V. DENVER CATHOUC cyv :o m X O! o <— REGISTER ro o CO 33 THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 196S VOL. LX No. 2 -^tyocruplir p o c r ^ p n a School Enrollment Evorybody wants to ro to Two Bo,," heaven, but nobody wauls to die to get there. • * • To Reach 30,000 Need Homes Motto on a family coat- The start of school year Mullen high school will ac­ Fatima school, Lakewood, and of*arms: A u d e sapere 1965-66 will reflect the commodate 250 freshmen, at St. Anthony of Padua’s (Dare to do that which is twice the number enrolled for school. Westwood. — And Love continuing expansion of Two boys in the Denver righ t!) Not bad. What’s Catholic education in the 1964. Also opening this year are A new grade is being added area — one a handicappped yours? Archdiocese of Denver. two school programs spon­ • • « this year at both Our Lady of sored by congregations of Sis­ six-week-old baby and the oth­ An estimated enrollment of er a 17-year-old Cuban refu­ With modern medicine ters. .?0,00f) youngsters will begin lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillliilllilillllllllllllllllllllllilliil^^ gee — need homes, and Cath­ doing so well at increasing the fir.st scme.stcr on Sept. 7. The Missionary Sisters of olic Charities officials are our iife cx])ectancy, we’d bet­ One new school will open at Collection Listed the Sacred Heart are trans­ helping in the search. ter be careful about adding to Holy Trinity parish, Colorado forming the Queen of Heaven the national debt. Wo might Springs, for elementary Results of the archdiocesan home, 4825 Federal boule­ BABY CHARLIE was bom have to pay it off ourselves. grades one, two, and three. collection for orphans, taken vard, into a private boarding without vision in one eye — — Phil ClatKt. M.D. Some 10 extra classrooms Aug. 1, have been announced and day school for girls in by the Chancery office. kindergarten through eighth and eventually will need an have been completed in read!' artificial eye. But most of all “ Do you have 'H ' on to­ A list of contributions from grade. ness for the now school year he needs a mother and father night?" asked the poll taker. the various parishes of the divided among St. Pius X ’s At the Ix>retto Education who will love him and give “ Ye.s," replied John Eby. archdiocese will be found on Aurora; Holy Cross, Thorn center. Littleton, the Sisters him the security to overcome “ What are you listening ])age 11. ton, and Sacred Heart, Boiil of I.oretto will launch the his handicap. to?” the caller asked. der, parishes. Havem school for children Illlllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllltllllllltl^^ Miss Joan Sotiros, who is in “ My w ife!” was the reply. with learning impairments. • « • charge of Charlie’s case, re­ “ What’s this fly doing in my calls that 18 months ago an DURING SCHOOL year appeal in the Denver Catholic soup?” inquired the angry 1964-65, 29,398 students were diner. Mo vie Film To Document Register on behalf of a blind enrolled in 83 Denver archdi­ baby brought response from Johnny Ott stood a minute ocesan elementary and secon­ looking into the soup bowl: several families — and a dary schools, operating with home for the child. She hopes "I>ooks like the backstroke to Closed Retreat at Sedalia a budget in excess of |1 mil­ No, Johnny, You Can’t Ride Shotgun! me." the response will be equally • • • For the first lime an en­ lion. Teaching staff totaled generous this time. 1,144, with a pupil-teacher ra­ A nun in the West has to be firm with her closed retreat is going to be on a visit to Tiny Town, Wednesday, Aug. 11. Miss Sotiros can be reached The freshman had gone to tio of 1 to 20 in secondary brought to open view, when a passengers, and young Johnny ought to know All Saints’ is one of the nine Head Start cen­ at Catholic Charities, 222-3825. sleep in English class and Fr. film now in the making is schools, and 1 to 39 in elemen­ that he's not old enough to ride shotgun with Edward Maginnis threw a ters operated this summer to give pre-school­ She will be happy to supply completed within the next few tary grades. a stage full of Head Start youngsters, from book at him. "What hit me?" ers a foretaste of school conditions, and the further information. weeks. At the secondary level, 33 he asked, startled. Tiny Town to Denver. Sister Mary Zona, fun of the outdoors. Field trips proved very per cent of staff arc lay "Th at," said the priest, Subject of the movie is a C.PP.S., of the All Saints Head Start cenler, popular among the children, many of whom TH E CUBAN refugee boy teachers, and at the elementa­ "was flying Chaucer.” men’s retreat at Sacred Heart "packs them in" as the little people open had never been outside their home area in needs a foster home while he ry, 37 per cent. « • « Retreat house, Scdalia. their eyes to the wide world of the Rockies the city (Photo by DeCroce Studio) attends Cathedral high school. Courtship is the process of It will be available from the The annual education reix>rt A financial supplement is seeking a girl’s hand until she newly-named retreat director, issued by the school office, available. has you under her thumb. the Rev. John R. Padberg, headed by the Rt. Rev. Mon- Anyone interested is asked — Mika Rfitfy S.J.. on request, for showing signor William H. Jones, to call Miss Koop at the Char­ * * • before parish groups in the archdiocesan superintendent Teen-Ager's View of 'Head Start': ities office. Two Jewish men met on the Denver archdiocese. of schools, stresses that each street one day and one said to year the schools strive to im­ FATHER PADBERG, the other "You certainly look prove their measurement of Inferfoith Lay sad; what’s the matter?” whose appointment to the post students’ aptitudes, attitudes, was announced this week, ap­ 'The Kids Had a Ball, and So Did We' The second one said: “ Well, and achievements. Retreat Planned pears in the film along with The testing program at the 1 have tried to live a devout By Christopher Hernon "They come back inside lat­ find they can manage to suc­ The second annual inter- the retreat house founder and elementary level utilized Jewish life and a very Ortho­ er for a milk break, and they ceed in a game — it’s not just faith laymen’s retreat, co­ first director, the Rev. Raph­ achievement test batteries As the Head Start program dox one and raise my family have a sort of kindergarten coordination, but confidence sponsored by the Denver ael C. McCarthy, S.J. Rev. Raphael McCarthy prepared by the Scholastic is over for the year 1965, we the same way. and here my class, or get their eyes, hear­ that they get from it all. Area Council of Churches, the Since h' a I h e r McCarthy Testing Service of Chicago, contacted our ‘‘Teen-Ager on boy wants to become a Cath­ Heart retreat house, the food ing. and other physical pow­ Archdiocese of Denver, and took the first group of 35 rc- 111. In secondary schools test.s Head Start” to get her reac­ “ Whether it’s a finger-paint­ olic.” is excellent, and all external ers tested by a trained nurse the Rabbinical Council of treatants to the high plateau applied were the Iowa Tests tions; ing or a puppet made out of The fir.st man said: "Funny pressures of modem life are and her helpers. Denver, will be held Saturday for a relaxed and thoughtful of Educational Development, “ W ell," she said, "the kids a piece of paper, they burst you should say that; my boy "o ff." had a ball, and so did we. with pride when they have and Sunday, Sept. 18-19, at wants to do the same thing." week end at the Sedalia re­ as provided by the Colorado "W e arrange to fix them up treat house, men from every State government, through “ You knoW'^hat this- Head with any corrective treatment ‘ made’ it on their own. Camp LaForet near Colorado The second man .said: POSTAL ADDRESS of the Start program Is for — it’s to “ Sometimes we get sudden Springs. "L et’s consult the Rabbi in walk of life, and students of retreat house is; Box 185, Se­ National Defense Education they need; THAT’S part of give less-privileged children tears, or some little hurt, and The theme of this year's the synagogue.” every age have attended the dalia, Colo., 80135. Act funds. Head Start, too. a chance to sec what .school’s one of us always swoops sessions will be the role of re­ So. they went to the syna­ retreats. New assistant director is “ Healthy minds can’t do like and help them adjust to down to pick them up and ligion in the community. gogue and explained their Movie - maker, Denver Film the Rev. Stephan R. Kreuger, TEST RESULTS indicate a their best “without healthy I f it, so that when they get into cuddle them for consolation. problems to the Rabbi, and company director E. Watt- S.J. high scoring rate in the arch­ bodies.” first grade in the fall, they’ll “ They often need escorting the Rabbi said: "Funny you Pye, plans a footage that will There is no set charge.
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