Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC March 1968 Daily Egyptian 1968 3-27-1968 The aiD ly Egyptian, March 27, 1968 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_March1968 Volume 49, Issue 111 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, March 27, 1968." (Mar 1968). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1968 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in March 1968 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Sign of Spring T he University Center Patio Was Full T uesd ay as Faculty and Stud ents E njoyed the Spring-Ume Weather r-------------------------~ f)~ City to Move Ahead With Plans for Housing Units By John Durbin will prevent utilitie s to get lic housing "they were unable in ther e and begin construc ­ to tell m e when they could Car bondale will p roc e ed tion/' Ur bain said by tele­ get the land and how much it with plans to construct fed­ phone from Chicago T uesday. would cost." Urbain added, EGYPTIAN e ral ho u sLn g units de spite the O sborne said "Urbain is n o t "when and 1f Carbondale tells rec omme ndation of a F e d e ral an e ngineer, and o ur e ngi­ m e whe n they c an get the prop­ HousLng Authority official to neer s have [old us [hat [he c ut erty. then and onl y then will suspend the program. up section, as he puts it, Is we approve the sites and al­ Carbondale,l lIinoi5 Ge rald Os borne , nonhe ast s ui t a b I e for construction. low the housing units [0 be urban r e newal project direct­ This man is not fa m iliar with bUilt." or, s aid Tuesday that "we will the s ituation in Carbondale and Osborne said that the ex­ Vol ume 49 We dnesda y, Ma rch 27 , 1968 Humber 111 go ahead as scheduled with our is just talking off the top of te ns io:1 of time granted by wo rk on the cons truction of his head," Osbo rne added. Fischer has made it neces­ fede r al public hous ing units U r b a i n complained that s ary for the Board a ni y to unde r the agreem ent m ade wh e n he recently vis ited Car­ pre se nt the s ites at this tim e . with Frank FiSC he r," r egional bondale on his monthly check Council Names Board director of the Housing and of cities seeking fede ral pub- (Conti nue d on Page 7) Urba n Developme nt (HUD) . R eco m me n ded s us pe n­ To s ion of the program was made Gilbert, Williams $-et Investigate Walkout by Leon U rbain, project plan­ ne r of the Federal Hous in g Au­ The Carbondale City Coun­ the bo ard elect a chairman tho rity Assistance Offi ce in c il last night unanimously ap­ and offi cer s , Chicago. Urbain s aid he made Appearances Thursday proved a resolution creating The board' 5 duties will be this decis ion last December an eight-me mbe r Citizen' s Sta te Sen. John G. Gilben years to serve as s e nator from two fold. Fir st, the members becau se "Carbond ale has just and State Rep. Gale Williams the 56th Se nator ial Dis trict. Board of Inqllliry to investigate not done a damn thing ." Ac­ s hould establis h and publicly will speak .lit the SIU Young Gilbert is from Car bondale . the underlying c auses of the cording [0 Osborne , at this announce all the unde rlying Re publicans meeting a[ 9p. m. Williams r e sides in Murphys­ recent mass walkout by city stage of the program it is causes of the recent e mploye Thurs day in Studio Theatre boro . ~p l oy e s. only necessary fo r the Car­ walkout. i n University Sc hool across Mark Hansen, campus co­ The citizens selected an d bondale Community Cons erv­ Second, [he bo a r d should the hall from Furr Auditor ­ ordinator of C hoice 68, en­ approved by the council ' are: ation Boar d to present the send [0 the counc il a recom­ ium. courages all s tude nts to at­ Orville Alexande r, chairman available s ites which " we have me ndation stipul ating actions A que sri a nand ans we r te nd . The meeting is open of the depanmenr of govern­ done." Urbain, on the other that it feel s necessar y and period will follow brief ad­ to all. ment at SIU; Trac y Bryant, hand, s aid that the key word he lpful to e li min a,t e those dres ses by both spe akers. d e ntist; Kenneth Cannon, wa s "available" because two causes. Williams, , who h~s in the owner of Cannon's J e welry of the proposed s ites a r e " un ­ past favor ed introduction of Gus Bode store; Royal Dillinge r, assis­ In other act ion, M",yor David accept able ... Keene sa id he has sent a l et­ a s tude nt civil righ'rs bill, is tant postmas te r . te r [Q the r egional director of " One of the s ites is lo­ running for r e - election in the Oth e r m e mb e r s a r e: the Hous ing and Urban De­ cated in a s wamp Whil e the 59th Congressional District . George Patte rson, r e altor; v e l 0 p m e n t (HU D), F ran k othe r unacceptable one is all Gilbert, chairman of the state Re v. Le nus Turle y, pasto r of Fi sche r, as king him to r e­ cut up like a lette r F and education comminee, has tWO the Rock Hill Baptist Church ; affirm approval of th e 18 John Stotler, assistant pro­ month extens ion [0 the c ity Ou umarted Again fessor in the department of for the selection of s ites f O T physical education at S[U ; and fede r al h o u ~n g units . Prankster Bedevils 01' Gus Milton Ede lman. The m ayor' s action followed T he resolution also urges a recomme ndation d r awn up Someone with a prankis h lUrn Gus was billed for the mag­ the board to meet at the e arli­ by Leon U rbain, project pl a n­ of mind ha s de vised a means a zi·ne . est possible tim: and as ks that ne r for the Feder al HGus ing o f upda t ing (h e Dail y But Giane lli, e vide ntl y feel­ Authority Assi s tance Offi ce E g yp t ian' s lege nd a r y Gus ing sorry for Gus , who ad­ in Chicago, to s us pe nd ap­ Bode with the latest national mittedly - has no money and proval on the s ites c hosen un­ and inte rnational news. no pros pec ts of getting any. A Look Inside til the next fiscal ye ar. According t a Anthony J. wrOte the magaZine [0 ex­ ••• New cil y for Southe rn Mayor Keene also as ked Giane lli, c0cr.rdinator at the plain the situation. lllinois?, page 5. Fis che r in .hi s lette r to com­ Stude n --Activities C e nte r. the Gus s ays he' s looking for . o • • Studem Government m ~ m on Urba in's in s ults to­ firs t iss ue Of a national news one wise guy 'who would like Gus says it's getting tougher Ombudsman needed, page 4. wa rd the c ity of Ca rbondale magaZi ne has been r e ce ived to pay for subscription number all the time to stay ignorant • • • Tennis squad opens and his "brazen m eddling in in the Magnolia Lounge ad­ 80 2S -BDE-00-0 00 - G9 - 2 when so many people are de­ season, page 15. loc al politics." dre ssed to Gus. Worse yet, 96 190 1. termined to smanen you up. (onfu~('d Silualion BROWNS RESORT Road Closing Causes Tieup BURUNGTON, WISCONSIN Wiu interview on Campu's A road behind the SIU Ar e na tile is being laid to r epl ace Three worke rs in the Cam­ adjacent to [he base ball field an open ditch which the r oad pus Architect's office and one April 3 In is closed apparently as drain c rosses. the Ph ysi cal Plant said interested students should contact Tuesday they did not know why the road was closed. Appar­ STUDENT WORK OFFICE Young Democrats to Bolster ently the closing was not cleared through any Univer­ Building B. Rm 112 Washington Sq. s ity agency, they said. MANY POSITIONS including McCarthy in State Primary One spok.esman did acknow­ ledge that placlng of the tUe • Waitress • Bus Soy • Swi tch Boord OperoNr Members of the SIU Young bur s ed for gasoline by the was in the contract for work • Maid • Bar Boy · Deskcler4c. Democ rats will travel wWis­ Young Democrats. Housing befng done south of the A r ena. " Bell 80y • Swirrm-in9 In s tructor consin this weekend ro cam­ will be provide d for aU cam­ and said he supposed that was paigh f o r Sen.
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