meekness of her tribute made him "I have a friend you may have Paris! And Talma! And to meet adore her mare than Tomorrow’s Tennis Stars ever. Again she heard of. If you were going to be here, Washington Irvine I" apologized: to meet him.” Continued from pate five you ought (To Bo Continued Non* Wook) "But I’m keeping you standing in “I shall be here only three days, street. the I’m just in Paris for a and I don't feel like — respected and admired abroad by the Merlin and young Troncin, the newest day meeting people or two on my way to England. Good- of course. a new foreign players and officials. I offer sensation, has a comparable trio. except you, Who is your Buy Remington bye r friend?” the suggestion of Wilmer Allison as Germany has a great young star of "Mayn’t I see you to — to where He would a captain for 1935 for the United twenty-four, in Gottfred von Cranun, “Washington Irving. love you’re going?" to meet States Davis Cup Team. to pit against Wood, but no outstand- you.’* Typewriter That’s kind of you." “Not the great Ir- I am convinced that we will never ing youngsters coming up. Australia Washington He turned and walked at her side, vine?*' She always called him Irvine. win the until we build a has Vivian McGrath; England has only ^ cup again his head 10*. Charles buzzing with things he “Oh, I've read so many of his books. I team as France built her great Hare; Canada has Bobby just wanted to tell and not a — her, word should love to meet him.” team. The best now is in Murray but they are alone. a pay competition from his He was foiling lips. thinking: She was so instantaneously eager Jafe We must our cham- Let us Europe. produce grasp this opportunity that is “Now that I’ve found her. I can’t that Payne eras suddenly afraid of pions in the heat of the European offered to us. Let us set out to develop think of a to cheer her. I wish and of thing Irving her. But being com- PMofcfe. w rather than in our own these three stars of ours to Sark apmM. FuH at championships young were here. He would Irving brighten mitted, he said: “Perhaps you will backyard. bring that cup to our shores in 1937. her sad eyes.” dine with us this and evening, go to dwiarMlri&atcT'.giSrYSsfa ioc * dor- Wato ToB If we are ever to make the Let us persuade Parker to get a fore- oodof. So* great Out of his full heart the words the theatre to see Talma." break to build for the future at the hand drive that is a sound weapon. broke: "How charming. To see a in ZX'S£.~S?Z?£?ZZZ Let us play RomI, lac.. Dip. j6-jj,»oj&4iSi,N.ir.C expense of a couple of years’ defeat, get into Mako’s head the this is the year to do it. We have the fact that no boy in his teens knows three promising youngsters to work the whole story of any game. Let us with. In Sidney Wood we have a bril- aid Budge in his desire to build his liant veteran, still young in years, to game soundly. give a steadying influence. In Wilmer We cannot win the Davis Cup in Allison we have a man of experience 1935. I doubt if we can in 1936, but I and maturity in the game, to head the think we have a great chance in 1937 team. if we build our team this year on Certainly Parker, Mako and Budge Sidney Wood, Jr., Frank Parker, are the equal if not the superior of any Donald Budge and Gene Mako, with three youngsters in tennis today. Only Wilraer Allison as Captain, and keep France, with Marcel Bernard, Andrf it together until 1937. Man Without a Home Continued front page seven pet, heir to the great mercantile stopped short in his tracks. Approach- house, assistant to John Howard Good- ing him but not seeing him was a tor-Naught!" woman in heavy mourning. He had “I mean it. I feel that I'll never time to study her before she could feel write what I've been uniting. I’ve the fierce pressure of his stare. The lost the vein.” black of the crepe gave the gardenia "God bless you! If you’d come in whiteness of her skin an unearthly with me, we’d make a team that would glamor. Her throat was beautiful. Her beat the world — you with your liter- mouth, so full and passionate when ary gifts, I with my practical stage she thought of love, was taut and pale experience.’’ with the struggle against the cruelty “I brought over some German plays of death. we might adapt for the English.” Suddenly her lowered eyelids rose “Splendid! Where are you living?” and her sombre eyes were revealed as “Nowhere. Could I share your pal- she looked at Payne. His hand went ip ace with you?” up to his hat but stopped, as he re- yv ¥ "Lord love you. man. this is the membered suddenly that he had never happiest day of my life. There’s a been introduced to her. She dazed him room you can have for your bedroom.” by pausing to ask: "Isn't this Mr. Payne could not fathom the gloom Howard Payne?” that weighed on Irving. He suspected He could not speak. He bowed GIVES YOU A an unhappy love affair, but Irving dis- mutely. missed this so savagely that he She said: dropped the theory except for a lin- "You wouldn’t know me, of course. gering wonder why Irving was so I am Mary Shelley — Mrs. Percy savage in his references to women. Bysshe Shelley." professional But work soon dispelled his melan- "As if I didn’t know!” sAave. 'SatAeZ-sAopm choly, and the sun broke out in "Really! How wonderful a memory When the barber shaves Irving's soul again. Payne introduced you must have! Everybody knows you, he tightens the Gem Blades are so incredibly keen, they him to Talma and other actors and you, of course. I was only a girl when skin with his stretching to avoid wade the wiriest bristle without playwrights, and they labored to- you first played in London. I saw you fingers through gether, quarreling violently over im- on the. stage." nipping or scuffing facial contours and irreg- irritating the tenderest skin. aginary characters in their plots, but "I didn’t know that!” ularities. never over real problems. "How could you? I was only one of Gem works with the barber’s long, glid- Payne was grateful to Heaven for your thousands of worshippers. Then Gem’s flat, slanted, bevel-sided razor full-contact stroke—instead of the criss- Irving's companionship. But if he had I saw you at Charles Lamb's house ing, known what enables to the fate had in store for him, one afternoon. I was in hopes of meet- you reproduce barber’s tech- crossing, mincing action of incorrectly de- he would sooner have taken a serpent ing you, but you were very much sur- for nique yourself. It irons out so into his bosom to warm it. rounded." wrinkles, signed razors, which leave many men One the stubble golden afternoon Payne left He was dizzy with wonder and re- brings upstanding to the blade sore at and from shaving. Irving at his desk and struck out for a gret for his ignorance of her interest at root without a breath of fresh air. edge level, skipping hair Suddenly he in him all these years. The gracious Super-tough, rigid Gem Micromatic in a cleft, or nostril curve. dimple, — Blades single and double edged — are Gem never because it uMG'S tugs compels you made of 50% thicker surgical steel and ^ to hold the razor in correct Toupees I position. stropped 4840 separate times. They last Gem 201 W protects you from injury because so much longer than flimsier blades that Dual Alignment (exclusive patented fea- substitutes are V a m m cheaper extravagant. ture) automatically sets Beautifully boxed sets, the blade so exactly that with gold-plated, one- it can’t wobble or creep, piece frames (guaranteed scratch. forever) $1 everywhere. Therefore you can Or the same holder and use Gem’s safely sharper two blades in a smartly and deeper-edged boxed testing' outfit for blades. And because 25c and this coupon. AU ONE PIECE - NOTHING TO TAKE APART TWIST IT OPENS/ TWIST - IT CLOSES/ BJTJZi IMm SSffiKSH®* j MICRVMATIC | PRINT NAME___ j Drawn by Lawrence La Rior “STICK ’EM UP!!” /W«/(SduiaVT^. -::: j .
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