IBM Security QRadar DSM Configuration Guide Addendum 7.1. x a n d 7.2. x IBM Security QRadar DSM Configuration Guide Addendum 7.1. x a n d 7.2. x Note Before using this information and the product that it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 215. Product information This document applies to IBM QRadar Security Intelligence Platform V7.2.4 and subsequent releases unless superseded by an updated version of this document. © Copyright IBM Corporation 2005, 2015. US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. Contents About this DSM Configuration Guide Chapter 12. Cisco IronPort ......33 Addendum .............vii Configuring the Cisco IronPort to send syslog events ................34 Chapter 1. Event collection from third-party devices ..........1 Chapter 13. Correlog Agent for IBM Adding a single DSM ...........2 z/OS ................35 Installing a DSM bundle ..........3 Configuring your CorreLog Agent system for Adding a log source ............3 communication with QRadar ........36 Adding bulk log sources ..........5 Adding a log source parsing order .......5 Chapter 14. CloudPassage Halo ....37 Configuring CloudPassage Halo for communication Chapter 2. 3Com Switch 8800 .....7 with QRadar ..............37 Configuring your 3COM Switch 8800 ......7 Configuring a CloudPassage Halo log source in QRadar................39 Chapter 3. AccessData InSight .....9 Configuring your AccessData InSight device to Chapter 15. DG Technology MEAS . 41 communicate with QRadar .........10 Configuring your DG Technology MEAS system for Adding an AccessData InSight log source on your communication with QRadar ........41 QRadar Console .............10 Chapter 16. FireEye .........43 Chapter 4. AhnLab Policy Center . 13 Configuring your FireEye system for communication with QRadar ........43 Chapter 5. Amazon AWS CloudTrail . 15 Configuring a FireEye log source in QRadar . 44 Chapter 6. Ambiron TrustWave ipAngel 17 Chapter 17. FreeRADIUS .......45 Configuring your FreeRADIUS device to communicate with QRadar .........45 Chapter 7. Arbor Networks Pravail . 19 Configuring your Arbor Networks Pravail system to Chapter 18. genua genugate .....47 send events to QRadar ..........20 Configuring genua genugate to send events to QRadar................48 Chapter 8. APC UPS .........21 Configuring your APC UPS to forward syslog Chapter 19. HyTrust CloudControl . 49 events ................22 Configuring HyTrust CloudControl to communicate with QRadar ..............50 Chapter 9. Barracuda Web Application Firewall ..............23 Chapter 20. IBM AIX DSMs ......51 Configuring Barracuda Web Application Firewall to IBM AIX Server DSM overview........51 send syslog events to QRadar ........24 Configuring your IBM AIX Server device to send syslog events to QRadar .........52 Chapter 10. Bit9 Security Platform . 25 IBM AIX Audit DSM overview ........52 Configuring Bit9 Security Platform to communicate Configuring IBM AIX Audit DSM to send syslog with QRadar ..............25 events to QRadar ...........54 Configuring IBM AIX Audit DSM to send log file Chapter 11. Blue Coat SG.......27 protocol events to QRadar ........55 Creating a custom event format .......28 Creating a log facility ...........29 Chapter 21. IBM AS/400 iSeries event Enabling access logging ..........29 collection .............59 Configuring Blue Coat SG for log file protocol uploads................30 Chapter 22. IBM AS/400 iSeries DSM 61 Configuring Blue Coat SG for syslog uploads . 30 Configuring an IBM iSeries device to communicate Creating extra custom format key-value pairs . 31 with QRadar ..............62 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2015 iii Chapter 23. IBM Federated Directory Chapter 33. Kaspersky Security Server ...............65 Center ..............103 Configuring IBM Federated Directory Server to Creating a database view for Kaspersky Security monitor security events ..........66 Center for JDBC event collection .......105 Exporting syslog to QRadar from Kaspersky Chapter 24. IBM Fiberlink MaaS360 . 67 Security Center .............106 Manually installing an RPM .........67 Configuring your Fiberlink MaaS360 instance for Chapter 34. Kisco Information communication with QRadar ........68 Systems SafeNet/i .........107 Configuring an IBM Fiberlink MaaS360 log source Configuring Kisco Information Systems SafeNet/i in QRadar ...............68 to communicate with QRadar ........108 Chapter 25. IBM Security Privileged Chapter 35. Lastline Enterprise ....111 Identity Manager ..........71 Configuring Lastline Enterprise to communicate Configuring IBM Security Privileged Identity with QRadar .............112 Manager ...............72 Chapter 36. McAfee ePolicy Chapter 26. IBM RACF ........75 Orchestrator ............113 Integrating IBM RACF with QRadar Using IBM Configuring a McAfee ePO log source by using the Security zSecure .............75 JDBC protocol .............113 Create an IBM RACF log source ......76 Configuring ePO to forward SNMP events . 115 Integrate IBM RACF with QRadar using audit Adding a registered server to McAfee ePO . 115 scripts ................80 Configuring ePO to forward SNMP events . 116 Configure IBM RACF to integrate with QRadar 81 Configuring a McAfee ePO log source by using the SNMP protocol ..........116 Chapter 27. IBM Privileged Session Installing the Java Cryptography Extension on Recorder ..............85 McAfee ePO .............117 Configuring IBM Privileged Session Recorder to Installing the Java Cryptography Extension on communicate with QRadar .........86 QRadar ..............118 Supported parameters for event detection . 118 Chapter 28. IBM Security Network IPS 87 Configuring your IBM Security Network IPS Chapter 37. LOGbinder EX event appliance for communication with QRadar ....88 collection from Microsoft Exchange Configuring an IBM Security Network IPS log Server ..............121 source in QRadar ............88 Configuring your LOGbinder EX system to send Microsoft Exchange event logs to QRadar ....122 Chapter 29. IBM SmartCloud Orchestrator ............91 Chapter 38. LOGbinder SP event Installing IBM SmartCloud Orchestrator .....92 collection from Microsoft SharePoint . 123 Configuring an IBM SmartCloud Orchestrator log Configuring your LOGbinder SP system to send source in QRadar ............92 Microsoft SharePoint event logs to QRadar . 124 Chapter 30. IBM Tivoli Endpoint Chapter 39. LOGbinder SQL event Manager ..............93 collection from Microsoft SQL Server . 125 Configuring your LOGbinder SQL system to send Chapter 31. IBM Security Trusteer Apex Microsoft SQL Server event logs to QRadar . 126 Advanced Malware Protection.....95 Configuring IBM Security Trusteer Apex Advanced Chapter 40. Microsoft Exchange Malware Protection to send syslog events to QRadar 98 Server ..............127 Configuring a Flat File Feed service ......98 Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server to communicate with QRadar .........128 Chapter 32. IBM WebSphere Configuring OWA logs on your Microsoft DataPower ............101 Exchange Server ...........128 Configuring IBM WebSphere DataPower to Enabling SMTP logs on your Microsoft communicate with QRadar .........102 Exchange Server ...........129 Configuring a log source for Microsoft Exchange 129 iv IBM Security QRadar: DSM Configuration Guide Addendum Chapter 41. Microsoft SQL Server . 133 Configuring a Salesforce Security Monitoring log Microsoft SQL Server preparation for source in QRadar ............170 communication with QRadar ........134 Creating a Microsoft SQL Server auditing object 134 Chapter 51. Configuring Sun Solaris Creating a Microsoft SQL Server audit Sendmail to communicate with specification .............134 QRadar ..............173 Creating a Microsoft SQL Server database view 135 Configuring a Sun Solaris Sendmail log source . 173 Configuring a Microsoft SQL Server log source . 135 Chapter 52. SSH CryptoAuditor....177 Chapter 42. Microsoft Windows Configuring an SSH CryptoAuditor appliance to Security Event Log .........139 communicate with QRadar .........178 Enabling MSRPC on Windows hosts......139 Enabling a Snare Agent on Windows hosts . 142 Chapter 53. STEALTHbits Enabling WMI on Windows hosts ......143 StealthINTERCEPT .........179 Chapter 43. Netskope Active .....147 Configuring your STEALTHbits StealthINTERCEPT system for communication with QRadar ....180 Configuring QRadar to collect events from your Adding a STEALTHbits StealthINTERCEPT log Netskope Active system ..........148 source in QRadar ............180 Chapter 44. OpenStack .......151 Chapter 54. STEALTHbits Configuring OpenStack to communicate with StealthINTERCEPT Alerts ......181 QRadar ...............152 Collecting alerts logs from STEALTHbits Chapter 45. Oracle Enterprise StealthINTERCEPT ...........182 Manager .............155 Chapter 55. STEALTHbits StealthINTERCEPT Analytics.....183 Chapter 46. Palo Alto Networks . 157 Collecting analytics logs from STEALTHbits Creating a syslog destination on your Palo Alto StealthINTERCEPT ...........184 device ................158 Creating a forwarding policy on your Palo Alto Chapter 56. Symantec Critical System device ................159 Protection .............185 Chapter 47. RSA Authentication Manager .............161 Chapter 57. Sourcefire Defense Center Configuring syslog for RSA ........161 (DC) ...............187 Configuring Linux...........161 Creating Sourcefire 4.x certificates ......188 Configuring Windows .........162 Creating Sourcefire 5.x certificates ......188 Configuring the log
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