
1952 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 7131 nois, observe that if I were not the junior The PRESIDING OFFICER. With­ endeavor to promote the spirit of peace Senator from West Virginia I would be out objection, it is so ordered, and the and good will among all mankind. the senior Senator from Illinois. first nomination will be stated. Hear us in the name of the Prince of I sincerely thank him for his gracious Peace. Amen. remarks and warmly congratulate him FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION The Journal of the proceedings of upon being ever ready to speak the right yesterday was read and approved. word at the right time, and in the most The legislative clerk read the nomina­ pleasing, persuasive, and irresistible tion of Albert A. Carretta to be a Federal way. Trade Commissioner. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE The PRESIDING OFFICER. With­ A message from the Senate by Mr. LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM out objection, the nomination is con­ Landers, its enrolling clerk, announced firmed. Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Presi­ that the Senate had · passed without dent, the junior Senator from Texas has amendment a joint resolution and a con­ been informed that the House has acted FARM CREDIT ADMINISTRATION current resolution of · the House of the on the 15-day extension of the so-called The legislative clerk read the nomina­ following titles: War Powers Act and that the Senate will tion of Ivy W. Duggan to be Governor H. J. Res. 449. Joint resolution to provide be expected to act on it tomorrow. I of the Farm Credit Administration. !or the reappointment of Dr. Vannevar Bush want the RECORD to show that some time The PRESIDING OFFICER. With­ as citizen regent of the Board of Regents of tomorrow I am certain the chairman of the Smithsonian Institution; and out objection, the nomination is con­ H. Con. Res. 221. Concurrent resolution au­ the Committee on the Judiciary will bring firmed. thorizing changes in the enrollment of the the joint resolution to the attention of Without objection the President will bill H. R. 7340. the Senate. be immediately notified of the confirma­ As Senators who are in the Chamber tions. The message also announced that the know, and as those who read the RECORD Senate agrees to the report of the com­ mittee of conference on the disagreeing I hope will learn, the unfinished business RECESS before the Senate is the St. Lawrence votes of the two Houses on the amend­ seaway bill. It is planned to meet to­ Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. As in legis­ ments of the Senate to the bill <H. R. morrow at 12 o'clock, to debate that bill lative session, I mpve that the Senate 7340) entitled "An act to amend and sup­ during the day, and to recess tomorrow take a recess unti112 o'clock noon tomor­ plement the Federal-Aid Road Act ap­ evening until Monday. We hope that row. proved July 11, 1916 <39 Stat. 355), as Senators who desire to speak for or The motion was agreed to; and (at 5 amended and supplemented, to authorize against the st. Lawrence seaway bill will o'clock and 26 minutes p. m.) the Sen­ appropriations for continuing the con­ have their speeches ready and be on the ate took a recess until tomorrow, Fri­ struction of highways, and for other floor to give the Senate the benefit of day, June 13, 1952, at 12 o'clock me­ purposes." their views on Friday and Monday, be­ ridian. The message also announced that the cause the distinguished chairman of the Senate insists upon its amendments to Committee on Appropriations has an­ CONFIRMATIONS the bill (H. R. 7345) entitled "An act nounced today that he expects the com­ Executive nominations confirmed by to exclude from gross income the pro­ mittee to have several appropriation bills the Senate June 12 (legislative day ceeds of certain sport~ programs con­ ready for action next week. Of course, of June 10), 1952: ducted for the benefit of the American as appropriation bills become available Red Cross," disagreed to by the House; they will be taken up by the Senate, and FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION agrees to the conference asked by the the unfinished business, if it is not dis­ Albert A. Carretta, of Virginia, to be a House on the disagreeing votes of the posed of, will be laid aside. Therefore I Federal Trade Commissioner for the unex­ two Houses thereon, and appoints Mr. pired term of 7 years from September 26, GEORGE, Mr. CONNALLY, Mr. BYRD, Mr. ur~e all Members of the Senate to be 1.947. prepared to speak tomorrow and Mon­ MILLIKIN, and Mr. TAFT to be the con­ FARM CREDIT ADMINISTRATION ferees on the part of the Senate. day on the St. Lawrence seaway, in the Ivy W. Duggan, of Mississippi, to be Gov­ hope that we can dispose of it one way ernnor of the Farm Credit Administration, or the other before we are faced with the term of 6 years from June 15, 1952. necessity of laying it aside. IMMIGRATION, NATURALIZATION, I I .... •• AND NATIONALITY Mr. WALTER. Mr. Speaker, I ask NOTICE OF CONSIDERATION OF HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES unanimous consent for the immediate TREATIES consideration of a resolution <H. Con. The PRESIDING OFFICER <Mr. THURSDAY, JUNE 12,1952 Res. 226) to revise the laws relating to SPARKMAN in the chair). In his capacity immigration, naturalization, and nation­ as a Senator, the present occupant of the The House met at 12 o'clock noon, and ality, and for other purposes. chair gives notice that in accordance was called to order by the Speaker. The Clerk read the resolution, as fol­ The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, lows: with the understanding between the ma­ D. D.,. offered the following prayer; . jority leader and the minority leader, it Resolved, That, in the enrollment of the will be his purpose tomorrow to call up Most merciful and gracious God, who bill (H. R. 5678) to revise the laws relating to two consular conventions and a protocol, hast created all things for our wonder immigration, naturalization, and nationality, which are Nos. 11, 12, and 13 on the Ex­ arid our delight, we pray that we may be and for other purposes, the Clerk of the faithful and worthy stewards of Thy House is authorized and directed to make the ecutive Calendar. following corrections: manifold spiritual and material bless­ In section 263 (b) of the bill strike out ings. ..(14)" wherever it appears in the subsectU.:n EXECUTIVE SESSION Grant that the culture of our moral and insert "(15) ." Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. I move that and spiritual life may keep pace with the Senate proceed to the consideration all the increase of material prosperity The SPEAKER. Is there objection to of executive business. that we are privileged to achieve and the request of the gentleman from Penn­ The motion was agreed to; and the enjoy. sylvania? Senate proceeded to the consideration of Show us how we may enter more sym. There was no objection. executive business. pathetically and helpfully into the The resolution was agreed to. The PRESIDING OFFICER. If there thoughts and feelings of those whose A motion to reconsider was laid on be no reports of committees, the nomina­ lives are less fortunate than ours and the table. tions on the Executive Calendar are in who are daily groping their way in search order. for happiness and blessedness. ATOMIC BOMBS Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. I ask that May the principles and ideals of our blessed Lord animate and inspire our Mr. FLOOD. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan­ the call of the Executive Calendar begin imous consent to address the House for with new reports. ·minds and hearts in our longings and XCVTII-449 7132 CONGR:2SSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE June 12 1 minute and to revise and extend my "Whereas there was a very thorough ex­ adopted a resolution providing for the aban­ remarks. planation of the proposal to the people for donment of the undertaking, development, The SPEAKER. Is there objection to many weeks prior to the election, with ar­ and administration of a 10,000-unit federally the request of the gentleman from Penn· guments pro and con enclosed in the bal­ assisted public housing program, and to ab­ lo~. which were widely publicized over radio rogate and cancel its cooperation agreement sylvania? and in the daily ;press; also, there were 5 of August 9, 1949, with the Housing Author- There was no objection. days of pro public housing argument pre­ 1ty of the City of Los Angeles in connection. Mr. FLOOD. Mr. Speaker, on the first sented over 5 television stations and 4 days with said program; and of this month I had a most extraordi­ of pro and con argument presented over Whereas the majority of the voters of the nary experience in being permitted to 1 television station; and city of Los Angeles, Calif., on June 3, 1952, observe a test explosion of one of the "Whereas because of the wide publicity approved the action of the city council in atom bombs outside of Las Vegas. So and national interest, there was a record­ abandoning such public housing program breaking expression of the people both in and to abrogate its agreement with the appalling and so inspi:::ing is that par­ numbers and the percentage of the regis­ Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles, ticular spectacle that I feel arrange­ tered vote cast. Out of a total registration Calif.: Therefore be it ments should be made, at least an oppor­ of 1,047,690, there were approximately 733,- Resolved by the House of Representatives tunity should be given, so that every 383 who cast their vote.
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