Data :- Spices Board Certified •Organic •ISO 22000 •HACCP •Spice House SEEDS SPICES – A BIRD’S EYE VIEW Presented By: PARNEET SWANI Director SWANI SPICE MILLS PVT LTD. Data :- Spices Board Certified SCOPESCOPE •Organic •ISO 22000 •HACCP •Spice House MAJOR SEED SPICES •CORIANDER •FENNEL • CUMIN •CELERY •FENUGREEK •AJWAIN •DILL MAJOR CONCERNS INDIA’s RESPONSE Data :- Spices Board Certified •Organic •ISO 22000 •HACCP •Spice House CORIANDERCORIANDER AverageAverage globalglobal productionproduction 290,000290,000 -- 335,000335,000 mtsmts AverageAverage globalglobal demanddemand 90,00090,000 –– 95,00095,000 mtsmts IndiaIndia’’ss domesticdomestic consumptionconsumption est.est. 200,000200,000 –– 240,000240,000 mtsmts Data :- Spices Board Certified •Organic •ISO 22000 MAJOR PRODUCERS OF CORIANDER AND SHARE 2008 •HACCP •Spice House CountryCountry QuantityQuantity (MT)(MT) %% shareshare IndiaIndia 257,000257,000 80%80% MoroccoMorocco 15,00015,000 4.7%4.7% BulgariaBulgaria 12,00012,000 3.75%3.75% RomaniaRomania 10,00010,000 3.12%3.12% CanadaCanada 12,00012,000 3.75%3.75% ChinaChina 7,0007,000 2.2%2.2% SyriaSyria 8,0008,000 2.5%2.5% TotalTotal 321,000321,000 100%100% Data :- Spices Board Certified •Organic MAIN EXPORTING COUNTRIES •ISO 22000 •HACCP CORIANDER (2008) •Spice House CountryCountry QuantityQuantity ((mtmt)) %% shareshare IndiaIndia 30,20030,200 32.21%32.21% BulgariaBulgaria 10,00010,000 10.67%10.67% CanadaCanada 9,3419,341 9.96%9.96% RomaniaRomania 9,8169,816 10.47%10.47% SyriaSyria 5,4305,430 5.80%5.80% ChinaChina 5,3295,329 5.68%5.68% MoroccoMorocco 8,6338,633 9.21%9.21% OthersOthers 15,00015,000 16%16% TotalTotal 93,74993,749 100%100% Data :- Spices Board Certified •Organic MAJOR BUYING COUNTRIES OF CORIANDER AND •ISO 22000 SHARE 2008 •HACCP •Spice House CountryCountry QuantityQuantity (MT)(MT) %% shareshare PakistanPakistan 12,25812,258 13%13% MalaysiaMalaysia 11,60711,607 12.38%12.38% IndonesiaIndonesia 10,73410,734 11.45%11.45% UAEUAE 6,7606,760 7.2%7.2% SouthSouth AfricaAfrica 6,0006,000 6.4%6.4% USAUSA 5,5525,552 5.92%5.92% UKUK 4,1354,135 4.41%4.41% SaudiSaudi ArabiaArabia 3,7713,771 4%4% JapanJapan 3,5193,519 3.75%3.75% Data :- Spices Board Certified •Organic •ISO 22000 International prices of Coriander •HACCP •Spice House (Price in US$/Kg.) Country 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Canada 0.74 0.64 0.57 0.77 1.43 India 1.35 1.58 1.68 1.72 2.45 Bulgaria 0.47 0.48 0.56 1.01 1.41 Data :- Spices Board Certified •Organic •ISO 22000 •HACCP •Spice House CUMINCUMIN AverageAverage globalglobal productionproduction –– 211,000211,000 MTMT AverageAverage globalglobal demanddemand -- 75,00075,000 MTMT IndiaIndia’’ss consumptionconsumption –– 110,000110,000 MTMT ImportImport figuresfigures toto somesome SouthSouth AmericanAmerican countriescountries areare notnot availableavailable mismatchingmismatching thethe demanddemand supplysupply equation.equation. Data :- Spices Board Certified •Organic •ISO 22000 MAJOR PRODUCERS OF CUMIN AND SHARE 2008 •HACCP •Spice House CountryCountry QuantityQuantity (MT)(MT) %% shareshare IndiaIndia 145,000145,000 68.72%68.72% SyriaSyria 18,00018,000 8.53%8.53% ChinaChina 12,00012,000 5.7%5.7% PakistanPakistan 10,00010,000 4.75%4.75% IranIran 8,0008,000 3.8%3.8% TurkeyTurkey 8,0008,000 3.8%3.8% OthersOthers 10,00010,000 4.75%4.75% TotalTotal 211,000211,000 100%100% Data :- Spices Board Certified •Organic •ISO 22000 •HACCP •Spice House COUNTRY WISE EXPORT OF CUMIN AND SHARE 2008 CountryCountry QuantityQuantity (MT)(MT) %% shareshare IndiaIndia 45,55045,550 60%60% SyriaSyria 10,00010,000 13.23%13.23% IranIran 5,2005,200 6.9%6.9% TurkeyTurkey 4,9004,900 6.5%6.5% OthersOthers 10,00010,000 13.23%13.23% TotalTotal (Incl.(Incl. others)others) 75,60075,600 100%100% Data :- Spices Board Certified •Organic •ISO 22000 •HACCP MAJOR BUYING COUNTRIES •Spice House OF CUMIN AND SHARE 2008 CountryCountry QuantityQuantity (MT)(MT) %% shareshare UAEUAE 1867118671 17%17% BangladeshBangladesh 1419614196 13%13% USAUSA 1010010100 9%9% SingaporeSingapore 58255825 5%5% SaudiSaudi ArabiaArabia 50365036 5%5% BrazilBrazil 47444744 4%4% UKUK 39153915 4%4% NepalNepal 34593459 3%3% Data :- Spices Board Certified •Organic •ISO 22000 •HACCP •Spice House International prices of Cumin (Price in US$/Kg.) 2004- 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008- Country 05 09 India 1.96 1.96 1.84 2.70 2.86 Turkey 1.37 1.70 1.86 2.17 2.77 Syria 1.23 1.67 1.77 2.36 2.67 Data :- Spices Board Certified •Organic •ISO 22000 •HACCP •Spice House FENNELFENNEL AverageAverage globalglobal productionproduction -- 90,00090,000 MTMT AverageAverage globalglobal demanddemand -- 20,00020,000 MTMT IndiaIndia’’ss consumptionconsumption -- 66,00066,000 MTMT Data :- Spices Board Certified •Organic •ISO 22000 •HACCP •Spice House MAJOR PRODUCERS OF FENNEL AND SHARE 2008 CountryCountry QuantityQuantity (MT)(MT) %% shareshare IndiaIndia 60,00060,000 64.5%64.5% EgyptEgypt 15,00015,000 16.1%16.1% TurkeyTurkey 8,0008,000 8.6%8.6% ChinaChina 5,0005,000 5.3%5.3% OthersOthers 5,0005,000 5.3%5.3% TotalTotal 93,00093,000 100%100% Data :- Spices Board Certified •Organic •ISO 22000 •HACCP •Spice House COUNTRY WISE EXPORT OF FENNEL AND SHARE 2008 CountryCountry QuantityQuantity (MT)(MT) %% shareshare IndiaIndia 8,6758,675 43.37%43.37% EgyptEgypt 3,5003,500 17.5%17.5% ChinaChina 1,6001,600 8%8% BulgariaBulgaria 1,0001,000 5%5% TurkeyTurkey 650650 3.25%3.25% OthersOthers 4,5754,575 22.87%22.87% TotalTotal 20,00020,000 100%100% Data :- Spices Board Certified •Organic •ISO 22000 •HACCP MAJOR BUYING COUNTRIES OF FENNEL •Spice House AND SHARE 2008 CountryCountry QuantityQuantity (MT)(MT) %% shareshare USAUSA 38463846 19%19% MalaysiaMalaysia 21872187 11%11% GermanyGermany 15001500 8%8% UKUK 10411041 5%5% SaudiSaudi ArabiaArabia 970970 5%5% UAEUAE 910910 5%5% OthersOthers 10,00010,000 48.90%48.90% TotalTotal 20,45420,454 100%100% Data :- Spices Board Certified •Organic •ISO 22000 •HACCP •Spice House PRODUCTION OF OTHER SEED SPICES 2008 SeedSeed SpiceSpice ProductionProduction inin IndiaIndia (MT)(MT) FenugreekFenugreek 6764567645 DillDill 1846518465 AjwainAjwain 1120011200 (Bishops Weed) CeleryCelery 55005500 Data :- Spices Board Certified •Organic •ISO 22000 •HACCP •Spice House EXPORT OF OTHER SEED SPICES 2008 SeedSeed spicespice ExportExport fromfrom IndiaIndia (MT)(MT) FenugreekFenugreek 2075020750 DillDill 12501250 AjwainAjwain 825825 (Bishops(Bishops Weed)Weed) CeleryCelery 36503650 Data :- Spices Board Certified •Organic MAJORMAJOR CONCERNSCONCERNS •ISO 22000 •HACCP •Spice House IncreasedIncreased ConsumptionConsumption inin DevelopingDeveloping NationsNations LackLack ofof YoungYoung BloodBlood andand InnovationInnovation // AutomationAutomation inin AgroAgro SectorSector SustainableSustainable AgricultureAgriculture TradersTraders InfluenceInfluence CommodityCommodity && FuturesFutures ExchangesExchanges Data :- Spices Board Certified •Organic •ISO 22000 MajorMajor ConcernsConcerns •HACCP •Spice House LowerLower YieldsYields GlobalGlobal WarmingWarming BadBad QualityQuality ofof SowingSowing SeedsSeeds IncorrectIncorrect UsageUsage && DosageDosage ofof PesticidesPesticides InsufficientInsufficient CropCrop RotationRotation wherewhere requiredrequired Data :- Spices Board Certified •Organic •ISO 22000 INDIAINDIA’’SS RESPONSERESPONSE •HACCP •Spice House PromotingPromoting organicorganic productionproduction BackwardBackward IntegrationIntegration toto FARMERFARMER’’SS levellevel EducationEducation onon GAPGAP OffOff farmfarm primaryprimary processingprocessing throughthrough SpicesSpices ParksParks allall overover thethe countrycountry AddingAdding NewNew andand UpgradingUpgrading currentcurrent TerminalTerminal MarketsMarkets Data :- Spices Board Certified ThankThank YouYou !!!! •Organic •ISO 22000 •HACCP •Spice House 22.
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