Xavier University Exhibit Course Catalogs Archives and Library Special Collections 5-1926 1925-1926 Xavier University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Course Catalog Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH Follow this and additional works at: http://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/coursecatalog Recommended Citation Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH, "1925-1926 Xavier University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Course Catalog" (1926). Course Catalogs. Book 116. http://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/coursecatalog/116 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Library Special Collections at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in Course Catalogs by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ST. XAVIER COLLEGE BULLETIN PUB~ISHED MONTH~Y FROM MAY TO OCTOBER BY ST. XAVIER COLLEGE, CINCINNATI, OHIO NEW SERIES, VO~, X. MAY, 1926 No.1 THE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES CATALOGUE 1925·1926 ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR 1926-1927 Entered as second-class matter July 26, 1917, at the post office at Cincinnati, Ohio, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3,1917, authorized July 8,1918. ST. XAVIER COLLEGE IS APPROVED BY American Council of Education, Association of American Colleges, Catholic Educational Association, North Central Association, American Medical Association, New York Board of Regents. State Departments of Public Instruction in Ohio and Kentucky for issuing State High School Certificates. A COLLEGE IS JUDGED LARGELY BY First- Its Faculty. An explanation of the Jesuit System is had on page 27. Second-Its personal interest in every student, with relation both to college work and to the development of character and personality. Third- Individual instruction in all courses, in· classes small enough to make possible thorough attention to individual difficulties and Personal problems. EIGHTY-SIXTH CATALOGUE. OF ST. XAVIER COLLEGE CINCINNATI, OHIO THE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES INCORPORATED 1842 CATALOGUE 1925-1926 ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR 1926-1927 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PRELIMINARY APPLICATION (For All Students) I desire to enroll in St. Xavier College for . (Year of entrance) I understand that actual enrollment depends upon my gradu­ ating, with satisfactory credits and *grades, from a first grade ~igh school or other recognized preparatory school. Immediately after graduation I shall ask my Principal or Super­ intendent to send you an official statement of my high school credits. In case I should change my plans, I shall notify you at once. Name . Last First Middle Address . •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I ••••• I ••••••••••••••• High School . Address of High School . Year of Graduation . (Signed) " '" '" High School Principal. Date . Mail to Registrar .Students ranking in the upper two-thirds of their graduation class will he accepted in order of application in case credits and recommendations are satis­ factory. Applications from students ranking In the lowest third of their cl.... will he considered for acceptance on trial after July first in case vacancies occur in the accepted list. (PLEASE SEE OTHER SIDE) HIGH SCHOOL RECORD Upon gradnation from High School I shall have the following credits: No. of Units 1. English . 2. Latin . Group 3. French , '" . I. 4. German . 5. Spanish . 1. Mathematics . 2. Science ". a. General . Group b. Botany . II. c. Geology . d. Physics . e. Zoology . f. Chemistry......... History a. General . b. Ancient . Group c. Mediaeval........ III. d. Modern . e. English . f. American . My average grade to date is . The passing grade is . CONTENTS GENERAL INFORMATION: PAGE The College Calendar ..... ,.,.,,,,,, .. ,. ,', .,, ... ,. .. 8 Officers of Administration, .,,,,,, .. ,.',,,,.,',. .. 9 Officers of Instruction. ,.,,,,,,,,,,,.' .... , .. ,., ,. 10 The Xavier Foundation, ,,.,,,.,,.,, .. ,.,',, .. ,,',,,, .. 16 Historical Sketch ,,.,,,,,,,,.,,,.,,,. .. 18 System of Education ,,,,.,.,, .. ',.,.,,, ,'. .. 27 Moral and Religious Training, ,.",,, ... , .. ,,, .. ,... .. 29 Equipment ,,,,.,,.,,,,.,.,,,, .. ,,. .. 30 Needs of the College. ,,,.,,.,,.,,,,,,.,,, 34 Bequests ,.,,, ,,,. .. 36 Fees and Expenses ,, .. ,,., .. ,, .. ,,,.,,,, .. '.. 36 Rooms and Board, ,,,,,,.,, .. ,,,,,. .. 38 Student Aid, ,,,.,, .. ,,., .. ,,.............. .. 38 Scholarships , ,.,.,.,,,,, .. 39 Prizes and Honors .. ,,,,,,, ,. .. 42 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE: Sessions and Vacations .. ,,,,.,,., .. ,,,.,,.,,, 43 Attendance. ,., ,,, .'. ,, .. , .. ," 43 Chapel Attendance ,,,, ,,,... .. 45 Discipline ; .,,,,,,,., .. ,, .. ,,.,... .. 45 Censure '.' .. , .. ,, .. ,,, .. ,'; ,.,,, .. ,,.,,.. .. 45 Examinations ,,,,,.,.,,,. .. 46 Repeating Courses ,., .. ,,,,,, .. ,. .. 47 Students on Probation, ,.,,,,, .. ,,., 47 Classification of Students .. ,,,,.,.,,.. .. 48 Reports , ,' .. ,' .. , .. 48 Grades of Scholarship ,,,..... .. 48 Transcripts of Records ,, , .. ,,,,. .. 49 Student Advisers ,,,,,. .. 49 ADMISSION: Registration. ,,.,,.,,, .. ,,,,,,,,.,, .. ,. 49 Time of Registration, ,,.,.,,,,,.,.,. .. 50 Changes in Registration .. ,,,.,.,,,,,,., .. , ,. 50 Testimonials and Credentials, ,,, .. ,,,,,,,,,,.,,,, .. , 50 Conditions of Admission. ,.,,,,,,,.,,,',,,',', .. ,, ... ,. 50 Prescribed Entrance Requirements, ,.,,,,,,,.. .. 51 Methods of Admission .... , .. ,, .... ,.,,, .. ,,,,,.,. '. 52 Admission to Advanced Standing, ,,,,,,,,, 53 Special Students , .. ,,,,,,,,.,.,,,, ,. 53 DEGREES: PAGE Undergraduate Degrees. ............................. .. 54 Baccalaurate Degrees. ............................... .. 54 Graduate Degrees 55 Requirements for Graduation 55 Prescribed Subjects for A.B., B.S., Ph.B. Degrees. ...... .. 57 Prescribed Subjects by Years: Bachelor of Arts Degree " 58 Bachelor of Science Degree. ...................... .. 59 Bachelor of Science in Commerce. ................. .. 60 Bachelor of Philosophy Degree ,.... .. 60 Group Requirements, Major, Minor 60, 61 CURRICULUM: -Reference Study and Research 62 Training of Teachers. ................................ .. 62 Pre-Medical College Course. .......................... .. 63 High School Requirements. ...................... .. 63 Schedule of College Work 64 Pre-Dental College Course. ........................... .. 66 Pre-Legal College Course ; 67 Pre-Engineering College Course 67 Course in Journalism .. ,,, 67 DEPARTMENTS AND COURSES: Accounting . 68 Astronomy . 69 Biology , ,. 70 Chemistry ,, . 71 Economics ••••••• ,I ••••••• , ••• , ••••••••••••••••••••••• 72 Education ...... ""., ,.,., . 73 English , , . 75 Evidences of Religion ,.,., . 79 French .. , , .. , , .. ,. 80 Geology ,, . 81 German , .. ,.,,, ,. 82 ~~:::r~'. 83' '.' .' ':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::85 Latin "., . 87 Mathematics 89 ~~~~isc~~~~· 91 ..•.....:.:.:.:::: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : . : : : . : : : : : : : 93 Political Science ..... ••••••••• " ••••••••••••• I ••••••••• 94 Psychology . 96 6 PEPARTMENTS AND COURSES (Continued): PAGE Public Speaking. .......................•............ .. 98 Sociology. .......................................... .. 99 Spanish .......•..................................... : 99 ST. XAVIER HIGH SCHOOL 102 SATURDAY SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS 103 THE SUMMER SCHOOL 104 SElMINA&Y AND NORMAL COURSE 105 REGISTER OF STUDENTS 108 PEGREES AND HONORS CONFERRED IN 1925 123 INDEX OF GRADUATES 128 STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS ..............................•....140 7 COLLEGE CALENDAR 1926 June 21, Monday, Summer Session opens. June 22, Tuesday, Entrance Examinations. June 23, Wednesday, Classes begin. August 4, Wednesday, Summer Session ends. First Semester Sept. 13, Monday, Registration day for Freshmen. Sept. 14, Tuesday, Registration day for Higher Classes. Sept. 15, Wednesday, First Semester begins. Sept. 17, Friday, Sodality reorganizes. Sept. 20, Monday, Debating .and Literary Societies reorgamze. Sept. 22, Wednesday, Late Registration closes. Sept. 24, Friday, Solemn Mass of the Holy Ghost. Sept. 25, Saturday, Conditioned Examinations. Oct. 12, Tuesday, Columbus Day. Oct. 25, Monday, Intra-Semester Examinations. Nov. 1, Monday, All Saints' Day. Nov. 2, Tuesday, President's Day. Nov. 25, Thursday, Thanksgiving Day. Nov. 26, Friday, Patron's Day. Nov. 29, Monday, Debating Team Preliminaries. Dec. 8, Wednesday, Sodality Reception. Dec. 9, Thursday, Masque Society Performance. Dec. 13, Monday, Intra-Semester Examinations. Dec. 18, Saturday, Christmas Recess begins. 1927 Jan. 3, Monday, Classes resume. Jan. 7, Friday, Oratorical Preliminaries. Jan. 24, Monday, Semester Examinations. Second Semester Jan. 31, Monday, Second Semester begins. Feb. 2, Wednesday, Annual Retreat begins. Feb. 7, Monday, Late Registration closes. Feb. 8, Tuesday, Oratorical Semi-finals. Feb. 22, Tuesday, Washington's Birthday, Oratorical Contest. Feb. 26, Saturday, Conditioned Examinations. April 6, Wednesday, English Inter-Collegiate. April 11, Monday, Intra-Semester Examinations. April 14, Thursday, Easter Recess begins. April 19, Tuesday, Classes resume. April 20, Wednesday, Latin Inter-Collegiate. April 24, Sunday, Verkamp Public Debate. May 26, Thursday, Ascension Day. May 30, Monday, Semester Examinations. June 5, Sunday, Baccalaureate Exercises. June 8, Wednesday, Commencement. 8 OFFICERS OF ADMINISTRATION THE BOARD OF TRUSl'EES HUBERT F. BROCKMAN, S.J., LL.D., President JOSEPH P. DE SMEDT, S.J., Vice-President GEORGE R. KISTER, S.J., Chancellor DANIEL M. O'CONNELL, S.J., Secretary EUGENE RUDGE, S.J., Treasurer
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