Quinault Indian Nation Advantages of Working With Quinault: • Work with a mature business organization • Quality aggregate product • Largest undeveloped sand and gravel re- source on the West Coast • Tribal Tax Advantages Introduction business structure of the operating company select- ed by the aggregate producer and QIN. The Quinault Indian Nation (QIN) is honored to present this summary of Quinault aggregate re- the Quinault People sources. The sovereign Quinault Indian Nation is located on the Olympic Peninsula, west of the city The people of the Quinault Indian Nation are among of Seattle, Washington. The huge QIN aggregate the small number of Americans who can walk the resource is the only remaining uncommitted large same beaches, paddle the same waters, and hunt the near-shore sand and same lands their an- gravel source on the cestors did centuries West Coast of the low- ago. The QIN con- er United States. The sists of the Quinault aggregate resources and Queets tribes are composed primar- and descendants of ily of extensive glacial five other coastal outwash deposits of tribes: Quileute, sand and gravel, with Hoh, Chehalis, Chi- supplemental potential nook, and Cowlitz. identified in the form of various basalt de- The Quinault Indian posits. Nation is a sover- eign nation with The Quinault Indian the inherent right to Nation is seeking a company to lease or joint- govern itself and deal with other tribes and nations venture portions of their land with the primary on a government-to-government basis. Bylaws objective of mining were established in and producing high 1922: under these quality construction Bylaws, the QIN aggregate materials. established an elec- The QIN is the larg- tive government est Indian reserva- ruled by the Tribal tion on the Olympic Council (made up Peninsula, and also of voting members the largest Indian res- of the Nation), and ervation on the West a Business Com- Coast of the United mittee made up of States. Due to the a President, Vice unique federal trust President, Sec- status of the tribal retary, Treasurer lands, a company pro- and seven coun- ducing aggregate ma- cilmen. A consti- terials from Quinault tution, generally lands would not be preserving the es- subject to state taxes. tablished type of In addition, federal government, was taxes may not apply, approved in 1975, depending upon the and forms the foun- Figure 1: Location of Quinault Indian Reservation dation of the modern-day Quinault government. of products including Salmon, Dungeness crab, Halibut, and Black Cod), as well as Quinault Beach The General Council meets annually on the last Sat- Resort, and the Mercantile, all of which promote urday in March to hold elections, accept new tribal the growth and develop the potential of the reserva- members, allocate fishing grounds, and discuss oth- tion. er issues relevant to tribal operations. The Quinault Business Committee is entrusted with the business People remain the Quinault Indian Nation’s most and legislative affairs of the Quinault Indian Nation important resource. It takes educated people to fill the nation’s many technical jobs. Nearly 700 people are employed by QIN and its enterprises, making it one of the largest employers in Grays Harbor County. The Land The Quinault Indian Reservation is a land of mag- nificent forests, swift-flowing rivers, gleaming lakes and 23 miles (37 kilometers) of unspoiled Pacific coastline. Its boundaries encompass over 208,150 acres (84,271 hectares) of some of the most produc- tive conifer forest lands in the United States. Located on the southwestern corner of the Olym- pic Peninsula, its rain-drenched lands embrace an throughout the year. Tribal operations include Ad- abundance of natural wealth, including timber, ag- ministration, Natural Resources, Community Ser- gregate, and other resources. Conifer forests com- vices, Health and Social Services. posed of western red cedar, western hemlock, Sitka spruce, Douglas-fir, Pacific silver fir and lodgepole The Quinault people are business-oriented. The pine dominate upland areas, while extensive stands Quinault Indian Nation operates several enterpris- of hardwoods, such as red alder and Pacific cotton- es: Land and Timber (to manage the extraordinary wood, can be found in the river valleys. timber production operations on the reservation), Quinault Pride Seafood (which produces a variety Twenty-five thousand years ago, glaciers plowed the land, leaving thick deposits of sand & gravel outwash, and glacial till that cover most of the res- ervation and create the rolling terrain visible in the area today. As a wet, mild climate began to evolve 12,000 years ago, the glaciers withdrew to the high- er peaks of the Olympic Mountains. These condi- tions have produced a land with enormous forest and aggregate resources. Markets for Aggregate Products The Quinault Indian Reservation is located on the west coast of the Olympic Peninsula, west of the city of Seattle, Washington, as shown in Figure 1. Resource Location and Local aggregate markets include the Quinault Res- Access ervation, the US Highway 101 corridor and the Ab- erdeen- Hoquiam Metro Area. Major potential mar- The Quinault Indian Nation’s glacial outwash ag- kets for Quinault aggregate products include: gregate resources cover a large portion of the Na- tion’s surface area. Obviously, because of the great • Seattle-Tacoma, Washington extent of those resources, the QIN does not antici- • Portland, Oregon pate that all such resources will immediately be de- • San Francisco, California veloped. The QIN’s preferred location for the ini- • Los Angeles, California tial phase of aggregate development is an 80 acre • San Diego, California (32.37 hectare) tract near the eastern tip of the res- • Japan ervation (Figure 6). This area is preferred by QIN • China at this stage of development, due to the existence of • Korea previous commercial-quality aggregate production • Pacific Islands in the immediate vicinity and the ready availability of power, water, and paved highways. A serious shortage of aggregate exists along the West Coast of the United States, particularly in the Deposit Description San Francisco Bay, Los Angeles, and San Diego re- gions. An expansion of San Francisco International and Test Results Airport has been planned which will require about 100 million tons of aggregate; however, project de- Extensive glacial deposits of sand and gravel cover lays have occurred, which have pushed the require- most of the Quinault Indian Reservation. Recon- ment for the specified aggregate material into the naissance sampling and testing of those deposits future. was conducted in 2005. The sand and gravel de- posits sampled appear quite similar, and have up to Substantial quantities of aggregate are currently be- four feet of loess as overburden. All samples proved ing imported by sea into the United States by Cana- to be of sufficient quality to satisfy the stringent re- dian producers with operations in British Columbia. quirements of the Washington State Department of This aggregate is currently being sold in the Puget Transportation (WSDOT). Sound area, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego. Canadian aggregate was reportedly used by the San Diego Naval Base for a major expansion project at that facility. In the Far East, the existence of expanding popula- tions and economies is well known. The demand for commercial aggregate is high in Japan, China, Korea, and Taiwan, in particular. This suggests that high-demand aggregate products could be shipped to those countries in dedicated bulk carriers, or per- haps as back-haul loads in other types of vessels. It is also worth noting that many Pacific Islands lack good construction aggregate, primarily because they are of volcanic or coral-atoll origin. Such ar- eas could represent potential markets for Quinault Figure 2 : Corwin Pit aggregate resources. Quinault Reservation Geologic Map Area 106 Switchback Quarry Area 1410 Anderson Middleton Pit Potato Patch Pit Lisa Pit Area 210 Corwin Pit Prospect Hill 0 2.5 5 10 100% Bitum. Surface 55.0% 0.30 Miles 90% Treatment and Riprap, Quarry Wearing Course for 50.0% Spalls, Slope µ 0.24 80% Hot Mix Asphalt 0.24 Protection, and Rock 0.23 0.25 (WSDOT) 45.0% Walls (WSDOT) 70% 0.21 0.21 Figure 3 : Geology and sample locations 40.0% Top Course for Ballast and Gravel 60% Crushed Surfacing 0.18 0.19 0.18 0.20 35.0% Backfill for (WSDOT) Foundations 50% 0.16 0.16 [Class A] (WSDOT) Explanation Other Course for Hot 30.0% Mix Asphalt (WSDOT) 0.15 100K Geology 40% 25.0% PCC Coarse Ag., Crushed Surfacing, Degradation Value % Value Degradation Ballast, Asphalt Percent Loss Geologic Units 30% 0.10 Treated Base, Base 20.0% Bitum. Surface 0.10 Uniform Hardness Alluvium Course for Crushed Treatment 20% Surfacing, Riprap, 15.0% (W SDOT) Reservation Boundaries Quarry Spalls, Slope Alpine Glacial Outwash 10% 10.0% Protection, Gravel 0.05 Asphalt Treated Backfill for Principal Highway 0% 5.0% Base and Hot Mix Alpine Glacial Till and Drift Foundations Asphalt (WSDOT) Corwin Pit Potato Patch Potato Patch Switchback [Class A], and Rock 0.0% 0.00 ^_ Pit Stockpile Quarry Walls (WSDOT) 100 Revolutions Sample Locations Basalt Flows and Intrusives (culvert) Lisa Pit Prospect Corwin Pit Potato Potato Switc hback Switchbac k Area 1410 Area 106 Pit Anderson Area 210 Pit Hill Road Patch Pit Patch Quarry Quarry Pit Middleton 500 Revolutions Cut Stoc kpile Stoc kpile Pit Uniform Hardness Marine Sedimentary Rocks (high grade) Water Figure 4: Washington Degradation test results for Quinault Figure 5: L.A. Abrasion test results for Quinault Eleven samples were obtained from seven gravel Abrasion specifications in the WSDOT system as pits, one quarry, and one prospective area (Figure indicated in Figure 5. 3). The full suite of tests including L.A. Abrasion, Degradation Value, Sieve Analysis, Specific Grav- ity and Absorption were performed on samples from the two largest sand and gravel operations, the Corwin Pit (Figure 2) and the Potato Patch Pit (Figure 3).
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