LIFE OF THE RIGHT HON. W. E. FORSTER. WILLIAM EDWARD FORSTER. • 1880. (PROM A P~OTOGRAPH BY G. APPLETON AND CO •. BRADFORU) ,! .', AND HALL, LnoT:m. 1889. Dhananjaymao o.dgiJ Library 11811111111118 LIFE GIPE-P~E-003099 THE BIGHT HONOURABLE· • • WILUAM EDWARD FORSTER JI'I' T. WEMYS S REID. LOm>OY: CHAPMAN AND HAIL, LnoTED. 1889. [ALL JlIGIITII UIlJIIIYD.] • V ~-'J \:1 [f,\ \ ~ ... .,( ( BJ 3 OJ~ • CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. r.&GB PAllEKTAGI AND BIRTH 1 CHAPTER II. ScHOOL DAYS 17 CHAPTER III. BEGIlflfING LIFB 41 CHAPTER IV. FIRBT ATTEMPTS AT PUBLIO Woas: • 57 • CHAPTER V. BUDFORD ••• CHAPTER VI. TaB lalBR F AMIXE 94 CHAPTER VII. 1848: AT HOllE AND ABROAD ... ••• 115 CHAPTER VIIL MARRIAGE, AND LIFE AT BURLEY •.. Hi • vi CONTENTS. CHAPTER IX. ELECTION FOR BRADFORD • CHAPTER X . REFORM -VISIT TO THE EAST ••• I ••• 213 CHAPTER XI. MINISTER OF EDUCATION 240 CHAPTER XII. THE EDUCATION BILL •.. 260 CHAPTER XIIL THE STRUGGLE WITH THE BIRMINGHAM LEAGUE •.• 288 CHAPTER XIV. THE GENEVA ARBITRATION ••• 318 CHAPTER XV. VISIT TO THE UNITED STATES •.. 339 CHAPTER XVL THE LEADlfilSHIP OF TUE LmERAL PARTY-THE EASTERN QUESTION 369 ( CHAPTER XVII FOREIGN POLICY. OF THE TORY GOVERNME~""r ••• 396 CHAPTER XVIII. THE CAUCUS 430 CHAPTER XIX. "THE IRISH SECRETARYSHIP ... 446 CHAPTER XX. TUE PROTECTION ACT •.• 470 , CONTENTS. vii CHAPTER XXI. PA.G. THB BATTLB WITH THE LAND LEAGUB 503 CHAPTER XXII. • CLOSING DAYS or IRELANJi· ••• ••• 530 • CHAPTER XXIII.• THB KILHAINHAK TREATy-RESIGNATION ••• 553 CHAPTER XXIV. LAST Yun 580 CHAPTER XXV. lLLNE88 AND DUTH ••• ••• 607 CHAPTER XXVI. CoNOLU81ON ... ••• 630 INDEX. Anti-slavery Society, 376, 586 A Applegarth, Mr., of the Society 01 Carpenters and Joiners, 250 Abbott, Richard, Forster's mathemati­ Arbitration, the Geneva, 329-335 cal master, 34 Argyll, Duke of, 375, 408 Abdul Kerim, Turkish Commander-in- Arms Bill, the, 484 Chief,388 Arnold, Dr., 90, 147; E. P., 205; Aberdeen, Lord, 408 Edward, 206; Matthew, 176; Wil­ Aberdeen University, 401-405 liam Delafield, 149, :t59, 175, 176; Achmet Kaiserley, Turkish Minister .of Jane, wife ofW. E. Forster, 147 Marine, 394 Arnold-Forster, E. P., 77, 342, 346 Adam, W. P., Liberal whip, 371, 376, Arthur, Mr., and the Birmingham 440 League, 298 Adams, Charles Francis, American Ashe, Dr., 44 Minister, 187, 190, 192, 204, 322, Ask Lodge, 108 324, 331, 333, 353, 365 Ateliers, Club des, 134 Adderley, C. B., 214,217 Athenry, Forster at, 537 Afghanistan, 436, 437 Athens, 239 Agrarian outrages, 457, 462, 463, 465; Aumale, Duc d', 318 467, 478, 494, 498, 603, 514, 532, Austria, 395, 399 540, 649, 662 "Autocracy of the Czars," 163 Ahmed Vefvik, 408 Azani, the Temple of Jupiter at, 229 Aikin, Edward, at school with Forster, Aziz Pacha, Governor of Philippopolis, 29 388,393 Aks&, a village in Turkey, 224 Alabama claims, the, 201, 292, 322- B 335 Albania, 399 Backhouse, Jonathan and Hannah, Alexander, G. W., 74, 107 50,52 Allen, Commanders Bird and William, Baines, Edward, 171, 174, 183, 194, 71 . 202,242,277,305 America, United 'States of, the elder Ball, John, 205, 222, 224, 235 Forster visits, 18; .. Uncle Tom's BaUinasloe, 106 Cabin," 161; civil war, 184, 187; .. Ballitore, the Annals of," 15 American freedom a sham·, 197; the Ballot Act, the, 292, 294, 319, 320 Alabama claims, 322-335; Forster's Balmoral, 281 visit, 353-368; Land League remit­ Baltimore, 365 tances from, 511 Bandurra, famine at, 107 638 INDEX. Barbes, 129, 132, 133, 136 Bradpole, 13, 14, .43 Baring, 390 Brady, the murderer, 578 Barrows Hill, 22 Brand, Henry, Liberal whip, 1D3, 195, Bashi-Bazouks, the, 378, 389, 391 !l08, 277, 319 Batak atrocities, 378, 391, 397 Brennan, Thomas, 460 Baxter, W. E., 194,303 Bridport, 13 Bazardjik, 225 Brigandage, 231 Beaconsfield, . Lord, 197, 219; House­ Bright, ·John, 187; military prepara­ hold Suffrage Bill, 221 ; resigns, 248 ; tions, 192; impracticable and un­ unable to form an administration, English, 200; reform demonstra­ 304; attacks Forster, 319, 376; tions, 217; in the Cabinet, 248; . accepts an earldom, 378 j his reck­ Privy Councillor, 248; Birmingham lessness, 419, 421; speech at the League, 290, 307; Ballot Bill, 293; Guildhall banquet, 436; resigns, on education, 305; Chancellor of 444 . the Duchy, 307; attacks Forster, Beecroft, Mr., member for Leeds, 174 307-316; his oratory, 605 Beell,ive, Forster bitterly attacked in British and Foreign School Society, the, 289 166 Behrens, Sir Jacob, and the Education BritisQ. Columbia, 216 Bill,266 Briiish J;ndia Society, 156 Belfield, George III. at, 11 "British Philanthropy and Jamaica Belgrade, Forster at, 383-385 Distress," 163 Belmullet, distress in, 485 Broussa to Smyrna, Forster'J! journey Bentham, Jeremy, 91 from, 223 Berlin treaty, the, 436 Brown, F., 156 Beveridge, Governor, 358 Bruce, H. A., 244, 256, 261, 294, 30a Biggar, Mr. Joseph G., 414, 460 Brussels, 381 Binney, Mr., and the Birmingham Buchanan, Sir Andrew, 395 League, 298 Bucharest, 383 .Binns's school at Tottenham, 31 " Buckshot,» 484, 493, 501, 538, 582 Birkbeck, Henry, at school with Fors­ Bulgariau atrocities, the, .377-395 ter, 34 Burke, Mr., Permanent Under-Secre- Birkbeck, Jane, wife of Josiah Forster, tary, 451, 461, 486, 512, 527, 573, 4 575 Birmingbam League, the; 256, 260- Butt, Mr., 377 315, 339, 349, 369, 434 Buxton, Anna, 10-13; wife of William Bismarck, Prince, 415 Forster, 13; visits Ireland, 15; Black, Rev. W., 140, 195 Priscilla, 35; Charles,94 Blake, Mr., 528 Buxton, Sir Thomas Fowell, 8-18, 26- Blanc, Louis, 127, 129; 136 33, 39, 51, 54, 58-64, 70, 95 ; Blanqui, M., 120-131, .134; 135 second baronet, 353 Bludgeon-fighting at an election, 51, 52 Buxtons of Colne, the, 10, 26 Boffin, famine at, 109, 628 Buyukdere, 389 Bolton, 80, 85, 115 Byles, William, proprietor of the Bosnia, 385, 389, 410, 427 Brad/ord Observer, 82, 341, 342, Boston, 365 424 :Bowen, Sir 'George, 609 Bowring, Dr., 60 C Boycott, Captain, 464 Boycotting, 456, 457, 460, 507, 522, Cahirciveen, 97, 100 526, 533, 549 Cairns, Lord, 500, 536, p37 Bradford, 77; Times,· '78; Observer, Caithness, Forster's visit to, 80 82, 183;. cholera, 140.; Forster Campbell, Sir George, 373 elected for, 443; caucus, 430, 432, Canada, 354, 364, 366, 373 438 i Liberal Association, 596, 615 Cantwell, Rev. Mr., Irish priest, 517 INDEX. 639 Capital, value and power of, 84: Closure, the, 483 Cardwell, Lord, 211-216, 283, 314, Club des Ateliers, 134 330, 375, 408, 411 Club des Femmes, 133, 134 <:arey, James, the informer, 556, 577- Cobden, Mr., 64,187, 189, 197, 198, 679 200, 202, 322 <:arlsbad.415 Coercion, 449, 479, 523,530,552,576 Carlyle, Jane, 1l~120. 128 Coghlan, Dr., preacher, 427 Carlyle, Thomas, 81; .. Sartor Resar­ Cold-water oure, the, 89 tus," 87 ; .. Chartism." 87; visit from Coleridge. HlIltley, 55, 119 Forster, 94:, 128. 137; with Forster. Collillllo Mr., Prince Leopold's tutor, 116; at a Methodist meeting. 117 ; 284 ata labk d'Mte, 117; visit to Rawdon, Collyer, Rev. Robert, 357 118-120; with Duffy and Forster Colonies, the, 367, 371, 373, 597 in Ireland. 139; Lord George Hill, Communism and Socialism, distinction 140; his pamphlets. 150 between, 133 Carnarvon. Lord, 416, 419, 421 Compensation for' Disturbance Bill, Cassaba, 235. 236 . 452-454 .. Castle. the," 526 Confederate oruisers, 198 Castlebar. 106, 139 Congo river, 382 Catechism to be exoluded from schools, Connaught, 461, 466, 486, 504,520, 549 the, 274, 277, 279. 314, 354 Connemara, 476 Cattle plague, 252, 292, 319. 320 Constabulary, Royal Irish, 471, 495, CauolllI, the. See Birmingham League. 497, 512, 568, 625 Cavendish, Lord Frederick. 284, 423. Constantinople, Forster at, 222; the 506.522,569-673,578,579 Conference, 406 Cetewayo, 428 Cook, Mr., the excursion agent, 194 Chamberlain, Mr. Joseph, 339, 413, Cooper Institute, New York, 353,355 531. 545. 559. 592, 699 Cooper, Thomas, the Chartist, 88, 94, Chaplin, Mr., and the Disturbance Bill, 95,112,137,140,289,435,580 452,453 Cork, 461, 462, 486, 504: .. Chartism the Peril of the Nation," Corn Lawll, 87 127 Corti, Count, Italian Minister, 392 Chartists. the, 123-139 Cosmopolitan Club, 192, 338 Chartres. Duo de, 318 II Cottage Ladies," the, 2~l, 70, 72 Chatel. Abb4 133 Cotton Ports, blockade of the, 196 Chattanooga. 361 Courtais, General, 135, 136 Chester-Ie-Street, 3 Cowen, Joseph, 171 Childers, Right Hon. H. C. E., 194. Cowper, Lord, 459, 511, 553, 577 248, 375, 414, 422, 442, 552 Craven Moor, 343 China, 403 Cromer, 51, 81 Choate,Josepb; President Union League Cropper, J., 263, 616, 618 Club, 367 Cross, Mr. J. K., 558, 559 Chouts. Mr .• American orator, 366 Cross, Sir Richard, 413, 422 Christian. Prince, 382 Crowe's" History of France," 36 Christian. Socialist. the, 156 Cumin, Mr., 263, 280 Christich, M., Servian Minister. 386 CUlDulative Vote, the, 284, 291, 312 Church, the Irish, 100, U7, 418 Cybele, Temple of, 235 Churchill, Lord Randolph, 453 Cima Tosa, the, 58! Clllle, Forster's visit to, 535 D Clayden, Mr., and the Birmingham League, 298 Da,7y News on Bulgarian atrocities, Clifden, famine at, 108 the, 377, 387, 388, 390, 397 Clogher, collision with the police at, Dale, Mr., minister of the Independents, 4!J0 291:,297 640 INDEX.' Dalkeith, Lord, contests Midlothian, Edinburgh Review, Forster a con­ 444 tributor to the, 159, 163 Danube, Forster on the, 222 Education Act, the, 248-287, 298, 304 Davis, Bancroft, and the Alabama 306, 320, 344, 349 ' claims, 332 Education, necessity for popular, 96, Davis, Thomas, leader of the Young 144,164,168,173,193,240 Ireland movement, 114 Education Union, the National,256 Davitt, Michael, 484, 487, 504 Egan, Patrick, 460, 461 De Grey, Lord. See Ripon. Egypt, 412, 415; 594-597 Democratic· party of New York, the Elliot, Sir Henry, 387, 388,390,410- 0ld,356 412 Derby, Lord, 197, 217, 398, 411, 416, Ellis, James, 126 419,421,424,426,427 Ely, Lady, 283, 412, 611 Derkee, Dr., and the Bandurra famine, Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 132-135, 141.
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