Annie Holgate Junior and Infant Schools Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey Report PSDERSU2 October 2013 Document Control Sheet BPP 04 F8 Version 15; March 2013 Project: Annie Holgate Junior and Infant Schools Client: Education Funding Agency Project No: PSDERSU2 Document title: Extended Phase 1 Habit at Survey Report Originated by Checked by Reviewed by NAME NAME NAME ORIGINAL Lucy Besson Saffra Wright Saffra Wright NAME INITIALS Approved by As Project Manager I confirm that the Anne Laithwaite above document(s) have been subjected to Jacobs’ Check and Review procedure and that I approve them fo r issue DATE Oct 2013 Document status: FINAL REVISION NAME NAME NAME NAME As Project Manager I confirm that the INITIALS Approved by above document( s) have been subjected to Jacobs’ Check and Review procedure and that I approve them for issue DATE Document status REVI SION NAME NAME NAME NAME As Project Manager I confirm that the INITIALS Approved by above document(s) have been subjected to Jacobs’ Check and Review procedure and that I approve them for issue DATE Document status Jacobs U.K. Limited This document has been prepared by a division, subsidiary or affiliate of Jacobs U.K. Limited (“Jacobs”) in its professional capacity as consultants in accordance with the terms and conditions of Jacobs’ contract with the commissioning party (the “Client”). Regard should be had to those terms and conditions when considering and/or placing any reliance on this document. No part of this document may be copied or reproduced by any means without prior written permission from Jacobs. If you have received this document in error, please destroy all copies in your possession or control and notify Jacobs. Any advice, opinions, or recommendations within this document (a) should be read and relied upon only in the context of the document as a whole; (b) do not, in any way, purport to include any manner of legal advice or opinion; (c) are based upon the information made available to Jacobs at the date of this document and on current UK standards, codes, technology and construction practices as at the date of this document. It should be noted and it is expressly stated that no independent verification of any of the documents or information supplied to Jacobs has been made. No liability is accepted by Jacobs for any use of this document, other than for the purposes for which it was originally prepared and provided. Following final delivery of this document to the Client, Jacobs will have no further obligations or duty to advise the Client on any matters, including development affecting the information or advice provided in this document. This document has been prepared for the exclusive use of the Client and unless otherwise agreed in writing by Jacobs, no other party may use, make use of or rely on the contents of this document. Should the Client wish to release this document to a third party, Jacobs may, at its discretion, agree to such release provided that (a) Jacobs’ written agreement is obtained prior to such release; and (b) by release of the document to the third party, that third party does not acquire any rights, contractual or otherwise, whatsoever against Jacobs and Jacobs, accordingly, assume no duties, liabilities or obligations to that third party; and (c) Jacobs accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage incurred by the Client or for any conflict of Jacobs’ interests arising out of the Client's release of this document to the third party. Executive Summary This report contains confidential/sensitive ecological records and as such should not be made available for public circulation. An extended Phase 1 habitat survey (P1HS) of Annie Holgate Junior and Infant Schools was carried out on 6th September 2013. This survey included an external inspection of all the existing buildings on both sites for bat roost and breeding bird potential. The field survey was supplemented by a data gathering exercise and desk top review. The survey area comprises the area to be developed and all areas to be used during construction. Habitats present were mapped and the presence of, or the potential for them to support protected species, was noted. All existing buildings on site will be demolished, except for the plant room and Sure Start Accommodation at the infants school, so their potential for supporting protected species (in particular bats and breeding birds) was assessed. The habitats recorded within the study area are of limited botanical value, containing a low diversity of common and widespread plant species. The survey area is dominated by amenity grassland, buildings and hard standing with introduced shrub beds and trees scattered around the site. There are also areas of woodland and scrub at the site periphery. A pond was located in the north of the survey area. Woodland is a UK Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) priority species/habitats (which are all those listed as habitats and species of principal importance in Section 41 of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act, 2006). There is also a spring that runs along the northern boundary, as such, exclusion measures are recommended to protect the wooded areas and spring corridor during construction (see Section 4.2) The pond located within the survey area is surrounded by suitable terrestrial habitat for great crested newt (GCN) and has links to the wider area via woodland corridors and a nearby allotment site. It is recommended that a presence /absence survey is conducted to determine if GCN are using the site. The buildings offer moderate potential for roosting bats and several possible bat roost features were identified. Depending on the preferred option that is selected, several of the existing buildings on site will be demolished. As such it is recommended that further surveys of the buildings will be required: two dusk emergence / pre-dawn re-entry surveys undertaken between July and August by suitably qualified ecologists. No other ecological surveys are required to inform the detailed design or to accompany a planning application, but the timing of the demolition and any required vegetation removal should consider the potential for nesting birds. Depending on the findings of the recommended pre-construction check on the hole located in the area of scrub in the north of the survey area, additional generic construction site mitigation may be required should the presence of badger be confirmed. Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Aims and Objectives 1 1.3 Site Description 2 2 Methodology 3 2.1 Desk Study and Consultation 3 2.2 Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey 3 2.3 Assessment of Bat Roost Potential 4 2.4 Constraints 5 3 Results 6 3.1 Data Search 6 3.2 Field Survey 8 4 Conclusions and Recommendations 14 4.1 Designated Sites 14 4.2 Habitats 14 4.3 Protected Species 14 5 References 19 Figures Appendix A Proposed Options Site Plans Appendix B Desk Study Results Appendix C Photographs Appendix D Target Notes Appendix E Protected Species Legislation 1 Introduction 1.1 Background Jacobs UK Ltd. (Jacobs) was commissioned by the Education Funding Agency (EFA) to provide environmental support to the option selection process and possible submission of a planning application for the proposed development of a new two storey block on the playing field at Annie Holgate Infant School (both schools are within the survey area), which is located in Hucknall, Nottinghamshire (grid reference SK52624862 see inset on Phase 1 Habitat Survey Map (Figure 1). The proposed site plan of the preferred option being considered for the location of the new building is presented in Appendix A. The proposed works will comprise construction of a new school building and associated works as outlined below, depending on the selected preferred option: construction of a new two storey school to include nursery within existing playing fields at the Annie Holgate Infant and Nursery School demolition of all existing school buildings at both junior and infant schools with exception of the plant room and Sure Start accommodation at the infant and nursery school potential loss of some vegetation during the demolition process creation of a new car park on an existing playing field area adjacent to the new school, increasing current parking provision. 1.2 Aims and Objectives The aims of the survey were to record the habitats present and identify the presence of, or potential for, legally protected species to occur within the proposed development area. It is understood that this report will inform the detailed design and may accompany a planning application for the proposed works. The objectives of the survey were to: undertake a desk study and consultation exercise to collect existing records of species and designated sites (statutory and non statutory) within 2km of the proposed development site; undertake an extended Phase 1 habitat survey (P1HS) of the proposed development site; undertake an external inspection survey of the buildings for evidence indicating use by bats; assess the potential of the buildings and trees present to support roosting bats, and identify the requirement for any further ecological surveys necessary to accompany a planning application. 1 1.3 Site Description Annie Holgate Junior and Infant Schools is located in Hucknall, 9km from the centre of Nottingham. The school is surrounded by residential properties and the A611 road runs along the western boundary. Woodland borders the northernmost tip of the survey boundary which extends into a larger area of allotments to the north. Due to the school’s suburban location, the wider landscape consists of a mix of urban conurbation with open areas (including recreation grounds, golf courses, and an airfield) and industrial units. Beyond 1-2km in all directions the landscape becomes dominated by extensive arable fields and pastures.
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