Alwaysa GOOD GROUP of MORGANSat Voorhis Farm • • • Above are pictured yearling stallions by Pecos 8969, Sealed of Wind­ crest 10427 and Kingston 11906. Top show and breeding prospects for sale now. MR. and MRS. GORDON VOORHIS, owners VOORHIS FARM FRED HERRICK,trainer RED HOOK, DUTCHESSCO., N. Y. Telephones: Plateau 8-5611 or 8-3283 TO BECOME A MORGAN OWNER OR BREEDER AT A REASONABLE PRICE 1 - Four year old gelding by Broadwall St. Pat - green broken to ride. Quiet disposition. 1 - Large two year old gelding by Parade (a show prospect) Several outstanding weanling colts by Parade and Broadwall Drum Major. These will make excellent stallions. It was very gratifying to see so many Broadwell horses in the ribbons at our National Show . I, Parade at 15 is still showing. , Buy Broadwall Morgans with a long useful life . Mr. and Mrs. J. Cecil Ferguson Broadwall Farm Greene, Rhode Island EXPRESS7-3963 SPECIALFEATURES The 1963 National Morgan Horse Show . 7 Anatomy of a Horse Show . 15 Russell Scores Again . 15 The Morgan Gold Cup a Success . 27 We Rode With Pedler . 56 Dear Sir: REGULARFEATURES Enclosed please find a poem about Letter s lo the Editor . 4 our wonderful Morgan horse. The President's Comer . 5 Horses, Horses , Horses .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 17 They are and always will be my fa­ Jes' Hossin' Around . 19 vori e, we raise them and really ride Ask the Doctor . 21 them , we have no other transportation Penn-Ohio News . 21 but hor ses, we do. all of our farm work Inland Empire Morgan Horse Club . 21 North Central News . 23 wit h hor ses too. Northern California Morgan Horse Club . 25 My daughter and I ride 22 Yi miles Morgan Breeders and Exhibitors . 26 through the mountains on our Morgans Southern Indiana Morgan Exhibitors . 61 Justin Morgan Association . 6:t to our summ er cow camp, then ride Buckeye 13reeze . 67 dozens of miles up there in every kind New England News . 63 of terrain finding our cows and getting Kyova Morgan Horse Assn. 6ti them together. We do. this 6 or 7 times Southern News and Views . 64 Mid Atlantic News ... ... ..... .... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 65 a summ er forest reserve season and it Mcrgans in the Land of Enchantment . 66 is really trying out a hor se. New York News . 67 Mid Stales Morgan Horse Club . 68 T he reasons we chose the Morgans is Morgans in Arizona . 6? !st, his easy ridin g gaits; 2nd his sta­ Morgan Horse Club of Southern California . 69 mina and sure footedness plus his fine Oregon Morgan Horse Association . 69 disposition and being a good comrade, Mississippi Valley Club a nd Show Results . 70 and too, he is the best cow ho.rse in all kinds of. roug h countr y, in a corra l, etc., for all general work, in all kinds of weat her. Oh, I could go on and on, Officers of The Morgan Horse Club but just don 't have any more time 1'resldent . J. CECD. FERGUSON Greene, Rhode Island right now as I must sadd le up my g~ Eastern Regional Vice President . MRS. BOGER E. ELA Morgan mare Stardust and get after Wayland, Mass . those cows. Mid-Weal Regional Vice President ................. .. ). ROY BRUNK. Rochester, Ill. Thank you and good riding. Western Regional Vice President .. ..... .. ...... DB. HENBY P. BOYD Mrs . Sam Hancock San Rafael, Calif . I l Treasurer .... .. .. .. ... ......... ..... CHAUNCY STILLMAN Lander, Wyo. 230 Park Avenue , New Yorlc, N. Y. South Pass, Rt. Box 33 Secretary . SETH P. HOLCOMBE ( Continued on Page 78) P. 0 . Box 2157, West Hartford 17, Connecticut The Morgan Horse Maqazine OUR COVER Vol. XXIII September . 1963 No. 8 A Monthly - The Offic ial Publication of THE MORGAN HORSE CLUI, Incorporated Secretary's Off ice, P. 0 . Box 2157, West Hartford 17, Conn. I' Please Hnd all corrHpondence regarding 1ub1crlpllon1 and advertl1Jng to publication office , The Morgan Horse Magazine , leomln1ter , Mau . - Dial KEyotone 4-6506 . Publisher ... .... .. .................... .. ... .. Otho F. Eusey Editor . Bernice Anderson Spedal Features . Em Ped ler Circulation . Rosalie McGuire CONTBTBUTING EDITORS Phyll l1 Barber Ollle Mae Dan,by Jeanne Mehl Margaret Wllhauk Judeen Barwood Dorio Hodgin I. G. Morgareldge l'aullne Zeller loul1e Beckley Dorothy Lockard Eve Oakley Helene Zimmerman Lorrayne Byers Peggy McDonald Cece Olien Dorothy 01,on Dorothy Colbum Coleen Mclean Ayellen Richardo Mary Vldolofl Barbara Cole Charlotte Schmidt Natalie Webber Pamela leach Ruth Rogers Pot Hamilton Pot C,ookhnm Gloria Jon es Ellene Sulllvan Pam Sundblad Harriet Ulery One of the largest and finest classes The Publisher and staff of The Margan Horse Magazine and The Morgan Horse Club. Inc are not respons ible for op inions and statements expressed In signed art icles or pa id ad ­ at our Nationa l Show is the Mares 4- vertisemen ts. These opinions ore not necessar ily tho op inions of the staff of this fournol. years-old and over, which in recent years SUBSCRIPTION RATE'> has been divided into two classes, those One Year 54.00 Two Yecrra 57.50 Three Years 510.50 that have fo.aled, and those that have Canada S4.50 Foreign Bates S5.00 per year T~e MORGAN HORSE MAGAZINE, published monthly exceat January by THE MORGAN not. This month our cover features the HORSE CLUB, INC., Secretary's Office, P. 0 . Box 2157, West Hartford 17. Conn . excellent class of those that have not Printed by The Eusey Press, Leominster, Mass . Second class postage pa id at l eomi nstor. Moss. Closing dote for copy and advert ising 1st of month preced ing dote of publication foaled, at the 1963 Nationa l Show. Copyright 1963 by The Margan Horse Club, Inc. It is very helpful indee.d to have our dir ectors travel ~lte 'i'rec.,i.aent 'c., eorner so far to a5sist at the meetings, Dr. Boyd fro)TI California, Mr. Leo Beckley from Oregon, Mr. Hazard from Kansas, Mr. Roy Brunk from Illinois and now we have Mrs. Wm. Ry J. C ECIL FERCU SO Barton from Illinois and J\1r. Vo.orhis from New York . Unfortunate ly for the first time turnbuckles with metal Thi s ye.ar the Morgan Ho.rse Club , Inc., put on the straps to hold the shoes on were used at our National Show. greatest ational Morgan Horse Show in its history with Nails are no lo11ger strong enough to hold the heavy shoes 463 registered top quality Morgan horses participating . with such long feet. It was our opinion this was covered Many of the exhibitors were showing one or two horses by our ru les which f.orbid the use of artificial app liances. which i a very healthy coJ1dition for the Morgan breed. Our director-s felt our rules covered this devise and voted One morning our compete.nt show Chairman, J\1r. nine to one forbidding horses with turnbuckles to. be allowed lathaniel F. Bigelow telephoned me saying we wo,uld need in the show ring. It is evidently necessary for our rules to be 488 stalls which meant we were short 48 stalls. I could more <::xplicit. The Welch Pony people had to do this and hardly believe him. their rules are as follows: Page 198 Sec. 3. 1963 A.W.P.A. Fortunately we were able to secure two tents of twe.nty­ Rule Book. four stalls each. The show co)nmittee did a terrific job both before and ARTIFICIAL APPLIANCES AND IRRITANTS during the show and it is hard to believe a show of this size "Any po11y wearing turnbuck les, equipment or devices could run so smoothly. other than those permitted in specific classes and any pony Each class although large, was run on time and the showing evidence of the use of ginger or other irritant s to exhibitors we.re read y with no waiting between classes and produce a higher tail carriage than the natural position shall co.-operated with their fellow exhibitors to make the show be disq ualified from the class in which it is showing." a great success. The old troub le of long feet and heavy shoes still pre­ Our West H artford office is to be complimented on the vails and I am pleased to say our directors approved a saddle tremendous job they did in getting out prize lists and pro­ and harness class for next year's Nationa l, each to be a cessing entries . Whether some of our members appreciate $500.00 purse class f.or horses under 15 hands to be shown it o.r not, Mr. Seth P. Holcombe and his able assistant Miss with 4 Y,." maximum toe and over 14 hands 4 Yz"maximum Helen Nye do a lot more than is expected of them . One toes. There shall be no pads and shoes cannot weigh over 18 thing is absolutely certain and that is the registering of ounces. I since.rely hope this will be a step in the right Morgans is in good hands. dir ection. Beckridge Morgans We are proud of the 1963 show records made by young Mor­ gans we have sold and several by our stallions and visiting mares as well as our own, all over the Pacific Coast . Ha ve just learned that Alba Field (Sonfield x Proba) was Gr. Ch. mare at a Ca lifornia show. Arana Field (Sonfield x Lady Margaret) was Gr. Ch. in Oregon and Res. Gr . at the No . Cal. Morgan Show , in addition to all the blues won by quite a Ii t. Orcland Royal DoJ1 and Moco Vermont (pictured) were awa rded both the Jr. and the Gr. Ch.
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