THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF MERCYHURST COLLEGE SINCE 1929 The Merciad is also available at merciadmercyhursted• u NEWS: Real World's Ruthie rocks 'Hurst Laker Inn is now By Michelle Ellia ple are different; we are fundamen- compliant from p a s t Contributing writer tally the same. health department With an analogy, Ruthie compared violations. "Be who you are because you are the diversity of people to music. who you are," said Ruthie Alcaide Music comes in all different styles Thursday night Ruthie, most known and genres and is made up of dif- PAGE 3 for her appearance on MTV's hit ferent lyrics and beats, but in the end show The Real World, spoke to Mer- it is still music. People also come in FEATURES: cyhurst Students last Thursday in the different shapes and colors and are Senior A r t Exhibition I Walker Recital Hall. ' made from different cells, but in the opened Saturday, ! In her lecture, Ruthie spoke of her end we are all people. experience with a variety of issues Along with diversity, Ruthie also March 20.^-The '}. that impact our day-to-day society. briefly touched on sexuality. She senior theses will be in The issues included cultural diversi- talked about her first experiences the Cummings Art ty, alcoholism, and sexuality. that led to her self-realization that Gallery until April 9. Ruthie's lecture was the final i n s t a l l - she was gay. She explained that while ment of this year's MSG Lecture growing up in Hawaii, homosexuali- series. j. ty was looked upon as a disease, and PAGE 4 According to Jason Staley, MSG was not a lifestyle that was widely Vice President, the MSG lecture se- accepted ries strives to provide Mercyhurst When Ruthie first began to learn OPINION: students with an opportunity to learn of her homosexuality she became things that can't necessarily be taught depressed and confused because of Why we still love in the classroom. her feelings. Afraid of w h a t her family Born in Jacksonville, Fla., Ruthie and friends would think, Ruthie Play-Doh. moved to Hawaii when she was a stayed in the closet. _ child, where she grew up in foster After transferring to New Jersey, PAGE 6 care. Ruthie then attended the Uni- Ruthie felt more comfortable with versity of Hawaii, where she decid- her sexuality. After coming out to her ed to challenge herself and study friends, Ruthie gained the courage abroad in New J e r s e y . and self-confidence to tell her fami- The study abroad experience gave £ I ARTS& I Ruthie insight into difFerent views and When Ruthie came out to her fam- aspects of racism. She explained that ily, she expressed her fear but was ENTERTAINMENT while growing u p in Hawaii there was glad to tell that her family accepted Ruthie from MTV's the Real World Hawaii spoke to students about prejudice against whites and blacks her for who she was. Last but not homosexuality, race and alcohol. simply because they were the minor- least, Ruthie expressed that she Against Me's newest ity, as she went on to explain that in doesn't preach her homosexuality, was an alcoholic. :'; She stressed it is acceptable to go album "The Eternal New J e r s e y she was in the minority. she just hopes that world can become When Ruthie turned 21, she ex- out and have fun, as long as we are Cowboy** is r e l e a s e d Ruthie learned that although peo- accepting of w h o people really are. plained that she felt as if s h e were on responsible and set limits for our- ple may deny that they hold preju- • Ruthie also addressed a n issue that top of the world. The lure of clubs selves. dice, they are simply unaware they remains close to hen alcoholism. For and alcohol took a hold of her and On a final note, Ruthie concluded have it, simply because everyone has those of u s who watched Real World she felt invincible. her lecture with this statement: "Be PAGE 8 it t V i S Hawaii, the image of that first e p i - When she joined the Real World cast safe, have fun, and step out of your Ruthie stated that prejudice is a sode remains clear in our minds. in 1998, Ruthie's drinking habits be- comfort zone. Take advantage of characteristic that has been embed- Ruthie, her eyes rolling back into gan to spiral out of control, so much your college experience! As college ded in our society. As a society we her head, was rushed away to the that her roommates kicked her out students we have an extraordinary SPORTS; • • -13 categorize everything. hospital for alcohol poisoning. These of the house. :• opportunity to make the best out of She went on to say that w e catego- were real life images. This is when Ruthie began to seek our lives." Women's lacrosse rize things by color, by brand, by Ruthie discussed that her troubles counseling. She explained that she has Ruthie was able to give students a make. We use the method of cate- with alcohol began in college. Ruthie taken back control of her life. She first hand account on the importance wins in front of h o m e learned to do this by setting limits of not only being ourselves but also crowd. gorization for everything whether it explained that binge drinking was a is merchandise in a store or people. problem while she was in college. She which include moderation and respon- on being responsible. Her account was Ruthie added say that although peo- assumed that everyone who drank sibility. not only interesting it w a s inspirational PAGE 11 to all who attended. Enrollment is up for class of 2008 By Lindsay Clark Upcoming C a m p us Events Contributing writer The number of applications for Film: The Weather Underground admissions to Mercyhurst College is Mary D' Angelo Performing Arts rising, according to Robin Engel, Di- Center rector of Admissions. The big ques- Wednesday, March 24, at 2 and 8 tion is what does that mean for the Mercyhurst community? • '& p.m. Last year, Mercyhurst College ac- cepted 1,900 students and has already Lecture: Dr. John Hedley Brooke accepted 2,000 for next year. The Walker Recital Hall college's goal for freshman is far lower Thursday, March 25,8 p.m. - 700 - about 35 percent to 37 per- cent of those actually accepted. Engel explained that if more than FOe photo Special Event: Academic Celebration 700 students choose to attend Mer- Robin Engel, Director of Admis cyhurst, the school then takes the first Sunday, March 28 - Wednesday, Katie McAdams/Photo editor sions March 31 The site of the new Picnic Park, the senior class gift. 700 money deposits that come into the school United States, more than Ohio, Penn- See specific times and locations on The dance department can only take sylvania, and New York where the Mercyhurst College Website. a limited number ol students. Other numbers have not increased as dras- Seniors plan t o make departments do not have that prob- tically, f I * Games Night lem, Engel explained. Instead of l i m - He thinks the increase in applica- tions to Mercyhurst is due to other) Student Union iting the number of students that can permanent mark be accepted into a department, Mer-| factors - the school is becoming bet- Saturday, March 27,4 p.m. senior class had to form a commit- cyhurst will expand that department ter known, and is more competitive By J o n e l l e Davis tee of students willing to put time by hiring more staff, gaining more now than ever. Contribul and dedication in to raising money resources, technology and materials With the recent increase in appli- Every year the senior class at Mer- for the gift. to increase the department to provide cants has also come a higher standard cyhurst College presents a gift to the This year the committee is made for the increase in students into that for acceptance since years in the past Index school. up of six seniors including Rachel department, Engel said. Higher grade point averages and SAT The gift is presented with the over- Confer, Anna Guerriero, Josh Hack, In a recent survey by the National | scores are now expected. The aver- News • .1 all purpose to leave a piece of that Franc e s c a Ravasio, Justin Shouse, Association for College Admission I age SAT score among applicants is National News » •• 2 class behind when the seniors leave and Lisa Foery. <P Counseling, it was found that 76 per- currently around 1098, increasing News • • 31 and begin their lives in the real world. According to Josh Hack, a mem- cent of colleges surveyed received nearly 20 points over last year's aver- This year the senior class will be ber of the senior gift committee, the age of 1080, and the average grade Features 4 more applications in 2003 than in building a picnic park area between committee wanted to make sure that 2002. Engel thinks this is due to a point average is now 3.5. Features 5 the apartment buildings located at the gift would be something that stu- national increase in the number of Due to this increase in workload, Opinion 6 3907/3909 Briggs Ave. and 3908/ dents, faculty, and alumni could uti- students that want to attend college the admissions office has added a Opinion • ' 3910 Lewis Ave.
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