The Davie Record DAVIB COUNTY’S ODDEST NBWSPAPER-THE PAPER THE BEOPDE READ NEWS OF LONG AGO. AT PEACE WITH GOO Connty Has Hnge Joh CooIeemee Christmas Is The War Over? Seen AlongMain Street Rev. Walter E. henhonr. Hiddenite.!). C. More than $370,000 is expected Party Great Success Fighting for au ally of - Aineri ByTheStteetRanibler. Wbat Was Happemag In Davie The heart: and soul at peace with to be spent during the next five ca dvrihg the~w<ir is one thing and oooooo BK HARRY S. STROUD. - Before Tbe New Deal UsedVp God years by Davie County home own­ fighting tor one half j of China a Miss Ruth Lakey ‘wearing new The Christmas party for the Has’pleasures sweet aloug life’s ers on remodeliug and repair work. gainst the other half in a civil war pair of rubber boots—Cjarence Tbe Alphabet, Drowned The children of Erwin mill workers at way, The year 1946 promises to inau­ is another: Craven looking happy after foe - Hapaaad Plowed Up .The Cooleemee which, was igld at the Although sometimes ,affliction’s gurate one of the greatest areas in ...That’s what’, American.... aiimen holidays—Herbert Haire shaking Cottoa and Cora. rod . American history, for., home iool building Saturday tbmk.. reported angrily protistlng Handgwkh ^ iends-M fcs Hazel pairs and modernization, accord­ evening, Dee. 22, was a great sue- (Davie Record, Jan. 5. 1910) May seem quite heavy for die their postwar assignment to fly Mcdamroch driving slowly acrois ing to estimates 'released by the cess. The party was sponsored by Cotton ls 13 cents. d m : planes across the Hiraalayi Hump. foe Square-M iss Janet Fyne talk- Yet deep within there is a bliss Tile Council of America. “Few the Textile Workers I Jnion of tbcmost dangerous place In the JngaJxmtliie bad weather-Em - L. Q. Baker spent last week at That far exceeds our every care, developments will contribute more America fortiiribeiiefit of; those . Lenoir with relatives. "m L J P anii* _ , estHunt leaving grocery store— With blessedness we wouldn’t fb employment and general pros*, children whose parents pave been These plane? are Chiang Kaishek ^ Margaret Tloberts trying to . T. J. Byerly made a business perity in any community,” accord­ out on a strike since 8 ,, pro­ id several fine > A m enctn liveu « . — miss , \ -’■’.i-.-r , keep warm in dime store—Gossip -trip to Charlotte last week. ing to R- El Jordan, ehairman of testing the company’s, to have already lost' in lhe operations. Forall die world’s v^in sows dub holding after Christmas ses- FIoyd Gaither, of Birmingham, die Coimdl’s Residential Con- submit to arbitration a irk load AU India, all Burma the Humb* . _ . ^ _ w and fare. | , ;■ „ ,sionm front of drug store—M iss was among the Christmas visitors. stmctiori'Committee. clause in the proposed intract, and Chiang and the Communists'- - - - - At peace with God—thlt means Rufo Spry doing late shopping—- E. H. Morris made a business Because,.of lack of materials and The gathering was om o f the a test .-Iirown in are not worth those A- James Tbompson discussing foe trip to Hickory and Newton last manpower during the war, major­ rgest ever assembled in! Coolee- That earth can never, never merican lives. weather in front of postoffice— week. ity of die county’s 3,398- dwelling mee, estimated at 1 2 0 0 j people, And who will fly the planes Fted Daniel riding new bicycle— ~ The mercury went down to 6 ' give; units are in need of some kind of filling .all auditorium serits and It means a conscience for a guest, after they are delivered to Chiaug JewelPurVis and Frank Stroud degrees above zero Thursday. repair or remodeling work. Kitch­ balcony as well, with manly stand­ W idiwhiditowork ahd sleep or-the Chinese army?... looking at big turkey - roasting vin ^ -Walter lQriffin, o f Texas, is vis­ en improvements and moderniza­ ing in aisles. 'R. V. Alexander and live, It wouldn’t be strange to see A- American Cafe oven—M iss Mar­ iting relatives in and around the tion of bathrooms, installation of was master of 'ceremonies. The mericans assigned:- to that task, That’s good and dean and bright tha Bowden greeting friends in town. tiled showers and in some homes program was' opened by singing more to be kilied in; a Cbinesequar and dear [ Mocksville Cash Store—George W ill VanEaton leftlast week on addition of a second bath top the the Christpaas carol, "Silent Night, el, over on the other side of the Far more to be desired than Shittt looking oyer depleted; stock a business ritp to MonUtomery nation's list ofmost wanted mr- Holy Night,” Irii by Rev. ! G. L. wealth; i world. : o f Cbristmias toys—Mrs. Leslie countp. jor improvements, Jordan said. Royster, pastor of the (Baptist Life is cheap in China, always For only this can bring u? cheer Daniel standing by stove, eating Work on die Angell brtck store Outside paint jobs are needed Ghugch. The. devotional? were has been, but American life is dear And give our soul and body tangerine—Mayor Pennington en­ building is progressing rapidly. on more than 50 per cent of ’. C. E. 1 EL Rob- health. i anywhere, always should be. • tering department store—Wood- MissBerthaCashwelIamember homes, and addition ofrooms and nson, Episcopal Rector, followed We have no business killing ,A- Sow Wilson trying to open mail of die Spencer school faculty, vis­ At peace with’ God—O wondrous construction o f porches also I rarik i>y tiie invocation, led by Rev. H. tnericans for. Chaing or. any Chinese. box—Chmrlie Woodruff, Jr., greet­ ited her parents over Christmas. goal ! high in remodeling plans, accord­ C. Freeman, Methodist minister. Somebody said the war was over ing buddies after many months Miss Lilla Austin, of Winston, For one to reach while Ihererori ing to the report. New roofing A song servite consisting of Christ-: I f .ten* t for our airmen being sent overseas—William Crotts trying is visiting her mother and sister earth, I and heating plants are required by mas carols under the direct ion of wantonly to death ; in somehody to get in bank on. holiday--Girls here this week. Though'tests 'and trials taige and Ihany dwellings. ' MissThelma McDiiniel Wis t else’s war —Charlotte Observer.- carrying evergreens upstairs to de­ Kimbrough Meronev who hails roll ' Home owners in ,North Caro­ dered by a group of about thirty corate dance halt—FilGodbeyand from die classic shades of Lenoir, And seek to rob us rif our lina will spend an estimated $89;- . chtidreri^thenSyhWorkd A City Slicker Gilmer Richaidson standing on ' was among die holiday visitors. mirth; 1 870,000 arid those of. the nation Howara Harris, represe htative street comer watching trafic go by V Boone Stonestreet spent Satur­ StiO there’s a peace down 'in the more foan $5,500,000,000 for ma­ o f the Nritiortal office o f Textile A girl from the city watched for —Courting couple’sitting In park­ day and Sunday with friends in depth 1 jor ty(fiurs alone in the next five, Workers U nion o f Ameri :a, ex­ several minutes while a group of ed truck making hay while foe Salisbury. - Ofheart and soul -Iikd some years; according to Jordan. Ample pressed appreciation to all other farmhands spread ont bay to dry. sun shines—Charlie Vogler issu- Miss Bertha Linville, who holds funds, at low interest charges, are U nion locals, all firms anc indi­ Then, nnable to suppress .her curi­ a position in Winston, spent the Though surges o’er ;its Jbosom available for such work through viduals who, by their contribu­ osity, she asked politely: ing marriage license to happylook- holidays here with her parents. swept - - . ■ I commercial banks, savings and tions and generous co-op !ration lAre--Ibev looking for a needle?' ing boy and girl. P. H. Booe and Iitde son^'of Its depfoswere from disturb­ loan associations, crsdit unions, iri helping, the! local committees Walkettown^apent sevetaTdays in ance free! ; . and mutual savings banks. secure the items needed an: !made town Uist week with relatives: ' I At peace with God—that’s !better die evening such a great o ie for R. S. Meroncy, of Winston, vis­ far My Notions foe hundreds of'children. ited home folks here during the Than have entwined aboi it our I have known all the time that W hen Santa Glaus arrivt d foe i) January 31 * I holidays. brow there should be some good use stage Of, the school audit orium! Sterldig Kelly, a student at Da­ Some earthly laurel, or a star was a picturesque scene v ith a vidson College, spent the holidays for which lipstick could be em­ Placed in our crown, arid see beautiful decorated Christmjar tree in town with his parentt. ployed. And sure enough, I 'was men bow right. U p in Asbury Park, N .. J., pcoperly lighted, and foe M t. and Mrs. W. P. Etchison, covered with dolls, modeli I THE LAST DAY To pay us homage and esteem, of Ridgeway, S. C., visited rela- a woman fell in her second-story While God may frowtf—and apartment and so crippled herself model airplanes; toy guns, A FOR MEN NOW IN THE ARMY TO . rives in town last week. conscience warn, ( and arrows, games, color Sooks, Miss ldary Heitman, a teacher that-she could not call for aid. And peace of soul a strangerseem She lay helpless for 24 hours when crayons, jumping ropes, necklaces, k RETAIN THEIR PRESENT GRADES in Salem College, spent the holi­ With no heart graces to adorn.
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