Kabbalat Shabbat - zA© ¨ W z©l¨A©w Receiving Shabbat, Finding Holiness in Time Shabbat, a “Pause Between the Notes” A great pianist was once asked by an ardent admirer: “How do you handle the notes as well as you do? The artist answered: “The notes I handle no better than many pianists, but the pauses between the notes - ah! That is where the art resides.” In great living, as in great music, the art may be in the pauses. Surely one of the enduring contributions which Judaism made to the art of living was the Shabbat, “the pause between the notes.” And it is to the Shabbat that we must look if we are to restore to our lives the sense of serentity and sanctity which Shabbat offers in such joyous abundance. (Abraham Joshua Heschel) Lighting Shabbat Candles Come, let us welcome the Sabbath. May its radiance illumine our hearts as we kindle these tapers. Light is the symbol of the divine. God is my light and my salvation. Light is the symbol of the divine in humanity. The spirit of humanity is the light of God. Light is the symbol of the divine law. For the commandment is a lamp and the law is a light. Light is the symbol of Israel’s mission. I, Adonai, have set thee for a covenant of the people, for a light unto the nations. Therefore, in the spirit of our ancient tradition that hallows and unites Israel in all lands and all ages, do we now kindle the Sabbath lights. (Adapted from The Union Prayerbook) ,eizŸe ¨ v¦ § n§A EpW§ «¨ C¦w xW£ ¤ ` ,m¨lFrd ¨ K¤l«¤n EpidŸ «¥ l` ¡ ¨i§i dY© ¨ ` KExA ¨ .zA© ¨ W lW ¤ x¥p wi¦lc© §d§l Ep«¨E¦v§e Baruch atah adonai eloheinu melech haolam asher kidshanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu l’hadlik ner shel Shabbat. God, for the blessing of Your Divine Presence and the holiness you have placed within us, we give our thanks as we mark your having commanded us to create holiness through the lighting of these Shabbat. Shalom Aleichem -- m¤ki¥l£r mFlW ¨ Shalom aleichem, malachei hashareit... ...zx¨ ¥X©d i¥k£`§l©n ,m¤ki¥l£r mFlW ¨ ...malachei elyon, mimelech malachei ha’malakhim, ,mik¨l§ ¦ O©d i¥k§l©n K¤l«¤O¦n ,oFi§l¤r i¥k£`§l©n hakadosh baruch hu. :`Ed KExA ¨ WFcT© ¨ d Boachem (Barechuni… Tzeitchem…) (...m¤k§z`v...i¦pE ¥ k§ « x¨A) m¤k£`FA l’shalom malachei ha-shalom... ...mFlX© ¨ d i¥k£`§l©n ,mFlW§l ¨ Peace unto you, ministering angels of the Most High, of the Holy One of Blessing. May you come in peace, bless us with peace, and depart in peace. 1 Yedid Nefesh -- W¤t«¤p cic§i ¦ Eliezer Azikri (Tzfat, 16th century) .L§pFvx § l` ¤ LC§ §a©r KŸWn § ,on£ ¨ g©x¨d a` ¨ Wt«¤ ¤ p cic§i ¦ .Lx¨ ¤c£d lEn l` ¤ d¤e£g©Y§W¦i ,l¨I©` FnM § LC§ §a©r uEx¨i Yedid nefesh av harachaman meshoch avd'cha el retson'cha. Yaruts avd’cha k’mo ayal yish-ta-chaveh el mul hadare-cha. You who love my soul, compassion’s gentle source. Take my inner nature and shape it to your will. Like a darting deer, I will flee to you. Before your glorious Presence, humbly do I bow. L’cha Dodi draws heavily upon prophecies of Israel’s redemption and renewal in the Messianic era - likened in Jewish tradition to a Shabbat without end. Shabbat stands in relation to the week as the messianic era stands in relation to the flow of world time. It is at once a celebration of the world’s beginning and a foretaste of the world to come, a reservoir of past and future held in a single moment. (Sandy Sasso) L’cha Dodi -- i¦cFc d¨k§l Shlomo HaLevi (Tzfat, 16th century) .d¨l§A©w§p z¨A©W i¥p§R ,d¨N©M z`x§ ©w¦l icFc ¦ d¨k§l L’cha dodi likrat kalah p’nei shabbat n’kabbalah. Come my Beloved, to meet the Bride; Let us welcome the inner light of Shabbat. ,cgª ¨ i§O©d l` ¥ Ep«¨rin§ ¦ y¦d ,cg¤ ¨ ` xEAc§ ¦A xFk¨f§e xFnW ¨ dkl .d¨N¦d§z¦l§e zx«¤ ¤`§t¦z§lE mW§l ¥ ,cg¤ ¨` FnWE § cg¤ ¨ ` ¨i§i Shamor v’zachor b’dibur echad hishmianu el ham’uchad Adonai echad u’shmo echad l’shem u’litiferet v’lit-hela. L’cha... “Observe” and “Remember” in a single word, God caused us to hear, the One and Only God. God is One as is God’s name, for renown, for glory, and in song. ,d¨k¨x§A©d xFwn § `id ¦ iM ¦ ,d¨k§l¥p§e Ek§l zA© ¨ W z`x§ ©w¦l dkl .d¨N¦g§Y da¨ ¨ W£g©n§A dU£ ¤ r©n sFq ,d¨kEq§p mc«¤ ¤T¦n W`Ÿxn ¥ Likrat Shabbat l’chu v’neilcha, ki hi-m’kor habracha. Meirosh mikedem n’suchah, sof ma’aseh b’machshavah t’chilah. To greet the Sabbath, come now let us go to the fount of all blessings that we know. From earliest beginnings was it ordained, last in creation, the first of your aims. 2 ,ixF ¦ ` « inE ¦ w « KxF` ¥ `a ¨ iM ¦ ,ix§ ¦xFrz¦ § d ix§ ¦xFrz¦ § d dkl .d¨l§b¦p K¦i«©l¨r ¨i§i cFa §M ,ix«¥ ¦A©C xiW ¦ ixE ¦ r « ixE ¦ r « Hitor’ri, hitor’ri, ki va oreich kumi ori. Uri, uri shir dabeiri, k’vod Adonai alayich niglah. Rouse yourself, awaken with delight, for your light has come, arise and shine. Awake, awake, break forth in joyous song; upon you the Eternal’s Presence has shone. ,d¨l¢d¨v§aE dg§ ¨n¦U§A m©B ,D¨l§r©A zx«¤ ¤h£r mFlW§ ¨ a i`F ¦ A « .d¨N©k i`F ¦ A « ,d¨N©k i`F ¦ A « ,d¨Nªb§q m©r i¥pEn` ¡ KFY Bo-ee v’shalom ateret ba’ala gam b’simcha uv’tso-ho-la Toch emunei am s’gulah boi chala boi chalah. Come in peace, her Husband's crown of pride, with song and good cheer. Among the faithful of the people so dear, enter O Bride, enter O Bride. Mizmor Shir -- xiW ¦ xFn§fn ¦ From Psalm 92 Mizmor shir l’yom hashabbat. Tov l’hodot zFcŸd§l aFh :z¨A©X©d mFi§l xiW ¦ xFn§fn ¦ ladonai u’l’zameir l’sheemcha elyon. x¤wŸAA © ciB© ¦ d§l :oFi§l¤r Ln¦ § W§l xO© ¥ f§lE d¨eŸdi©l L’hageed baboker chasdecha ve’emunatcha ba-leilot. Alei asor va’alei xFU¨rÎi¥l£r :zFli¥N©A Lz¨ § pEn`¤ ¡e LC§ ¤q©g navel alei higayon b’chinor. :xFPk§ ¦ A oFi¨B¦d i¥l£r la¨ ¤ pÎi¥l£r©e A psalm, a song of the Sabbath day. It is good to give thanks to the Eternal, to chant psalms to your name, Most High; to tell of your lovingkindness in the morning and of your faithfulness at night. The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green, proclaiming, “Adonai is upright; God is my Rock, and there is no injustice in God.” sjt hh ubhvkt hh ktrahsgna .c¤r¨e m¨lFr§l FzEk§ln © cFaM § mW ¥ KExA ¨ Shema Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad Baruch shem k’vod malchuto l’olam va-ed. Listen/Hear/Understand Israel Adonai is our God. Adonai is one. Blessed is God’s glorious majesty forever and ever. :LcŸ` «¤ nÎl¨ § k§aE L§− W§t©pÎlk§ ¨ aE L§¬ a«¨a§lÎl¨k§A Li®¤dŸ l` ¡ d´¨Fd§i z−`¥ Y§½¨ a©d´¨`§e Lip¨ ½¤a§l m´¨Y§p©P¦W§e :L«¤a¨a§lÎl©r mFI©−d L§² E©v§n i¯¦kŸp` «¨ xW£ ¸¤ ` d¤NÀ¥`¨d mix¨ ´¦a§C©d Eºi¨d§e L®¤c¨iÎl©r zF`§l− m¬¨Y§x©W§wE :L«¤nEwaE § L§− A§k¨W§a«E Kx½¤ ¤C©a L§´ Y§k¤l§aE ÆLzi ¸¤ a§ ¥ A L§³ Y§a¦W§A m®¨A Y§−¨ x©A¦c§e :Lix¨ «¤r§W¦aE L−zi¤ A ¥ zF¬fªf§nÎl©r m²¨Y§a©z§kE :Li«¤pi¥r oi¬¥A zŸt¨−hŸh§l « E¬i¨d§e 3 V’ahavta et Adonai Eloheh-cha, b’chol l’vav’cha uv’chol naf’sheh-cha uv’chol m’odecha. V’hayu ha’d’varim ha-eileh asher anochi m’tzavecha hayom ahl l’vavecha. V’shi-nantam l’vanecha v’dibarta bahm. B’shivt’cha b’veitecha uv’lech’tcha va-derekh uvshoch’b’cha uv’koomecha. Uk’shartam l’ot ahl-yadecha, v’hayu l’totafote bein eineicha. Uch’tav’tam ahl m’zuzot beitecha uvisharecha. :m«¤kid« ¥Ÿl`¥l miWŸc−¦ w § m¬¤zi¦id«¦ § e i®¨zŸev¦ § nÎl¨MÎz` ¤ m−zi¤ U£ ¦ r«©e Ex§ ½ M§f¦Y o©r´©n§l m¦i½©x§v¦n ux´¤ ¤`¥n Æm¤k§z¤` iz`³¥ ¦ vFd xW£ ¸¤ ` mki¤ À d« ¥Ÿl¡` d´¨Fd§i iº¦p` £ :m«¤kid« ¥Ÿl¡` d¬¨Fd§i i−¦p` £ mi®¦dŸ l `« ¥l m−k¨l¤ zF¬id¦l § L’ma’an tizk’ru va’asitem et kol mitzvotai vi-hitem k’doshim lei-loheichem.
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