BEIJING EASES VISAS FOR NG LAP SENG & FRIENDS LEAD TO OVERHAUL TRAVELLERS TO MACAU, HK OF UN ASSEMBLY PRESIDENT’S OFFICE ADELSON NAMES Beijing introduced a new measure A UN task force recommended a major overhaul SON-IN-LAW for some categories of mainland of the General Assembly president’s office AS CFO OF LAS citizens to apply for exit-entry following the arrest of an ex-president accused of VEGAS SANDS permits to visit HK, Macau, Taiwan turning the post into a “platform for profit” P4 P7 P8 THU.31 Mar 2016 T. 18º/ 24º C H. 80/ 99% Blackberry email service powered by CTM MOP 7.50 2528 N.º HKD 9.50 FOUNDER & PUBLISHER Kowie Geldenhuys EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Paulo Coutinho “ THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN’ ” WORLD BRIEFS TRINDADE EXCLUSIVE AP PHOTO ‘Cutting number TAIWAN’s outgoing president and his successor emphasize of tourists not the need for a smooth transition of power amid a slowdown in P2-3 MIECF 2016 the island’s high-tech economy and uncertainty the solution’ over sensitive relations with China. More on p11 MONGOLIA A rare public protest in Mongolia’s capital draws thousands of demonstrators who criticize foreign mining concessions and demand action to prop up the tottering economy. More on p13 AP PHOTO JAPAN Regulators approve the use of a giant refrigeration system to create an unprecedented underground frozen barrier around buildings at the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant in an attempt to contain leaking radioactive water. AFGHANISTAN At least 15 members of the Afghan security forces are killed in a gunbattle with the Taliban in volatile southern Uruzgan province, an official says. ASIA Softer growth prospects for China and a weak recovery in major industrial economies are expected to push Macau parents not down economic growth in developing Asia to 5.7 percent this year and next, the Asian likely to rally behind Development Bank says. More on p9 ban on tackling P5 MDT REPORT More on backpage 31.03.2016 thu th Anniversary 2 MACAU 澳聞 Daniel Beitler ENVIRONMENT NTÓNIO Trindade is the ACEO of CESL Asia, a solu- tions company specializing in Trindade: ‘Macau doing poorly’ on waste management, energy consumption environmental infrastructure, energy, facilities management and urban planning. He met manage our environment. gether to discuss these issues. Macau performing in ter- when we try to increase ca- with the Times ahead of the “We, as a company and as a They are not boring, technical ms of waste management, pacity without addressing the Macau International Envi- group of organizations, need issues; they are day-to-day energy consumption and process. In the case of the wa- ronment Co-operation Forum to communicate with other things that everyone relates improving environmental ter treatment plant, for exam- and Exhibition (MIECF), whi- companies in Macau, the pu- to in their regular lifestyles standards? ple, why build another one ch kicks off today aiming to blic community at large, as or at work. Because that is AT – Macau is doing poorly. before the first is efficiently facilitate discussion on some well as other the local enti- exactly what the environment Poorly because we are pollu- handling waste? of Macau’s most pressing en- ties, to find solutions to some is about. It is about life, about ting and poorly because this Another example is in auto- vironmental concerns, to dis- of the existing problems.” life cycles, and the quality of pollution means that we are mobiles. In Macau you cannot cuss his outlook on energy One of the founding mem- that life. not growing [in terms of qua- just add more automobiles consumption, waste manage- bers of MIECF, Trindade star- That is what the conference lity of life]. into the system, you need to ment and what the MSAR can ts to explain the importance is about, aside from its actual Pollution is an indicator of also take into account newer do to step up its game. and impact of the forum. theme, which is mostly about deterioration and limitation models that are more energy For António Trindade, who zero waste and innovation. of life. Societies that create so -efficient, with cleaner com- heads the Association of En- Macau Daily Times (MDT) Zero waste, to me, is not an much waste are putting them- bustion [to replace the older vironmental Protection In- – What is the relevance of objective; it is a consequence selves in unsustainable situa- ones]. dustry, “Macau is facing new this year’s conference? of a high quality of life. tions, as at some point you We are transferring pro- challenges under the econo- António Trindade (AT) – will reduce more value than blems from today to ten years mic adjustment and some of It actually brings out so much MDT – According to you can create. from now. Ten years on are those relate to how we can value by bringing people to- your assessment, how is We are actually polluting we still going to request our 2014 environment results ‘still unsatisfactory’ HE Times took a Incineration Plant.” Tlook at the Envi- Alarmingly the bureau ronmental Protection found that in 2014 urban Bureau’s (DSPA) “Re- waste per capita in Ma- port on the State of the cau was more than dou- Environment of Macau: ble that compared with 2014”, the latest year Beijing and Shanghai, for which the report was and nearly six times that available, ahead of the of Taipei. Macau International En- Therefore, in the DSPA vironment Cooperation environmental assess- Forum and Exhibition ment waste management (MIECF) 2016 which was marked as “unsa- will begin today. tisfactory”, alongside The report assesses re- electricity consumption, source consumption and billed water consump- waste generation and tion and visitor arrivals, their polluting effect on taking into considera- Macau’s environment, tion the low starting concluding that, despi- base and GDP growth of te the improvement in 2014, which reduces the environmental infras- relative impact of an in- tructure and promotion crease in waste recycling of public awareness un- by comparison. dertaken by the gover- improve the quality of ghed this improvement Billed water consump- into operation in 2008, A supplementary let- nment, “the results are life of residents.” through an increase in tion registered a similar observing a year-on-year ter from Vai Hoi Ieong, still unsatisfactory.” The DSPA report in- the volume of water con- increase, up by 6.4 per- double-digit growth of Director of the Environ- An introductory mes- dicated that the atmos- sumption and waste ge- cent from 2013. 15.3 percent, according mental Bureau, warns sage to the report, au- pheric environment of neration. On the other hand to the report, implying that there exist “certain thored by Secretary for Macau improved in 2014 According to the re- greenhouse gas emis- an improvement in con- environmental condi- Transport and Public when compared with port, in 2014 electrici- sions were reduced sli- sumer or business attitu- tions [that are] failing to Works, Raimundo do previous years – particu- ty generation in Macau ghtly, and waste trans- des to recycling. meet expectations and Rosario, guaranteed larly in terms of air qua- amounted to more than ferred to Macau’s Refuse However, the report [are] worthy of concern.” that “environmental lity and emissions reduc- double what it was 15 Incineration Plant for stressed, “in just six On the other hand the protection is one of the tion of greenhouse gases. years earlier, in 1999 at treatment increased, years [of operation] the Director notes that, with priorities of [the] gover- However, the conti- the time of the hando- with most of the growth rapid increase in quanti- the cooperation of the nment”, and pledges to nuous urban and social ver. It grew by 5.6 per- occurring between 2011 ty of waste in Macau has public, private corpora- focus on “environmental pressures exerted by the cent in 2014, when com- and 2014. already occupied nearly tions and the MSAR go- education and [the] pro- economic development pared with a year earlier, Waste transferred at the 50 percent of the newly- vernment, a low-carbon motion of public aware- on the Pearl River Del- rising to a total of 4,469 facility grew at its stee- added treatment capaci- and green future of Ma- ness, with the vision to ta Region have outwei- million kWh. pest rate since it was put ty of the Macau Refuse cau can be realized. DB www.macaudailytimes.com.mo DIRECTOR AND EDITOR-IN-CHIEF_Paulo Coutinho [email protected] A MACAU TIMES PUBLICATIONS LTD PUBLICATION MANAGING EDITOR_Paulo Barbosa [email protected] MDT’s Website has logged over CONTRIBUTING EDITORS_Eric Sautedé, Leanda Lee, Severo Portela ADMINISTRATOR AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Kowie Geldenhuys [email protected] 120 million page views DESIGN EDITOR_João Jorge Magalhães [email protected] | NEWSROOM AND CONTRIBUTORS_ SECRETARY Juliana Cheang [email protected] since January 1st, 2012 up to today. Albano Martins, Annabel Jackson, Daniel Beitler, Emilie Tran, Grace Yu, Irene Sam, Jacky I.F. Cheong, Jenny Lao-Phillips, ADDRESS Av. da Praia Grande, 599, Edif. Comercial Rodrigues, 12 Floor C, João Palla Martins, Joseph Cheung, Juliet Risdon, Renato Marques, Richard Whitfield, Robert Carroll (Hong Kong MACAU SAR Telephones: +853 287 160 81/2 Fax: +853 287 160 84 correspondent), Rodrigo de Matos (cartoonist), Ruan Du Toit Bester, Sandra Norte (designer), Viviana Seguí | ASSOCIATE Advertisement [email protected] Thank You! CONTRIBUTORS_JML Property, MacauHR, MdME Lawyers, PokerStars | NEWS AGENCIES_ Associated Press, Bloomberg, For subscription and general issues: Lusa News Agency, MacauHub, MacauNews, Xinhua | SECRETARY_Yang Dongxiao [email protected] [email protected] | Printed at Welfare Printing Ltd Like us? facebook.com/mdtimes SEND NEWSWORTHY INFORMATION AND PRESS RELEASES TO: [email protected] WEBSITE: WWW.MACAUDAILYTIMES.COM.MO thu 31.03.2016 th Anniversary 澳聞 MACAU 3 ENVIRONMENT Trindade: ‘Macau doing poorly’ on waste management, energy consumption neighbors to collect our ru- such as in infrastructure.
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