TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR CONSTRUCTION THE BREAKWATERS OF MUUGA PORT IN TALLINN, ESTONIA Environmental Impact Assessment Report Date 2006-12-27 Final Draft of Report Report No. Environmental Impact Assessment of the Breakwater for the Port of Muuga in Tallinn Document Title: Status: Final Draft Report Date: 2006-12-27 Project Name: EIA for the Planning of the Port of Muuga Breakwaters Project No.: Client: European Commission DG Reference: 2 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Breakwater for the Port of Muuga in Tallinn Contents SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION 5 Background 5 1.2 Brief description of the scheme 6 1.3 The study area 12 1.4 Requirements for an EIA 16 1.5 Public consultation 18 1.6 Statement of need 18 1.7 Report format 19 SECTION 2 BREAKWATERS FOR THE PORT OF MUUGA 20 2.1. The proposed site 20 2.1.1 The port of Muuga 20 2.1.2 Housing 23 2.2. Alternative breakwater options considered 24 SECTION 3 EXISTING ENVIRONMENT 33 3.1. Introduction 33 3.2.Water and sediments quality 33 3.2.1. Water quality 33 3.2.2. Sediment quality 43 3.2.3. Sediment quality of the Port of Muuga 45 3.2.4. The geochemistry of site 47 3.3. Saviranna cliff 47 3.4. Marine ecology 49 3.4.1. Sensitive areas and marine protected areas 49 3.4.2. Nature reserves 50 3.5. Terrestrial Ecology 54 3.5.1. Ornithology 55 3.6. Marine environment 58 3.6.1. Fisheries 58 3.6.2 Benthic communities 72 3.7. Noise 83 3.7.1 Background noise 83 3.7.2 Noise standards 83 3.8. Air quality 85 3.8.1. Air quality standards 85 3.8.2. Air quality monitoring 86 3.9. Navigation 86 3.10. Traffic 88 3.11. Cultural heritage 89 3.12. Recreation 89 3.13. Employment 89 3.14. Local community 89 3.15. Summer housing 90 3.16. Hydrodynamics and sedimentation processes 90 3.16.1 Climate 90 3 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Breakwater for the Port of Muuga in Tallinn SECTION 4 METHODS OF MODELLING 104 4.1. Impacts on the nature of the local hydrodynamics 104 4.1.1 Numerical calculation results 105 4.2 Oil spill response 126 SECTION 5 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 131 5.1 Impacts on sediments and shore processes 131 5.2 Dispersion rate of sediments during construction, dredging and Dumping 132 5.3 Impacts on seashore processes and public beaches 140 5.4. Impacts on sea bottom phyto- and zoobenthos communities 141 5.5 Impacts on fisheries 145 5.6 Impacts on terrestrial plants, birds and mammals, as well on landscape and Natura 2000 sites 147 5.7 Impacts on local habitants 150 5.8 The evaluation and comparison of the significance of impacts identified To actual 153 5.9 Environmental risks during construction and operation of the Breakwaters 155 5.9.1 Navigational risks 155 5.9.2 Oil spills and related environmental risks 156 5.10 Mitigatory measures 159 5.11. The compliance of Project with EU and Estonian legislation, regional Development plans and detailed planning. 161 SECTION 6 THE REASONABLE UTILIZATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES USED FOR BREAKWATERS CONSTRUCTION DUE REGARDING THE PRINCIPLE OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 163 SECTION 7 COMPARISONS AND RANKING OF POSSIBLE ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS OF THE PROJECT DISCUSSED 167 7.1. Comparison of alternatives by navigational and technical aspects caused Indirect impacts on marine environment 167 7.2. Socio-economical impacts 170 7.3. Comparison regarding the environmental impacts 171 7.4. Expert-group preferring 172 SECTION 8 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND AUDITING CONCEPT: DETERMINATION OF THE OBJECTS OF MONITORING, THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF METHODS OF MONITORING 174 SECTION 9 PUBLICITY OF EIA, THE OVERVIEW OF REMARKS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND OTHER PUBLIC SUGGESTIONS RECEIVED, THE TAKING THOSE INTO ACCOUNT 175 SECTION 10 SHORT SUMMARY OF EIA 176 4 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Breakwater for the Port of Muuga in Tallinn SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND The State-owned company AS Tallinna Sadam1 commissioned a group of experts from the Estonian Marine Institute at the Tartu University, Merin Engineering Consultants, Royal Haskoning and others2, to undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) as part of the “Planning of the Port of Muuga Breakwater” study completed by Royal Haskoning on the 9th of June 2006. OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE OF THE EIA This EIA aims to assess the environmental impacts, if any, of the preferred alignment and structural alternative for the new breakwater construction in the Port of Muuga. The outcome of this EIA will be presented to and discussed with the Client in order to come to a mutual agreement on the preferred layout- and structural alternatives in light of the existing natural and regulatory environment. THE PORT OF MUUGA The Port of Muuga was built in 1985 and is located in the Gulf of Muuga approximately 17 km east of Tallinn (Fig. 1). Today it is the main cargo port of Estonia and largest commercial port in Baltic Sea The heavy cargo trade that characterises the Port of Muuga includes vessels transporting crude oil and oil products, fertilizers and hazardous chemicals, and coal. The Port has ISO14001 and some safety aspects. However, safety measures need to be improved to satisfy international standards. Currently, vessels entering the Port experience navigational problems which heightens the risk of accidents and collisions, especially when there are strong NW to NE winds. However, currently the only measures in place to reduce potential environmental risks, requires vessels to leave the Port for the high seas. Not only does this result in economic losses to the Port but also increases health and safety risks as vessels can be exposed to high waves of up to 4 metres in height during severe weather conditions, when they are forced to anchor in the open part of Muuga Bay. Because of the increasing heavy traffic which characterises the Port of Muuga today, structures need to be put in place to keep vessel traffic and vessel behaviour as predictable as possible. The construction of breakwaters is seen to contribute towards increased predictability and order, and hence is seen as beneficial to those operating and using the Port’s facilities. The breakwaters will increase navigational safety inside the Port of Muuga, allowing international standards to be satisfied and environmental risk, such as oil spillage, to be minimized. 1 Also known as the Client. 2 Estonian Maritime Academy, the Estonian Center of Geology, and others (see Table X) 5 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Breakwater for the Port of Muuga in Tallinn 1.2 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE SCHEME The Port of Muuga is currently being upgraded by the AS Tallinna Sadam, a company owned by the State of Estonia. In light of these on-going developments, this EIA has therefore taken into account the EIAs completed for other projects which comprise an overall scheme to upgrade the Port of Muuga. These EIAs allow us to identify, evaluate and assess any cumulative environmental impacts on the existing environment Altakon Grupp OÜ. 2005. Muuga sadama laiendamise projekti keskkonnamõju hindamine. Mõjutatava piirkonna geoloogiline ehitus ja põhjasetted. Töö nr 5/2005. 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