record tWODedicated To Serving The Needs Of The Music & Record Industry x09664I1Y3 ONv iS Of 311VA ZPAS 3NO2 ONI 01;01 3H1 June 21, 1970 113N8V9 NOti 75c - In the opinion of the eUILIRS,la's wee% Tne itmuwmg diCtie SINGLE PICKS OF THE WEEK EPIC ND ARMS CAN EVER HOLD YOU CORBYVINTON Kenny Rogers and the First Mary Hopkin sings Doris Nilsson has what could be Bobby Vinton gets justa Edition advise the world to Day'sphilosophicaloldie, his biggest, a n dpossibly littlenostalgicwith"No "TellItAll Brother" (Sun- "Que Sera, Sera (Whatever hisbest single,a unique Arms Can Ever Hold You" beam, BMI), and it's bound WillBe, WillBe)" (Artist, dittyofhis own devising, (Gil, BMI),whichsounds tobe theirlatestsmash ASCAP), her way (A p p le "Down to the Valley" (Sun- just right for the summer- (Reprise 0923). 1823). beam, BM!) (RCA 74-0362). time (Epic 5-10629). SLEEPER PICKS OF THE WEEK SORRY SUZANNE (Jan-1111 Auto uary, Embassy BMI) 4526 THE GLASS BOTTLE Booker T. & the M. G.'s do Canned Heat do "Going Up The Glass Bottle,a group JerryBlavat,Philly'sGea something just alittledif- the Country" (Metric, BMI) ofthreeguysandthree for with the Heater,isal- ferent,somethingjust a astheydo itin"Wood- gals, introduce themselves ready clicking with "Tasty littleliltingwith"Some- stock," and it will have in- with "Sorry Suzanne" (Jan- (To Me),"whichgeators thing" (Harrisongs, BMI) creasedmeaningto the uary, BMI), a rouser (Avco andgeatoretteswilllove (Stax 0073). teens (Liberty 56180). Embassy 4526). (Bond 105). ALBUM PICKS OF THE WEEK DianaRosshasherfirst "Johnny Cash the Legend" "The Me Nobody Knows" "The Naked Carmen" isa solo album here, which is tributed in this two -rec- isthe smash off-Broadway "now"-ized versionofBi- startsoutwithherfirst ord set that includes' Fol- musical adaptation of the zet's timeless opera. John solo single "Reach Out som Prison Blues," "I Walk writings of ghetto children, Corigliano and David A. and Touch (Somebody's theLine,""Get Rhythm" andit'spowerfuls t u f f Hess conceived; Melba Hand)" (Motown MS 711). (Sun 2-118). (Atlantic SD 1566). Moore,otherssing(Mer- cury SRM 1-604). The Archies' new single "Sunshine"(62-loo9) Produced by Jeff Barry Music Supervision by Don Kirshner ceA A DIVISION OF KIRSHNER ENTERTAINMENT CORP. [A Manufactured aid Distributed by RCA Rectits and Ti.pes * 1500 Convene at Vermont And the (Rudman) Alternative Media Project By BOB MOORE MERLIS Debate Goes On PLAINFIELD, VT. - An es- Reaction tothe recent Kal timated 1000 to 1500 represen- Editorial Rudman -Record World radio - tatives ofvarious"under- record workshop/conference has ground" media were part of the been far-reaching in thelast Alternative Media Project - week. Most who attended the "first gathering," as it was re- Threat of Censorship ILas Vegas meet found the en- ferred to-at Goddard College counter with their opposites in here last Wednesday through The Kal Rudman -Record World Conference held last weekthe radio and record industries Saturday (June 17-20). brought to the forefront the most dangerous censorship threatatleastuseful,whileothers Although no one was exactlythe record industry has ever experienced. Commissioner Lee ofwere highly enthusiastic about certain, funds for the meetingthe FCC has suggested the revocation of licenses of broadcastersthe results. were assumedtohave beenwho play records which do not meet his standards of propriety Larry Harris of Ampex Rec- provided by Goddard with sup-or discuss subjects which he would rather have swept underords found the meeting "extra- plementary monies coming fromthe rug, or express attitudes which he judges to be anti-establish-ordinarily valuable and worth- record companies. ment. If you were deliberately looking for a plan to furtherwhile,"andCarlMaduriof People involved with video-alienate youngsters from our society and drive them furtherKapp felt them to be "very suc- tape networks, underground ra-underground to find expression, you probably couldn't devise acessful." Carol Archer of KFRC dio and press services, FM freebetter plan than this. characterizedthemeetingas formradio,progressive AM It is our belief that censorship is an intolerable conception"the most enlightening and pro- radio, films, print, records andin a free society. Of course, a radio station has the right tovocative" she had ever experi- the radical political movementsknow the contents of what itis playing and to determine for enced. met to participate in workshops itself whether to program individual records-but not under the The issuescovered bythe and informally exchanged ideas threat of censorship. meetings, notably the question- with their counterparts from In today's age, when the entire trend in all forms of expressionable lyrics question which was the United States and Canada.is towards greater freedom, the suppression of such freedom inthe subject of FCC Commis- records would close what is perhaps the most important meanssioner Lee's April speech and Large Coast Contingent of communication to the audience that records reach. the problems of secondary mar- A charter flight from Cali- If the radio industry needs further proof of what happens tokets and tight playlists, were fornia brought a surprisinglyan industry that purports to communicate with adults, but instill the subjects of much in- large contingent of West Coastreality keeps its expression on the 10 -year -old level, let it studydustry comment. media people to the conference. Hollywood which in the '30s and '40s portrayed a world that (Continued on page 46) Although the gathering haddidn't exist to protect the entire population from "immorality" afestive atmosphere-an at-and then promptly collapsed as an industry, when foreign film mospherereflectingthelifemakers got around to delving into the realities of the world. styles of the participants -a Record World believes that Commissioner Lee has used extra- MCA Sets real "coming together" in anordinarily bad judgment in making this threat of censorship, Restructuring intellectual, practical and poli-for that's what it is no matter what he may call it; that radio ticalsense wasrealizedby stations will be sowing the seeds of their own total domination UNIVERSAL CITY, CALIF. (Continued on page 55) by governmental agencies if they buckle under to this threat;-J. K. Maitland, who was re- and that the record industry is not only right in resisting, butcentlynamedPresidentof indeed has an obligation to resist censorship on behalf of bothMCA Records and Vice Presi- its audiences and its creators. dent of MCA, Inc., announced, after chairing a series of meet- ABCKO Files ings attended by top executives from Deoca, Kapp, Uni and Counter Claims Individual Attention For MCA corporate officers, a new organization ABCKO Industries on June formation and 10 filed in the Supreme CourtRCA C&W and R&B Productstructureto become effective of the State of New York and By DAVE FINKLE rector, Manager of Public Af- immediately. fairs. (Continued on page 21) the County of New York coun- NEW YORK-Harry Jenkins, ter claims in connection with Not Present the distribution of MGM rec-RCA Division Vice President, ords, the manufacture and salesRecordOperations,calleda Among those not present but Phil Skaff of records and tapes by ABCKOmeeting of his forces last weeknoted as being relevant to Jen- Exits Lib, UA and the production of motionto talk to the press about whatkins projects were Bernie Bur- picture film in the amount ofwas happeninginhistwo - man, Manager, Sales Promotion Phil Skaff has resigned his faceted -country and Rhythmand Advertising Services; Jackpost as Vice President, Product $3,800,000 plus other damages.and Blues - division. Maher, Manager, Popular Ad- This is in answer to the ori- and Sales, for Liberty/United It was the third in a series ofvertising;SalPeruggi, Man-Artists Records. ginal MGM suit against ABCKO talks the label has held to bally-ager, Planning and Merchan- revealed several weeks ago. Previously, he had his own hoo their new intra-mural set-dising; Bill Graham, Manager,label,IndependenceRecords, up. Field Sales; Joan Deary, Ad-and earlier was an executive Present and accounted forministrative Assistant to Jen-with Liberty for several years. were Chet Atkins, Division Vicekins; Tom Draper, Administra- President andGeneral Man-tive Assistant to Willis; Harvey CBS Bids to Acquire ager,Artists & Repertoire,Cooper, National Promotion Di- Nashville; Buzz Willis, Generalrector; Wally Cochran, Atkins' MOA Convention Big 3 Music Manager, Rhythm and BluesDirector ofArtist Relations; At press time last week, CBSMusic;BillLucas,Managerand Artists and Repertoire per- Oct. 16, 17, 18 was reported to have bid to ac-Advertising and Sales Promo-sonnel,Jerry Owen Bradley, The Music Operators of quire Big Three Music. Be-tion; Elliot Horne, Manager ofHarvey Ferguson and FeltonA me r i c a1970Convention, lieved to be up for sale areMarket Planning, Rhythm andJarvis. "Expo Seven -O," will be held -those copyrights not deriv5.ngBlues Music; Bill O'Dell, Man- Jenkins, in beginning the in-at the Sherman House in Chi- from either MGM or 20th Cen-ager of Market Planning forformal discussion, noted thatcago on Friday, Saturday and tury -Fox film productions. C&W; and Herb Heiman, Di- (Continued on page 21) Sunday, Oct. 16, 17 and 18. RECORD WORLD-June 27, 1970 3 Lipman Joins Bones Howe Harris Elektra 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 record Nil PR, Ad Head worldE:-0U 200 W. 57th St., New York, N. Y. 10019 Area Code (212) 765-5020 Publisher BOB AUSTIN Editor
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