g/Land/ No. c/T l?a -77 Da16.17 office of the Deputy Conservator of Forest, Rajkot Foresi Division, Rajkot, Date'2J06/20'16 To, The Officer (RoU) Gujarat Gas Limited, grh Floor, Avdhesh House Opp. Shrl Govind Gurudwara, S.G Highway, Ahmedabad-380 054 sub r Diversion of 4 6632 Hect prorected of Forest rand r e road srde sirip pranra.on decrared as protected forest for tayina of 20115 Cm dia Steet & 9 Cm of [/DpE naturat g; irpei,n.." io srppty n"turat gas to various en+oute villages / industries in.condal, Ofrorali, Upleta,,J;sla'nit.otia sanagni, ,amtnOorna, Lodhika, Paddhari Taluka tn Rajkot Dislrict, Guja"t Stir" ii f"uou, oi6rjarJdas limiteO Refr of Gujaral, 1.g9lel1Telt Forest & Environment Department Letter No FCA /101S / 1013/15/SF-83F, Dt.04.02.2016. 2 G-ov'amment of cujarat, Forest & Environrneni Depa(menl Letter No. FcA / 1015/.1013/15/sF-83F, Dt.03.05.2016. 3. Gujarat Gas letter No. GUJARAT GAS /Ralkoucondal, Dhorajl, Upteta & Jasdan Suroundings / PF/2015 dtd 30 10 2015 Sr, I am directed to invlte a reference your to etter no GU,IAMT GAS /RajkoUGondal, Dhorajl, Upleta & Jasdan suroundings/PF/20i5 did. 30 10.2015 on lhe above mentroned subleciseeking prior approvar of the Government under section-2 of the forest (conservation) Act, r oao as p".n,inexuil-A aflached herewith. Govemment of Gurarat' Forest & Environment Depa(ment, Gandhlnagar vide its circurar mentioned under reference has powers delegated under "Generar Approvar" ro the conclrned divisionar forest officer to grant approval under forest (conservation) acl, i9B0 for laylng of underground opiical fiber cables, telephone iines, drlnking waier, electric llnes, piperine petroleum cNG/pNG and pip-e ine along the roads wthin existing right oi way not fa ling in National Parks and wid ife sanctuanes, without feiling of liees, where the maxlmum size of the lrench is noi more than 2 0O meter depth and 1.00 meter width subje;t to certain condiUons. AND whereas ihe user agency, whle app ying and through the documents submitted, has confirmed thal its l-cA pr.posa, falls arong the roads wthrn existing rght of way nol faring in Naiionar parks and wirdrife sanctuaries, without felring of trees, whe,u the maximum srze of the trench ii not more than 1.20 meter depih and 0.50 meter width and hence fulflls all the above speclfied conditions and eligibility, as laid down in circular menlioned ,,ge-neral; 'approval,. at ref (1) & (2) and falls under the category of proposai eligible for AN-D whereas having verified on the site that above facls are corrected and fulfils the above specific condilions of "general; approval", the following order is issued. ln view of the above, the undersigned is p eased to convey its "in principre" approvar for diversion of 4.6632 na.0'Gas P peline sLlb,e(lto folowilq condir --. - 1. This.p'armission ls granted onry for use of lhe forest rand for ihe purpose specified in the proposar. The legal slatus of the foresl iand shall rema n unchanged. 2. The cost of NPV, Registration Fees, Prccessing Fee etc. as per Demand Note attached herewilh shall be deposlted n advance with the Forest Department by the project authority. , 3. The User Agencies shal generate chalian through 0S[,4FWC porta] before making payment for Stage- ll Clearance process. All the fund shail be depos ted thrcugh OSMFWC po(al by ihe UserAgency. 4 n future if any amount regarding Net Present Value (NPV) or Compensator Afforestaiion (CA) is required the user agency is bounded to pay n favour of Deputy Conservator of Forest. 5. The forest land shall not be used for any purpose other than that specifed in the FCA proposal 6. The user agency wi I have to obtain pemission from the undersigned for carrying out any maintenance works ln future. 7 The user agency w I have to make good the forest land after use/ma ntenance work No tree shall be cut. L The user agency will be I able to make good any loss to Forests/Environment caused due to the use of the said land by the user agency. 9. The user agency wil seek permission from the Road & Building Depadmenuscence & Technology Dept. Sachlvalaya, Gandhlnagar, f requrred so 10. The line will be lald underground in a trench of depth of 1 5 meter and width of 0.5 meter n between rows of road side p antaton. 11. The User Agency sha I submit the detalls regarding conrp iance of li.loEF,s guideline dated 03.09.2009 and 05.02 2013 wlth regard 1o the Scheduled Tribe & Other Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights)Act, 2006. 12. The additional conditions under chapter-s of Forest (Conseryation) Act, 1980 shall be applicable to this proposal as the covernment of cujarat's Resolulion No. FCA-1013/1.1-10/11/SF-241F, dated 12 06.2015. The useragency shallcomply addtiona condiion as perihe aforementioned resolulion 13. Any olher condition, which the Nodal officer (FCA)/the State covernment may stipulale from time to time. Afler receiptofthe compliance reporton the fuiflment ofcondition no (2), (3), (5) & (12) menUoned above, from you, order of fomal approva w I be ssued by this Department. Yours faithfully, \",/ o**, Jl,Iikll"Tl,,"*", tf Rajkot ForestDivision Copy Submitted io:- The Princ ple Secretary, Foresl & Env ronment Depadment, Gujarat State, Gandhinagar Copy Submitted to:- Additional Principle Ch ef Conservator of Forests, Land, cujarat State, Gandhinagar. Copy Submitled to:- Ch ef Conservalor of Forest, Junagadh Circle, Junagadh Copy Submitted to:- ftiatConservator of Forests, Soc aL Forestry Circe, Rajkot \// (S.Mr%rmar) Deputy Co{'servator of Forest I Rajkot ForestDivision ANNEXURE-A statement showing the details of laying pipeline parallel& across to various state Highways/Asphalted ( - Road and across to NH declared as protected Forest in Rajkot District Sr. Particular Length widrh No. (llleter) (Mh.) Area (Ha) 1 parallelto P/L SH-25 (Rajkot - Jamnagar Road) 3550 04 0 1420 2 P/L across to SH-25 (Rajkot - Jamnagar Road) 2a 4.4 0.0008 3 P/L across to SH-233 (Lodhika to R bda Road) 20 0.4 0.0008 4 P/L para lel to SH-233 (Lodhika to Ribda Road) 1774 0.4 0.0708 5 P/L acrqss to SH-233 (Lodhika to Ribda Road) 20 04 0 0008 6 P/L parailelto SH,233 (Lodh ka to Ribda Road) 2550 04 0 1 020 7 !4]]arallello SH-233 (Lodhtka to Ribda Road) 50 04 0 0020 8 P/L across to SH-233 (Lodhika to Ribda Road) 20 0.4 0.0008 P/L parallelto SH-233 (Lodhika to Rtbda Road) 350 4.4 0.0140 10 parallel P/L to SH-1 (Gondal-Trakuda-Jamkandorana Road) 6440 0.4 4.2576 11 P/L across to SH-1 (Gonda -Trakuda-Jamkandorana Road) 20 0.4 0.0008 12 P/L parailel to SH-1 (Gondal-Trakuda-Jamkandorana Road) 460 0.4 0.0184 13 P/L across to SH-1 (condaLTrakuda-Jamkandorana Roadl 2A a4 0.0008 14 P/L across to SH-1 {Gonda -Trakuda-Jamkandorana Road) 2C) 0.4 0.0008 P/L parallello (Gon SH-1 da -Trakuda-J a m kandoran i Road) 3400 04 0.1360 16 P/L across to SH-1 (GondalTrakuda-Jamkandorana Road) 20 4.4 0.0008 17 paralel P/L to Asp.Road (Koliih ad-Betavad -Van thati ,qrn Uard i) 4740 a4 0.1880 18 P/L across to Asp.Road (Kotithad-Betavad-Vanlha[ A,.nbardi ) 2A 0.4 0.0008 19 P/L across to Asp.Road (Koi th ad-Betavad -Vanih alF Ambardi ) 20 0.4 0.0008 20 P/L para lel to Asp.Road (Kolithad-Betavad Vantha[- Ambard ) 125A 0.4 0 0500 21 P/L across to Asp.Road (Kolithad-Betavad-Vantha i- ArnOardi ) 20 04 0 0008 22 P/L across to Asp Road (Kolithad-Betavad-Vanthali- Ambardi ) 20 a4 0.0008 23 P/L paralel to Asp.Road (Kol thad-Betavad-Vanthali- Arnbardi ) 5000 4.4 0.2000 24 P/L mross to Asp.Road (Kolthad-Betavad-Vanthal- Ambaidi ) 20 0.4 0.0008 P/L across to SH-1 (GondalTrakuda-Janrkandorana Road) 20 04 0 0008 26 P/L parale to SH-26 (Jamkandorana-Dhoraji Road) 18250 0.4 0.7300 27 P/L across to SH-26 (Jamkandorana-Dhoraji Road) 20 0.4 0.0008 28 P/L across to NH-27 (Potuander-Gondal Road) 20 04 0 0008 29 P/L parallel to SH-26 (Jamkandorana-Dl'rorali Road) 2280 0.4 0 0912 30 P/L across to SH,26 (Jamkandorana-Dhorait Road) 2A 0.4 0.0008 31 P/L laying across to SH (Dhoraji-Moi Mar:d Road) 2A 4.4 0.0008 32 P/L aying Para lel to Asp. Road ( Bhola-Chhadvavadar Road) 13900 0.4 0.5560 33 P/L laying Parallel to SH- 97 (Upleta IVanavadar - R{ad) 2404 04 0.0960 34 P/L across to SH (condat "[4oviya -shrinathgadh RoadJ 20 0.5 0.0010 paralle 35 P/L io SH (Gondal -lvovtya -shrinathqadh Road) 460 0.5 0.0230 36 P/L parallel * to State Highway 1 (Gonda to Jasdan Road) 25 05 0 0012 37 P/L across tg State Highway - 1 (Gondal to Jasdan Road) 20 0.5 0.0010 P/L paralle tg SH - 122 (Gondalto Kotda San0aniRoad) 400 0.5 0.0200 39 P/L across !o SH - 122 (Gondal to Kotda Sanqani Road) 20 0.s 0.0010 40 para P/L lel ioState Highway - 1 (Gonda to Jasdan Roadl 1800 05 0 0900 41 P/L parallel to State Hiqhwav - 1 (Gonda 1o Jasdan Road 22250 05 1 1125 42 ItLeqtgssresla@ 20 0.5 43 0.0010 3260 0.5 44 0 163 3994 0.5 a 0.1997 20 46 0.5 0 0010 1000 0.5 0.0500 47 across lo Staie rlighwa/ _ 1,9 _ !/L {Jasodl Sl-ao, Roaot- 20 0.5 48 0.0010 20 0.5 49 0 0010 3650 4.4 0.1460 50 , .- *r,, y qw,ur) ru J r.zJ L-\d,rluL_ \a,avao yoa.j, 20 4.4 0.0008 Ra inot ha ra vad Rlad - )- 2950 0.4 '180 52 +1!E4g-Pq:ellLE+4L{ 0.1 2A 0.4 0.0008 53 M y q qrrr (u r rz4 ' - t.\d,KoL_ tvtoro.
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