■D 1916 2 0 0 4 MCALIFORNIAustang POLYTECHNIC STATE D UNIVERSITYaily Volume LXVni, Number 12 Friday, October 8, 2004 Mustangdaily^ calpoly.edu Poly students to focus on gay rights Christina Joslin p.m. MUSTANC DAILY “Its hard for gay students in this town to feel that we’re actually a part The Cal Poly Gays, Lesbians, of the community,” Cabaniss said. Bisexuals United, Raise the Respect “The Pride Alliance is all about creat­ program and the Pride Alliance ing an equality between students.” C-enter will have booths in the On Tuesday from 11 a.m. to noon, during free speech hour, the Pride Alliance will have another booth called Dirterent Voices, Different Cdioices.Their goal is to make students aware of gay rights and how voting directly affects the gay community. On C^ct. 11, 1987, about half a mil­ lion people participated in a march on Washington for gay and lesbian rights. The originators of the idea, Rob Eichberg and Jean O ’Leary, decided to ASSOCIATED PRESS make the day of the march the nation­ Cal Poly graduate Burt Rutan, sitting on the bottom right, takes a victory lap after his plane, SpaceShipOne, al day of coming out. flew out of the earth’s atmosphere for the first time. Rutan’s second successfiil flight occurred Oct. 4 Since this movement, more people are willing to come out and admit that they are gay to family members, friends and loved ones. Due to the Poly alumnus wins Ansaii X prize conservativeness of San Luis Obispo, MATT WECHTER MUSTANG DAILY not to many students are open about Esmeralda Cisneros space tourism. have known aKiut him for a long time. MUSTANG DAILY Co-dircctor, Kevin Cabaniss, being gay or lesbian, but those num­ Rutan graduated in 1965, with a “He’s an extremely creative design­ represents with the GBLU shirt bachelor’s in aeronautical engineering. er, always thinking (xitside the Kix,” bers are slowly rising. SpaceShipOne, designed by Cal “It’s good to have our club being His senior project won the national Puig-Suari said. University Union in support of Poly alumnus Burt Rutan won the $10 seen in the eyes of the campus.” student compietition of the American Aerospace engineering .junior, National Coming Out Day. million Ansari X Prize on Oct. 4. Cabaniss said. “The more we’re out on Institute of Aeronautics and Daniel UllcTa, said the ctimpetition The booths will be available 11 a.m. The contest required that the air­ campus, the safer we feel.” Astronautics the same year. help» achieve higher gtrals to 1 p.m.The main goal of the GLBU craft he flown twice within a 14'day The GLBU meets every Wednesday Aerospyace engineering department “This typie of contest help» to reduce and the Pride Alliance are to educate pieritxl, carrying at least one pierson. It chair Jordi Puig-Suari is pleased to see prices, it also gives NASA some com- students about gay rights issues and let alsti had to reach an altitude of 62 a Cal Poly graduate doing so well. p»etition,” Ulloa said. there voice get heard throughout the miles. community. “He nx:ks, he’s one of our guys,” Rutan’s began his career at Edwards The prize, given hy Ansari X, was “National Coming Out Day reflects Puig-Suari said. Air Force Base. He worked im nine Air given in an effort to create interest in the struggle that lesbians, gays and Puig-Suari said aerospace students Fcrrce projects in a seven year pieruxl. bisexuals have to go through every­ day,” said Kevin Cabaniss, GLBU co­ director and an English senior. The Raise the Respect program, a Students and dty have new middle man subdivision of the Student Community Services, is trying to pro­ JiJun “There’s a tremendous need. anger, frustrations, fears and mistakes. MUSTANG DAILY mote a comfortable campus climate. There’s a lot of neighbor-neighbor Callers to SLO Solutions will be Raise the Respect distribute out flyers conflict. There’s a lot of neighbor- given advice over the phone and can There is a new solution for stu­ landlord conflict,” Creative Mediationrequest direct mediation to alleviate and talk to students that have ques­ dents and city residents that will helpCEO Jesse Sostrin said. stress. In the process of mediation, the tions about the National Coming Out ease tension in the aftermath of last Recognizing that need, organizersarguing parties will have a chance to year’s Mardi Gras clash. Day. of the project are expecting up to 50 sit down and come to a compromise “We want people to be educated Creative Mediation, a local non­ calls a month and professionallyinstead of having to go to court. about such issues as sexism, racism and profit organization, in conjunctiontrained mediators are standing by to “It is better, I believe,” Sostrin said, MATT WECHTER MUSTANG DAILY homophobia,” said Brandon Sims, with Cal Poly, Cuesu and the city ofhelp bring conflicts to terms. “Suing takes a lot of time and you San Luis Obispo, will give residents director of Raise the Respect and a Biology senior, Brandon Sims, Examples of problems that can be either win or lose.” sports a Pride Alliance shirt and students a chance to air out dis­ biology senior. mediated are disputes over rent Freeing up the courts and letting agreements with the help of a third- deposits, noise pollution, trash andthe police department take care of The Pride Alliance will also be party neutral mediator. even problems between children andmore relevant matters is one reason holding an ally-training seminar. Thisin building 53, room 202, to discuss The program, called SLO seminar is for straight students to learn pertinent issues within the communi­ their parents. the program was started, Rob Bryn, Solutions, will be a free service for A promotional flyer for Creative public relations advisor at the San ways of becoming a method of sup­ ty, discuss ways for their name to get one year to anyone living in San Luis Mediation uses the case of a mother Luis Obispo Police Department said. port to their gay friends, co-workers out into the public and create a safe Obispo. Depending on how it is whose daughter ran away. Creative “We’re hoping that would be the and family members. The discussionharbor for gay students to find a sup­ received, the community will deter­ Mediation gave the mother and case. Especially in the area of noise will be held in UU 220 from 2 to .S port system. mine if the pilot program continues. daughter a safe place to talk out their see Mediation, page 2 Local band launches NW tour W LA I II I K kl POR I Funk-rock group JND hitting the road T o d a y Surf forecast IN ARTS and CULTURE, page 4 Mostly Sunny 82 Height; 4-5 ft. Direction: NW Men’s soccer faces No. 1 UCSB S a t u r d a y Sunrise 7:03 a.m. Rival team comes to our home turf Morning Clouds72' Sunset 6:37 p.m. IN SPORTS, page 8 NEWS 1 2 Fritiiy, CX tobor 8 ,2( M14 overcharge for the damages we had,” Now that they do, Sostrin is also Mediation Canlas said,“l think we lost $.500.” hoping to involve students and resi­ Coll^p employees givecontinued from page I Without the help of an outside dents in the mediation process. and relational issues within the party, Canlas and his roommates were The seminars are free. Students neighborhoods,” Bryn said, pressured to pay prices based on esti­and residents willing to volunteer big-bucks to Kerry Bryn used a garage band practicemates and not actual receipts. their time can be trained as media­ as an example. “If you ask for a receipt and theytors. “Maybe a neighbor went nextgive you company estimates, it’s .as The plan is to have two mediators, As of the end of August, Kerry Harvard University employees door and knocked on the door andgood as a receipt. It’s stupid,” Canlas ranked second on Kerry’s overall list of one student and one non-student, has collected more than $4.6 said, ‘Hey come on.’ If they get nosaid. “He (C?anlas landlord) was sup­ industry contributors, with $261,000 when it conies to disagreements million to Bushs $740,000 cooperation. I’d call this mediation posed to actually do a walk through donated. Stanford, (.Rilumbia and the between permanent residents and where they could come to a compro­ two weeks before the move-out date, ASSOl lA Tbl) I'RHSS University of Michigan were also in students. his top 20. mise and the band could practiceso we had two weeks to fix things. “Our organization has been LOS ANCiELES - Employees of The University of Texas, in the betw’een certain hours or not at all. But he never did that walk-through.” around since 198.5. We’ve offered colleges and universities nationwidepresident’s home state, produced But that there’s some compromise If mediation had been available, are donating much more to the cur­ $49,000 in donations for Bush’s cam­ reached.” Canlas would have used it. mediation services the whole time. rent presidential campaigns than theypaign, more than any other school. For computer engineering senior “We were,pretty mad,” he said. The reason for SLO Solutions is to did in 2000, and the majority of theKerry received about $67,000 from its Joel Canlas, mediation would have “We couldn’t really do anythingmake it easier for students to use the money is going to Democratic candi­employees.
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