Major Application Cttee: 10/02/2010 Item No. 01 Application no: BDB/70680 For Details and Plans Click here Site Address Former Smiths Industries Aerospace Ltd, The Harrow Way, Basingstoke, RG22 4BF Proposal Reserved matters application for the siting, external appearance and landscaping for the demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of land for Class A1 retail warehousing with car parking, service yard and revised access arrangements pursuant to outline planning permission BDB 55849 Registered: 15/05/2009 Expiry Date: 14/08/2009 Type of Approval of Case Officer: Lisa Souden Application: reserved matters 01256 845460 Applicant: Tesco Stores Ltd Agent: G L Hearn Ward: Grove Ward Member(s): Cllr S Day Cllr R Hussey* Parish: OS Grid Reference: 462369,150541 Recommendation: Approve General Comments The Head of Planning and Transport has declined to use her delegation to determine this application. Whilst the 27 letters of objection raise, in the majority, principle issues of concern which cannot be reconsidered in this reserved matters application, the Head of Planning and Transport considered that this application was of sufficient public interest to be determined by the Committee. Amended Plans: Received 03/07/2009 detailing the following: 1. Submission of additional cross-section drawings through the site and adjacent land to provide an indication of the relative levels 2. Submission of plans showing amendments to design - glazing to be provided along the entire frontage of building, which has involved the slight relocation of the cafe and storage areas within the building 3. Submission of additional drawing showing roof plan 4. Submission of details for all proposed boundary treatments 5. Amended Travel Plan - updated to remove reference to B&Q 6. Amended Landscape Supporting Information Document showing amendments to the landscape scheme to reflect the changes to the layout and boundary treatment 7. Additional illustrative photomontage of the front/west elevation of the building 1 of 66 Additional information: received by email dated 30th July 2009 from Aspect Ecology providing further information in relation to reptile potential. Amended plans/additional information: received 14/10/09 (larger scale drawings of same received 19/10/09) showing revisions to layout to address landscaping, boundary treatment and highway matters. Amended plans/additional information: received 06/11/2009 showing further revisions to landscaping proposals and submission of Landscape Management Plan to address comments of Tree/Landscape Officers. Amended plans: received 11/01/2010 showing further revisions to boundary treatments and revised levels in service yard. Additional information: received 15/01/10 - Structural Engineer's Report. Description of Site The site is approximately 3.3 hectares and is located south west of Basingstoke Town Centre, sited between the A30 Winchester Road to the north and The Harrow Way to the south. These two highways meet at the Brighton Hill Roundabout approximately 300m to the west of the site. The site is currently vacant and has been cleared of all structures associated with its former use as a production facility for Smiths Industries Aerospace. The site can be accessed from The Harrow Way, with pedestrian access via a gate on Winchester Road. Immediately to the west of the site is the Brighton Hill Retail Park, which comprises 6 retail units, a Pizza Hut restaurant in the car park and a McDonalds Drive Through adjacent to the entrance to the Retail Park. Vehicular access to the Retail Park is from a traffic light controlled junction from Winchester Road. To the north of the site beyond Winchester Road is the Basingstoke Football Club Camrose ground, with residential housing adjacent and beyond. To the south of the site there are further residential dwellings, but these are generally set back from the Harrow Way behind mature landscaping. The Basingstoke Business Centre lies to the east which consists of a number of small business units. These units are set on lower ground than the site. The site is also on lower ground than the Brighton Hill Retail Park, and it slopes down towards Winchester Road to the north. Proposal This application seeks reserved matters approval for the siting, design, external appearance and landscaping pursuant to outline planning permission BDB 55849 granted by the Secretary of State (SoS) on 15th May 2006 for the redevelopment of the site for Class A1 "bulky goods" retail warehousing with means of access from both Winchester Road and Harrow Way also forming part of that permission. The permission related to the provision of: 8,653m² internal floorspace at ground floor 186m² internal floorspace lobby area at ground floor 158m² internal floorspace cafe at ground floor 1579m² builders yard 2435m²garden centre 2 of 66 This application has been submitted in accordance with Conditions 2 and 3 of outline planning permission BDB 55849 which state: "2. Application for the approval of reserved matters shall be made to the Local Planning Authority before the expiration of 3 years from the date of this planning permission". 3. Approval of the details of the siting, design and external appearance of the proposed building and the landscaping of the site shall be obtained from the Local Planning Authority in writing before any development is commenced." With regard to siting, the proposed store would be positioned as shown on the indicative layout approved as part of the outline permission. The store would be located centrally within the site, but adjacent to the eastern boundary. The proposed garden centre and greenhouse would be sited to the north of the store and the builders yard and associated turning circle to the south. The customer entrance and exit to the store would be on the western elevation. The indicative layout plan approved under the outline permission showed parking perpendicular to the store, adjacent to its western and north-western elevations. This proposal retains this parking formation, together with the access points as previously approved under the outline permission. A cafe, together with ancillary office areas, would also be provided within the building, again, as shown indicatively on the layout plan approved under the outline permission and as specified within the floorspace areas approved under Condition 4 of that permission. The design of the building is generally typical to that associated to stores of this nature, but high level glazing would be introduced in an attempt to maximise solar gain and natural lighting. The proposed materials would comprise composite roofing panels with a single ply membrane finish and significant amounts of timber with glazed curtain walling for light penetration. The proposed fencing adjacent to the western elevation would be set back to avoid the creation of a blank facade. Landscaping is proposed at intervals within the car park and around the boundary of the site. The application is supported by the following: Planning Statement Travel Plan Foul Sewage and Utilities Assessment Lighting Assessment Waste Management Strategy Air Quality Assessment Landscape Supporting Information Relevant Planning History There are a number of applications relating to the former use of the site by Smiths Industries which are not considered relevant to list. The following provides a list of the relevant planning history of the site. 3 of 66 BDB 36287 Erection of Class A non-food retail warehouse Granted and associated parking 14/09/94 BDB 38126 Erection of six Class A1 non-food retail units two Granted fast food restaurants, fast food drive through 08/09/95 facility, associated car parking, service areas and highway improvements (Brighton Hill Retail Park) BDB 55849 Demolition of existing buildings and 15/05/06 redevelopment of land for Class A1 retail Granted warehousing with car parking, service yard and on Appeal revised access arrangements (Call-In by Secretary of State) BDB 70408 Outline planning application for the erection of Withdrawn Class A1 food store including access and layout 15/06/09 with associated parking (Tesco Stores) Consultations Ward Councillors: Cllr Mrs Rowland: No objection. Local Highway Authority: Original Plans: Number of concerns raised, further information requested (see detail in main section of report) Comments on final amended plans awaited to be reported on the update sheet Hampshire County Council Highway Authority: Discussions have been held with applicant over the detail of the access to the service yard from Harrow Way. This matter is now resolved and content that the full details of the access arrangements can be dealt with under the subsequent Section 278 Agreement. Raise no highways and transportation objection subject to a condition requiring details of the junctions of the development with Harrow Way to be approved before development commences. Comments on final amended plans awaited to be reported on the update sheet Urban Design: Original Plans: Minor amendments required to design of building. Amended Plans: Satisfactorily address the concerns raised subject to conditions requiring the approval of detailed materials and appearance of the fence. North East Hampshire Architects Panel: Original Plans: More landscaping is required on both road boundaries and a much more convincing landscape design is required for the areas around the building including the car park. This should include significant mature tree planting. The west elevation should be clear glazed and not have opaque panelling. 4 of 66 The plan does not show the canopy to the west elevation. The strategic landscape design is key to the success of the incorporation of the building into the site. The fencing needs to be well detailed and robust. Landscape: Original Plans: Acceptable subject to submission of revised landscape details including additional planting to reduce dominance of large areas of parking and tarmac; tree and shrub planting along eastern boundary; use of greater variety of shrubs. Amended Plans: No objections / No adverse comments The revised plans as outlined above, incorporate all the amendments requested in emails to Aspect Landscape Architects of 30 September and 6 October 2009.
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