Inscriptions in Byzantium and Beyond Methods – Projects – Case Studies Edited by Andreas Rhoby ANDREAS RHOBY (ed.) INSCRIPTIONS IN BYZANTIUM AND BEYOND ÖSTERREICHISCHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN PHILOSOPHISCH-HISTORISCHE KLASSE DENKSCHRIFTEN, 478. BAND VERÖFFENTLICHUNGEN ZUR BYZANZFORSCHUNG Herausgegeben von CLAUDIA RAPP und CHRISTIAN GASTGEBER Band 38 ÖSTERREICHISCHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN PHILOSOPHISCH-HISTORISCHE KLASSE DENKSCHRIFTEN, 478. BAND Inscriptions in Byzantium and Beyond Methods – Projects – Case Studies Edited by ANDREAS RHOBY Vorgelegt von w. M. JOHANNES KODER in der Sitzung vom 24. Oktober 2014 Veröffentlicht mit Unterstützung des Austrian Science Fund (FWF): PUB 223-G19 Umschlagbild: Orchomenos, church of Skripou, inscription of central apsis (a. 873/74), ed. N. OIKONOMIDÈS, TM 12 (1994) 479–493 © Andreas Rhoby Mit Beschluss der philosophisch-historischen Klasse in der Sitzung vom 23. März 2006 wurde die Reihe Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Byzantinistik in Veröffentlichungen zur Byzanzforschung umbenannt; die bisherige Zählung wird dabei fortgeführt. Diese Publikation wurde einem anonymen, internationalen Peer-Review-Verfahren unterzogen. This publication has undergone the process of anonymous, international peer review. Die verwendeten Papiersorten sind aus chlorfrei gebleichtem Zellstoff hergestellt, frei von säurebildenden Bestandteilen und alterungsbeständig. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. ISBN 978-3-7001-7674-9 Copyright © 2015 by Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien Druck und Bindung: Ferdinand Berger & Söhne GmbH., 3580 Horn http://hw.oeaw.ac.at/7674-9 http://verlag.oeaw.ac.at Printed and bound in the EU CONTENTS Preface ................................................................................................................................................ 7 List of illustrations .............................................................................................................................. 9 List of abbreviations ........................................................................................................................... 13 Andreas RHOBY A Short History of Byzantine Epigraphy ........................................................................................... 17 Inscriptions in Byzantium and Beyond Cyril MANGO Some Lessons of Byzantine Epigraphy .............................................................................................. 33 Vincent DEBIAIS La tentation de Byzance. Réflexions sur les inscriptions byzantines vues de la Latinité ................... 39 Vasil GJUZELEV Die byzantinische und die slawische Epigraphik in Bulgarien heute ................................................. 51 Andrey VINOGRADOV Byzantinische Inschriften des nördlichen Schwarzmeerraums .......................................................... 55 Methods of Editing Byzantine Inscriptions Peter SCHREINER Drei Grundfragen zu einem Corpus byzantinischer Inschriften ......................................................... 75 Walter KOCH Die großen westlichen Corpuswerke zu den mittelalterlichen und frühneuzeitlichen Inschriften ..... 79 Guglielmo CAVALLO Corpus delle iscrizioni bizantine e pratiche della cultura scritta Note su questioni aperte e per prospettive future ............................................................................... 93 Erkki SIRONEN Zu den Richtlinien für die Edition byzantinischer Inschriften ........................................................... 107 Charlotte ROUECHÉ Byzantine Epigraphy for the 21st Century .......................................................................................... 115 Joel KALVESMAKI Introducing Athena Ruby, Dumbarton Oaks’ New Font for Byzantine Inscriptions ......................... 121 6 Contents Current and Future Projects Katerina NIKOLAOU – Irene CHRESTOU Indices of Published Christian and Byzantine Inscriptions An Old Project carried through with New Technologies .................................................................... 129 Sophia KALOPISSI-VERTI Byzantine Dedicatory Inscriptions and Donor Portraits (7th–15th c.) A Project in Progress at the University of Athens .............................................................................. 135 Mari XENAKI Corpus des Graffites en Cappadoce : Introduction ............................................................................. 157 Alexandra A. EVDOKIMOVA Greek Graffiti from St Sophia’s in Constantinople in the Archive of Robert van Nice (Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, D.C.) ........................................ 167 Case Studies †Sencer 1AH0N Spätrömisch-frühbyzantinische Inschriften aus Perge in Pamphylien ............................................... 177 Mustafa H. SAYAR Ziegelstempel von den Ausgrabungen am Nordwestufer des Lagunensees Küçükçekmece ............. 187 Kazimir POPKONSTANTINOV Greek Inscriptions from Ninth-Tenth Century Bulgaria A Case Study of Byzantine Epigraphy ............................................................................................... 195 Ida TOTH Epigraphic Traditions in Eleventh-Century Byzantium General Considerations ...................................................................................................................... 203 Linda SAFRAN Greek in the Salento: Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Public Texts .................................................... 227 Selected Bibliography ......................................................................................................................... 241 Index ................................................................................................................................................... 243 List of Contributors ............................................................................................................................ 245 PREFACE The present book, the first collective volume entirely devoted to aspects of Byzantine epigraphy, a discipline which has long been neglected, mainly comprises papers delivered at two international meetings: a workshop entitled “Byzantinische Epigraphik: Wege zu einem Corpus” held on 18 May 2010 at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, and a round table titled “Towards a Corpus of Byzantine Inscriptions” convened on 24 August 2011 at the 22nd International Congress of Byzantine Studies at the University of Sofia. While some of the presentations given at these two meetings—those of Denis Feissel, Renate Kohn, Hans Taeuber, Georgios Velenis, Andreas Zajic, and Niccolò Zorzi—will be published elsewhere, this book includes artic- les by other scholars who were not present at these two events, namely Irene Chrestou, Vincent Debiais, Sophia Kalopissi-Verti, Katerina Nikolaou, Linda Safran, and Mustafa Sayar. It is the editor’s wish to provide a fresh impetus for the field of Byzantine epigraphy. Critical editions of inscriptions, their detailed interdisciplinary analysis, and research on their significance for Byzantine culture are still desiderata in our field. I should like to express my sincere gratitude to the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) for the publica- tion of this volume as well as to the Austrian National Fund (FWF) for funding the printing. Thanks are also due to the anonymous reviewers of this publication as well as to David Wright, Anneliese Paul, Denis Feissel and Carolina Cupane for the proofreading and to Ingrid Weichselbaum for editing the illustrations in Adobe InDesign. Andreas Rhoby Vienna, December 2014 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS GUGLIELMO CAVALLO 1a Epitafio metrico di età imperiale rinvenuto in Egitto (da E. BERNAND, Inscriptions métriques de l’Egypte gréco-romaine. Paris 1969, nr. 15) 1b Epitafio di Eufemia in versi da Afrodisia di età giustinianea (da Ch. ROUECHÉ, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity. London 1989, nr. 157, tav. XXXVII) 2 Iscrizione a lettere bianche su fondo purpureo da Roma, Santa Maria Antiqua, dell’epoca di Giovan- ni VII (705–707). Lato destro dell’arco trionfale 3a Iscrizione sepolcrale da Ravenna del nipote dell’esarca Isacio (625–643), ora al Museo Arcivescovile (da A. GUILLOU, Recueil des inscriptions grecques médiévales d’Italie. Rome 1996, nr. 108, tav. 107) 3b Iscrizione musiva dalla Giordania, Monte Nebo, Cappella della Theotokos, del VI–VII secolo (da M. PICCIRILLO – E. ALLIATA, Mount Nebo: New Archeological Excavations 1967–1997. Jerusalem 1998, fig. 227) 4a Iscrizione di Michele III dell’858 ca., ora al Museo di Iznik (da S. 1AHIN, Katalog der antiken In- schriften des Museums von Iznik [Nikaia]). Bonn 1979, nr. 462, tav. XXVII) 4b Epigrafe di fondazione relativa alla Chiesa della Theotokos ad Argo del 1173/1174 (da A. PHILIPPI- DES-BRAAT, Inscriptions du Péloponnèse, II: Inscriptions du IXe au XVe siècle. TM 9 (1985), nr. 52, tav. XIII,1) 5 Epigramma in Auszeichnungsmajuskel nel codice di Firenze, Laur. 5. 9, f. 224v (da H. BELTING – G. CAVALLO, Die Bibel des Niketas. Ein Werk der höfischen Buchkunst in Byzanz und sein justiniani- sches Vorbild. Wiesbaden 1979, tav. 5) 6 Iscrizione su stauroteca di avorio da Cortona, Tesoro della Chiesa di S. Francesco, del secolo X (da A. GUILLOU, Recueil des inscriptions grecques médiévales d’Italie. Rome 1996, nr. 15, tav. 5) VINCENT DEBIAIS 1 Aguilar de Campoo (Espagne), monastère Santa María la Real. Inscription de l’ange de la façade occidentale. Cliché V. Debiais 2 Moissac (France), abbaye Saint-Pierre, cloître. Inscription du chapiteau de l’exaltation de la Croix. Cliché CIFM/CESCM, J. Michaud 3 Liège (Belgique), musée Curtius. Vierge dite de Dom Rupert.
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