29 July 2019 Chairman: Councillor J Craig Vice Chairman: Councillor O Gawith Aldermen: J Dillon MBE JP, Alderman D Drysdale, Alderman A Grehan Councillors: M Gregg, U Mackin, J McCarthy, C McCready, John Palmer, A Swan The Monthly Meeting of the Planning Committee will be held in the Council Chamber, Island Civic Centre, The Island, Lisburn, on Monday 5 August 2019 at 12.30 pm, for the transaction of business on the undernoted Agenda. Please note that lunch will be available in the Members Suite at 12.00 noon and there will be tea/coffee and shortbread at 3.00 pm. You are requested to attend. DAVID BURNS Chief Executive Agenda 1. Apologies 2. Declarations of Interest 3. Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 1 July 2019 4. Report from the Director of Service Transformation 4.1 NILGA Changing Places – Planning, Place Shaping and Place-making in Northern Ireland 5. Report from the Head of Planning and Capital Development 5.1 Schedule of Applications to be Determined: (1) Y/2009/0407/F – Proposed residential development of 109 dwellings (85 houses and 24 apartments), nursing home of 62 bedrooms, ancillary accommodation, associated site works and provision of a new signalised junction with Saintfield Road (amended landscaping and site level plans) on Land at and to the north of 360 Saintfield Road (including 350, 352 Saintfield Road) Castlereagh, Belfast. (2) LA05/2018/1163/O – Site for two dwellings and two garages in compliance with CTY8 of PPS21 on Lands immediately adjacent to and south of no 57 Ballyregan Road, Dundonald – (previously deferred). (3) LA05/2016/1121/F – Erection of 1 no 2 storey dwelling for residential use on a site beside 24 Beechdene Park, Lisburn – (previously deferred). (4) LA05/2018/0960/F – new dwelling on a site adjacent to 44 Duncan’s Road, Lisburn – (previously deferred). (5) LA05/2018/1094/F – Erection of two storey dwelling with attached double garage on a farm on lands 100m east of 88 Steps Road, Donaghcloney – (previously deferred). (6) LA05/2018/1007/O – Dwelling for non-agricultural business enterprises under policy CTY7 on site adjacent to 25 Station Road, Upper Ballinderry, Lisburn – (Called in). (7) LA05/2019/0143/F – New dwelling and garage, in substitution of previous approval LA05/2015/0750/O and LA05/2018/0277/F on lands 100m north of and adjoining 21 Ballykeel Road South, Carryduff (exceptions apply). (8) LA05/2018/0846/F – Proposed erection of second agricultural shed to quarantine livestock on lands 340m west of 90 Glenavy Road, Lisburn – (called in). (9) LA05/2018/0910/F – Proposed extension and rationalization of existing meat processing and packaging facility at 64a Lisnabreeney Road, Castlereagh, Belfast – (called in). (10) LA05/2018/1089/O – proposed dwelling under PPS21 on lands 160metres north east of 22 Bottier Road, Moira – (called in). (11) LA05/2018/0932/O – Dwelling and garage to rear of 12a Whinney Hill, Lisburn – (called in). 5.2. Submission of Pre-application Notices (PAN): 5.2.1 LA05/2019/0695/PAN – Construction of new 3G pitch,spectator stand, new ancillary block, car parking floodlighting, fencing, paths, street lighting and all other associated works. 5.2.2 LA05/2019/0695/PAN 5.3 Appeal Decision in respect of planning application LA05/2018/0630/O 5.4 Statutory Performance Indicators – June 2019 5.5 End of Year Planning Statistics 2018/19 – Report relative to LCCC 6. Confidential Report of the Director of Service Transformation 6.1 Planning Enforcement – Cases with Court Proceedings – August 2019 7. Any other business To: Members of Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council PC 01.07 2019 LISBURN & CASTLEREAGH CITY COUNCIL Minutes of Meeting of the Planning Committee held in the Council Chamber, Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council Offices, Island Civic Centre, The Island, Lisburn on Monday 1 July 2019 at 12.30 pm PRESENT: Councillor JD Craig (Chairman) Councillor O Gawith (Vice-Chairman) Alderman D Drysdale Councillors M Gregg, J McCarthy, John Palmer and A Swan OTHER MEMBERS: IN ATTENDANCE: Director of Service Transformation Head of Planning and Capital Development Principal Planning Officer (RH) Senior Planning Officers (MCO’N and RT) Member Services Officer Attendance Clerk Legal Advisor: B Martyn - Cleaver Fulton & Rankin Department for Infrastructure Representatives Mr Lionel Walsh Mr Stephen Cash Commencement of Meeting The Chairman, Councillor JD Craig, welcomed everyone to the meeting. Introductions were made by the Chairman and some housekeeping and evacuation announcements were made by the Director of Service Transformation who also highlighted to those in the public gallery that information on the procedures of the Committee was available at the rear of the Council Chamber. 1. Apologies It was agreed that apologies be recorded on behalf of Alderman WJ Dillon, Alderman A Grehan, Councillor U Mackin and Councillor C McCready. It was noted that Alderman D Drysdale would be arriving late to the meeting. 1 PC 01.07 2019 Councillor J Palmer updated the Committee on Alderman Dillon’s progress and indicated that he was hoping to be discharged from hospital quite soon. 2. Declarations of Interest The Chairman sought Declarations of Interest from Members and reminded them to complete the supporting forms which had been left at each desk. During the course of the meeting, the following Declaration of Interest was received: • Alderman D Drysdale declared an interest in Item 4.2.3 “LA05/2019/0643/PAN - For Industry and Commerce as zoned in the Belfast Metropolitan Area Plan 2015, Approved for Use Classes B1(b) call centre, B1(c) research and development, B2 Light Industrial, B3 general industrial and B4 storage and distribution. Main entrance from Carrowreagh Road”, on the basis that he was Chairman of a competing business park. Alderman Drysdale was advised by the Head of Planning and Capital Development in consultation with the Legal Advisor that, as this item was for noting only and the Committee would not be taking a decision on it at this stage, it was not necessary for him to leave the meeting. 3. Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on Monday 17 June 2019. It was proposed by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor J McCarthy, seconded by Councillor M Gregg, and agreed that the Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Monday 17 June 2019 as circulated be confirmed and signed. 4. Report of the Head of Planning and Capital Development 4.1 Schedule of Applications: The Chairman reminded Members that they needed to be present for the entire determination of an application. If absent for any part of the discussion they would render themselves unable to vote on the application. The Legal Adviser highlighted paragraphs 46 - 48 of the Protocol for the Operation of the Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council Planning Committee which, he advised, needed to be borne in mind when determinations were being made. The Chairman advised that there were a number of speakers in attendance making representation on some of the applications and therefore the Schedule of Applications would be taken out of order to enable these applications to be taken first. The Chairman also advised that representatives of the Department for Infrastructure, Roads Service, were present at the meeting to assist with consideration of applications that had road safety or traffic management issues. 2 PC 01.07 2019 (1) LA05/2015/0466/F – Demolition of residential premises and the erection of 26 nr semi-detached dwellings and 1 nr detached dwelling (27 nr dwellings in total) site access works, development roads, associated siteworks and landscaping at 54 Saintfield Road, Lisburn and lands to the south and west of 54 Saintfield Road, Lisburn (The Head of Planning and Capital Development left the meeting at 12.49 prior to consideration of this item.) The Principal Planning Officer (RH) presented this application as outlined in the circulated report. The Committee received Mr Keith Trimble who wished to speak in opposition to the application, highlighting the following: • Mr Trimble indicated that he was speaking on behalf of local residents who had no objection in principle to housing development on the site but were concerned regarding road safety and management issues • He stated that there were so many aspect of the design that did not meet road safety requirements • He indicated that the only suggestion by the designers to deal with road safety issues had been the provision of a yellow box and this would have failed to address the problems • He referred to traffic problems in Plantation Road and neighbouring roads. There being no questions for Mr Trimble, the Chair then invited questions for the Planning Officers. In response to Members’ questions, the Principal Planning Officer provided further information regarding proposed measures to mitigate against noise nuisance. Comment provided included detail on the provision of acoustic fencing and additional planting along the motorway boundary and installation of acoustic glazing in properties backing on to that boundary. Mr Lionel Walsh from the Department for Infrastructure, provided additional information regarding road safety and traffic management issues arising from the proximity of the development to the Saintfield Road roundabout and Plantation Road junction. The Committee, having considered the information provided within the Report of the Principal Planning Officer and by those making representations, agreed by a majority of 6:0 with 0 abstentions to refuse the application as outlined in the Officer’s report. (The Head of Planning and Capital Development returned to the meeting at 1.12 pm and Mr Lionel Walsh, Department for Infrastructure, left the meeting at 1.14 pm (5) LA05/2017/0909/F – Residential development to include 1 no. replacement dwelling and 12 no. new dwellings and the realignment of Plantation Mews Road at Plantation Road, Lisburn 3 PC 01.07 2019 The Principal Planning Officer (RH) presented this application as outlined within the circulated report.
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