December 16, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1159 mechanisms to more effectively identify and International Trade Administration District Of- cancy left by Dick Haley who resigned due to quickly eliminate foreign-based spoofers. fice in Middletown, Connecticut. In that posi- health concerns. Yolanda was a natural choice While the first category is likely to be less tion, she has brought Connecticut businesses to sit on the City Council considering her deep costly and easier to implement, the second knowledge of and involvement in the commu- category may ultimately prove to be more and ingenuity to the global marketplace. As a effective in bringing the threat under con- Department of Commerce Employee, she took nity. She currently serves as the Executive Di- trol. her role as a public servant seriously, pro- rector/CEO of the Corona-Norco Family f viding local businesses with the sort of global YMCA, an organization she has been a part of perspective and expertise they need to grow since 1996. Just prior to her appointment to HONORING THE LEGACY OF JEWEL into new markets. Before joining the Com- the City Council, Yolanda was appointed as a WARE merce Department, Anne worked for decades Planning Commissioner for the City of Coro- in the private sector in her family’s tire busi- na’s Planning and Housing Commission. HON. RASHIDA TLAIB ness and ultimately became a world-recog- Yolanda has served in many different ca- OF MICHIGAN nized leader in tire recycling products in Eu- pacities for her city, county, and state organi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rope and the U.S. That background made her zations. She has been a board member of the Corona Police Community Partnership, Co- Wednesday, December 16, 2020 particularly well equipped to assist small busi- nesses cope with the sometimes daunting rona Chamber of Commerce, UNITY, and Ms. TLAIB. Madam Speaker, I rise today to challenges of the global marketplace. Simple Acts of Care and Kindness. She is acknowledge the loss of a great public servant Like all good public servants, Anne’s pas- also a member of the Corona Woman’s Im- for the 13th Congressional District, Wayne sion and enthusiasm comes from a true affec- provement Club, Corona Rotary Noon Club, County Commissioner Jewel Ware, and honor tion for our state and its people. Corona Elks Lodge, the Navy League, among her memory and legacy as a commissioner for Anne has worked to help well over 2,500 many other organizations. I, like many others our district. Connecticut companies export their products in our community, know from experience that First elected in 1994, Ms. Ware was the and attract customers overseas—providing an when Yolanda becomes an advocate of a longest-serving Wayne County Commissioner, enormous economic boon to our State and cause, you better get on board or get out of with a district that covered a large portion of providing a place for Connecticut on the na- the way. Her passion and determination are Detroit. She was particularly well-known for tional business stage. Additionally, she has second to none. her commitment to serving senior residents worked extensively with Connecticut veterans I know I speak on behalf of all Corona resi- and her work to improve access to mental and National Guard reservists, spearheading dents in expressing my heartfelt thanks and healthcare. She worked directly with commu- the Veterans Workforce Development Program praise for Yolanda’s many contributions to the nity-based organizations to champion issues and helping countless veterans receive train- City of Corona. I wish Yolanda and her hus- important to the residents of the communities ing and find private sector employment in band, Ed, the very best in the future. she served. Most recently, Commissioner Connecticut. f Ware had sponsored a resolution that would In recent years, Anne worked closely with ban on chokeholds and restraint by police in HONORING PEGGY BREEDEN ON my office on major events to support Con- using deadly force. HER RETIREMENT AS MAYOR OF necticut’s aerospace and defense industries— Beyond her legislative work, Ms. Ware vol- THE CITY OF RIDGECREST and just last year, hundreds of people came to unteered her time and energy in public service Connecticut during the International Space with a number of organizations, including the HON. KEVIN McCARTHY Summit to engage with Connecticut compa- NAACP and The Charles. H. Wright Museum OF CALIFORNIA nies. Anne helped expand agricultural exports of African American History. She spearheaded IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES abroad for smaller family farmers in Con- an annual sock and mitten drive for children in necticut, assisted small suppliers in becoming Wednesday, December 16, 2020 need. Ms. Ware could frequently be found vis- part of the submarine supply chain, and made Mr. MCCARTHY. Madam Speaker, I rise iting senior housing, coordinating services countless connections across industries and today to honor Peggy Breeden, a community such as free income tax preparation. Commis- countries to help create win-win opportunities leader, cancer survivor, friend, and Mayor of sioner Ware also served as a member of Zeta for everyone. Ridgecrest, California. After having led the Phi Beta Incorporated where she dedicated a Anne’s ingenuity, entrepreneurship, and cre- City of Ridgecrest over the last six years, lot of her time to serving others. I am truly ative thinking has been instrumental not just in Peggy is retiring as Mayor. saddened by the loss for our Wayne County helping Connecticut’s economy, but globally. I Peggy was born in Syracuse, New York on and Detroit communities and am deeply grate- have fond memories of the many trade mis- her family’s dairy farm where she and her sib- ful for the time we shared in public service to- sions that she and I organized and led to- lings all worked tending and milking over 100 gether over the last decade. Her passing is gether—from Canada to Northern Ireland to cows that their family raised. In fact, Peggy’s truly a great loss to our district, but her pres- Israel. family farm only received electricity in 1952, ence will forever be felt in our community. making her no stranger to hard work in the Please join me in tribute to Wayne County I thank Anne for her tireless work for Con- necticut. I will truly miss having her at Com- face of adversity. In 1982, she moved to Commissioner Jewel Ware, as we remember Ridgecrest to be with friends and family and her life and extraordinary contributions to merce but look forward to seeing where she lands next. I know that she will be successful went on to own the Swap Sheet, a local ad- Wayne County and the 13th Congressional vertising weekly newspaper. But she also had District. in anything she does in the future. Congratulations on her well-deserved retire- a calling for public service. In addition to man- f ment. aging her business, she served on numerous RECOGNIZING THE RETIREMENT f local boards and foundations, including the In- OF ANNE EVANS dian Wells Valley Water District, Cerro Coso TRIBUTE TO YOLANDA CARRILLO Community College Foundation Board, the HON. JOE COURTNEY Eastern Kern Air Pollution Control District, and OF CONNECTICUT HON. KEN CALVERT the Navy Community Council. She took her commitment to serving the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES community of Ridgecrest a step further by Wednesday, December 16, 2020 successfully running for Mayor, making history Mr. COURTNEY. Madam Speaker, I rise to Wednesday, December 16, 2020 both as Ridgecrest’s first female mayor and as honor an energetic and tireless advocate for Mr. CALVERT. Madam Speaker, I rise today the first elected mayor since the office became Connecticut businesses, Anne Evans, on her to honor and pay tribute to my dear friend Yo- its own position directly elected by city voters. incredible career. When she retires at the end landa Carrillo, who will be stepping down from Peggy’s soft-spoken and unassuming manner of this month, the state will lose one of the the Corona City Council this month. Yolanda should not understate her intense dedication most enthusiastic and genuine advocates for is a passionate advocate and a true leader to Ridgecrest, demonstrated leadership skills, local economic development after a life of who has made a significant lifetime contribu- and political acumen. She showcased these working for and with small and local busi- tion to my hometown of Corona, California. qualities as she dealt with one of the largest nesses. In October of 2018, the Corona City Council crises to ever face Ridgecrest. Anne has served for 13 years as District Di- voted unanimously to approve the appoint- In July 2019, Ridgecrest experienced the rector of the U.S. Department of Commerce ment of Yolanda to the Council to fill the va- largest earthquakes in over 20 years, which VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:51 Dec 17, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A16DE8.020 E16DEPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with REMARKS.
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