•before each referee just Member of Coordinated With the rule," North Carolina Collegiate College News Bureau · Press Associ~tion and Service ~nib- atW 1ihtth~ Published Weekly by the Students of Wake Forest College Vol. XIX, No. 5 WAKE FOREST, N.C., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1935 Ten Cents Per Copy s New Dean of Law Makes His WAKE.. PRESIDENT BAPTIST STUDENT GROVES DONATES Initial Chapel Appearance 0. PASSES 50 YEAR CONVENTION WIILL MONEY FOR GORE Dr. Dale F. Stansbury Holds That the Law Profession Is The Brunt MARK OCTOBER 17 MEET IN RALEIGH of Many Jokes; Counsels Men to Uphold the Profession FIELD ADDITION Dr. Thurman D. Kitchin Cele­ Dr. Dale F. Stansbury, new dean of think you can be a lawyer andl be Sfgnificant Youth Meeting Con­ the law school at Wake Forest, last satisfied with the present public at­ Workers Busy Excavating and brates His Fiftieth Birthday venes in Capital City on week introduced himself to the stu- titude, then please don't try to be a Leveling North End of Here at Wake Forest lawyer," Dr. Stansbury said. In our BAND PLAYS AT October 25 dent body here in chapel by deliver- modern civilization the relations be- Athletic Field ing an address on the subject "Law tween man and man, and between man BOASTS FINE RECORD WAKE FOREST MEN PLAY ADDITION WILL GIVE 1 Students and Lawyers." and society, are largely in the hands AS WAKE FOREST HEAD BIG PART ON PROGRAM Dr. Stansbury, who is 43 years old, of lawyers-not always as lawyers, GYM DEDICATION TWO PRACTICE FIELDS is a native of Indiana. For the past but as legislators, public officials, and College Makes Many Striking Ad· Dean Bryan, Bab Costner, Archie six years he was professor of law leaders in civic and social movements. Musical Unit To Take Prominent Other Improvements Will Include at Mercer University, at Macon, Ga., It doesn't take a superman to ·be a vances Under His Leadership; McMillan, and Senator Josiah Part in Dedication of Paths, Rest Roams, and a Press and was elected to the deanship here good law student or a good lawyer, Millbrook Enrollment and Physical Equip· Bailey Will Be Among Promi­ last August. He holds the B.A. de- but it does take morals, brains, and Box; Bleachers to ~e Erected is in gree from Valparaiso University, the education. These qualities are always ment doubled Five Years of nent Speakers; College Will Headlining a program which will Along Entire West Side of Play LL.B. _from the University of Alabama, found in a good lawyer, he said. President-Doctor's ~dministra­ Furnish Quartet include even that noted Wake Forest and the Doctor of Jurisprudence de- In conclusion, Dr. Stansbury asked ing Field tion alumnus, Josiah W. Bailey, the Wake gree from Yale University. all who intended to be lawyers to Forest College Band will take a prom­ One of the most significant youth "Lawyers are fond of talking about make three resolutions, "First, that Announcement has just been made inent part in the exercises to be held Thursday, October 17, President meetings in the history of the state is their 'ancient and honorable profes- you will so live and conduct yourself 10-35c in dedication of the new Millbrook that Mr. Henry Groves of Gastonia Thurman D. Kitchin of Wake Forest anticipated when the North Carolina sion'," the speaker stated. "No one that not one word of criticism can Baptist Student Convention meets in gymnasium next Tuesday. will supply funds for beautifyi;Ig and College was 50 years of age. will deny that it is ancient, and I will justifiably be aimed at you as an indi­ Raleigh, October 25-27. Approximate­ argue for its honor with my dying vidual member of the profession; sec­ Millbrook, which is about six miles making additions. to Gore Field. from Raleigh, can be justly proud of 11:15 During the Jive years that he has ly 500 students from every campus in breath. But, whether deserved' or not, ond, that you will do all in yonr Plans include the erection of much been in the saddle, the Baptist insti­ the state will be present for the exten­ it has always suffered a certain power to clean the ranks of the men the handsome new· edifice erectecl there needed permanent bleachers on the sive and vital program of the confer­ with the aid of TWA funds. tution has almost doubled in enroll­ amount of public disfavor." who deserve contempt, and keep the The dedicatory exercises will start western side of the football field, so ence, which meets in the Tabernacle This "panning" is not confined to profession as a whole in a position of ment and physical equipment. that the present capacity of the con church with Meredith College as hos­ jokes, he continued, but is found in merited respect; third, that you will at 3:00 o'clock. l\1r. Henry Litchford, Beginning in 1932 with the construc­ tess. A galaxy of prominent speakers novels, editorials conversation, and resent, openly and with spirit, every prominent Millbrook citizen, who is crete bleachers-about 8,000-will be engineering the program, has pro· tion of the William Amos .Johnson and youth leaders of southwide repu­ gossip. !unjustified attack on lawyers and the augmented by 3,000 more seats. vide!l that all the band members be medical building, not a month has tation will take part in the varied "My :first plea to any one who plans law; and keep these ·throughout your transported there and back in private Mr. Groves also will have another to become a lawyer is this: If you school days and years of practice." passed when some building project discussions of problems facing the cars which are to leave ·wake Forest practice field constructed just north youth of today. was not underway, and the gratifying at 2:30. and west of the present playing :field. Wake Forest men will have a promi­ In making the announcement Tues­ l(lart of it is that all of the plant is nent part in the meeting, the program The new field is to he 100 yards by day night at band rehearsal, Dr. Isbell 70 yards. paid for except about fifty thousand reveals. On Saturday night Dr. D. B. EUZELIANS ELECT POTEAT PASSES expressed his keen appreciation of the dollars which is still due on the gym­ Bryan will introduce one of the main interest displayed by Mr. Litchford, as The whole place will be generally nasium. speakers, Senator J. W. Bailey.- Bob a representative citizen, in so sincere­ beautified and walks will be added. Although a physician by· profession, Costner of Greensboro, who came here ly wishing the Wake Forest band to Another long-felt need is beil1g filled this year from Mars Hill, is president 79TH BIRTHDAY appear on a program of such impor­ Dr. Kitchin has proved that it is not PERRY PRESIDENT in the construction of a press box. of the state organization and will have tance to Millbrook. 0 impossible for a technically trained The Gore athletic field, lying on the man to run a college efficiently. He charge of the entire convention. A Monday Night Section of Literary President-Emeritus is Oldest Col- western slope of the property belong~ ·can make a public address when it js local quartette will render special Group Name Perry to lege Professor in Years PEOPLE HAVE FALSE "absolutely necessary, but it is the last music at various times, and AI Martin, Head Society of Service IDEAS ABOUT WRECKS ing to the college, was opened for thing he wants to do. His colleagues local B. S. U. president, will make a · use and dedicated on November 25 tell him that if he were as interested brief talk on Friday night. Archie The Euzelian literary society elected Dr. William Louis Poteat, president (By Associated Collegiate Press) 1922. The original cost of excavation in~making addresses as he is in get­ McMillan will take the-11lading .part in emeritus of Wake Forest College, If you're driving between 7 an!i 8 and concrete bleachers was provided a Chinese play on Saturday. More officers for the Monday night section at ting out of making them, maybe it noted biologist, valiant temperance o'clock in the evening of a clear day, by Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gore of Rock than 100 Wake Forest students will its last meeting, with Percival Perry would be a different story. leader, and a philosopher in his own preferably Saturday or Sunday, dur· ingham, and Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Gore Most of tlie tim& he can be found attend the various sessions. as the new president, replacing Howard right, will celebrate his 79th birth­ ing the month of December, in a pas· of Wilmington. in his office attending to the needs of Among the leaders who will have Ford. day tomorrow, Sunday, October 20. senger car, on a straight dry, well· the college. It is this phase of his part in the program are Dr. Wade H. The other officers are as follows: J:t'or the past 52 years "Dr. Billy," paved road in the country AND have Continued Expansion administration that has attracted wid­ Bryant of the Barton Heights Baptist Archie McMillan, vice president; H. A. as he is affectionately called by his had a couple. of drinks-W'atch ·it, be· The new improvements in the foo~ church in Richmond; Dr. J. Clyde students, past and present, has been est attention. Matthews, secretary; W. L. Willis, cause you're heading for a crash.
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