Agenda - Supplementary Meeting: Joint Meeting of the Safety, Sustainability and Human Resources Panel and the Customer Service and Operational Performance Panel Date: Wednesday 10 June 2020 Time: 10.00am Place: Teams Virtual Meeting Members (Safety, Sustainability and Human Resources Panel) Kay Carberry CBE (Chair) Dr Nina Skorupska CBE (Vice-Chair) Bronwen Handyside Dr Mee Ling Ng OBE Mark Phillips Members (Customer Services and Operational Performance Panel) Dr Mee Ling Ng OBE (Chair) Dr Alice Maynard CBE (Vice-Chair) Bronwen Handyside Anne McMeel Dr Lynn Sloman Copies of the papers and any attachments are available on tfl.gov.uk How We Are Governed. As provided for under section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972, the Chair is of the opinion that these items should be considered as late items as information in relation to the papers were not available at the time that the agenda and papers were published. Further Information If you have questions, would like further information about the meeting or require special facilities please contact: James Varley, Secretariat Officer, 020 7983 4613; email: [email protected]. For media enquiries please contact the TfL Press Office; telephone: 0343 222 4141; email: [email protected] Howard Carter, General Counsel Friday 5 June 2020 Agenda Safety, Sustainability and Human Resources Panel Wednesday 10 June 2020 5 Quarterly Safety, Health and Environment Performance Report (Pages 1 - 46) Chief Safety, Health and Environment Officer The Panel is asked to note the report. 6 Update on TfL's Safety and Health Response to Covid-19 (Pages 47 - 52) Chief Safety, Health and Environment Officer The Panel is asked to note the paper. 7 Rail Accident Investigation Branch Annual Report (Pages 53 - 54) Chief Safety, Health and Environment Officer The Panel is asked to note the paper. 2 3 [page left intentionally blank] Agenda Item 5 Joint meeting of the Safety, Sustainability and Human Resources Panel and the Customer Service and Operational Performance Panel Date: 10 June 2020 Item: Quarterly Safety, Health and Environment Performance Report This paper will be considered in public 1 Summary 1.1 The Quarterly report is a standing item on the agenda for the meetings of the Safety, Sustainability and Human Resources Panel. It provides a summary of the key points from the Quarter 4 Safety, Health and Environment Report for 2019/2020. 2 Recommendation 2.1 The Panels are asked to note the report. 3 Background and current status 3.1 At the time of writing the health and safety of our transport network has been brought more sharply into focus than ever before during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Since the Government introduced lockdown measures on 23 March 2020, we have been working to ensure the safety of London’s critical workers and our own people, while ensuring essential services and deliveries can continue. 43 people who work for or are contracted to work for TfL are believed to have died of Coronavirus infection, 29 of whom were bus workers. We are doing all we can to support their families and will continue to do so. 3.2 The Quarter 4 SSHRP report covers the period 8 December 2019 – 31 March 2020 and largely falls before the coronavirus pandemic. Consequently, although we identify impacts where possible, they are not the focus of this report. 3.3 An initial summary of actions and lessons to date from the Covid-19 pandemic has been captured and is presented as a separate paper to the Committee. We are continuing to adjust through the current evolving situation, which presents us with new safety, health and environmental challenges that we must plan for and manage in the future and we will provide further updates to the Committee in subsequent meetings. 3.4 The Quarter 4 report sets out performance of TfL-operated services and of London’s road network. In addition, and the Committee’s request, this report also includes information on the safety performance of the Crossrail project. Page 1 Quarter 4 Customer Injuries 3.5 There were 2,718 customer injuries across the public transport network in Quarter 4 2019/20, a decrease of six per cent when compared with Quarter 4 2018/19. 3.6 The largest reduction was on the London Underground, which saw a reduction from 1,325 to 1,178, equating to a 11 per cent fall in customer injuries in one year. 3.7 There was a slight increase of 0.3 per cent for bus occupant injuries when compared to Quarter 4 last year, with four more injuries recorded. 3.8 Injuries on other operations, which includes Dial-a-Ride, Santander Cycles, and taxi and private hire reduced by 40 per cent for the quarter from 2018/19 to 2019/2020. This equates to 19 fewer injuries over this period. 3.9 Rail customer injuries increased by six percent from 129 to 171 in the quarter, a rise that is associated with improved staffing levels and reporting procedures. Most customer injuries happened on TfL Rail (50 per cent), followed by London Overground (33 per cent), DLR (13 per cent) and trams (4 percent). RIDDOR reportable injuries 3.10 There were four reportable customer injuries during Quarter 4, all of which were on London Underground. These were notified to our regulator. All were a result of slips, trips and falls. One passenger was killed on 13 December 2019, when a man fell onto the track at High Barnet station. 3.11 There were ten notifiable workforce injuries. Four of which involved maintenance and construction activities, one manual handling injury at Dial-a-Ride and one during revenue protection activity on a bus where a member of staff was injured when stairway glass broke. Road Safety 3.12 A total of 33 people were killed on London’s road in Quarter 4. This is an increase from 26 during this period in 2018. Of those people killed in road traffic collisions over half were vulnerable road users: 12 people walking, six people motorcycling, and one person cycling. 3.13 Provisional figures for Quarter 4 show the number of people killed or seriously injured combined fell approximately 12 per cent compared to the same quarter last year. 3.14 Analysis of road safety data for the period covering the COVID-19 lockdown from 23 to 31 March showed substantial reductions in serious injury, however the proportion of recorded collisions that were fatal or serious increased, in particular amongst people walking and cycling, when compared to last year. Over a quarter of those deaths were speed related and the proportion of speed related factors assigned to serious collisions almost doubled during this period. We have monitored this situation closely and worked with the Metropolitan Police to deploy Page 2 enforcement to the most high-risk locations. A more detailed analysis covering the lockdown period will be presented in the next report. Workforce injuries 3.15 Three operational staff members within London Underground were seriously injured in this quarter and three construction workers were seriously injured. 3.16 This quarter recorded a total of 505 workforce injuries (decrease of 17 per cent on Quarter 4 2018/19), 284 workforce injuries for our directly employed buses staff (decrease of 23 per cent on Quarter 4 of 2018/19), and 53 construction related injuries (increase of 4 per cent on Quarter 4 2018/19). Workforce Violence 3.17 There were 1,211 reports of violence against our workforce during the quarter. Of the reported total 388 were physical assaults and 823 were non-physical verbal abuse. There has been almost no variation of reported violence compared 1,228 reports in Quarter 4 2018/19 Sickness, Absence and Wellbeing 3.18 Sickness absence was 5.2 per cent in Quarter 4 2019/2, compared to 5.0 per cent in the same quarter last year. The main causes of sickness absence continue to be mental health, musculoskeletal, coughs or colds, and accidents or assaults. There has been minimal year-on-year change in these causes. 3.19 A total of 103,387 days were lost to sickness (increase of 3.7 per cent on Q4 2018/19). Environmental Performance 3.20 Compliance with the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) continues to increase. In January 2020, it was 79.1 per cent, which is significantly higher than 39 per cent in February 2017 and 61 per cent in March 2019. 3.21 The programme to retrofit the bus fleet and replace older buses to meet the ultra- low emissions standard is now complete. As of March 2020, 230 fully electric buses entered the fleet and 61 Dial-a-Ride ultra-low emission buses are now operating. 3.22 A total of 249 rapid charging points were installed by the end of March 2020 with additional charging points coming online in 2020. 3.23 This quarter we will report a 70 per cent recycling rate across our head office buildings and we installed five water fountains in collaborations with the GLA and Thames Water. Page 3 List of appendices to this report: Appendix 1 – 2019/2020 Quarter 4 Safety, Health and Environment Performance Report List of Background Papers: None Contact Officer: Lilli Matson, Chief Safety, Health and Environment Officer Number: 020 3054 4707 Email: [email protected] Page 4 Transport for London safety, health and Page 5 environment report Quarter 4 (8 December 2019 – 31 March 2020) Contents 3 Introduction 26 Our workforce 31 Workplace violence 35 Sickness, absence and wellbeing 4 Business at a glance 37 Environment 5 Mayor’s Transport Strategy themes 6 Performance summary 7 Our customers 8 Underground 11 Buses 15 Rail 18 Crossrail 19 Streets Page 6 23 Other operations Document Title Here 2 Introduction Never has the health or safety of our These commitments go beyond our legal of buses remains a high priority and During this quarter, we launched west transport network been more sharply and regulatory obligations and represent we continue to work with operators to London’s first all-electric double-deck brought into focus than during the our ambition to drive and lead change roll out the Bus Safety Standard, driver bus route.
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