirées des registres institucionestomadasdelos ters maintained by the Fishery tenus à jour parlaDivision registros que se llevan enla Resources Division. des ressources halieutiques. Dirección de Recursos Pesque- ros. CB Lists of periodicals, special CB Listes de périodiques, des sec- CB Listas de periódicos, secciones sections of "Current Bibliogra- tions spéciales de la 'Current especiales de la «Current Bi- phy for Aquatic Sciences and Bibliography for Aquatic Scien- bliographyforAquaticScien- Fisheries," special bibliogra- ces and Fisheries «, des biblio- ces and Fisheries '<,bibliogra- phiesandpapersconcerning graphiesparticulièresetdes fías especiales y trabajos rela- documentation problems. articlessurles problèmes de tivos a los problemas de docu- documentation. mentación MFS Provisionaleditionsof"FAO MFS Editionsprovisoires des «Ma- MFS Ediciones provisionales de los Manuals inFisheries Science." nuels FAO de science halieu- «Manualesde la FAO de tique «. Ciencias Pesqueras '>. Some documents also have another Certains documents portent parfois Algunos documentos tienen también identification, if, for example, they have d'autres numéros d'identification,par otra identificación si, por ejemplo, son beencontributedto ameetingfor exemple, s'ilsont été préparés pour contribuciones a una reunión cuyos whichpapers have beennumbered une réunion dont les documents ont été documentos han sido marcados con according to another system. marqués à l'aide d'un autre système. arreglo a otros sistemas. FAO Fisheries Synopsis No. 82 FIRM/S82 (Distribution restricted) SÄST - Arninodytes tobianus 1.72 04) 002,02 Ammod.y-tes d.ubius 1,72 04 002,05 Ainmodytes aznericanus 1.72 04 002,06 Amrnod,y-tes marinus 1.72 04 002,07 SYNOPSIS OF BIOLOGICAL DATA ON NORTH ATLA1TIC SMmEELS OF TIDE HNUS A!OODYTES (A.tobianus, A.dubius, A.aznericanus and. A,marinus) Prepared by P.J. REAY Marine Reso,.u'oes Research Unit Portsmouth Polytechnic Portsmouth, U.K. BDOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF TKD UNITED NATIONS Rome, October1970 PREPARATION OF THIS SThOPSIS This Synopsis is concerned with the biolor and exploitation of Amrnodytes species in the North Atlantic, The inclusion of four species within the sane Synopsis is justified by their close similarity, and by the relatively small amount of available information on them; some data from the related Pacific species have also been included? but only in sections where no information was available on the Atlantic species, i Sandeels are currently of considerable importance as a fishmeal resource in the North Sea, and such exploitation is likely to develop in other North Atlantic areas in the near future; inshore species are less important and their present use is mainly as bait. The author wishes to acicwwledge the advice and information received from A, Wheeler (British Museum (Natural History)) and C.T, Macer (Fisheries Laboratory, Lowestoft) during the preparation of this Synopsis, Distribution "Current Bibliography" entry FAO Department of Fisheries Reay, P,J. (1970) 17.-6M32O FAO Regional Fisheries Officers FAO Fish.Synops., (82):pag,var, Regional Fisheries Councils and Synopsis of biological data on North Commissions Atlantic sandeels of the genus Ammodytes Selector SÌ' (A, tobianus, A. dubius, A, americenus Author and A. marinusT JLNW, AilE, Ammodytidae, Taxonomy, nomenclature. Morphology, Di etribut ion, Bionomics and life history, Behaviour, Population, Exploitation. Protection, Management, Pond fish culture. Selected bibliography, FIR1T,/S82 North Atlantic Sarideels CONTENTS Page i IDE2TITY 1:1 1.1Nomenclature i 1.11 Valid names i 1.12Objective synon1my* 1.2Taxonomy 2 1,21Affinities 2 1.22Taxonomic status 3 1.23Subspecies* 1,24Standard common nan, vernacular name s 3 Morphology 1.3 5 1.31 External morphology 5 1.32Cytomorphology5f 1.33Protein specificity* 2 DISTRIBUTION 2:1 2.1 Total area 1 2,2Differential distribution 1 2.21Spawn, larvae and juveniles 1 2.22Adults 4 2,3Determinants of distribution 4 2.4 I{ybridization* 3 BIONOMICS AND LIFE HISTORY 3:1 3.1Reiiroduction 1 3.11Sexuality i 3,12Maturity i 3.13Mating* 3.14Fertiliza-tion* 3.15Gonads i 3.16Spawning 2 3.17Spawn 3 3.2Preadult phase 3 3,21Embryonic phase 3 3,22Larval phase 3 3.23Adolescent phase 5 3.3Adult phase 5 3.31Longevity 5 3.32Hardiness 5 3.33Competitors 5 3.34Predators 6 3,35Parasites, diseases, injuries and abnormalities 6 iv FIRM S82North Atlantic Sandeels 304Nutrition and growth 3:7 3.4].Feeding 7 3.42Food. 3,43Growth rate 8 3.44Metabolism* 3.5Behaviow 12 3.51Migration and, local movements 12 3.52Schooling 12 3.53Responses to stimuli 13 4 FOJLATION 4:1 4.1 Struc'ture i 4,11Sexratio i 4,12Age composition i 4.13Size composition i 4.2Abundance and, density 4 4.21Average abundance 4 4.22Changes in abundance 4 4.23Average density 4 4.24Changes in density 4 4,3Nata1itr and recruitment 5 4,31Reproduction rates* 4.32Factors affecting reprod.uction* 4,33Recruitment 5 4.4Mortality and morbidity 5 4.41Mortality rates 5 4.42Factors causing or affecting mortality 5 4.43Factors affecting morbiditylf 4.44Relation of morbidity to mortality rates* 4,5Dynanics ofpopulation (as a whole)* 4.6The population in the comnmnity and the ecosystem 5 5 CPLOITATION 5:1 5,1 Fishing Euiument 1 5.11Gears i 5.12Boats 1 5,2 Fishing Areas 1 5.21General geographic distribution 1 5.22Geographic ranges 2 5,23Depth ranges 2 5.24Conditions of the grounds 2 £IR/S82 North Atlantic Sand.eels y Pa1e 5,3 Fishing Seasons 5:2 5.31 General pattern of seasons 2 5.32 Dates of beginning, peak and end of seasons 2 5,33 Variation in date or duration of season 3 5.4Fishing operations and results 3 5.41 Effort and intensity 3 5.42 Selectivity 3 5.43 Catches 3 6 PROTECTION MT]) MAiL& 'si 1 6.1 Regulatory (Legislative) measures 1 6,2 Control or alteration ofyeica]. features of the environinent* 6.3 Control or alteration of chemical features of
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