FY BSC - NAUTICAT SCIENCE SUBJECT: ENGIISH AND COMMUNTCATTON SKtLt-S Q P CODE: 7437OO DATE OF EXAM: 22i{o NOVEMBER 20to 'Q. 1. 1. What does SMCP stands for? ANS: STANDARAD MARINE COMMUNTCATTON pHRASES 2. Who is a pilot? A pilot is someone who's an expert on a port, who ensures and helps the captain to dock the ship safely. Once his work is done; the pilot leaves the ship and goes to another one. 3. Name all the tenses Simple Present tense / simples past tense / simple future tense 4. Name 8 Message markers Ans: a. l.INSTRUCTION b. il. ADVTCE c. lll. WARNING d. IV.INFORMATION V. Question Vl. Answer Vll. Request Vlll. lntention 5. Define "Securite" Ans: lt is a distress safety signal given as a security warning to other ships or to port authorities. 5. Name two important rules to be followed to write an invitation letter 1. Invitation letters always should have a positive and polite tone 2. Always include special instructions which may help the guest when he comes to attend the function. 7. What is the definition of essay? Ans: The word Essay means an Attempt. Your attempt to write in a single prose-piece, using own ideas, impressions, thoughts, feelings or opinion on any given subject 8. What are the 2 important stratagies to be followed for Reaching Comprehension Ans: Skimming and scanning 9. Explain the meaning of Jettison Ans: Throwing overboard of goods in order to lighten the vessel or improve its stability in case of an emergency 10. What is the length of a shackle? 15 fathoms 11. What is RSVP stands for? Please reply back 12. What is BCC? Blind Carbon copy 13. The teacher said, " I will not come to class tomorrow" - Change it into Indirect Speech The teacher said that she would not come to class the next day 14. Give the Adjective forms of "affection" & "deceive" Ans: Affectionless / deceiving or deceptive 15. What is Mayday? Ans: this is a distress safety signal. lt is used when ship is in distress due to fire / flooding and needs to be abandoned and help from outside authority is required. 15 MARKS Fires are often caused by careless disposal of burning cigarette ends and matches, or smoking at prohibited places. Ashtrays and suitable containers must be provided and used where smoking is permitted. Care must be taken to ensure that matches are fully extinguished and that the cigarette ends are properly stubbed out. They must not be thrown overboard since these may be blown back on board. Conspicious warning notices should be displayed in any part of the ship where smoking is forbidden. Disciplinary action must be taken against the persons not obeying such instructions. lt is dangerous to smoke in bed. 1. This text is probably taken from a. in b. c. a newspaper article on smoking Ans: b 2. What is the text about? Ans: Text is about Safety on Board ship. 3. Write the meanings of the words given below: * * * Conspicuous : Noticeable extinguished : douse / remove or terminate Stubbed out : to extinguish the burning end of (a cigarette or cigar) by crushing it against a solid object (oftenfollo wed by out): * Forbidden: not allowed or prohibited *Ensure: to make sure 4. Make a sentence with the word "Disciplinary" Ans: Disciplinary action should be taken against those who does not obey the rules 5. What care must be taken while lighting a match? Ans: Care should be taken and ensure that the match is fully estinguished before throwing it in the 5. What could be the reasons for the cause of fires on board ship? Reasons are: smoking in the bed or not taking proper precautions while smoking 7. Strict action should not be taken against the persons who act as per the rules displayed - TRUE OR FAISE Ans: False 8. lt is dangerous to smoke only when you are in bed - TRUE OR FAISE Ans: False 9. What precautions should be taken while smoking on board ship? Ans: One should make sure the matches are extinguished and cigarette ends are properly stubbed out. 10. As per the passage, what is the responsibility of the shipping company with regard to smoking? Ans: shipping company.make sure ashtrays and suitable containers must be provided and strict disciplinary action shourd be taken againsi the persons not obeying the rures. 11. Give a suitable title to the passage. "smoking - a disaster on board,, OR Q'2-A'Define sMcP, what is the purpose of sMCP? write any 4 Message Markers and give sentences for the same. example 07 MARKS echnical terminology that todays seafarers need to c knowledge of the English language. er situations developing under considerable navigational wa rnings. - to standardize the language used in communication for navigation at sea, in port approaches, in waterways, harbors and on board vessers with murtiringuar crews, and - to assist maritime training institutions in meeting the objectives mentioned above. EXAMPLES: instruction : Do not leave the harbour. advice : Navigate with caution. warning : Unknown objects in your area. information : MV Ocean king will overtake to the west of you. question : Do I have permission to enter the fairway?,, answer : No, I do not require assistance. request : I require assistance immediately. intention : I will increase speed. Q.2.B.Change the below given sentences into indirect speech: 08 MARKS ,Hello,, ,,How t. he said to his cousin, are you?,, Ans: He greeted his cousin and enquired ,Good how he was 2. Morning. Can I help you?, Ans: He greeted good morning and asked ,,My could he help me 3. word! That car is travelling fast!, He excraimed with fear and said that ,Helpl the car was traveiling fast 4. Helpl,she shouted. Ans: she shouted out for help ,What S. a silly question!, Ans: she said that what a silly question was it 5. ?re you ready?, yes, Ans: She enquired if she was ready and she replied yes she was 7. 'Are you a member?, ,No., Ans: He asked if she was a member and she repried that she was not 'Good , 8. afternoon, John,, said Betty, How are you?, Ans: Jhon greeted good Betty afternoon and enquired how he was Q.3'A.EXPAND pRovERB THE "creanriness is Next to Godriness,, -zoowoRDs 08 MARKS Ans: The famous proverb 'cleanliness is next to Godliness' express a rot to us. lt indicates that cleanliness is the essential part of the healthy life. As we all know thai the habit of cleanliness is in culture' our grandparents our tradition and teach us properly to be clean always and promote meal us to do worship and eat after taking morning bath. They teach us to eat food only after doing proper hand wash and touch holy books and other holy things with clean hands. Even in some houses there are restrictions entering to the temple of and kitchen without taking bath. priests tell us wear to take bath, wash hands and clean clothes before appear to the God or involve in the puja or katha. There was a strict tradition of hand washing before meals in the Jewish elders. There is a close connection between personal cleanliness and moral health person. personal cleanliness of the is considered as the symbol of purity of body and soul which is necessary to get healthy and spiritual connection' People who do not take daily bath or wear dirty clothes are generally feeling lose their confidence, self-respect and well-being. so we can say that personal cleanliness safeguards us against dishonesty' All the advantages of the cleanliness proves the question that why religious people and religion founders have made cleanliness ritual necessary during spiritual occasions. Regular proper cleanliness and helps us to prevent from germs remaining long on godliness. the body and maintain our Q.3.B.FILL IN THE BIANKS WITH PROPER AMBIGUOUS WORDS 07 MARKS L' This work will affect your health. what will be the Effect of your laziness? (Affect; Effect) 2' I sent compllment to his father, some verbs r"qri*@g"r*g (complement; compliment) 3' Dessert was placed on the table, The sahara is ttre largefug (Desert; Dessert) 4. He is a man of strict prrncipres. our pdlgipg! is very rJna iFiin.ip.r; principre) 5' The sun is stationary body, poput"r. The uoot depoi deals with stationery also (stationary; stationery) 6' ThgV we.re proud of their work, Just put it over then. thev,re. going out to dinner !9_1ight. (they're, they, their) 7. who is going to the party with you?, with whom are you going to the party?(whom; who) OR Q'3' A' You are a student researching a shipping company your for business class presentation. write an official letter to Mr'Amit Vora, the Public Relations Director of the corporation you are researching, and ask for information about his company. $ MARKS Ans: Formal structure need to be followed: your address The address of the person you are writing to Date Subject Reference Salutatlon Introductory paragraph Main paragraph Concludlng paragraph Ending letter Complimentary closing Slgn Name In full Encl Q.4-A.Describe Merchant Navy Crew Roles and routines 15 MARKS Captain/Master The captain or master is the ship's highest responsible officer, acting on behalf of the ship's owner' whether the captain is a member of the deck department or not is a matter of some controversy, and generally depends on the opinion of an individual captain. when a ship has a third mate, the captain does not stand watch. The captain is legally responsible for the day-to-day affairs of the ship as he/she is in command' lt is his responsibility to ensure that all the departments under him perform legally to the requirements of the ship's d,wner.
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