The Hilye of the Prophet Muhammad By Mohamed Zakariya “Calligraphy presents the thought as the source of the image, not the image as the source of the thought.”— Nabil F. Safwat 1 PHOTO: HANNA SAYYIDA how does one describe the indescrib- The author, Mohamed Zakariya, who able? How does one form an image of that discovered Islam early in his life, is of which cannot be portrayed? That is what the American origin and lives and works in hilye does – it gives parameters to the imagi- Washington DC and whose job descrip- nation so that one can think about the tion would include not only being a Prophet œ with a mental or spiritual image master calligrapher, illuminator, and to hang onto yet not attempt to visualize craftsman in wood and metal but also him or portray him in a painting. The hilye that of historian and humorist. His is not an icon in words. As impressive and work is now much sought after and is accurate as the many hilye texts are, they still exhibited in many museums and private remain vague, contrary to the claims of liter- collections. His Eid postage stamp has alists, who would reject these texts as being brought his work, albeit in miniature, visual portraits. That, of course, would not into probably millions of homes be acceptable to Muslims. in the US. “Hilye” 2 is the Turkish form of the Arabic seasons word “^ilya,” which has several meanings, including physiognomy, natural disposition, likeness, depiction, characterization, and | description. But these dictionary definitions autumn – winter 2003-4 only begin to convey the real meaning of the hilye, which embodies the Prophet’s moral, behavioral, and spiritual qualities as Editor’s note: This article contains Arabic well as physical appearance. Like most and Turkish words. In order to make it Arabic words, “^ilya” carries multiple over- easier on the reader, rather than tones, making it difficult to translate. It has transcribing all the foreign words, the connotations of ornament, beauty, finery, and author graciously offered to calligraph the embellishment. I like to think of a hilye as words which you will find on page18. a beautiful and significant description. | 13 a hilye by the author The Hilye in History century ad, and the Lisan al-Arab, a lexicon Arabic source literature includes hilye texts that includes many of the words used in the describing many important figures. Most hilyes, yet some areas remain ambiguous or prominent of these are the hilyes of the open to interpretation. Prophet Muhammad œ and of his four The wording of hilyes is carefully com- companions – the chahar yar (four friends), posed, with the care one would expect from a the first four caliphs and successors of the keen observer of people, one gifted with a Prophet œ: Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and finely honed skill in language. In his narration Ali. Interestingly, we also have hilyes for some of the hilye, for example, Hind is mentioned as of the pre-Qur’anic Biblical prophets. In one a wassaf, (one who describes). One can of the great works on hilyes, Qasas al-Anbiya, hypothesize that Hind had a special gift for by Ath-Th’alabi (d. 1035 ad), we find hilyes this kind of literature, just as some may have a for Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon, John the special gift for poetry. Few writers could match Baptist, and Jesus. These are related by the these gems of conciseness and beauty, com- enigmatic figure Ka’b al-Ahbar. A learned posed as they were with wit, poignancy, Muslim of Jewish, possibly rabbinic, origin intimacy, and rhetorical flourish. These artful and a specialist in Biblical lore, Ka’b al-Ahbar descriptions make vivid impressions on the lis- was a friend and confidant of Umar and the tener or reader. They are quite easy to Prophet’s wife, A’isha. memorize and played an important part in recalling beloved and respected figures. Hilyes have some general features in com- mon. They begin with a succinct description of the subject’s physical characteristics, THERE IS NOTHING IN THE ART including height, built, complexion, eyes, OF ISLAMIC CALLIGRAPHY QUITE hair, hands, and gait, and then they move to LIKE ILLUMINATING A HILYE. IT IS A the subject’s individual and moral characteris- CHALLENGING AND DAUNTING tics. Consider, for example, the hilye of UNDERTAKING DUE TO THE Prophet Soloman ∑ as told by Ka’b al-Ahbar: COMPOSITION’S COMPLEX Sulayman was of pale complexion; his STRUCTURE AND LAYOUT. body was large, very clean, and beautiful. He was humble and unpretentious and liked to associate with the poor and would seasons keep company with them. He would say, “The poor must sit with the poor.” During his father Dawud’s reign, his father would consult him because of his advanced intel- | Oral literature was possibly the highest autumn – winter 2003-4 lect and knowledge, which was remarkable calling of the ancient Arabs, and long before considering his young age. the hilye was used in calligraphy, it was spo- ken. What first impresses the reader – or Or take this hilye of Uthman, the third listener – about these texts is their compact- caliph: ness, their terseness. They say as much as possible in a few well-chosen words, some of Uthman, may God be pleased with him, was of medium stature. He wasn’t short or which are profoundly obscure. In my transla- tall. He had a beautiful face. He was fleshy tions of the texts, for example, I consulted and had fine skin. He had a thick beard. both the commentary of Molla Ali al-Qari, a His head and beard hair were abundant. | Hanafi religious scholar of the early 17th Because of this, his opponents called him 15 Na’sal [after an Egyptian in Medina with a mild-tempered of them, and the noblest of long beard]. His complexion was swarthy, them in lineage. Whoever saw him unex- and he was big boned. He was the beloved pectedly was in awe of him. And whoever friend of the beloved friend [Muhammad] associated with him familiarly loved him. of the All-Merciful God. He collected the Anyone who would describe him would Qur’an [and published it]. He was full of say, ‘I never saw, before him or after him, modesty and faith. He died a martyr while the like of him.’ Peace be upon him.” reading the Qur’an. The most comprehensive hilye text is found Another interesting occurrence of the word in Ash-Shifa, the great work on the Prophet by “hilye” is in the title of the famous biographical Al-Qadi Iyad (d. 1149). Here it is, in its fullest work in Arabic, Hilyat al-Awliya’, by Abu version: Nu’aym (d. 1038 ad), which can be translated as Description (or Depiction) of the Saintly People. Al-Hasan, son of Ali [May God be This is an excellent source of information pleased with both of them] said, “I asked my uncle, Hind, son of Abu Hala about the about the early religious figures of Islam and hilye [description] of the Prophet of God, contains much material from their own lips, may peace and blessings be upon him. including, fascinatingly, Ka’b al-Ahbar himself Hind was known to be a prolific describer in a long entry. of the Prophet, and I wished him to relate some of it for me so I might hold fast to it.” So Hind said, “The Prophet of God, The Hilyes of the Prophet peace be upon him, was of mighty signifi- The most famous hilye texts, of course, are cance to God and profoundly honored those that characterize the Prophet among the people. His face radiated light Muhammad œ. In Turkish, they are called like the moon on its fullest night. He was a bit taller than the medium stature and a bit Hilye-i Saadet (the Hilye of Felicity), Hilye-i shorter than the tall and skinny. His head Sherif (the Noble Hilye), and Hilye-i Nebevi (the was large. His hair was wavy. If his hair part- Prophetic Hilye). The most popular of these ed, he would leave it parted; if not, he texts for calligraphers is one related by Ali ibn would leave it, and it would not be long Talib, which I translate as follows: enough to pass his earlobes. His complex- ion was fair. He had a wide forehead and arched, thick eyebrows with a space Transmitted from Ali [son-in-law of the between them. There was a vein between Prophet], may God be pleased with him, them that would swell and pulse when he who, when asked to describe the Prophet, was angry. His nose was aquiline; it had a peace be upon him, would say, “He was not brightness about the upper part that led too tall nor too short. He was medium those who were less observant to think him sized. His hair was not short and curly, nor haughty. He had a thick beard. His eyes seasons was it lank but in between. His face was not were very black and the whites very white. | narrow, nor was it fully round, but there was His cheeks were not prominent. He had a a roundness to it. His skin was white. His wide mouth. His teeth were white, and eyes were black. He had long eyelashes. He there was a space between his front teeth. was big-boned and had wide shoulders. He had no body hair except in the middle of “There was a fine line of hair on his his chest.
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