Sft?£t^'»?.?i''-^^?:sw*-''^:f:'^»' Hagtuiian Lilirary East Havon.Oonn IT IS IMPORTANT IT IS IMPORTANT THAT UAGWKKD HE THAT UAGWEBD 1312 DESTllOYED THIS AVKEK Wi)t Pranforti ^^btetp DESTROYED THIS WEEK AND EAST HAVEN NEWS VOL. XV—KO. 16 Branfoid, Connecticut, Thursday, August 0, 1842 PRICE FIVE OENTS Ernest Averill Resigns *^V" Mail Forms Army Concludes Bowles Salutes Volunteer Committee Now Available Drive With Sum Gas Rationing As Major Commandant At Post Office Of $1126 Reached Board of E. H. Starting Immediately Mr. Frank J. Kinney, Chairman Because Of III Health The Branford post ollice received of the recently concluded Annual Saluting the East Haven War To Obtain Ambulance a large supply of V-Mall folders Salvation Army Maintenance Ap­ Price and llatlonlng Board tor Its which will be distributed to any peal in Branford and District, lias accomplishment In handing the been Informed by Mr. Charles N. Special Town Meeting Passes Resolution to Accept Held Many ImportiJynt Posts During His Military Career person as long as the •supply lasts. Baxter, Treasurer, that the fine to­ hundreds of gos ration applications Was Captain of Branford Battery—Now at Summer Three a day will be given outi'but tal of $1126.00 was reached. that flooded It last week. State OPA Machine to Be Purchased By Popular Subscription Home, Indian Neck. a larger number will be given where Mr. F. J. Kinney has also been Director Chester Bowles sent the —Details of Maintenance Left With Selectmen, a family is represented by more the recipient of a letter of congrat­ following telegram to tlic chairman, The resignation of Ernest L. Av­ At a well attended town mectlnB' than one In the service. In a few ulations upon the successful drive Mrs. Otto E. Bath. erill of Indian Neck, as major com­ from Major John T. Seddon, Public Wednesday night In the Commun­ Meeting Votes Instances In the town there are "I want you to know that all of Several Named mandant of the First Company, Relations office of The Salvation ity House, a unanimous vote sup­ tour from a family. us here at OPA lieadquartcrs In ported the sesolutlon presented by Governor's Foot Guard, was an­ Army headquarters In Boston, Mass^, Hartford are fully aware ot the To Ask Town on behalf of the organlaatlon. To Committees Prank Kinney that the town accept nounced to the command at a meet­ V-Mall service Is available to tremendous strain under which you an ambulance to be purchased by provide the most experltlous dis­ Ot the amount raised, a percent­ ing In the armory Monday night. have been operating. Since the popular subscription, provided said patch and reduce the welglit ot age will be used for local relief and outbreak of war last December, In a letter to Capt. Jghn H. For Property war projects as heretofore and will of Shore Unit unibulunce be approved In writing mall to and from the personnel of thousands of Connecticut clllncns by a majority ot the Board ot Se­ Adams, read to the company, Major be administered by The Salvation Cosey Beach Iraprovoment As­ our armed forces outside the. con­ have been doing outstanding work lectmen. tinental United States. When ad­ Army Committee Serving on the in a variety of wartime emergency At a mectlnB ot the executive Averill said that he had been Im­ sociation Will Petition East Ha­ During the discussion, several pelled by reason of ill health to sub­ dressed to points where microfilm Committee were: Clarence I, Brad­ jobs. But for genuine ])atrlotlsm committee ot The Shore Line Asso­ ven To Retain Sea Spray Baths ley, Qurdon Bradley, John E. Braln- and unselfishness under trying con­ ciation, Inc., at the Monlowesc spoke in favor ot the measure, mit his resignation to the governor. equipment Is in operation, a minia­ among thorn, Dr. A. S, McQueen, t Property As EeoreaUonal Area. ture photographic negative of the ard, Raymond E. Pinkham, Mrs. ditions, the record of our local and House In Branford on Th\usday Major AverlU's design for living Dr. Michael Carpinella, Atty. T, message will be made and sent by Howard K. Prann, Charles Reynolds, county, board people cannot be night, July 30th, the activities ot has embraced honorable profes­ The Cosey Beach Improvement Mrs. Mortimer Stanley, Miss Hazel Holmes Bracken, William MoKee, the most expeditious form of trans­ equalled. the Association were expanded con­ sions, law and military. Association at its annual meeting in M. Van Wlc and Mrs. J. R. Waters. John Barnes, Jorome F. Donovan. the George Street Plrehouse voted portation available for reproduc­ "Without your willingness and the siderably. The Shore Line Associa­ Statistics were given by Rudoph As deputy attorney general of unanimously to petition the Board tion and delivery. Messages ad­ willingness ot others to carry this tion is the new area group formed Bailey, as to the e:fpcr.lence of dressed to or from points where Connecticut until the Democratic of Selectmen to include in the next load In the cities and towns of Con­ late this Spring to promote, develop, neighboring towns namely Madison, administration in January 1935 and micro-film equipment Is not In op­ necticut, our efforts to carry out the meeting the matter of setting apart and protect the Interests of the East Haven, West Haven, Guilford, as president of thhe National Asso­ town-owned land at Cosey Beach eration will be transmitted In tlieir Town To Remove vitally Important OPA program Inho already have ambulances, as well ciation of Attorneys General he won as a water-front park and recrea­ original form by the most experl­ would be bound to tall. I want to towns from Branford to Old Lyme. as to the amount ot use by Bran­ recognition as the people's advocate, tional area. The Association also tlous means available. Ragweed Growth thank you personally for the sacri­ At this meeting, the report of the ford of Now Haven ambulances. NO the counsel for the commonwealth. voted to enlist the aid of the resi­ fices you have made and to assure membership drive showed thol real opposition developed beyond a He was graduated from Yale Law dents of the Bradford Manor area Instructions are prlntedu on the you that we are prepared to fight there has boon keen interest In the proposal that the motion be voted back of the sheet which are as fol­ Replying to a letter recently pub­ School in June 1905, was admitted ot in this measure to provide town- lished in "From,Our Readers" and for anything that will make your work ot the Association. down until such time as adequato the bar the same year and immedi­ owned and controlled waterfront lows; job ea.sler. preparation Is made for maintaining Write the entire message on the signed "F. L." regarding an abund­ The report ot the Secretary listed ately commenced the practice ot property. ant growth ot ragweed at the Cen­ "With my heartiest admiration 152 members from the eight towns housing and operating an ambu­ law In New Haven. other side below the double line. Action by the Association came ter School property, the Branford and best wishes to you and to every reprosonled; now members are com­ lance. Three years later he was placed Write plainly; address exactly as member of your board." ing In as rapidly as business men after Dr. Stanley T. Wroebel, presl- you would an ordinary letter, print' Garden Club immediately Investiga­ Joseph H. Drlscoll was moderator on the retired list ot the naval dnet, in his annual report had ted. adn ctvlc-mlndod clli'/.ens In tlio of the meeting and WlnfieldL. militia and enlisted in Company K Ing the address in the two panels area learn of the details ot llie As­ placed this matter among recom­ provided; Fold according to In Morgan, town clerk, acted as sec- of the Second Infantry, Connecti­ mendations for action. The motion Under the chairmanship ot Mrs. sociation's acllvltle.1, The Trans­ rotary. cut National Guard. In 1915 he en­ was made by Henry G. Grlswold structions, seal, and after affixing John Birch the scluibl grounds were portation Committee reported that the proper postage drop In any post Complete Plans Other Hems of the call, routine listed in the Branford Battery of of New Haven, a member of the visited and found to be overgrown the Public Utlllllos Commission and I measures to comply with statutes field artillery, the flrst field artil­ Sanitary Board for many years, office letter drop or street letter with the sneeze producing weed. the Interstate Commerce Commls- were unonimously passpd. lery in Connecticut. A year later lie who said that the property in ques-' box; If It is desired to send more Mrs. Birch contacted the select­ For Evacuation sion are now hearing a petition tor It Is the Intention ot the volun- qualified for second lieutenant and tlon, formerly known as^the Sea than one sheet a separate form man of the town to ask permission bus service from Madison to Gull- tary committee to coranionoe ,wqrk- continued with the battery when it Spray Baths although having a must be completed; enclosures must to cut the growth but was told tliat Identification ford to Mlddlotown In order to bo ing out sutacrlptlon dativlls Itnmodl- went into federal service lor service froiitage of but,50 ..feet on-i.the not beplaced In this envelope; the if such a condition ejjlsled the town ol aaslBlance to dolense workers,I nlely, The action ot'the town meet. at -the Mexican-border .and again sound, Is directly adjacent to the original w'lU bfc ~ destrpyed'" alter' wouiddlap6M.ol!Ate{i^r.ow.th( :»>.,,.
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