
JANUARY 1896. .. �4 THURSDAY, ' 16, TOPEKA, KANSAS, .. , TABLE Or·CONTENTS. BLOODED caw., Sheep, HOWBY DOl: lOll, TOpeka; KM. breed.r and­ FAR.- Poland-Oiilna and lIIn­ FINE.Hogs,PQultry,8portlDaDop. Bend S-qmtY· SLOPE • of VB.shipper thoro1lllhbred 160 84-AGRIOULTURAL MATT.Ds.­ and 8Ul'tr-Laoecl W:randotte stamp. foroatalolre. engraTlnp. PAGE =�Ire�. 'N.-P. BQYlIIR � CO., Co.teBTI}le, P&. C. S. Emporia, Ku. Sorghum Hay. Sorghum Forage-How CROSS, - Far Apart Will Corn Mixt Corn-Corn HlIIRD o. POLAND-CHINA SW1NlII We haTe one of the large.t the most noted atralns and ped· herdl of registered ' PRINClIITONoontelns popular _ Duroc-JerseyHogs Smut D.ls6ase. animal. for eate. Addreas Thoroughbred lirreel In the U. S. ChOice, Regllte... 8tock. dend for «-page catal0Il!l"lPrice. PAGE 85-TDB INTBBBST.-Slzth FranJdIn Kas. STQOX n. DaTlson '" Son, PrInceton; Oo., and hlator:r, containing much other uaeful lfu:orma­ ® of the Kansas Swine HEREFORD CATTLE Annual Meeting tlon to :roull&breeders. Will be IOnt on recelp' of NlIIB.- Breeders' Association. L. BLODGlIITT '" SONS, BlIIATRICE, ,tamp and addrela. J. M. 8TONmlJLAJaB, Panola,'D1. In &he United .S.ta�e.. Write for anything :rou,want. • of Chester White and' Annual of the R Breeders Poland·Chlna, ' PA.GE 36-Sixth Meeting ' , Stook Breeders' ABso- T. LAWTON, North To- Kansas�Improved' :�!1::nr:a�&I::n�;:J':':::����}"airi;���J� �. J ;-, IU:p:��:e�e�lf! SDOB HILL 'STOCK FABl of - -'llhe Science .wlne. Oholce ...s, PX��oS7-IRRIGAT�ON. .10ling � . G. W. GLICK, A:TCHI80N, KA8. OHIOIMPROVlllDCBJlJSTlIIRSWINlII-Pure.bredand registered. One hundreclsprlng pip at.hard Brab- Jrrilration. LIght Bates'and Batoe-tcpped'_ tlmel A180 a fe... bOars read:r fOrlO"lce. Dreedl and h_ for Iale 38-TBB HOMB Sun- prlcel. --'- �":���=. PAGE CmoLB.-Dr,v; H. S. DAY, D...lllht, Monlo ce., Xu. tIA}. 8HORT-HORN8. Waterloo.! K!J'kl8Tlngton,:ro- .. Jan. and o&h_ days Be Not Content (poem). bert, CriInr, PrInce , Gw:rnn.�.a..aa:r fuhlona6r.famlll••. ·Th.l1'aDdBatelbulloWIn�. , t Shad e. Head and an ds, Lates Lamp . (poeji' . FARM Duke of BELMON'!r"I' STOCK .ome Duke llth'111518'7 and Grand , Correc.t FORSALlII-Duroo-Jer8e:rPIP;alsoPOland-ohlna.Bronle turkeYI, To!1loule geeae. Pekin ducks,' To Make Papbr Lamp �hades. North Oake 1Ub 1115'7815 a' head of the herd. Jeweled Barred PI:rmouth Rock aud Bro...n Leghorn chick· Geo. Toppbig, Ced&r P�!-nt, KanfJ"; · Stationery. Writing Desk Lamp•. Ku. Choice l'oung buIll for 1&1. no.... Vlalton ....loom•• .na. -Reid:r to Ihlp out. J. II. YOling. Llbert:r, Breedl aud hu for 8&le Poland-Cblna and J.!.rP Velvets for Belts, Centerpiece tor ACldreu L; CDAFJ!'EE, MIlnapr•.. Pretty . Berk.blrea: AI80 Slnllle-Comb Brown Leg- )Y. EUILIIsh --.,..---�-'------------ Table. N. FBIESlIIN, HALSTlIIAD, KAS.-Proprletor home and Mammoth Bronze turiey.. Faim '.Iz on OLXS.- Pit K Garden VaIle:r herd of thorougbbred Po'and· Ch... PAGE .,,,-TDB YOUNG F God y. mUea south of Co,dar count:r. China Iwlne. Selected -from be8t Itralna. Stock Point; ® ® the Charley, , HER'D. Homeless To-night (poem). for .ale at alJ.,tlmes. Write m•. Jilen�lon FARMIIB. ROCK 'QUARRY . AII. 0 E MO. the Mascot. Their Own Surgeons. Pay-' 0 ItOV:, _ -==�===========� N• • MOSHERrA SON, SALISBURY,.,MO E . Debts: Wonderful Horse. A • Jackson Co. ing One's ·POULTRY.·E E AXLINE., , From England. of �� ...... Dog Story Breeder. and ahlpper pure-bred POL,AND- - Hohaovlcee,twp'!'!!!b-� - PAGE 40 - EDITORIAL. Quarter Oenten-, CHINAS. Bestfamlllel. A choice lot of iummer cente a dozen: How to produoe for that HEREFORD nial Meetinj!' of State Boal'!i of Agricul- and fall pigs, aired b:r Ro:r U.S. 24166 A. and We.tem EGGS-Five Wllkeal28W S., for 'oale at reuonable prlcel. Ne... BULL8 ture. of the War Spirit. Activity en'':�::;s. �:W� Ko�e_;ra"�:r& �����:s��\:��: catalogues free. Plymoutb Rocke, best 8tralns. - Have ," PAGE 41-EDITORIAL. What Will . to Be Done. Timber. Publishers' Para- SALE-Houdan., Dar" Brahmas,' Partridge FORoocbtns, Black Lanpbim"and Barred P. Rocb . • graphs. We ku'p onlll tM but. Wo. H. l\ILuch, Wichita, Kas. PAGE 42-HoRTIoULTuRB.-Seed Potatoes, Scab, Subsoiling. Etc., Etc. POULTRY YABlIiJ:-L.lII. Piney,Hm­ 45-·IN THE DAIRY.-John EUBlIIKA breeder of PI:rmouth Bock., s. 'P'A'CE Diggory's poria, KM., WI- 'Opinion About Butterine or Bogus B\Jt­ =!���':.�':."ey�.�dp�t!�u���o��ck8 ter•. Oleo on the Run. Notes ••.. Dairy.. at all tlmel. 1II11'1I1jn 88aeon. - English Blue Grass. THE SHELDON & WHEELER PAGE 44 - TUE APIARY. - The Cost of VALLEY FALLS POULTRYYARD.-LlghtBrah- Starting an Apiary. Bees and Pouitry. &::;!�d�1y����:,u�0�..!.�v. STANDARD POLAND· CHINA HERD. Alfalfa. Moths and Worms. Lan':�an����rt!h::'naci CHAS. A. Bees and and R. C. Brown Leghorna, White and Black Minor­ (lANNON, Proprietor, HEREFORD CATTLE ,COMPANY MISSOURI 45-TuE VETERINARIAN .... Market O,4SS OOUNTY, PAGE cas, tlllver-Spangled Hamburg.. Choice bird., II BABRlSONVILL1!J, -OWNBRS 011'- , each. 1II11'gl, II per IIfteen. W. B. McCo:r, Valley Breeder and shipper of registered Poland·Chlna Reports. Cbow PAGE 46-TDE POULTRY YARD.-Has Ar­ Falls,Xu. ....Ine of the belt strains. Herd headed b:r THE ROCK CREEK HERD Cbow 9IlOO S., &aslsted b:r a Black U. S. son of Iml­ Poul­ TboR. J. tistic Merits. Poultry Parasites. tatlou 27186 0., a180 a son of Tecumaeb Jr. 10207 (Founded by Higgins.) try House Door. FOWLS. O. 220 head In herd. Young boan and g1)tB :ret on farm. Write or come and TIBlt me. Herefords--200 Bull' and Black Cochlns, B. Mlnorcu, 200--P�digreed Brown Leghornl, B� Langshans, B. P. 411 Young'BuIl8,36 HelferB coming on. Rocks, L. Brahmu, S.L.Wyandottes and CLOVER HILL HERD Cornish Indlau Games, Duck.. Gee.e ' BREEDERS'DIRECTORY. Blrdl from 250 Crade . and Bronze turkeys. scoring Poland-China Swine High· Cows, set­ Re,gistered 154 calves. _PURE-BRED89 to 97 In from II to 12 per 111 73 belfers, . poln�s. lIIgMa season, yearling bulls, Perfection 18169 ... a breeder. War­ 1II1ghty head, headed by ROJal S., ting. T elve yearl Shipping point corre- Perfection that ...on s... Stock for sale at all tlmel: lnapectlon and rensburg, Mo. M... Jame. D. Dyer, Hoaman, Mo. a son of Xing 11316 S., eep- atakea St. Loul. fair, 18114. Twent:r-one .pondence solicited. Addre.1 all correlpoudence to later,APrll.r.lgl,I by C. M. SHELDON, President, SWINE. f��e�e�:�tI��row:W:o�;V��.lIve BUBLINGA 1rA8. T. E. Martin I/: Bro., Fort Scott, KansaB. liE, Osage CD., HORSES. BOUR.BON COUNTY HER.D BERKSHIR.ES. ROYAL HERD SWINE. FARM-CLYDESDALlIISTALLIONS, PROSPECTSHORT-HORN CATTLE, R. S. C'OOK Write for prices of 1I���I�!l��:�:'�' H. Ka•• W. McAfee, Topeka, Kas. Wlcblta, , Bre8derof CATT�E. Poland - Chi_oas. S. PLEASANT VALLEY BEBJ) Cherokee, McCULLOUGH, Won IOven prlsel at M. • II H Albe":r,. t KanBas. PEDIGREED !!oIIS�ln-� r eSla08. KBD_. Ottawa, wl)rld'. FaIr-more tban an:r lingle breed.r ..eat of / Breeder of Pure-bred REGISTERED POLAND·CHINASWINE Ohio. r ALLEY GROVlII • .. , RERD OF SHORT-HORNS .,.. BERKSHIRE SWINE. Anderson � ",.,,''., Co., Kas. " WeBtpballa, V· For sale, choice young bulls and heifen at rea­ 'I Stock for sale at all tlm88 Poland-china �:e�"x"�I.ces. Oall on or addresl Thol. P. Bablt, S&11ofactlon lIuaranteed. Write for ...hat you ...ant. Breeder of hlgh-clB88 pedigreed --- ��;:C'::I�b ::���f��d���eMlk'!:c;3'��� - RlIID POLLlIID CATTLlII AND COTS- 18 now for sale, BERKSH IRES • POLAND CHINAS ENGLISH...old Sheep.-YounM stock for plU'O-blooda ��?�: �:A?fU..£l��E1r�1 1,309 eate, . �I���d choice aelectlona from our and lIladea. Your Orders aollclted. Adc1reu L. K. We oll'er grand Shipped b:r expreas to eighteen States and Haaeltlne, Dorcheater, Green Co., Mo. herd, headed b:r a great Imported bOar. New Canada. Original Wilkes, Corwin, Tecumseh blood for Xana08 breeders. VERNON COUNTY HERD and World's Fair blood. lirWrlte for one to PIIDIGRIIBD 1I.TlIIOSHO VALLlIIY HlIIRD OF SHORT-HORNS.­ WM. D, SI:ITION at SON, Russell, Kansas. HOI 218, .n Imported Buccaneer 100668 at head of herd POLAND - OHINAS. W• S • HANNA',Ottawa,KansaB. Registered bulls, heifera and cowa at bed·rock prices: . Addreas D. P. Norton, Council Grove, Xu. T.A.HUBBARD b:�I��v�r:rft'dO'g:.s�'!� Rome, Kan..., out of high - class dalDB. Breeder of Write or vlalt herd. CATTLE AND SWINE. POLAND-CHINAS and J. M. TURLEY, Stotesbury,Vernon Co., Mo. LARGE ENGLI8H SUNNY SLOPE FARM Poland-Chinas pear� BERK.8HIRE8. T...o-hundred head. All ages. KANSAS • J " H T & EMPORIA, WELL-BRED Short-horos AYLOR, Xas. J. R. KILLOUGH SONS, . 215 boan and 415 SOWI read:r for bu:rers. In Richmond, Franklin Co., KansaB, We are the largest brfleden of pure-bred hogs the ... aud have won more premiums at lState STOCK FARM orld, HlIIRD OF THOR­ fairs this than other breeder In tbe United oughbred year any ASHLAND Poland-Cblna hogl, Short-hom cattle THE WOOD DALE BERKSHIRES States. We are breed­ and Plymouth Rock chlckenl. Boars POLAND-CHINA SWINE. In 88"lce World'. Fairs. Ing this year 200 brood Admiral No. 7919 Cbamploll8 of Two Cblp and AbbottBford No ' - 28861' Headed Upright Wilkes 18246 and aa.lsted b:r " sows 'and have t...elve fuU brother to be.t breed. by aecond·prlle yearling at Worlds Fair' Ne... Orleanl, 1880, herd, largest hog any J. H. Sandera Jr. 18739. Our brood so.... are all richly boars In our herd. At individual merit and ...on ten out of eighteen IIrBt II'IIt.edged pedigree m:r motto' At Columbian, Chicago, bred and hlgb-class Individuals.
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