List of Participants Dr. Isabel Alonso Prof. Jose Calleja c/o DrJordi Pascual Facultad Ciencias Department of Physics Departamento de Fisica C-4 Edifici C Universidad Autonoma Madrid University Autonoma Cantoblanco Barcelona 28049 Madrid 08193 Bellaterra SPAIN SPAIN Prof. Jean Camassel Dr. Gaspar Armelles CG074-GES-USTL National Microelectronics University Montpellier II Centre Place E Bataillon Serrano 144 34095. Montpellier. Cedex 5 28006 Madrid FRANCE SPAIN Dr. Andres Cantarero Dr. A. Aydinli Departamento de Fisica Bilkent University Aplicada Physics Department Universidad Valencia Bilkent. Ankara 06533 46100 Burjasot (Valencia) TURKEY SPAIN Dr. Henry Benisty Dr. M. C. Carmo Laboratoire de Physique Physics Department des Solides (L.P.S.) University of Aveiro Universite Paris VI 3800 Aveiro Tour 13-2 PORTUGAL 4 place Jussieu 75252 Paris Cedex 05 Dr. Martin Chamberlain FRANCE 217 Goldington Road Bedford Dr. Ulrich Bockelmann MK419PH Walter Shottky Institute UNITED KINGDOM Am Coulombwall 8046. Garching GERMANY 499 500 Prof. A. V. Chaplik GERMANY Institute of Semiconductor Physics Dr. Atilla Ercelebi Novosibrisk-90 Bilkent University 630090 Physics Department RUSSIA Bilkent 06533, Ankara TURKEY Dr. Roberto Cingolani Departimento di Fisica Prof. Alfred Forchel Universita di Bari Physics Institute via Orabona 4 Universitat Wuzburg 70126 Bari Am Rubland ITALY 8700 Wurzburg GERMANY Dr. Nick Constantinou Department of Physics Prof. Federico Garcia-Moliner University of Essex Instituto de Ciencias de Wivenhoe Park Materiales Colchester. C04 3SQ Serrano 123 UNITED KINGDOM 28006 Madrid SPAIN Prof. Nadir Dagli Department of Materials & Dr. Alejandro Go-ni Electrical & Computer AT&T Bell Laboratories Engineering Murray Rill, NJ 07974 University of California USA Santa Barbara, CA 93106 USA Dr. Rita Gupta Department of Physics Prof. Joseph T. Devreese University of Essex Departement Natuurkunde Wivenhoe Park Universitaire Instelling Colchester. C04 3SQ Antwerpen UNITED KINGDOM Universiteitsplein 1, B-261O Wilrijk Dr. Miles Haines BELGIUM Walter Schottky Institute Am Coulombwall Dr. Mittra Dutta 8046 Garching U.S. Army Research Laboratory GERMANY Electronics and Power Source Directorate Dr. Pawel Hawrylak Ft Monmouth, NJ 07703-5601 National Research Council USA Institute for Microstructural Sciences Dr. A. Efros Ottawa, Ontario KIA OR6 Physics Department E-16 CANADA TU Munchen James-Frank -Strasse 8046 Garching 501 Prof. D. Heitmann Fronczak Hall Institut fur Angewandte Buffalo, NY 14260 Physik USA Jungiusstrabe 11 2000 Hamburg 36 Dr. Elisa Molinari GERMANY Dipartim di Fisica Univorsita di Modena Prof. Evelyn Hu Via Campi 213/A Department of Electrical and 41100 Modena Computer Engineering ITALY University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93106 Mr. Hiroyasu Noguchi USA Institute of Industrial Science Prof. Khalid Ismail University of Tokyo Department of Electronics 7-22-1 Roppongi Cairo University Minato-ku, Tokyo 106 Giza JAPAN EGYPT Dr. Daniel Oberli Dr. Bernard Jusserand Walter Shottky Institute CNET, Laboratoire de Bagneux TUMunchen, 196 Avenue Henri-Ravera, Am Coulombwall 92225 Bagneux Cedex 8046, Garching FRANCE GERMANY Dr. Eli Kapon Prof. Jordi Pascual BeIIcore Departamento Physics Room 3Z-185 Universidad Autonoma Barcelona 331 Newman Springs Road 08193 Bellaterra Red Bank, NJ 07701 SPAIN USA Prof. Fred Pollak Prof. J. P. Leburton Department of Physics Beckman Institute Brooklyn College of CUNY University of Illinois Brooklyn, NY 11210 405 North Mathews Avenue USA Urbana, Illinois 61801 USA Dr. T. L. Reinecke Naval Research Laboratory Dr. David Lockwood Code 6877 National Research Council Washington, DC 20375-5000 Montreal Road, Bldg. M-36 USA Ottawa, Ontario KIA OR6 CANADA Prof. Bruce D. McCombe Department of Physics & Astronomy SUNY at Buffalo 502 Prof. Brian Ridley fur Festkorperforschung Department of Physics Heisenbergstr. 1 University of Essex Postfach 80 06 65 Wivenhoe Park D-7000 Stuttgart 80 Colchester. C04 3SQ GERMANY UNITED KINGDOM Prof. Bernard Stebe Dr. Tobias Ruf Laboratoire d' Optoelectronique et Max-Planck-Institut Microelectronique fur Festkorperforschung Institute de Physique et Heisenbergstr. 1 d 'Electronique Postfach 80 06 65 1 Boulevard Argo D-7000 Stuttgart 80 F-57078 Metz GERMANY Cedex 3, FRANCE Dr. Gaetano Scamarcio Dr. Michael Stroscio Universita Degli Studi de Bari U. S. Anny Research Office Departimento Fisica P. O. Box 12211 UnitaGNEQP 4300 South Miami Blvd. Via Amendola 173 Research Triangle Park, 70126 Bari NC 27709-2211 ITALY USA Dr. Andrew Shields Prof. Carlos Tejedor Max-Planck-Institut Facultad de Ciencias Fur Festkorperforschung Departamento de Fisica Heisenbergstr. 1 Universidad Autonoma Madrid Postfach 80 06 65 Cantoblanco D-7000 Stuttgart 80 28049 Madrid GERMANY SPAIN Dr. Fernando Sols Prof. K. T. Tsen Departmento de Fisica de Department of Physics la Materia Astronomy Condensada Arizona State University Univeridad Autonoma de Madrid Tempe, AZ 85287 Cantoblanco USA E-28049, Madrid SPAIN Dr. Pei Dong Wang Department of Electronics & Dr. Clivia Sotomayor Torres Electrical Engineering Dept. Electronic & University of Glasgow Electrical Engineering Glasgow GI2 8QQ University of Glasgow UNITED KINGDOM Glasgow GI2 8QQ UNITED KINGDOM Mr. Jurgen Spitzer Max-Planck-Institut 503 Prof. Keith Wigmore School of Physics and Materials University of Lancaster Lancaster LAI 4YW UNITED KINGDOM Prof. Christopher Wilkinson Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering University of Glasgow Glasgow 012 8QQ UNITED KINGDOM Dr. Jeff Young mstitute for Microstructural Sciences National Research Council M23-A Montreal Road Ottawa, Ontario KIA OR6 CANADA Author Index Aers G C 383 Colas E 317 Allard L B 383 Comas F 49 Alsina F 141 Constantinou N C 113 151 Alonso M I 73 Dagli N 331 Armelles G 73 Davies J H 131 Dennis B S 287 Belitsky V I 83 Devreese J T 173 Benisty H 447 243 Bemdschot T 121 Dutta M 205 Bimberg D 317 BhatR 317 Efros A 299 Bockelm3Illl U 415 ErolM 131 Brockm3Illl P 213 Ercelebi A 185 BrozakG 163 Bryskiewicz B 383 Ferrara M 427 Bungaro C 39 FoadM 363 Calle F 121 Garcia-Moliner F 1 Calleja J M 121 GlewR W 141 287 151 Camassel J 141 Goni AR 287 151 Grundm3Illl M 317 Caneau C 317 GuptaR 261 Cantarero A 49 CardonaM 83 HaiG Q 243 233 Haines M 93 Carmo MC 403 Haisler V A 233 Castrillo P 73 Hawryiak P 213 Chamberlain M P 103 Heitm3Illl D 275 Chaplik A V 309 427 Charbonneau S 383 HwangDM 317 Cheng J P 163 Houghton DC 383 ChiaC 195 Christen J 317 Jusserand B 61 Cingolani R 427 505 506 Kalt H 427 Scamarcio G 93 KaponE 317 393 Kartheuser E 373 SchaffW 163 Shi J M 173 LageH 427 Shields A J 233 LaRoccaG C 427 Smart A 363 Leburton J P 459 Sotomayor Torres C M 363 471 437 Lockwood D J 383 Sols F 479 Lopez C 121 Spitzer J 83 Lugli P 39 Stanley C 131 Stebe B 373 MariniJC 373 Stroscio M A 13 McCombeB D 163 MeseguerF 121 Takamasu T 471 Miura N 471 Tejedor C 121 Molinari E 39 253 Morkoc H 195 Trallero-Giner C 49 233 Noguchi H 471 TsenK T 195 Tsutsui K 363 Oberli D Y 221 VanDriel H M 213 Palacios J J 253 VinaL 121 Pascual J 141 151 Wald KR 195 Peeters F M 173 Walther M 317 243 Wang A 383 Perenboom J A A J 121 WangPD 437 Peyre H 141 Weiner J S 287 151 WestK W 287 PfeifferL N 287 Wigmore J K 131 Pinczuk A 287 Wilkinson C D W 131 Ploog K 83 363 PollakF H 341 489 Reinecke T L 353 Yildirim T 185 Ridley B K 25 Young J F 213 103 YuPY 195 261 Rinaldi R 427 Rossi F 39 RotaL 39 RufT 83 195 Sakaki H 471 Sahraoui-Tahar M 131 Sapega V F 83 Subject Index Adiabatic continuum model, 3, 14,25, 39, approximation, 376 49, 93, 103, 113, 195, 205, 235, polaron state, 186 261,359,437 Amplified spontaneous slab model, 354 emission, 318, 325 Doppler shifted, 490 Drude-type intrasubband Band-filling line-shape, 429 absorption, 277 Band gap renonnalization, 427 Dynamical structure factor S, 421 Bipolaron, 182 Bloch functions, 301 Edge Bloch oscillations, 472 like IF mode, 46 Bond-charge model, 74 modes, 117, 253 Born approximation, 255 Electro-optic modulators, 347 Born and Huang Elastic model, 86 model,1 Energy-loss rate, 418 equation, 26, 114 Extreme quantum limit, 459 Born-Oppenheimer description, 410 Bottle-neck Effects, 328, 447 Fano-type Bragg diffraction, 494 lineshape, 86 resonance, 281 Callen charge, 269 Faraday geometry, 84, 123 Carrier Cooling, 14,460 Fibonacci sequence, 87 Carrier feeding effect, 323 First-derivative Gaussian lineshape, 343 Charge denisty excitations, 288 Folded-LA phonons, 83 Coherence length, 65 Fresnel equations, 279 Coherent Potential Frohlich Approximation, 65 coupling constant, 235 Coupled Quantum Boxes, 471 Hamiltonian, 13 Crescent-shaped Quantum Wires, 318 interaction, 26, 79, 128, 186, 197, 233,261,341,363,417,444 D-center, 173 mechanism, 121 Defonnation potential, 86, 96, 121, 132, model,163 228, 254, 282, 356, resonance, 96 417,444,449,473 scattering mechanism, 223 Depolarization shift, 276, 295 Fuchs and Kliewer Modes, 34, 195 Dielectric 507 508 Gap modes, 88 Lyddane-Sachs-Teller Glass, 299 relation, 2 Glass matrices, 393 Griineisen parameter, 76, 396 Magnetoexcitons, 124 Guided modes, 25, 39, 354, 437 Magneto-optical absorption spectrum, 249 Hellmann-Feymnman theorem, 254 Magneto-phonon Hot carrier effect, 462 injection, 215 resonance, 474 luminescence, 442 Magnetoplasmon excitations, 287 cooling processes, 213, 427 Magnetopolaron, 163, 173,243 Hot electrons, 261 Mattbiessen's rule, 255 Hot hybridons, 262 Mechanical model, 185 Hot phonons, 16, 132, 222, 262 Memory function, 249 Hot LO phonon reabsorption, 213 Microscopic supercell, 93 Huang Rhys Parameter, 305, 380 Monte Carlo simulation, 461 Huang-Zhu Momentum conservation modes, 16,42, 103, 113, 354 approximation,265 model, 195, 354,438 Hybrid optical modes, 16, 25, 104, Nonequilibrium 113, 261, 438 phonons, 196,221,262 Hybridons, 29 popUlation of coupled Hydrodynamic model, 2, 25, 49, 103, plasmon-phonon modes, 218 113,261 Onsager symmetry relations, 481 Impurity-bound magnetopolarons, 164 Optical confinement factor, 318 Impurity-induced Frohlich scattering, 224 Pekar transformation, 377 Infrared bleaching technique, 341 Phenomenological planar Interface roughness, 61, 88, 100,262 force-constant (pPFM) models, 74 assisted phonon scattering, 234 Phonon-assisted tunneling, 226 Ion bombardment.
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