POPIS TV-SERIJA PO ABECEDNOM REDU - 01.09.2020. sve serije su titlovane na hrvatski jezik 1 11.22.63 2 12 Monkeys 3 13 Reasons Why 4 2 Broke Girls 5 24: Live Another Day 6 666 Park Avenue 7 9-1-1 8 A Christmas Carol - Božićna priča 9 A Discovery of Witches 10 A Million Little Things 11 A Series of Unfortunate Events 12 A to Z 13 A Very English Scandal 14 A Young Doctor's Notebook 15 A.D. The Bible Continues 16 About a Boy 17 Absentia 18 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 19 Alcatraz 20 ALF 21 Allegiance 22 Alo, Alo! ( 'Allo 'Allo! ) 23 Alphas 24 Altered Carbon 25 Amazing Stories 26 Amber 27 American Crime 28 American Crime Story 29 American Gods 30 American Gothic 31 American Horror Story 32 American Vandal 33 Ancient Aliens 34 Ancient X-Files 35 Angel from Hell 36 Anger Management - Kontrola bijesa 37 Angie Tribeca 38 Animal Kingdom 39 Animal Practice 40 Anne 41 Another Life 42 Aquarius 43 Arrow 44 Ascension 45 Ash vs Evil Dead 46 Atlanta 47 Awake 48 Babylon 5 49 Babylon Berlin 50 Back in the Game 51 Backstrom 52 Bad Teacher 53 Baghdad Central 54 Ballers 55 Band Of Brothers - Združena braća 56 Banished 57 Banshee 58 Baptiste 59 Barbarians Rising 60 Barkskins 61 Barry 62 Bates Motel 63 Battle Creek 64 Battlestar Galactica 65 BBC Alaska: Earth's Frozen Kingdom 66 BBC Hidden Kingdoms 67 BBC Life Story 68 Beauty and the Beast 69 Believe 70 Berlin Station 71 Better Call Saul 72 Better Things 73 Beware the Batman 74 Beyond 75 BH90210 - Beverly Hills 76 Big Little Lies - Velike male laži 77 Billion 78 Biohackers 79 Bitten 80 Black Box 81 Black Lightning 82 Black Mirror 83 Black Monday 84 Black Sails 85 Black-ish 86 Blindspot 87 Bloodline 88 Blue Planet II 89 Blunt Talk 90 Bodyguard 91 Bolji život 92 Bonanza 93 Bones - Kosti 94 Bored to Death 95 Bosch 96 Boss 97 Bračne vode ( Married… with Children ) 98 BrainDead 99 Brak je mrak 100 Breaking bad 101 Breeders - Roditeljske muke 102 Brickleberry 103 Britannia 104 Broadchurch 105 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 106 Budva na pjenu od mora 107 Bull 108 By Any Means 109 Cardinal 110 Carnival Row 111 Carstvo poroka ( Boardwalk Empire ) 112 Castle 113 Castle Rock 114 Casual 115 Catastrophe 116 Catch-22 117 Chance 118 Channel Zero 119 Charmed 120 Chasing Life 121 Chasing Shadows 122 Chernobyl 123 Chicago Fire 124 Chicago PD 125 Chickens 126 Childhood’s End - Kraj djetinjstva 127 Chilling Adventures of Sabrina 128 Chosen 129 City on a Hill 130 Class 131 Cleverman 132 Cloak & Dagger 133 Cobra Kai 134 Code of a Killer 135 Collateral 136 Colony 137 Coma 138 Community - Klub otpisanih 139 Condor 140 Constantine 141 Containment 142 Continuum 143 Copper 144 Cosmos: A Space-Time Odyssey - Kozmos: Odiseja u svemiru 145 Cosmos: Possible Worlds 146 Counterpart 147 Covert Affairs 148 Creepshow 149 Crisis 150 Cristela 151 Crno-bijeli svijet 152 Crossbones 153 Crossing Lines 154 Crowded 155 CSI: Cyber 156 Cult 157 Curon 158 D-Day Sacrifice 159 Da Vinci's Demons - Da Vincijevi demoni 160 Dallas (2012) 161 Damages - Opasna igra 162 Damien 163 Damnation 164 Daredevil 165 Dark 166 Dark Matter - Tamna tvar 167 DC’s Legends of Tomorrow 168 Dead of Summer 169 Dead Set 170 Dead to Me 171 Deadbeat 172 Deadly Class 173 Deadwood 174 Deception 175 Deep State - Država u državi 176 Defending Jacob 177 Defiance 178 Designated Survivor 179 Desperate Housewives - Kućanice - 8. sezona 180 Detectorists 181 Deutschland 83 182 Devious Maids - Vraške sluškinje 183 Devs 184 Dexter 185 Dig 186 Dirty John 187 Dirty Money 188 Disenchantment 189 Dobra žena ( The Good Wife ) 190 Doctor Foster 191 Dollhouse - Kuća lutaka 192 Dominion 193 Doom Patrol 194 Downton Abbey 195 Dr. House (House M.D.) 196 Dracula 197 Drop Dead Diva - Divino novo ruho 198 Dublin Murders 199 Dynasty 200 El Chapo 201 Electra Woman and Dyna Girl 202 Elementary 203 Emerald City 204 Emergence 205 Empire 206 Enlisted 207 Escape at Dannemora - Bijeg iz Dannemore 208 Euphoria 209 Everybody Hates Chris - Svi mrze Chrisa 210 Evil 211 Extant 212 Extinct 213 Eye Candy 214 Eyewitness 215 F is for Family 216 Faking It 217 Falcon 218 Falling Skies - Napad s neba 219 Falling Water 220 Family Guy 221 Family Tools 222 Fargo 223 Farscape 224 Fawlty Towers 225 Fear the Walking Dead 226 Feed the Beast 227 Feud 228 Finding Carter 229 Firefly 230 Flashpoint 231 For All Mankind 232 For the People 233 Forever 234 Fortitude 235 Frequency 236 Fresh Off the Boat 237 Fresh Off the Boat - Neki novi imigranti 238 Friends with Better Lives 239 From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series 240 Full English 241 Fuller House 242 Future Man 243 Galavant 244 Game of Thrones - Igra-prijestolja 245 Gang Related 246 Gangland Undercover 247 Gangs of London 248 GCB ( Good Christian Belles ) 249 Generation Kill - Generacija ubojica 250 Genius - Genij 251 Ghost Wars 252 Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life 253 Girls - Djevojke 254 Glas naroda 255 GLOW 256 Go On 257 Godfather of Harlem 258 Godless 259 Golden Boy 260 Goliath 261 Good Behavior 262 Good Girls 263 Good Omens 264 Good Witch - Dobra vještica 265 Gossip Girl - Tračerica 266 Gotham 267 Grace and Frankie 268 Graceland 269 Gracepoint 270 Grandfathered - Mladi djed 271 Grant 272 Grantchester 273 Grey's Anatomy - Uvod u anatomiju 274 Grimm 275 Growing Up Fisher 276 Guilt 277 Guilt 278 Gunpowder 279 Guys with Kids 280 Gypsy 281 Halo: Nightfall 282 Halt and Catch Fire 283 Hand of God 284 Hanna 285 Hannibal 286 Hap and Leonard 287 Happy Valley 288 Harley and the Davidsons 289 Harlots 290 Harrow 291 Harry 292 Hart of Dixie 293 Hatfields & McCoys 294 Haven 295 Hawaii Five-0 296 Heartbeat 297 Helix 298 Hemlock Grove 299 Here and Now 300 Heroes - Heroji 301 His Dark Materials 302 Hit & Miss 303 Home Before Dark 304 Homecoming 305 Homeland - Domovina 306 Hooten & the Lady 307 Horvatovi 308 Hostages - Taoci 309 Houdini 310 Houdini and Doyle 311 House of Cards 312 House of Lies 313 How I Met Your Mother - Kako sam upoznao vašu majku 314 How the Universe Works 315 How to Get Away with Murder 316 How to Live with Your Parents (For the Rest of Your Life) 317 Human Target - Živa meta 318 Human Universe 319 Humans 320 Hunted 321 Hunters 322 Hunters 323 I Am Not Okay with This 324 I Am the Night 325 I Love Dick 326 Ice Cream Girls 327 Il capo dei capi - Corleone 328 Imposters 329 In the Flesh 330 Incorporated 331 Inhumans 332 Inside Men 333 Inside the Animal Mind 334 Instinct 335 Intelligence 336 Interrogation 337 Into the Badlands 338 Into the Night 339 Intruders 340 Iron Fist 341 Ironside 342 Izgubljeni ( Lost ) 343 iZombie 344 Jamaica Inn 345 James May's Cars of the People 346 James Patterson's Murder Is Forever 347 Jane the Virgin 348 Jean-Claude Van Johnson 349 Jekyll & Hyde 350 Jelenko 351 Jennifer Falls 352 Jericho 353 Jessica Jones 354 Jett 355 Jo 356 Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell 357 Justified - Pravednik 358 Južni vetar 2 359 Kalifornikacija ( Californication ) 360 Kampen om tungtvannet - The Heavy Water War: Stopping Hitler's Atomic Bomb 361 Killing Eve 362 King and Maxwell 363 Klondike 364 Knightfall 365 Krypton 366 Kud puklo da puklo 367 Kuda idu divlje svinje 368 L5 369 Labyrinth 370 Lambs of God 371 Last Resort 372 Law & Order True Crime 373 Legacies 374 Legends 375 Legion 376 Legit 377 Lethal Weapon 378 Lie to Me - Laži mi 379 Life of Crime 380 Light as a Feather 381 Lightfields 382 Limitless 383 Lincoln Rhyme: Hunt for the Bone Collector 384 Line of Duty - Na dužnosti 385 Little Boy Blue 386 Little Fires Everywhere 387 Locke & Key 388 Lonesome Dove - mini serija 389 Lost in Space 390 Lovci na natprirodno ( Supernatural ) 391 Love 392 Love, Death & Robots 393 Lovecraft Country - Lovecraftova zemlja 394 Low Winter Sun 395 Loza 396 Lucifer 397 Lud, zbunjen, normalan - sezone 1-9 398 Luke Cage 399 Luther 400 Mad Dogs 401 Madam Secretary 402 Magic City - Čarobni grad 403 Making a Murderer 404 Mako Mermaids 405 Malibu Country 406 Manhattan 407 Manhunt: Unabomber 408 Manifest 409 Marco Polo 410 Married 411 Marry Me 412 Mars 413 Marseille 414 Marvels Agent Carter 415 Master of None 416 Masters of Sex 417 Matador 418 Mayans M.C. 419 Mayday 420 McMafia 421 Mentalist ( The Mentalist ) 422 Merlin - The Adventures of Merlin 423 Messiah 424 Midnight, Texas 425 Mindhunter 426 Missing - Nestali 427 Mistresses - Ljubavnice 428 Mixology 429 Mockingbird Lane 430 Modern family - Moderna obitelj 431 Mom - Mama 432 Momci s Madisona ( Mad Men ) 433 Money Heist - La Casa de Papel 434 Monkey Planet 435 Monsters vs. Aliens 436 Most Dangerous Game 437 MotherFatherSon 438 Mozart in the Jungle 439 Mr. Mercedes 440 Mr. Robot 441 Mr.Bean 442 Mrs Biggs 443 Mrs. Fletcher 444 Mrs. Wilson 445 Muck 446 Murder in the First 447 Murder on the Home Front 448 Mućke- (Only fools and horses) Sve sezone + specijal 449 My Mad Fat Diary 450 My Name Is Earl - Zovem se Earl 451 Mystery Road 452 Na rubu ( Fringe ) 453 Narcos 454 Narcos: Mexico 455 Nashville 456 Naše malo misto 457 NCIS: Los Angeles 458 NCIS: New Orleans 459 Nedjeljom ujutro, subotom navečer 460 New Amsterdam 461 New Blood 462 New Blood 463 New Girl 464 New Worlds 465 Nightflyers 466 Normal People 467 Northern Exposure - Život na sjeveru 468 Now Apocalypse 469 NYC 22 470 Obitelj Borgia - The Borgias 471 Obitelj Soprano ( The Sopranos ) 472 Odgoj za početnike ( Raising Hope ) 473 Odmori se, zaslužio si 474 Odstrel ( Burn Notice ) 475 Old School 476 Olive Kitteridge 477 Olympus 478 Once Upon a Time - Jednom davno 479 One of Us 480 Orange Is the New Black 481 Origin 482 Orphan Black 483 Other Space 484 Otpisani 485 Our World War 486 Outcast 487 Outcasts 488 Outer Banks 489 Outlander 490 Outsiders 491 Over the Garden Wall 492 Oz 493 Ozark 494 Pan Am 495 Partners 496 Patrick Melrose 497 Peaky Blinders 498 Penny Dreadful 499 Penny Dreadful: City of Angels 500 Pennyworth 501 Perception 502 Perry Mason 503 Person of Interest 504 Planet Earth - Planet Zemlja 505 Planet.Earth.II.
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