TH E NE W -YO RK H IS TO RICAL S OCIE TY TH E JOH N WATTS DE PE YS TE R PUBLICATION FUND XLIII . COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATIONS . JR . DANIEL PARISH , , R GERA D BEEKMAN , H K ROBERT . ELBY . C O L L E C T I O N S THE NEW-YORKHISTORICALSOCIE TY F O R T H E Y E A R PUBLICATION FUND SE RIE S N E W Y O R K P R I N T E D F O R T H E S O C I E T Y MDCCCCXI O F F IC E RS O F T H E S O CIE TY 1 1 1 . , 9 PR N ESIDE T, SAMUEL VERPLANCK HOFFMAN . V -P N FIRST ICE RESIDE T, FRANCIS ROBERT SCHELL . N V -P N SECO D ICE RESIDE T, I WILL AM MILLIGAN SLOANE . F O N P N N REIG CORRES O DI G SECRETARY, ARCHER MILTON HUNTINGTON . OM P N N D ESTIC CORRES O DI G SECRETARY, JOHN ABEEL WEEKES . N RECORDI G SECRETARY, ACOSTA NICHOLS . TREASURER, WARREN CADY CRANE . B N LI RARIA , ROBERT HENDRE KELBY . MITT EXECUTIVE COM EE . - F OR ONE N N 1912 . FIRST CLASS YEAR , E DI G CHANDLER DAVIS , WALTER L . SUYDAM , JOHN WATSON CARY . — N F OR TWO N N 1913 . SECO D CLASS YEARS , E DI G N A J . W JOHN EEKES , PIERPONT MORGA , PAUL R. TOWNE . — S F OR N N 1914 . THIRD CLA S THREE YEARS , E DI G JR M E DANIEL PARISH , , WILLIAM . SLOAN , M ARCHER . HUNTINGTON . - F OR N N 1915 FOURTH CLASS FOUR YEARS , E DI G . O ISAAC J . GREENW OD , CLARENCE STORM, B B BENJAMIN W. ROWN . i JR . ha m C r an . DANIEL PARISH , , . S ecretar . ROBERT H KELBY , y - R [The President , Vice Presidents, ecording Secretary, Treasurer , and Librarian are members Of the Executive Com mi t t ee . ] P E F AT RY N TE R O O . t wo t - - These volumes , forming the for y third and forty fourth volumes of the Collections of the Society for 1910 and 1911 : respectively , contain of of I . The earliest known Tax Lists the City New York , 1695 15 1699 now covering December , to July th , , and for the first time published . f II . Assessment o the real and personal property of the 24 1791 East Ward , June , At 8t h a meeting of the Common Council held December , of New 1683 . The City and Corporation York was divided into S ix wards as follows ' TH E SOUTH WARD To begin att ye Corner house of James Mathews by ye Wat ter Side and S O North ward along the heere Graft to ye house of Simon Jonson Romain and ffrom thence West ward up ye Beaver graft t o ye Corner House of Barent Coursen and ffrom thence south ward by ye ffort e t o ye watter syde including ye f in Pearle street so t o ye house o James Mathews aga e . DOCK WARD f : our land To Begin att ye house o Mr . Steph van C t t by ye Watter syde and S O North wards to ye Corner house of Ge e sie Denys ffrom thence east wards to ye house of David Provost and ffrom thence t o ye house of Trynt ie Clox [Glocke] and so ourt l nd a ain e West wards to Mr . C a t s g EAST WARD ' To Begin att ye house of Thomas Lewis and ffrom thence Northward to ye house of Laurence Sluys then along ye Wall to ye Corner house of Miriam Levy and so to Thomas Lewis a aine Smirh fHo e g , with all ye houses in ye y and without ye ' Gate on ye South side of y e fi resh Watter . NORTH WARD To Begin att ye house of Arian e Jonson H agene er thence east Wards along ye beaver Graft prince S t reet e to ye house of Christian Laurier and so Northwards to ye house of Garret Hendrix and ffrom thence West Wards t o ye Corner of ye New S t re e t e Ohnsons a aine and thence Southwards to Ariane J g . WEST WARD To Begin att ye house of Thomas Coker so N : Wards t o ye Gate and Ffrom thence East Wards along ye Wall to ye Cor ner of ye New streets thence Southwards t o ye house of Peter B re st e de fi rom t o id o and thence Westwards ye W d w of J0 . Br s ede s Johnson e t and o to Thomas Cokers againe . OUT WARD To Cont aine ye Towne of Harlem with all ye fi armes Plan ' n n t at ions and se t t lemt s . o this Island Ma h at ans fi rom ye North Side of ye firesh Watter . TH E BOWERY PRECIN CT mentioned in the tax lists included the Bowery and extended North as far as the present Gramercy Park . his Mr . William S . Pelletreau from manuscript notes on early s of deed Manhattan Island , locates the houses mentioned in the respective ward boundaries as follows SOUTH WARD ‘ ’ 1 of Inn was The house James Mathews , Keeper , the North West corner of what is now Pearl and Broad St . 2 of s . The House Symon Jan en Romaine , was the West of corner of Beaver and Broad Street . South Side Beaver 1658 Street . (Mentioned in deed ) ’ n s of 3 . Barent C our se house was the South corner Beaver old and Whitehall Streets . (Mentioned in deed) DOCK WARD Cort landt was t 1. The house of Stephen Van , the Nor h r of East corner of Pearl and Broad Streets , his owne ship a wide lot t o t on there , gave him a preemption right the lots opposi e which Praunces Tavern was afterwards erected . of Ge e sis 2 . The house Widow Denys was the North corner N w f of Broad and Prince Street . ( o Beaver Street East o old . Broad) . Mentioned in mortgage of was 3 . The house David Provoost probably the North West corner of Prince (Beaver) and William St . N f Tr n ie G . 4 o t o 65 . The house y Clox ( locke) is Pearl St of St . North corner Pearl , and Hanover Square The Grace Building was part of her lot . EAST WARD of h 1. The house Thomas Lewis was the Nort West corner of Hanover Square and William Street . (Old Burgers Path) N f . 4 2 o o 9 S t . The House Lawrence Sluys was Wall , near of t o the South East corner William and Wall Streets . The lo corner seems t o have been at that time a vacant t . of i or 3 . The house Miriam Lev ( Levy) was the South West corner or Pearl and Wall Streets . The Smiths Vly was Pearl n old . Street . (Mentio ed in deeds ) NORTH WARD 1 f H a e neer . The house o Arian , Jansen g was the North East corner of Beaver Street and New Street . 2 of of . The house Christian Laurier was the North corner Prince (Beaver) Street and William Street . f 3 . o was The house Garret Hendrix , the South West corner f i o Wall and Will am St . WE ST WARD 1 hOuse of was c f . The Thomas Coker the north orner o and Beaver Whitehall St . 2 of Bre st e de was n . The house Peter on a large lot o the f North West corner o Beaver and New Street . f B re s e de l 3 . The widow o Jan Jansen t had a ot about half way between New Street and Whitehall . The t ax lists for 1695 t o 1699 have been in the Archives of - The New York Historical Society , for many years . The tax list of the East Ward 1791 is from the library of the . t o his late Issac J Greenwood , presented the Society by daughters the Misses Mary M . and Eliza R . Greenwood . N E N C O T T S . PAGES TAx OF OF NE W I . LISTS THE YORK , MB 1695— 15TH 1699 1 315 DECE ER, JULY , to M N OF AND N P II . ASSESS E T THE REAL PERSO AL PRO E RTY OF OF NE W THE EAST WARD , CITY N 24 1791 YORK, JU E , III . INDEX TAX LIS TS OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK “ — DE CE MB E 1695 JUL 15TH 1699. R, Y , AS SES S MENT OF TH E RE AL AND PE RSONAL PROPE RTY OF TH E T A D IT E AS W R , C Y OF NE W YORK NE 24 1 1 JU , 79 . 2 CITY OF NE W YORK E zekiell Grazielle [Grazillier] Estate Gustavus Horne house & c : Peter Vant ilborough house &0 ' Francis Wessells house &c ° Peter Boss Estate . John Moie [Meyer] house . his Mothers house Wm Ellsworth Estate Wessell Evert [S] Estate ni Gouse Bon n Estate . John Mortier house &c John Wessells house & c Widdow S lewis [Sluys] house &c Hendrick Cooper house &c Cap [Lancaster] ? Sym[e]s house &c Jacob Pape Estate . John Stephens house . Joseph Ellis Estate . William Morris Estate for the house John E uwot se [E wout se] house &c Samuel] Maynard house &c : Carried over 1955 02 00 08 3 Brought over Widdow Hanse house Monsieur Papin Estate Widdow At t kins house Abraham Brazier house Eben Willson house &c : .
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