June 3, 1988 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 13323 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Friday, June 3, 1988 The House met at 10 a.m. and women who answered the call of John Manlich, Jr., was recently The Chaplain, Rev. James David their country and never returned with named as the Baltimore County Ford, D.D., offered the following the phrase: "To cherish liberty, one Senior Adult Volunteer Employment prayer: need only remember how it was Program's "Volunteer of the Year." Gracious God, we pray for all good earned." This phrase embodies the es­ John volunteered 1,325 hours of his things-for health and strength, for sence of our dedication to freedom of time in 1987; this is an achievement wisdom and nurture, for faith and all people. which prompted Baltimore County hope. On this day we pray for peace, Executive Dennis Rasmussen to pro­ peace in our hearts and peace in our claim April 20, 1988, as "John Man­ world. Help us to believe that in spite THE 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF NA­ of the very grave concerns that touch TIONAL ACADEMY OF OPTI­ lich, Jr., Day." All of us who know each heart, we still may have that CIANRY John are not at all surprised by this; I peace that passes all human under­ have long thought of him as an excep­ <Mr. RAVENEL asked and was given tional man who has always been will­ standing, that assurance and inner permission to address the House for 1 confidence that Your presence and ing to share his abilities with others. minute and to revise and extend his His is a life which is filled with many Spirit can give. remarks.) For this we pray. Amen. examples of voluntarism and commu­ Mr. RAVENEL. Mr. Speaker, a con­ nity service. Let me introduce you to stituent of mine in South Carolina's John-someone whom I am proud to THE JOURNAL First District, K. Richard Davenport call a fine friend as well as a fine man. The SPEAKER. The Chair has ex­ of Charleston, serves as president of For a long time John worked with amined the Journal of the last day's the National Academy of Opticianry, which observes its 25th anniversary the March of Dimes; he rose to the po­ proceedings and announces to the sition of vice president for Field Serv­ House his approval thereof. this year. I applaud this volunteer, not-for­ ices and helped to arrange polio vac­ Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the cine trials for Dr. Jonas Salk. He Journal stands approved. profit body, dedicated to improving educational opportunities for all oph­ served his country with honors in the thalmic dispensers, and would like to 99th Division in the European sector DEDICATION OF WAYNE call this anniversary to the attention during World War II. John, it can be COUNTY, OH, VETERANS' ME­ of my colleagues. In just the past 10 said, has in the past shown his love of MORIAL years, the academy has grown to country and its people in many differ­ <Mr. REGULA asked and was given become the largest single opticianry ent ways. permission to address the House for 1 organization in the world, currently However, his zest for helping others minute and to revise and extend his listing some 4,560 fellows and mem­ has not diminished over the years. He remarks.) bers. has tirelessly sought to serve his com­ Mr. REGULA. Mr. Speaker, this The significance of the academy's munity through such positions as past Monday I was privileged to par­ anniversary lies not in its large mem­ board vice president of the Depart­ ticipate in the dedication of the bership nor its 25 years of existence, ment of Aging's Senior Craft Gallery, Wayne County, OH, Veterans' Memo­ but in its successful cooperation and administrator of the Maryland State rial. Duty, honor, country. This is the work with other eye care profession­ Police Older Adult Club Crime Preven­ theme of the Wayne County Memori­ als. They serve the 70-plus million tion Program, and volunteer consult­ al, dedicated to the 293 Wayne County Americans who periodically need ant of the Criminal Justice Services citizens who served and died in the vision care. Without vision correction Division of the American Association two World Wars, Korea, and Vietnam. these citizens could not enjoy a satis­ of Retarded Persons in the State of This memorial, 2 years in the making, factory quality life-or in a majority Maryland. Mr. Speaker, I can say with was conceived, designed, and imple­ of cases-earn their livings. In congratulating President Dick great pride that my district and its mented by the Joint Veterans Organi­ people are far better off as a result of zation of Wayne County and was made Davenport and the academy for their adult education programs, I wish to John Manlich than it would have been possible by over 500 contributions without him. from Wayne County citizens. add my expectations for their contin­ The memorial consists of five pillars ued progress in serving the eye care He has also been a very special of blue granite, four of which bear the needs of all Americans. friend to me. His talent as a photogra­ name of the conflict at the top and pher is truly excellent, and there have has each citizen's name who died in been many times when I have called service to our country inscribed on the TRIBUTE TO JOHN MANLICH, on him at only a moment's notice pillar. The memorial will be an eternal JR., VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR when I needed his skills. He has never reminder to all who visit that these <Mrs. BENTLEY asked and was let me down, and I hope that he feels brave Americans, their courage, and given permission to address the House able to say the same about me. the ideals they fought for will live on for 1 minute and to revise and extend I know that mere words cannot hope in our memory. her remarks.> to fully describe a friendship, yet I Two hundred and twenty-two Wayne Mrs. BENTLEY. Mr. Speaker, today hope that they have been able to ex­ County students, ranging from grades I have the opportunity to pay homage press the great pride I feel over this 8 to 12, competed for the honor to to a constituent who is an actual special friend and his special accom­ have their tribute to their fellow citi­ friend of mine; this is a gentleman plishments. Indeed awards are great zens inscribed on the memorial. This whom I have come to know and love things, yet friendships are probably honor was won by Mark Beckler, who over the years. It gives me great pleas­ the greatest awards there are. expressed his respect for these men ure to honor him here. D This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., D 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 13324 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE June 3, 1988 TOLL THE BELLS FOR ing in the context of defense of the We will be seeing many amendments MEMORIAL DAY free world. In terms of giving the free today to detract from, to reduce, to <Mr. GUNDERSON asked and was world its scientific edge, burden shar­ delay, to spread the burden sharing given permission to address the House ing is just as valid an argument in this across the face of this globe. I think for 1 minute and to revise and extend area as it is in the defense cost area. those amendments should be discussed his remarks.> So I would urge my colleagues to and I think the merits and demerits Mr. GUNDERSON. Mr. Speaker, vote for the Boehlert amendment with should be brought forward. For in­ last Monday I and many of us as Mem­ a strong vote. stance, in the case of burden sharing, bers of Congress had the unique privi­ it is great. I believe in it, but we also lege and opportunity of participating must make sure that we make the in Memorial Day occurrences across SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISH­ commitment first so those other na­ this country, and yet I suspect that MENTS OF THE SUMMIT tions can come on and make those you, like me and others, could not help (Mr. DORGAN of North Dakota commitments and those dollars do not but reflect that Memorial Day unfor­ asked and was given permission to ad­ flow to other places in the world. tunately has become to many people dress the House for 1 minute and to in this country nothing more than an­ revise and extend his remarks.> other 3 day weekend. Mr. DORGAN of North Dakota. Mr. LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM Reflecting upon this, today I and Speaker, the news from the summit in <Without objection Mr. SENSENBREN­ the chairman of the Veterans' Affairs Moscow would suggest that not very NER was given permission to address Committee, the honorable gentleman much really happened, except that the House for 1 minute.> from Mississippi, Mr. SoNNY MoNT­ people felt good and made friends. Mr. SENSENBRENNER. Mr. Speak­ GOMERY, are introducing legislation I want to remind my colleagues and er, I have asked for this time for the which will call upon all churches, syn­ the American people today that we purpose of finding out the schedule agogues, schools, community centers, have accomplished something very sig­ for next week, and I yield to the gen­ and other public buildings, to toll nificant and that we should compli­ tleman from Michigan [Mr.
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