pplflp?pp^p?fp «dpp_# FORECAST TEMPERATURES Pair tonight and Friday, but overcast in At Noon Today 00 extreme west -portion tonight and Friday; M^mfjp High 70 (past 24 hours. 8 a. m.) Low 60 no change in temperature; gentle north­ Ocean Temperature, 8 a. m:, 65_-. west wind offshore. I A. M. READINGS IN OTHER CITIES TOMORROW'S OCEAN TIDES Los Angeles , 81|St. Paul 30 High I Low Boston 44 Denver 48 I II s. m.. 5.9 ft. I 3:30 am., IS ft LOOK New Orleans- _, . 58|Ncw York „__. , H tM p.m.. 4.6 It. I 3:14 p.m., 01 ft—- Tampa 121 Kansas City 60 SUN RISES—TOMORBOW—SUN SETS Pittsburgh 40JCblcago . 4S 8:38 O'clock I 5:31 o'clock Member Associated Press Des Moines 32ISan Pranclsco M .VOLUME LVH NUMBER 247 SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1932 PRICE TWO CENTS 16 HURT IN AQUEDUCT ACCIDENT ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ V^ V*. ^ ^ ^ ^ V\ ^ ^ *k A C f\ CXCS C\ P^or^men^S(ie Down Steep, $3 : NO^MCWAS -^fO V, UUU Rivet StuddeaSpK5irTub^Siphon lube i INDIAN BOYS AND MICHELANGELO'S Padfic Electric Suggests GIRLS^HREATEN Impostors Try Jobless Throng CAREER INSPIRES- Of Mountain Water System Do TO GO 'HOT-CHA' YOUTHFUhlTALlAN To 'Muscle In'jWffl Be Aided LOS ANOELES, Oct. 13 (AP)—In Inky blackness, a hu-] SeminolcrSquawK Worried! Sleep - [ man avalanche plunged down a steeply inclined steel tube seg- 'Easy Payments' to Acquire ft_i>.U Hoards to navo ] ment_0fj-ti\e Los-Angeles aqueduet 15G nattes north of HefiF Over 'Modern* Tendency OnChestDffveiln State Camps j Meager Savings So He early today and 16 workmen were Injured, gome seriously. of Offspring Mav Be Painter Nine feet in diameter, the tube ls a siphon In the aqueduct at -f-iviftTentftr Without Bonds Contributors Warned to Governor's Committee at y Grapevine canyon—a wild and lonely spot. The men were An offer to sell all of No Man's Land, embracing 25.58 LITTLE RIVER, Pla., Oct. 13 (.T>— inspired by the career of his coun- strung out down the first 100 feet of the 900-fqot slope, chip* | There is consternation among the Demand Identification Work on Flans Looking tryman, Michelangelo, the fifteenth ping and scraping the interior of the siphon. A man at the acres, on a contract calling for 10 annual payments of $45,000 squaws of-the Seminoles because the With no additional charge for Interest, has been made to ths children they bore far out on the of Persons Suspected to Relief of More Than century Italian painter, Dominick top slipped and fell. He struck the next man below, the lights dvlc center development committee appointed last week by wastesofthe Everglades have shown ! Santelio, 20-year-old Italian youth J went out and the avalanche started. Sharp tools mixed in with the city council. E. B. Conliss, chairman of the committee, re­ I an inclination to go""fioS^S»7r_ of Preying on—Charity =3i0O0 Unemployed-Menj of Ocean Park, slept on old boards the shoutmgr struggling mass ported that ths Offer was made yea- tl ls a serious tribal crime for a in back of an Oeean Park sign shop men as-tbey slid to tbe bottom. \terday afternoon by D. W. Pontius, Seminole to ape white men. Bucks Give your Community Chest r-LOS ANGELES, Oct. 13 an that he might save money with Some of the men plunged aeveral 'president of ttie Pacific Electric. IT have been "steamed" for adopting contribution only to an au­ (CNS)—-Hopes of aiding ap­ which to pursue studies in English Hoover Meets hundred feet. certain frontage on Ocean avenue Registration paleface- customs;—steaming" Is-a thorized representative of the proximately 7.DQQ unemployed!a t night eehool, whtefc he testified Fellow workmen, who-bad-not-{ and Colorado avenue Is eliminated, punishment in whicb tbe offender cheat! Reports have reached men-instate labor campsrthis| in police court here today, would tered the tube, went to the rescue. the price for the property is $300,000. iSTJOSsnnea nr« mud and grass tepee chest headquarters that pw- per mlt hi m lo launch htnwaur on an Ten nmbulanccs and a_aa winter were expressed today art career- squads called from here, brought tha Foresees Further Cat and hqt rocks are thrown in water sons not authorized to accept money by Governor James Rolph, Jr., after I Conliss declared lt his belief that CEmbs Fast near his feet. The steam doesn't kill, for the chest are—soliciting dona­ "I don't expect to be as famous as victims to Los Angeles hospitals thla these figures represented a prelimi­ but it cures; tions. Eaeh chest—worker—is- pro- a meettmr of The CaltfonflUZfflbor J Michelangelo," Santelio told Judge. • morniag-r^ nary "asking price," and asserted Now some of the bucks and inaid- vlded with an official worker's but­ camp eommittee In the state buHd- |C.^A.-M^ Spencer duringTthe couaajiTCicgatlOn OetS Audience —The accident oct'urrcd_~tt| Of his trial on vagrancy charges. after midnight, just after a that lf Santa Monica city officials 57 Per Cent <2aiir Chalked j ess threaten to go modern. Many ton, as well raas a double envelope irig here. With .President; Leaves I bucks have deserted then gaudy bearing a signature by which the The governor reported that $400.- Santelio believes, he told the Judge, shift of workmen had gon&-Jft_Sorii are in earnest in going ahead witn that work about the sigh shop will Water Had bees shut off and- ttM civic center Mea, he was con­ ~~tJp by Ciiy Since dresses of their tribe and wear possessor can_estabHsh his identity, 000 has been set aside Mr this work, Resolution of Censure pants. Some of the adventurous the highway commission allocating give him a fundamental training in drained from the siphon last night • fident that the tract could be ac­ color mixing and" the technique of aiitf the bottom of thti tube stiU ' 1928 Election- maidens have ridden in automobiles. fall for Police $300X0 from its ..gasoline tax reve.. WASHINOTON, Oct: i| tfPV--Pres quired for $350,000 without the ne­ nues and the state finance director, Its application. slippery enough to make a veritafe^ cessity of resorting to a bond Issue. Tribal custom! say children een- - When persons not so Identified ident Hoover today received persoir= Santa Monica registration has i not be born within the camps, so ask for donations, telephone cam­ by virtually wiping out the emer­ His 'boss," who gave him work In chute for the workmen once they _ ttt tttf of Beverly Hills, the com - the sign shop on Hie agreement to] ally a delegation from ihe bonus —- jumped 57 per cent in the past (the mothers go~far away on Jhe paign headquarters, 21105, or call gency fund or the state, allocating periitlonary force, after its loader were dislodged from their positions.- mittee learned,—paid $75,000 an tetm years, it was Indicated by flg- the ssnts Monica—police depart­ the remainder. pay him by allowing libit to 'eat out Victim Tens of Horror rnaiRmocks of the Everglades Tor the; a bill" which a restaurant owes the Hoke Smith, had conferred for more acre for the development of its civic jiires released today from the office ordeal There are more than 500 ment, chest officials urge. Working Oat Details than an hour wtth one of the- presi­ Two of the men said, after reach« centers—The price now quoted—by of- W. M. Kerr, Loe Angeles county $6,387.42 So Far Subwrlb.d The committee, of which S. H. company and providing-htm with ai dent's secretaries. ing HereT that there were~HBrsifetsr i Seminoles in Florida now and each small sum of cash for room rent, Pontius represents a reduction of registrar of voters. | is proud of his heritage, that's why Campaign workers reported at Black, of San Pranclsco, is chair­ Frank T. Hines, director of vet- ropes in the tube, hut officials of thej $300,000 below the figure asked man, ia working out details of the testified that "Santelio is a good — water bureau, including W. W. Hurl-j The republican registration for I the squaws and the braves are wor- their luncheon meeting this noon erans affatrs to about three years ago for "no man's ttw presidential election totals 12,- ! ried lest the chlldren forget their that the amount raised today was atate labor camps program. This worker, but has the temperament of , ;J* ^ beside delegatiothe chiefn >but, engineer tn charge of" water land." 974, an increase of 830 over the families and follow the roads that $2,141, making the total subscribed year the statewide group has been ..an. .^1-artist.-" «,„„..Whereupo„ n Judg£;_*_._.e Spen a--„_­ fileexecutivd Into Mre .a Hoover's the Bs. privatE. P. edelegatio office. nworks , said they were certain such Considerable Item number registered for the August white men built. thus far $6,387.42. The goal ls $48,- augmented by representatives of cer found the defendant not guilty. Those Ei the lobby outside could hear ropes must have been la-piaoe..:: Members of the civic center com­ primary. 500. Community Chest organizations In J ttae president say: -Gentlemen, I am Prpmjthe ltpe .of JHarry.JV. Qulhn.1 mittee declared lt their conviction! Democrats Gain Quotas for various divisions in the major cities of California. :________ mm jnn "= 28, one of thejfirst seven victims ta.. that, the purchase could be affected The democrats gained 17185' new; campaign are virtually identical Governor Rolph declared the labor j Two Women Present ~ feaGB the Hospital after a speedy.
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