Durham E-Theses The priesthood of Christ in Anglican doctrine and devotion: 1827 - 1900 Hancock, Christopher David How to cite: Hancock, Christopher David (1984) The priesthood of Christ in Anglican doctrine and devotion: 1827 - 1900, Durham theses, Durham University. Available at Durham E-Theses Online: http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/7473/ Use policy The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that: • a full bibliographic reference is made to the original source • a link is made to the metadata record in Durham E-Theses • the full-text is not changed in any way The full-text must not be sold in any format or medium without the formal permission of the copyright holders. Please consult the full Durham E-Theses policy for further details. Academic Support Oce, Durham University, University Oce, Old Elvet, Durham DH1 3HP e-mail: [email protected] Tel: +44 0191 334 6107 http://etheses.dur.ac.uk 2 VOLUME II 'THE PRIESTHOOD OF CHRIST IN ANGLICAN DOCTRINE AND DEVOTION: 1827 -1900' BY CHRISTOPHER DAVID HANCOCK The copyright of this thesis rests with the author. No quotation from it should be published without his prior written consent and information derived from it should be acknowledged. Submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, University of Durham, Department of Theology, 1984 17. JUL. 1985 CONTENTS VOLUME. II NOTES PREFACE 1 INTRODUCTION 4 CHAPTER I 26 CHAPTER II 46 CHAPTER III 63 CHAPTER IV 76 CHAPTER V 91 CHAPTER VI 104 CHAPTER VII 122 CHAPTER VIII 137 ABBREVIATIONS 154 BIBLIOGRAPHY 155 1 NOTES PREFACE 1 Cf. The Alternative Service Book 1980 : Services authorized for use in the Church of En land ••• to ether with The Litur ical Psalter, 1980, Sentences (Heb-.iv:T4f. 'HolyCommunion', Rites - 'A', paras 25, 38, 41, 62, 84 (ad lac.); 'B', 17, 20, 30, 'The Ordination of Priests', 19, 22, 28; 'The Ordination or Consecration of a Bishop', 19. 2 Lit. 'the rule of prayer'; pertaining to the character and influence of the Church's worship. 3 C. Simeon: Horae Homileticae, 21 Vols., 1832-3. XIX, 181, Disc 2278, on Heb.iii.1. 2 4 J.C. Ryle: 'Have you a Priest?: a question for 1872'. A Tract, 1872 , p.5. 5 A Knox: Remains, 4 Vols., 1834-7, 111.7. 6 J. Keble: Considerations respectfully addressed to the Scottish presbyters on the late pastoral letter of six Bishops, 1858. 7 R.D. Hampden: Sermons preached before the University of Oxford in the Cathedral Church from 1836-1847, 1848, vi.205. 8 T. Arnold: Sermons on Christian Life and Doctrine, Third series, 1876 (New ed.), xi. 96. 2 9 (J. Keble): The Christian Year, 1827 • 10 W. Sanday (ed.): Different Conceptions of Priesthood and Sacrifice, 1900. 11 For a conservative, Reformed explication of this neglect, see L. Berkhof: Systematic Theology, 1969 Edn., p.366: see also T. W. Manson: Ministry and Priesthood : Christ's and ours, 1958, pp.30-31. 12 S.G. Sowers: The Hermeneutics of Philo and Hebrews, 1965, p.ll9, calls Christ's priesthood "an odd christological category to choose". See also J.C. McNeill: The Christology of the Epistle to the Hebrews, 1914, p.30; E.F. Scott: The Epistle to the Hebrews : Its Doctrine and Significance, 1922; F. Buchsel: Die Christologie des Hbfs., Gatersloh, 1922. 13 See Berkhof, loc.cit., and p.35 7. 14 Cf. K. Barth: The Epistle to the Romans 1975 edn., pp.159-160; see also id., Credo, 1935, Church Dogmatics, I.1-IV .4, 1936-77(ET); IV .3, for Barth's preference for the language of 'sonship' and 'sacrifice' to Christ's 'three­ fold office'. 15 Cf. L.S. Bernardin: The Intercession of our Lord, 1933, p.125. 16 Cf. denial that Hebrews contains a doctrine of the atonement is even found in conservative Reformed circles. See G. Vas: The Teaching of the Epistle to the Hebrews, J.G. Vas (ed.), 1956 p.ll7. 17 Useful studies of this material are found in: E. Burggaller: 'Neuere Untersuchungen zum Hebraerbrief', Thea~ Rund., 13 (1910), 369-381, 409- 417; E. Grasser: 'Der Hebraerbrief: 1938-63', Theol. Rund., 30 (1964), 138-236; F.F. Bruce: 'Recent Contributions to the understanding of Hebrews', Exp. T., 80 (1968-9), 260-264; R. Williamson: 'The Background 2 to the Epistle to the Hebrews', Exp.T., 87 (1975-6), 232-237; C. Spicq, L'Epitre aux Hebreux, 1977 Edn., pp.44-54. 18 Cf. C.F .D. Maule: 'Commentaries on the Epistle to the Hebrews', Theol., 61, (1958), 228; R. Williamson: 'Hebrews and Doctrine', Exp. T., 81 (1969- 70), 3 71; G. Caird: 'The exegetical method of the Epistle to the Hebrews', CaR. J. Th~, (1959), 44. See contra, 0. Cullmann: The Christology of tbe New Testament, 1963 2 (Eng. Tr.), p.102; M. Barth: 'The Old Testament in Hebrews', in W. Klassen and G.F. Snyder (eds.): Current Issues in New Testament Interpretation, 1962, p. 78; H.W. Montefiore: The Epistle to the Hebrews, London, 1977, p.vi. 19 Cf. eg. L. Berkhof. op.cit. pp.356-412, and his brief bibliography, ibid., pp.411-412. See also H. Heppe: Reformed Dogmatics, 1950. 20 Ibid., p.357; See also the important reinterpretation and reappraisal of the doctrine in J.B. Torrance: 'The Priesthood of Jesus' in T .H.L. Parker (ed.): Essays in Christology for Karl Barth, 1956, pp.155-173. 21 Cf. W.M. Abbott (ed.): The Documents of Vatican II, 1967. See esp. Lumen Gentium and the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy. Immediately before and since Vatican II the priesthood of Christ has been recovered as a major doctrinal and devotional theme in modern Roman Catholicism. A plethora of studies exist. Among the most extensive, important, or interesting are listed in the bibliography of L. Sabourin's: Priesthood, 1973, or in Grasser and Burgaller's reviews, see above n.17. 22 Among the better known twentieth century Anglican studies treating of the subject are: J.P. DuBose: High Priesthood and Sacrifice, 1908; A.J. Tait: The Heavenly Session of our Lord, 1912; S.C. Gayford: Sacrifice and Priesthood : Jewish and Christian, 1924; W.L.P. Cox: The Heavenly Priesthood of our Lord, 1929 and 1938; F.C.N. Hicks: The Fullness of Sacrifice, 1930. 23 Lit. 'the rule of belief'; pertaining to character and content of the Church's doctrinal understanding and expression. Cf. A.M. Ramsey: From Gore to Temple, 1960, p.164, where this is recognized viz-a-viz. the B.C.P.: "Among the half-conscious influences there is the influence which a Prayer Book inevitably has in a Liturgical Church. The lex orandi has its quiet and unobtrusive effect upon the lex credendi." 24 William Temple's Introduction to the Report on Doctrine in the Church of England, 1938, has become normative for this stance: -"there is not, and the majority of us do not desire that there should be, a system of distinctively Anglican theology." (op.cit., p.35); q. S.W. Sykes The Integrity of Anglicanism, 1978, p.55, where the position is critically examined. See also S.C. Neill: Anglicanism, 1958, p.417, ar:~d the discussion in M. Ramsey 'What is Anglican Theology?', Theol., 48 (1945), 2- 6. 25 For an analysis of seventeenth century Anglican theological method, see H.R. McAdoo: The Spirit of Anglicanism, 1965. 26 Cf. eg. W.J. Wolf (ed.): The Spirit of Anglicanism, 1982 and R. Holloway (ed.): The Anglican Tradition, 1984. 27 J.J.S. Perowne (ed.): Remains Literary and Theological of Connop Thirlwall, 3 Vols., 1877, II.70. 3 28 E.B. Pusey: An Historical Enquiry into the probable causes of the Rationalist Character lately predominant in the Theology of Garmany, 2 Parts, 1828-30, II.33. 2 9 S. W. Sykes, op.ci t. p.51. 30 Eg. J. Kent: 'l=listorical Theology' in Pelican Guide to Modern Theolo§y, 3 Vols., 1969, III.307-315. 31 G. Kitson-Clark: The Making of Victorian England, 1961, p.25. See also id., The English Inheritance, 1950, p.ll: " ... to understand nineteenth century men and women and their doings, we must consider carefully not only their religious controversies, but also their great preachers and pious literature." 32 Cf. M.A. Crowther's justification of her study, Church Embattled: Religious Controversy in mid-Victorian England, 197b, p.9: " ... the minds of undistinguished men may reflect more accurately than the greater intellectuals the everyday problems of their time." 33 Cf. C. Dawson: The Spirit of the Oxford Movement, 1933, pp.v,3; where the need, for example, to study the Oxford Movement "for its own sake" is clearly stated. 34 J.E. Elliott-Binns: English Thought 1860-1900: The Theological Aspect, 1956, p.168. 35 Ibid., pp.238-9. 36 A.M. Ramsey: From Gore to Temple, 1960, pp.50-51. 37 Ibid., p.51. 38 F.C. Clark: Eucharistic Sacrifice and the Reformation, 1960, p.270. 39 Ibid., p.271. 40 Ibid: Report on Doctrine in the Church of England, 1938, p.154. 41 E.L. Mascall: 'The Eucharistic Theology of Charles Gore' in Corpus Christi: Essays on the Church and the Eucharist, 1953, pp.l38-156. 42 P.E. Hughes: 'The Blood of Jesus and His Heavenly Priesthood in the Epistle to the Hebrews', Bib. Sacr., 130 (1973), 99-109, 195-212, 305-314. 43 G. Aulen: Eucharist and Sacrifice, 1958, p.55. 44 E. Scheller: Das Priestherthum Christi im Anschluss an den hi.
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