See Story Hawkeyes Roll Past. ·Wisconsin, ·86.-69 Column 1 Serving the State The Weather University of Iowa Mostly cloudy followed by rain or snow late C~mp(Js and loda,. Colder . toelay with Iowa City tem perat" ra eX1lect ~ d to ranee from 28 to 43, Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire, Wirepflolo - Fiv e Cent~ Iowa City, Iowa, Tuesday, January 4, 1955 --------------~~----~------------------------------------------~~~• Ie -.-.,. - -.--....."........ ~-----------,..~---- Hawks Win Group Says Reds LuJling 1st Big, Ten Free World; Urges Action ; WASHINCTON (JJ» - A con­ - ------------ Prcsidcnt Vir;;i1 lTanchcI' said . I(rcssional committee u r g e d Rep. M::tdden CD-Ind.,) said an Extensive chanlles in dormi- , Game, 86·69 Monday a tirc p otection expert I Monday thai Ihe unl'ted State,; undeq;round Ioa fi b.J:!cn conducl­ tory arran'~cme:1ls at ~UI begin" will bo liit'Pt! ,~oon to mal,e nn M'AD:SON, Wis. (A') - A SiZZ- 1 launc!! imll1l'diately "It po~llivc, In: erfcclivc cUlfntel'espillnago Iling with th e I n"G fall t 'I'm I. esLim:ltI! ot S ~ J' s n cds. \ ling lown lH1skl>~bali t~am broke bip:Jr' is,III , J)olilic;J1 offc;lsivc" to .Intl s"LIIlLu "e in Soviet R:JtI'Jlil~ WU1'(' ann(IlIn['C'd 1Vt0!ld"y i.y Ted lIanor!)I' tn tl Ihl~ '0 thc City­ away In t(lI! ~~nncl haH 10 sm3sh c uIlI,·.nel W;lat it cullNI n Com­ co untries. ' 1'1oi ~ c(lmmenl ref"l'­ Rehd I, di""c'lIl1' :,t' </ollnlt01'i ~ SU [ comm\ltpo in n discussion of II WI ~CQn'lin, /16-0'1, 1)efore 11,2110 m.llli ;1 )J b I ,,. 11I1Iin .. Ill£' f,.N' n'd to the ICrOUIJ'., rUI·ornln,.nda­ ar.d dining "t',vicc";' the amOllnl 01 fi re pl'ol('clion C: IOII fans MOll(\:lY night in lowa' ~ I wo'ill I:, ' ,) ;'I .. :111(1 st:lrllng !fun ttl:ot the spirit or I'esislancp 'I hI" 1Il1nrJlIIlC't,d CI111O'\('!, w('rc: sur should pay the city. tirst Bill Ten ('nrountrr tillS Wol'Ill \'til ' I I I "I :0 linl,- uf ttl<' ,to Hed I'llh· "Ile eIlL' Lu'''t:l'd 01 ; 10 I. Th' Iowa Ct'nlt'I' hI' on­ WQuid Ill<c to know fl'on, I season. ., "r K.' 'tn1in'-, c· ( ) jll~. su pJ,lo,'led Lliou/i:' thl! judiciou~ tinuutioll St"d~, Cormerly lhe some exp rt qmll'ter," !I(lid Thc Cor» II'!" !'nill Utat Rus­ usc u( fun ts al.-cady :lUtholizeu" Law Commons d(ll'lnltJl1'Y fol' 1'h H awl~~ llit on 2!l of 66 tries \ Hancher, "I't w large and what sI n'. "lwacL' flll c()~xistcllce" tlJlk by congl C!ill, men studentl, will I>ecmne a from lhe fit'lel fnr a 44 ocr cent ~Ind of rlre doP(ulmcnt we need Is t1c;lipnecl t) gain lim" th::>t will bO:1l'dln~ dormi/ory to ac om­ mark. The big guns oC th!! Iowa I to prolect us." e:1nble the SO\'ieL~ to divide and modale 157 womcn rc~l<lcnts un­ attock were Bill Sea\:) rlt snipIng No decisions on fire protection desll'uy f PC wMIII ~ Jli:(/le!" and tU :0 ncw (iIlO-p .. rj <lorm Itory for were mndo nrl r a tw -hour cll~ ­ Governrr;ent Fires \I . \LIY S­ \vonwn can he IllLllll, pmi1a!,ly by Bill " •.N lI'fAN UlNUK IW'Vl ' f"r Ufo/I uggt' IOWA . .. ......... I II cu s.~lon by the 22-mnn J)dvi~ory Sillll. 1957. 0111. Rt ..t. .. , .. ... t II group. 2. The new I'nl'ld"wll fiP rt­ NfrrChw,.st",rn '" .. I tI A w it! AU -Out War 3,0)2 as . ~isks . ,J.,4f'.na .. ... •..•. , 'J To Recon Ider Amount Jn~nt huilding will hO:.Jsl! mal'­ WI ....' ln ., ... , ... .. I I "The lime was nelier more op- WAs uING'rON (m) T The Jowa City cQun:i1 uskect ,. I - tr - he ried student familieS lIncl, tcm'iO­ •• , .. ue . •• . , .. .... .... 0 U pOI·tune fOI' the f, ' c world to in- C' '1 S' . i I 1111 ••1 , ' .. .. .......... 11 I the Board (If Education Jul1e 8, IVI crVICC comml5S on sa d "arity, will replace the C'c!nti~u­ ' illntc a bo!d, pollilive political M .l th E' h d ' 111101,1,." .... .. ... .... 4 I J953, to rceon6idel' th:i ;;t mount onu:!y C .Isen 0\\,t!1' a mIn- ntion cI'nte;. MI.ues.'a ... ... .• •.. U I I :>ttenslv(' as tht' only course t t' h r' d 3002 r d I iII/.bt,.. Slate .. .....O I of lirr. proleNjon the s ta'c pays IS ra Ion as Ire, u ern Raise of ~ MonLhly Iowa City. The board refused to I which givt's ,,(' : ' ~ onable hope for employes as security risks. It • 3. Rent for married' s tudent 'lVOicii '1 g all-out WOl ," the com- ~'d 5 OO~ thn" rns'wnnr! hll housi ng unit~ will be rai~e'l $5 away tor 22 poinL~ and Deacon Peter F. Roan consider . the mal\(~r untll( other Pres. Virgil Hancher miltee saicl. Su i "t' "ho. ~r, <c I~n'd w e per month with I 'OSL'jl cffecllv(.' Davis with 21. Th., received SUl-city matters ot tha time' ~ecur l y c ec,<s wcr u er way. nex L June. consIstent .help fr011l Cnl' l Cain {o'awf.\1 Prop('rly Va/"alion were conclud d. ' 1'0 [fire EX/lerl l Although the committee goes or the total or 8,008, it suit!, /1111 ,0" 11('('$ CfWll grY '- N . d out of existence with thc eon- 20' 0 cm pl oye~ h' d vn I 4. Enstlawn women's dOI'mi­ with 16, nnd Milt Scheuerman -- 0 turther action ,ha been ' - . u ,ry ng with 14. t:,ken on Jiro protection unlil t'ning of the new con 'rc.~s this amounts or s ubversive data tory i,i expected to b~ withdrawn 5 S I GOP from the sludent housi ng !lystem nec~ssory to provide paymenis to Although connecUng on six or ;ege tate City Mana1'er ' peterRo~n Inst owa ~cC(:cko~I\\n~~cCS~~c~'":;~n~:d~~'~~ f~~!~ed up against them In their next yelll'. It present p'ans mn­ Iowa City schools for tuition of theu' first ~evc n shots in the early month rtskrd the CQmmlltec to t youngsters wn I)Or n\l; \\v in · d I' It Ip· k H . ILlC'I' tll·cns. I t.~ Invesllgntlons The t· !,orL cOlcrl'cl the pel'iQcl terlo lil.e, th - bldlding will b going, tho Hawkcyes wei e teln- C I~CllSS ; such unlvel's\ly housi ng antI co n­ Jlorarily held to 12- 12 and 14-J4 at the. university cannot n on WC !' l' on ""!'1I' from May In, 1953, Wlll'Jl the /,i- CUI vet wd illio cJO!;sI'IJoms Dnd Proc Ialme :'We Ie s a S cOI1{' elltl'(lt~d sequenlly do nol pay IIlX('S for ties. The lead olt(!l'nated until ti\~C t~c po.;itlon al prescnt that I wi thin the Soviet Union und lenhowcr Roelltlty risk program studios fOI· . (he d.purtment of I IA k music, now hOllscd partially in support of loCtll schools. Tuition . In Panama wc arc paying an adequatE' S Spea er ~ast e rn Europe except for u spc- went inlo effect, throuAh la ~t rOl' thC'se child ron cannot be ptlic.i three min~t()s to go In the p~l'~od lImount fPl prolectlon," tho com- ~j81 study of Latin Amcdell, cen- Sept. 30. Il was released two tcmporQl'y buildings, The 56(h troth ~tafo Cunds, Rehder polnt­ when DaVIS scored trom the SIde mittee was told by membcr cring on GU:1te"Ylala. days In advance of the opening Iowa general B~seml)ly will be I ~d out. ana the Hawks were ahead to PANAMA (lP) _ The ~an:lma I Hanchcr. DES MCINES (/P.I - A fatm- • Ulldel'/lround At Work o( the ncw congress, in which asked to provide $100,000 for re­ 'rhus the rent on the two-bed­ s~)'. They 1 d at haU-time 45-41. n&tional assembly ~onday de- SUI pa~s 20 per cent of tbe ,;.ll who Sl.\Y3 lh'e) bigsest pr !J : 1 At ~ nt'.ws conf~ren!'e In eon- 5 v~ral ~ !l mo crats plan to !n- modeling of Ea sllnwn. !\. A~ ' a~n6ul)ced Illst fall, 111' rOO!l1 barrncks a:;lnrtm~n~ wlll .."" TeamlJ Shoot Well- \'la:~ 'n t...tatp .nf stegPr • t~po~ CXPd'f'l cs and ~~orfc.s ot h~ 1 n\ tile 19:;5 lowu leo isl'I:~-' f": 1"1"1 \ d"l rnhli~"\i'\tl (If lht. ~ tc -. ha rQI .. ntl ~ and volld- .touble room wlUl su\l'lcicnl ll~ ~O put In I'!:t , ihfeh iMlud .; bUl'ing the rirst halt, Senbcrg ranly SUPPI't!S8I11g con tltutlanal Io,va City fire d~nrtiTl('nt underl . I .. " hi" 'ommllwc repo. t, one member, l lty of thc program. all utilities, ' scored 12 polnt~, lind Davis and guarantees, to heip secret pollt'l! the tcrmq ot 11 1947 .con tra, t. Wi l face IS mcctln .. t e egltl- - -~ -- - - ~ - -\"---- floor pace in Cunier, Hillcrest To Relit at 54" Scheucr",an 10 apIece. Both in the~r hunt for the mathinegun Dla~rree SlIchtr, , 'Tlale rtnancfal needs to keep the I T I b R · ~ nd Quadran"le dormitories wilt teams shot well at the start, wlLh DSS~5SlnS of Presidcnt Jose An- 11 h" d ...
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